18 research outputs found

    Risk assessment for ancillary services

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    The power trading and ancillary services provision comprise technical and financial risks and therefore require a structured risk management. Focus in this paper is on financial risk management that is important for the system operator faces when providing and using ancillary services for balancing of power system. Risk on ancillary services portfolio is modeled through value at risk and conditional value at risk measures. The application of these risk measures in power system is given in detail to show how to using the risk concept in practice. Conditional value at risk optimization is analysed in the context of portfolio selection and how to apply this optimization for hedging a portfolio consisting of different types of ancillary services

    Application of Component Criticality Importance Measures in Design Scheme of Power Plants

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    This paper presents application of component criticality importance measures in phase of preparation and design of power plants. These measures provide a numerical rank to determine which components are more important for power plant reliability improvement or more critical for power plant failure. Identifying critical components for power plant reliability provides an important input for decision-making and guidance throughout the development project. The study on several schematic design options of conventional thermal power plant show that the importance measures can be used as an effective tool to assess component criticality in the project phase of new production capacities

    Economic Valuation of Power and Energy Losses in Distribution Networks

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    This paper presents a framework for determining the price of power and energy at each node in distribution network as well as the price of energy losses in their elements. The proposed framework is based on the concept of the radial structure network and gives one approach to solving the pricing problem that is based on purchase price of power and energy at the network supply point. In this way it is possible to determine the economic value of energy losses whether in the network as a whole or in particular voltage levels. The model has been successfully tested and results from test studies are reported

    Finanskrisens effekt pÄ strategier och intern styrning- en fallstudie av Swedbank, Karlskrona

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    Titel: Finanskrisens effekt pĂ„ strategier och intern styrning- en fallstudie av Swedbank Karlskrona. Seminariedatum: 4 juni 2009. Ämne/Kurs: FEKK01, examensarbete kandidatnivĂ„, 15hp. Författare: Johanna Bergström, Jasmina Bisanovic, Fredrik BĂ€cklund. Handledare: Ola Mattisson, Ulf Ramberg. Nyckelord: Finanskrisen, intern styrning, strategi, osĂ€ker omvĂ€rld, begrĂ€nsande faktor. Syfte: Syftet med uppsatsen Ă€r att undersöka hur den lokala ledningen pĂ„ Swedbank, Karlskrona uppfattar finanskrisens effekt pĂ„ det lokala bankkontoret, för att analysera vilken pĂ„verkan den har haft pĂ„ de implementerade strategierna och den interna styrningen. Metod: Vi anvĂ€nder oss av en kvalitativ forskningsmetod med abduktiv ansats och semistrukturerade intervjuer. Teoretiska perspektiv: De teorier vi anvĂ€nder oss av Ă€r ramverk för strategiimplementering och situationellt synsĂ€tt, vilka vi har kombinerat i en utvidgad modell. Empiri: Empirin bygger pĂ„ en personlig intervju, en telefonintervju samt kompletterande företagsintern information frĂ„n Swedbank. Slutsats: Swedbanks interna styrning har varken blivit pĂ„verkad av eller anpassad till den rĂ„dande finanskrisen. DĂ€remot har en av fyra strategier blivit pĂ„verkad vilket resulterade i att detta strategiarbete tillfĂ€lligt stannade upp