9 research outputs found

    Ecology of orchids and other potential pharmaceutical plants in Nepal

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    In this thesis, I focused mainly on orchids and also carried out some research on different pharmaceutically potential plants in Nepal. I compiled both data from field and secondary data sources and one of my first outputs was complete checklist of orchids in Nepal. I also studied distribution patterns and affinities of orchids with different floristic regions in Nepal. My next work on epiphytic orchids is related to diversity, distribution and host- species associations and their future in the context of climate change in Nepal. In addition to this, I also worked on factors affecting epiphytic orchids along an altitudinal gradient in central Nepal. Working on population dynamics of terrestrial orchid species, Crepidium acuminatum, lasted for 6 years. Together with orchids, I determined secondary compounds present in a highly important Nepal endemic medicinal plant, Swertia multicaulis. I also compiled the information on uses, phytochemistry, pharmacology and toxicity of highly important Himalayan endemic medicinal plant, Neopicrorhiza scrophulariiflora. The last research of my Ph.D. project ended up by gathering the information on uses of different medicinal plants, including orchids that were used to treat various gastrointestinal diseases in Nepal. The results of my doctoral thesis are presented..

    Ekologie orchidejí a dalších potenciálních medicinálních rostlin v Nepálu

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    (Czech) V této práci jsem se zaměřila hlavně na orchideje a také provedla výzkum různých jiných rostlin v Nepálu s potencionálním farmaceutickým využitím. Shromáždila jsem terénní i sekundární data a jedním z mých prvních výstupů byl kompletní kontrolní seznam orchidejí v Nepálu. Také jsem studovala distribuci a afinitu orchidejí k různým floristickým oblastem v Nepálu. Moje další práce o epifytických orchidejích souvisí s rozmanitostí a distribucí hostitelských druhů, asociacemi s nimi a jejich budoucností v kontextu s globálním oteplováním v Nepálu. Kromě toho jsem také pracovala na faktorech ovlivňujících epifytické orchideje podél výškového gradientu ve středním Nepálu. Práce na populační dynamice suchozemských druhů orchidejí Crepidium acuminatum trvala 6 let. Spolu s orchidejemi jsem určila sekundární sloučeniny přítomné ve vysoce významné nepálské endemické léčivé rostlině Swertia multicaulis. Také jsem shromáždila informace o použití, fytochemii, farmakologii a toxicitě vysoce důležité himálajské endemické léčivé rostliny Neopicrorhiza scrophulariiflora. Poslední část mého doktorského projektu byla zakončena shromážděním informací o použití různých léčivých rostlin, včetně orchidejí, které jsou používány proti různým gastrointestinálním chorobám v Nepálu. Výsledky mé disertační práce jsou...In this thesis, I focused mainly on orchids and also carried out some research on different pharmaceutically potential plants in Nepal. I compiled both data from field and secondary data sources and one of my first outputs was complete checklist of orchids in Nepal. I also studied distribution patterns and affinities of orchids with different floristic regions in Nepal. My next work on epiphytic orchids is related to diversity, distribution and host- species associations and their future in the context of climate change in Nepal. In addition to this, I also worked on factors affecting epiphytic orchids along an altitudinal gradient in central Nepal. Working on population dynamics of terrestrial orchid species, Crepidium acuminatum, lasted for 6 years. Together with orchids, I determined secondary compounds present in a highly important Nepal endemic medicinal plant, Swertia multicaulis. I also compiled the information on uses, phytochemistry, pharmacology and toxicity of highly important Himalayan endemic medicinal plant, Neopicrorhiza scrophulariiflora. The last research of my Ph.D. project ended up by gathering the information on uses of different medicinal plants, including orchids that were used to treat various gastrointestinal diseases in Nepal. The results of my doctoral thesis are presented...Institute for Environmental StudiesÚstav pro životní prostředíPřírodovědecká fakultaFaculty of Scienc

    Epiphytic Orchid Diversity along an Altitudinal Gradient in Central Nepal

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    Epiphytic orchids are common in subtropical forests, but little is known about the factors that determine their diversity. We surveyed two sites (north-facing Phulchowki and south-facing Shivapuri hills), in the sub-tropical forest in the Kathmandu valley, central Nepal. Along five transects per site, spanning an altitudinal gradient of 1525–2606 m a.s.l., we recorded all epiphytic orchids and the host species on which they were growing. The data were analyzed using a generalized linear model (GLM) and redundancy analysis (RDA). Species richness significantly decreased with increasing altitude and was higher in larger hosts and in places with high temperature. Species composition was affected by altitude, distance from the forest edge, host type, and precipitation. This study indicates that the most important factors affecting epiphytic orchid diversity was altitude, even if other factors were associated with patterns in composition. The low-altitude habitats with high species diversity are the best places for epiphytic orchids in this region. The altitudinal species richness and patterns in composition revealed by this study provide a baseline for further studies on epiphytic orchids

    Xanthones Content in Swertia multicaulis D. Don from Nepal

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    The medicinal plant Swertia multicaulis D. Don was collected in Rasuwa District (Nepal) and the xanthone content of its ethyl acetate extracts was studied. The total amount of xanthones in S. multicaulis determined by HPLC reaches almost 13 g of xanthones per 1 kg of dry matter. The identification of xanthones in S. multicaulis was achieved by a combination of HPLC, LC–MS and LC–NMR. The final assignment of the individual chemical structures was provided by NMR, supported by preparative HPLC. In eight chromatographic peaks, four major xanthones were identified—1,3-dihydroxy-5,8-dimethoxyxanthone, 1-hydroxy-3,5,8-trimethoxyxanthone, bellidifolin (1,5,8-tri-hydroxy-3-methoxyxanthone), and decussatin (1-hydroxy-3,7,8-trimethoxyxanthone)

    Diversity, distribution and host-species associations of epiphytic orchids in Nepal

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    Associations between epiphytes and their hosts are among the main factors affecting the biodiversity and distribution of epiphytes. While several previous studies explored the association between epiphyte diversity and host characteristics, very little is known about the generality of such associations at larger spatial scales. We aim to explore the associations between diversity and distribution of epiphytic orchids and host characteristics in different localities in Nepal. Epiphytic orchids and their hosts were recorded along the transects in total of 23,539 host individuals. To describe the diversity of orchids in the different localities, a rarefaction function was used. Univariate and multivariate analyses were carried out to explore the associations with locality, host characteristics, and their interactions with locality. In total, we recorded 141 species of orchids growing on 192 host species. The five localities significantly differed in orchid diversity and abundance. The number of orchid individuals per host species significantly increased with increasing number of host individuals. Species richness, abundances, occupancy of orchid species on host species and composition of orchids varied across the localities. Species richness and abundance was significantly higher on hosts in the higher strata and differed between families of host species. Abundance was higher on evergreen hosts. Composition of orchid communities are also associated with host characteristics, such as habit (shrub/tree/climber), bark texture, nature (deciduous/evergreen) and the plant families of host species. This study revealed a high diversity of epiphytic orchids in the localities studied and strong associations between the orchids and their hosts. Future studies looking at the relationships between epiphyte communities and host characteristics need to identify relationships at a wider scale in order to determine whether they are really general rather than site-specific

    Associations between Epiphytic Orchids and Their Hosts and Future Perspectives of These in the Context of Global Warming

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    Epiphytic species are ecologically important and a significant component of biodiversity. To ensure their efficient conservation, we need to understand their ecology and host plant associations. It is also important to investigate how the predicted temperature change will affect their future distribution. Here, we use data collected in Nepal to investigate how epiphytic orchids are associated with host species, their distribution patterns, and how they may be threatened by the predicted increase in temperature towards the end of the 21st century. We used the phi coefficient (Φ) of association to calculate the associations of epiphytic orchid species with plants and rarefaction to describe the diversity of orchids associated with a particular host species. We used interpolation to estimate the distribution of epiphytic orchids and their host species along altitudinal gradients. The phi (Φ) coefficient of association revealed that 30 species of host plants showed more association with different orchid species than expected. The number of epiphytic orchids increased with the number of host individuals. We predict that an increase in temperature by ~3 °C, which is a more moderate value of temperature increase by the end of the 21st century, will affect at least 52 narrow-ranged species of orchids and 58 narrow-ranged species of host plants. Therefore, we should make efforts to prevent many plant species from becoming extinct, as an increase in temperature is likely to affect their existence