256 research outputs found

    Process Monitoring of Polymer Matrix Composites Using Fluorescence Probes

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    On-line process monitoring and control are prerequisites for more efficient and reliable manufacture of polymer matrix composites. The cure process involves complex chemical and physical changes that must be adequately controlled to consistently produce high quality products. Of various changes that occur, the viscosity is particularly important as it influences fiber wetting, uniformity of resin distribution and consolidation of the reinforcement plies. In the usual cure cycle, the viscosity of the resin initially decreases as the temperature of the resin rises owing to the higher temperature of the autoclave and heat released by the exothermic chemical reactions of the cross-linking process. Ultimately, the growing molecular weight of the polymer increases the viscosity beyond the range where flow will occur. If the resin viscosity becomes too low during this period, excess resin will seep out of the part producing an inferior product owing to resin deficiency. On the other hand, if the viscosity increases too fast the flow may be insufficient to achieve good consolidation of the plies

    Microscopic optical buffering in a harmonic potential

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    In the early days of quantum mechanics, Schrödinger noticed that oscillations of a wave packet in a one-dimensional harmonic potential well are periodic and, in contrast to those in anharmonic potential wells, do not experience distortion over time. This original idea did not find applications up to now since an exact one-dimensional harmonic resonator does not exist in nature and has not been created artificially. However, an optical pulse propagating in a bottle microresonator (a dielectric cylinder with a nanoscale-high bump of the effective radius) can exactly imitate a quantum wave packet in the harmonic potential. Here, we propose a tuneable microresonator that can trap an optical pulse completely, hold it as long as the material losses permit, and release it without distortion. This result suggests the solution of the long standing problem of creating a microscopic optical buffer, the key element of the future optical signal processing devices

    The Influence of Temperature on Coumarin 153 Fluorescence Kinetics

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    The influence of temperature varied in the range 183 K–323 K on the fluorescence quantum yield, fluorescence lifetime, absorption and emission transition moments and non-radiative deactivation rate was determined for the well known and largely used dye Coumarin 153, dissolved in 1-chloropropane. The Kennard-Stepanov relation connecting the absorption and emission spectra was used to check for the presence of more than one absorbing/emitting species and to investigate whether intramolecular vibrational redistribution completes in the C153 excited S1 state before the emission takes place. The emission spectrum corresponding to S1→S0 transition, was fitted at each temperature to the model function including the information on the dye vibrational modes coupling. In this way the displacement in equilibrium distance for the most active vibrational mode was determined for C153 in S1 and in S0. Using the temperature dependence of the fluorescence decay time and quantum yield, the non-radiative deactivation rate was determined. Its temperature dependence was compared to that calculated using the theoretical model with the most active vibrational mode displacement values taken from steady-state spectra analysis. The somewhat surprising dependence of the fluorescence decay time and quantum yield on temperature was related to non-trivial coupling between low-frequency vibrational modes of C153 in the excited and ground states

    Characterization of Coupled Ground State and Excited State Equilibria by Fluorescence Spectral Deconvolution

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    Fluorescence probes with multiparametric response based on the relative variation in the intensities of several emission bands are of great general utility. An accurate interpretation of the system requires the determination of the number, positions and intensities of the spectral components. We have developed a new algorithm for spectral deconvolution that is applicable to fluorescence probes exhibiting a two-state ground-state equilibrium and a two-state excited-state reaction. Three distinct fluorescence emission bands are resolved, with a distribution of intensities that is excitation-wavelength-dependent. The deconvolution of the spectrum into individual components is based on their representation as asymmetric Siano-Metzler log-normal functions. The application of the algorithm to the solvation response of a 3-hydroxychromone (3HC) derivative that exhibits an H-bonding-dependent excited-state intramolecular proton transfer (ESIPT) reaction allowed the separation of the spectral signatures characteristic of polarity and hydrogen bonding. This example demonstrates the ability of the method to characterize two potentially uncorrelated parameters characterizing dye environment and interactions

    Structure-Function Relations in Oxaloacetate Decarboxylase Complex. Fluorescence and Infrared Approaches to Monitor Oxomalonate and Na+ Binding Effect

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    ions across the membrane, which drives endergonic membrane reactions such as ATP synthesis, transport and motility. OAD is a membrane-bound enzyme composed of α, β and γ subunits. The α subunit contains the carboxyltransferase catalytic site. characteristic of a high content of α helix structures. Addition of oxomalonate induced a shift of the amide-I band of OAD toward higher wavenumbers, interpreted as a slight decrease of β sheet structures and a concomitant increase of α helix structures. Oxomalonate binding to αγand α subunits also provoked secondary structure variations, but these effects were negligible compared to OAD complex. alters the tryptophan environment of the β subunit, consistent with the function of these subunits within the enzyme complex. Formation of a complex between OAD and its substrates elicits structural changes in the α-helical as well as β-strand secondary structure elements

    Receptors for Hyaluronic Acid and Poliovirus: A Combinatorial Role in Glioma Invasion?

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    Background: CD44 has long been associated with glioma invasion while, more recently, CD155 has been implicated in playing a similar role. Notably, these two receptors have been shown closely positioned on monocytes. Methods and Findings: In this study, an up-regulation of CD44 and CD155 was demonstrated in established and earlypassage cultures of glioblastoma. Total internal reflected fluorescence (TIRF) microscopy revealed close proximity of CD44 and CD155. CD44 antibody blocking and gene silencing (via siRNA) resulted in greater inhibition of invasion than that for CD155. Combined interference resulted in 86 % inhibition of invasion, although in these investigations no obvious evidence of synergy between CD44 and CD155 in curbing invasion was shown. Both siRNA-CD44 and siRNA-CD155 treated cells lacked processes and were rounder, while live cell imaging showed reduced motility rate compared to wild type cells. Adhesion assay demonstrated that wild type cells adhered most efficiently to laminin, whereas siRNA-treated cells (p,0.0001 for both CD44 and CD155 expression) showed decreased adhesion on several ECMs investigated. BrdU assay showed a higher proliferation of siRNA-CD44 and siRNA-CD155 cells, inversely correlated with reduced invasion. Confocal microscopy revealed overlapping of CD155 and integrins (b1, avb1 and avb3) on glioblastoma cell processes whereas siRNAtransfected cells showed consequent reduction in integrin expression with no specific staining patterns. Reduced expression of Rho GTPases, Cdc42, Rac1/2/3, RhoA and RhoB, was seen in siRNA-CD44 and siRNA-CD155 cells. In contrast t

    Long-term land-cover/use change in a traditional farming landscape in Romania inferred from pollen data, historical maps and satellite images

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    Traditional farming landscapes in the temperate zone that have persisted for millennia can be exceptionally species-rich and are therefore key conservation targets. In contrast to Europe’s West, Eastern Europe harbours widespread traditional farming landscapes, but drastic socio-economic and political changes in the twentieth century are likely to have impacted these landscapes profoundly. We reconstructed long-term land-use/cover and biodiversity changes over the last 150 years in a traditional farming landscape of outstanding species diversity in Transylvania. We used the Regional Estimates of Vegetation Abundance from Large Sites model applied to a pollen record from the Transylvanian Plain and a suite of historical and satellite-based maps. We documented widespread changes in the extent and location of grassland and cropland, a loss of wood pastures as well as a gradual increase in forest extent. Land management in the socialist period (1947–1989) led to grassland expansion, but grassland diversity decreased due to intensive production. Land-use intensity has declined since the collapse of socialism in 1989, resulting in widespread cropland abandonment and conversion to grassland. However, these trends may be temporary due to both ongoing woody encroachment as well as grassland management intensification in productive areas. Remarkably, only 8% of all grasslands existed throughout the entire time period (1860–2010), highlighting the importance of land-use history when identifying target areas for conservation, given that old-growth grasslands are most valuable in terms of biodiversity. Combining datasets from different disciplines can yield important additional insights into dynamic landscape and biodiversity changes, informing conservation actions to maintain these species-rich landscapes in the longer term

    Do schistosome vaccine trials in mice have an intrinsic flaw that generates spurious protection data?

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    The laboratory mouse has been widely used to test the efficacy of schistosome vaccines and a long list of candidates has emerged from this work, many of them abundant internal proteins. These antigens do not have an additive effect when co-administered, or delivered as SWAP homogenate, a quarter of which comprises multiple candidates; the observed protection has an apparent ceiling of 40–50 %. We contend that the low level of maturation of penetrating cercariae (~32 % for Schistosoma mansoni) is a major limitation of the model since 68/100 parasites fail to mature in naïve mice due to natural causes. The pulmonary capillary bed is the obstacle encountered by schistosomula en route to the portal system. The fragility of pulmonary capillaries and their susceptibility to a cytokine-induced vascular leak syndrome have been documented. During lung transit schistosomula burst into the alveolar spaces, and possess only a limited capacity to re-enter tissues. The acquired immunity elicited by the radiation attenuated (RA) cercarial vaccine relies on a pulmonary inflammatory response, involving cytokines such as IFNγ and TNFα, to deflect additional parasites into the alveoli. A principal difference between antigen vaccine protocols and the RA vaccine is the short interval between the last antigen boost and cercarial challenge of mice (often two weeks). Thus, after antigen vaccination, challenge parasites will reach the lungs when both activated T cells and cytokine levels are maximal in the circulation. We propose that “protection” in this situation is the result of physiological effects on the pulmonary blood vessels, increasing the proportion of parasites that enter the alveoli. This hypothesis will explain why internal antigens, which are unlikely to interact with the immune response in a living schistosomulum, plus a variety of heterologous proteins, can reduce the level of maturation in a non-antigen-specific way. These proteins are “successful” precisely because they have not been selected for immunological silence. The same arguments apply to vaccine experiments with S. japonicum in the mouse model; this schistosome species seems a more robust parasite, even harder to eliminate by acquired immune responses. We propose a number of ways in which our conclusions may be tested