952 research outputs found

    Antifungal activity of aqueous and corn steep liquor extract of Ficus exasperata, Anonna muricata and Azadiractha indica

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    This study investigated the activity of aqueous and corn steep liquor (CSL) extracts of Ficus exaperasta, Azadirachta indica and Annona muricata against Candida spp isolated from high vagina swab samples. Phytochemical screening of the plants was done using standard methods, the antifungal activity of the plant’s extracts and standard drugs were tested against isolates of Candida spp using the agar well diffusion method; the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) and minimum fungicidal concentration (MFC) were also determined using microdilution standardized techniques. Phytochemical screening of the aqueous and CSL extracts of the plants revealed the presence of tannin, saponin, phenols and flavonoids. Among the five Candida strains, the zone of inhibition (ZI) produced by the plant extracts against C. kefyra shows a range of 6-28 mm; C. kruseia: 5-25 mm; C. albican: 0-18 mm; C. kefyrb: 0-27 mm; while, C. kruseib ZI: 0-18 mm. CSL extract had higher inhibitory action compared with aqueous extract while F. exasperata and A. muricata gave better antifungal activity against the tested Candida strains. The MIC of the aqueous and CSL extracts of the F. exasperata ranged between 6.25-12.5 mg/ml; A. muricata: 3.125-12.5mg/ml, while the aqueous and CSL extracts of A. indica was found to have no activity at all the tested concentrations against C. albican, C. kruseiaand C. kruseib, similar observation for the MFC. This study proved the antifungal efficacy of aqueous and CSL extracts of F. exasperata, A. muricata, and A. indica against isolates of Candida species which are usually implicated in candidiasis

    Initial Sequence and Comparative Analysis of the Cat Genome

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    The genome sequence (1.9-fold coverage) of an inbred Abyssinian domestic cat was assembled, mapped, and annotated with a comparative approach that involved cross-reference to annotated genome assemblies of six mammals (human, chimpanzee, mouse, rat, dog, and cow). The results resolved chromosomal positions for 663,480 contigs, 20,285 putative feline gene orthologs, and 133,499 conserved sequence blocks (CSBs). Additional annotated features include repetitive elements, endogenous retroviral sequences, nuclear mitochondrial (numt) sequences, micro-RNAs, and evolutionary breakpoints that suggest historic balancing of translocation and inversion incidences in distinct mammalian lineages. Large numbers of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), deletion insertion polymorphisms (DIPs), and short tandem repeats (STRs), suitable for linkage or association studies were characterized in the context of long stretches of chromosome homozygosity. In spite of the light coverage capturing ∼65% of euchromatin sequence from the cat genome, these comparative insights shed new light on the tempo and mode of gene/genome evolution in mammals, promise several research applications for the cat, and also illustrate that a comparative approach using more deeply covered mammals provides an informative, preliminary annotation of a light (1.9-fold) coverage mammal genome sequence


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    チンチャウは、ジャワ島で食されるツヅラ科やシソ科の茎葉から抽出した固有の寒天様食品のチンチャウがある。その製法は、原料生葉を約20倍の水に浸けて揉み、布越し後、濾液を1-2時間放置することによりゲル化するデザート食品である。このゲルは無菌的な条件下では3週間後でも分解されなかったのに対し、自然放置では2日後に完全崩壊し、且つ細菌の汚染が認められた。汚染細菌を分離・同定した結果、Bacillus pumilusであった。本株は分布の広い種であり、また短時間でゲルを分解する能力を持っていたことから、チンチャウの主崩壊菌と想定した。Indigenous agar like food "Cincau" has made from extract of leaves and stem of Cyclea and Mesona in Java island. Raw leaves was soaked and crumpled in 20 times water and then filtered through gauze cloth, the filtrate occurs gelation like agar after 1-2 hours. The "Cincau Gel" has been preferable for dessert in Java. This gel decomposed easily in the room, but sterilized gel remaines in this state even 3 weeks. Decomposing gel was infected by bacteria, so this bacteria was isolated and after identificated to Bacillus pumilus, this speacies spread widely in the nature and isolate strain decomposed gel within one day, therefore decomposing bacteria of "Cincau gel" will supposed B. pumilus. This \u27Cincau\u27 is expected to the material of food fiber in future

    Bryophytes and lichens in peatlands and <em>Tepualia stipularis</em> swamp forests of Isla Grande de Chiloé (Chile)

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    One hundred and twenty-nine taxa of bryophytes and lichens were found in peatlands (<em>Sphagnum</em> bogs) and swamp forests of <em>Tepualia stipularis</em> of Isla Grande de Chiloé (Chile) (41°-43°S, 73°-74°W). Forty eight percent of these species are endemic to southern South America. The range of most species spans from Los Rios Region to Magallanes Region. Fifty mosses, 52 liverworts, and 27 macrolichens were reported. Global and national distributions and habitat preferences are given for each species.<br><br

    Fastest turnaround times for DNA sequencing

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    Overview Articles Reconsidering Ocean Calamities

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    CSPro certified exome sequencing

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