3,005 research outputs found

    Using species attributes to characterize late-glacial and early-Holocene environments at KrÄkenes, western Norway

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    Aim: We aim to use species attributes such as distributions and indicator values to reconstruct past biomes, environment, and temperatures from detailed plant‐macrofossil data covering the late glacial to the early Holocene (ca. 14–9 ka). Location: KrĂ„kenes, western Norway. Methods: We applied attributes for present‐day geographical distribution, optimal July and January temperatures, and Ellenberg indicator values for plants in the macrofossil data‐set. We used assemblage weighted means (AWM) to reconstruct past biomes, changes in light (L), nitrogen (N), moisture (F), and soil reaction (R), and temperatures. We compared the temperature reconstructions with previous chironomid‐inferred temperatures. Results: After the start of the Holocene around 11.5 ka, the Arctic‐montane biome, which was stable during the late‐glacial period, shifted successively into the Boreo‐arctic montane, Wide‐boreal, Boreo‐montane, Boreo‐temperate, and Wide‐temperate biomes by ca. 9.0 ka. Circumpolar and Eurasian floristic elements characteristic of the late‐glacial decreased and the Eurosiberian element became prominent. Light demand (L), soil moisture (F), nitrogen (N), and soil reaction (R) show different, but complementary responses. Light‐demanding plants decreased with time. Soil moisture was relatively stable until it increased during organic soil development during the early Holocene. Soil nitrogen increased during the early Holocene. Soil reaction (pH) decreased during the AllerĂžd, but increased during the Younger Dryas. It decreased markedly after the start of the Holocene, reaching low but stable levels in the early Holocene. Mean July and January temperatures show similar patterns to the chironomid‐inferred mean July temperature trends at KrĂ„kenes, but chironomids show larger fluctuations and interesting differences in timing. Conclusion: Assigning attributes to macrofossil species is a useful new approach in palaeoecology. It can demonstrate changes in biomes, ecological conditions, and temperatures. The late‐glacial to early‐Holocene transition may form an analogue for changes observed in the modern arctic and in mountains, with melting glaciers, permafrost thaw, and shrub encroachment into tundra.publishedVersio

    The high-lying 6^6Li levels at excitation energy around 21 MeV

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    The 3^3H+3^3He cluster structure in 6^6Li was investigated by the 3^3H(α\alpha,3^3H 3^3He)n kinematically complete experiment at the incident energy EαE_\alpha = 67.2 MeV. We have observed two resonances at Ex∗E_x^* = 21.30 and 21.90 MeV which are consistent with the 3^3He(3^3H, Îł\gamma)6^6Li analysis in the Ajzenberg-Selove compilation. Our data are compared with the previous experimental data and the RGM and CSRGM calculations.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figures. Accepted for publication in J. Phys. Soc. Jp

    Measurement of the dependence of the light yields of linear alkylbenzene-based and EJ-301 scintillators on electron energy

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    An experimental test of the electron energy scale linearities of SNO+ and EJ-301 scintillators was carried out using a Compton spectrometer with electrons in the energy range 0.09-3 MeV. The linearity of the apparatus was explicitly demonstrated. It was found that the response of both types of scintillators with respect to electrons becomes non-linear below ~0.4 MeV. An explanation is given in terms of Cherenkov light absorption and re-emission by the scintillators.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figure

    High resolution Late-glacial and early-Holocene summer air temperature records from Scotland inferred from Chironomid assemblages

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    Lateglacial and early-Holocene mean July air temperatures have been reconstructed, using a chironomid-based inference model, from lake-sediment sequences from Abernethy Forest, in the eastern Highlands of Scotland, and Loch Ashik, on the Isle of Skye in north-west Scotland. Chronology for Abernethy Forest was derived from radiocarbon dates of terrestrial plant macrofossils deposited in the lake sediments. Chronology for Loch Ashik was derived from tephra layers of known ages, the first age-depth model of this kind. Chironomid-inferred temperatures peak early in the Lateglacial Interstadial and then gradually decline by about 1 °C to the beginning of the Younger Dryas (YD). At Abernethy Forest, the Lateglacial Interstadial is punctuated by three centennial-scale cold oscillations which appear to be synchronous with the Greenland Interstadial events GI-1d, when temperatures at Abernethy fell by 5.9 °C, GI-1c, when temperatures fell by 2.3 °C, and GI-1b, when temperatures fell by 2.8 °C. At Loch Ashik only the oscillation correlated with GI-1d is clearly defined, when temperatures fell by 3.8 °C. The start of the YD is clearly marked at both sites when temperatures fell by 5.5 °C at Abernethy Forest and 2.8 °C at Loch Ashik. A warming trend is apparent during the late-YD at Abernethy Forest but at Loch Ashik late-YD temperatures became very cold, possibly influenced by its close proximity to the Skye ice-field. The rapidly rising temperatures at the YD – Holocene transition occur about 300 years earlier at both sites than changes in sediment lithology and loss-on-ignition. The temperature trends at both sites are broadly similar, although between-site differences may result from the influence of local factors. Similar climate trends are found at other sites in the northern British Isles. However, the British summer temperature records differ in detail from trends in the oxygen-isotope records from the Greenland ice-cores and from other chironomid-inferred temperature records available from Scandinavia, north-west Europe and central Europe, which suggest important differences in the influence of climatic forcing at regional scales.publishedVersio

    Practice pointer: Using the new UK-WHO growth charts

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    The new UK growth charts for children aged 0-4 years (designed using data from the new WHO standards) describe the optimal pattern of growth for all children, rather than the prevailing pattern in the UK (as with previous charts). The new charts are suitable for all ethnic groups and set breast feeding as the norm. UK children match the new charts well for length and height, but after age 6 months fewer children will be below the 2nd centile for weight or show weight faltering, and more will be above the 98th centile. The new charts look different: they have a separate preterm section, no lines between 0 and 2 weeks, and the 50th percentile is no longer emphasised. The charts give clear instructions on gestational correction, and there is a new chart for infants born before 32 weeks’ gestation. The instructions advise on when and how to measure and when a measurement or growth pattern is outside the normal range. The charts include a “look-up” tool for determining the body mass index centile from height and weight centiles without calculation and aid for predicting adult height. The charts and supporting educational materials can be downloaded from www.growthcharts.rcpch.ac.u

    Improved large-mode area endlessly single-mode photonic crystal fibers

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    We numerically study the possibilities for improved large-mode area endlessly single mode photonic crystal fibers for use in high-power delivery applications. By carefully choosing the optimal hole diameter we find that a triangular core formed by three missing neighboring air holes considerably improves the mode area and loss properties compared to the case with a core formed by one missing air hole. In a realized fiber we demonstrate an enhancement of the mode area by ~30 % without a corresponding increase in the attenuation.Comment: 3 pages including 3 eps-figures. Accepted for Optics Letter

    Macrofossils in Raraku Lake (Easter Island) integrated with sedimentary and geochemical records: Towards a palaeoecological synthesis for the last 34,000 years

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    Macrofossil analysis of a composite 19m long sediment core from Rano Raraku Lake (Easter Island) wasrelated to litho-sedimentary and geochemical features of the sediment. Strong stratigraphical patterns are shown by indirect gradient analyses of the data. The good correspondence between the stratigraphical patterns derived from macrofossil (Correspondence Analysis) and sedimentary and geochemical data (Principal Component Analysis) shows that macrofossil associations provide sound palaeolimnological information in conjunction with sedimentary data. The main taphonomic factors influencing the macrofossil assemblages are run-off from the catchment, the littoral plant belt, and the depositional environment within the basin. Five main stages during the last 34,000 calibrated years BP (calyrBP) are characterised from the lithological, geochemical, and macrofossil data. From 34 to 14.6calkyrBP (last glacial period) the sediments were largely derived from the catchment, indicating a high energy lake environment with much erosion and run-off bringing abundant plant trichomes, lichens, and mosses into the centre of Raraku Lake. During the early Holocene the infilling of the lake basin and warmer conditions favoured the growth of a littoral plant belt that obstructed terrigenous input. Cladoceran remains and Solanaceae seeds are indicative of reduced run-off and higher values of N and organic C indicate increased aquatic and catchment productivity. From 8.7 to 4.5calkyrBP a swamp occupied the entire basin. The increase of Cyperaceae seeds reflects this swamp development and, with oribatid mites and coleopteran remains, indicates a peaty environment and more anoxic conditions in Raraku. At around 4.5calkyrBP dry conditions prevented peat growth and there is a sedimentary hiatus. About 800calyrBP, peat deposition resumed. Finally, in the last few centuries, a small lake formed within the surrounding swamp. Evidence of human activity is recorded in these uppermost sediments. © 2011 Elsevier Ltd.This research was funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Education through the projects LAVOLTER (CGL2004-00683/BTE), GEOBILA (CGL2007-60932/BTE) and CONSOLIDER GRACCIE (CSD2007-00067) and an undergraduate grant (BES-2008-002938 to N. Cañellas-BoltĂ ).Peer Reviewe

    Segmented scintillation detectors with silicon photomultiplier readout for measuring antiproton annihilations

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    The Atomic Spectroscopy and Collisions Using Slow Antiprotons (ASACUSA) experiment at the Antiproton Decelerator (AD) facility of CERN constructed segmented scintillators to detect and track the charged pions which emerge from antiproton annihilations in a future superconducting radiofrequency Paul trap for antiprotons. A system of 541 cast and extruded scintillator bars were arranged in 11 detector modules which provided a spatial resolution of 17 mm. Green wavelength-shifting fibers were embedded in the scintillators, and read out by silicon photomultipliers which had a sensitive area of 1 x 1 mm^2. The photoelectron yields of various scintillator configurations were measured using a negative pion beam of momentum p ~ 1 GeV/c. Various fibers and silicon photomultipliers, fiber end terminations, and couplings between the fibers and scintillators were compared. The detectors were also tested using the antiproton beam of the AD. Nonlinear effects due to the saturation of the silicon photomultiplier were seen at high annihilation rates of the antiprotons.Comment: Copyright 2014 American Institute of Physics. This article may be downloaded for personal use only. Any other use requires prior permission of the author and the American Institute of Physics. The following article appeared in Review of Scientific Instruments, Vol.85, Issue 2, 2014 and may be found at http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.486364

    Temperature Aware Online Algorithms for Minimizing Flow Time

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