1,516 research outputs found

    Characterisation and expression of SPLUNC2, the human orthologue of rodent parotid secretory protein

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    We recently described the Palate Lung Nasal Clone (PLUNC) family of proteins as an extended group of proteins expressed in the upper airways, nose and mouth. Little is known about these proteins, but they are secreted into the airway and nasal lining fluids and saliva where, due to their structural similarity with lipopolysaccharide-binding protein and bactericidal/permeability-increasing protein, they may play a role in the innate immune defence. We now describe the generation and characterisation of novel affinity-purified antibodies to SPLUNC2, and use them to determine the expression of this, the major salivary gland PLUNC. Western blotting showed that the antibodies identified a number of distinct protein bands in saliva, whilst immunohistochemical analysis demonstrated protein expression in serous cells of the major salivary glands and in the ductal lumens as well as in cells of minor mucosal glands. Antibodies directed against distinct epitopes of the protein yielded different staining patterns in both minor and major salivary glands. Using RT-PCR of tissues from the oral cavity, coupled with EST analysis, we showed that the gene undergoes alternative splicing using two 5' non-coding exons, suggesting that the gene is regulated by alternative promoters. Comprehensive RACE analysis using salivary gland RNA as template failed to identify any additional exons. Analysis of saliva showed that SPLUNC2 is subject to N-glycosylation. Thus, our study shows that multiple SPLUNC2 isoforms are found in the oral cavity and suggest that these proteins may be differentially regulated in distinct tissues where they may function in the innate immune response

    Matilda and the mythologisation of Miss Honey and Miss Trunchbull

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    The power of children’s literature is such that a significant number of teachers in the UK take the texts they read as children into the classroom to share with future generations. One of the most popular authors is Roald Dahl; and his most popular title among practitioners is Matilda. As a result, the characters of Miss Honey and Miss Trunchbull have become highly influential in the cultural construction of the literary primary teacher, and even influenced real teachers’ decision to train as educators. In light of the potential interplay between imagined teachers and the identity construction of teachers in training it is important to analyse what constructs the teacher are being offered in this most significant of works. In this article I investigate the way that teaching and teachers are presented by Dahl in order to examine the sociocultural constructs he offers children regarding the role and the people who choose to undertake it

    Ignition of binary alloys of uranium

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    Experiments determine the effect of alloying additives on the ignition of uranium. Data on oxidation rates, ignition temperatures, and burning curves are provided in the report

    BPI-fold (BPIF) containing/plunc protein expression in human fetal major and minor salivary glands.

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    The aim of this study was to determine expression, not previously described, of PLUNC (palate, lung, and nasal epithelium clone) (BPI-fold containing) proteins in major and minor salivary glands from very early fetal tissue to the end of the second trimester and thus gain further insight into the function of these proteins. Early fetal heads, and major and minor salivary glands were collected retrospectively and glands were classified according to morphodifferentiation stage. Expression of BPI-fold containing proteins was localized through immunohistochemistry. BPIFA2, the major BPI-fold containing protein in adult salivary glands, was detected only in the laryngeal pharynx; the lack of staining in salivary glands suggested salivary expression is either very late in development or is only in adult tissues. Early expression of BPIFA1 was seen in the trachea and nasal cavity with salivary gland expression only seen in late morphodifferentiation stages. BPIFB1 was seen in early neural tissue and at later stages in submandibular and sublingual glands. BPIFA1 is significantly expressed in early fetal oral tissue but BPIFB1 has extremely limited expression and the major salivary BPIF protein (BPIFA2) is not produced in fetal development. Further studies, with more sensitive techniques, will confirm the expression pattern and enable a better understanding of embryonic BPIF protein function

    Capacity-Building Catalysts: A Qualitative Assessment of Nonprofit Capacity Building by Community Foundations in Illinois

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    Community foundations have the potential to promote collaborative learning in a variety of ways as conveners, funders, and, in some instances, as nonprofit capacity builders. Yet little is known about what community foundations are doing to support capacity building. This article focuses specifically on nonprofit capacity building that is funded, organized, or led by community foundations in Illinois. First, this article identifies the capacity-building efforts of those community foundations. Next, it summarizes results from a qualitative survey to share insights from leaders of the foundations that offer capacity-building opportunities. These data shed new light on our collective understanding of how community foundations define both capacity building and success in capacity building, what challenges they encounter, and how funders can overcome obstacles to effective capacity building. The article concludes with practical recommendations for community foundations seeking to implement capacity-building opportunities

    Agency and Resentment: Reinterpreting Strawson\u27s Compatibilism

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    In his influential work, “Freedom and Resentment,” P.F. Strawson argues that the truth of determinism would be irrelevant to our moral responsibility practices, since our commitment to these practices is somehow connected to both our reactive attitudes—e.g. resentment, gratitude, and love—and participation in interpersonal relationships. However, some of the moves made by Strawson in his work remain unclear. In this paper, I address three prominent attempts to explain these moves, and contend that none of them captures his view because they all focus too narrowly on notions of moral demands and feelings of resentment. I argue that the correct understanding of Strawson’s compatibilism needs to take seriously his close connection between the proneness to feel all of the reactive attitudes and our seeing ourselves as agents (as opposed to mere objects). In light of this argument, I conclude by offering a more plausible reading of Strawson’s compatibilism

    Reevaluation of species concepts of uppermost cretaceous unionidae (mollusca: bivalvia) : Hell Creek formation, Montana, U.S.A.

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    Species are the basic units of life relative to taxonomy, and a practical definition of species is imperative to paleontology in order to promote reproducible, unambiguous criteria for accurately interpreting past species relationships. The need for a well-defined rubric for identifying species is evident in the freshwater mussel assemblage (Family Unionidae) in the Hell Creek Formation. The Hell Creek Formation unionid species were first described by Whitfield in 1903 and 1907. His descriptions were often based on differences of a single trait. In 197 6, Russell reevaluated the original species descriptions, I but still based the classification of species on only a few qualitative morphologic differences. These previous species diagnoses did not incorporate phenetics (based on morphologic similarity) or cladistics (based on evolutionary relationships). As a result, the assignment of morphologically similar specimens to previously defined species is sometimes problematic. Additionally, without more knowledge, certain species may not clearly be considered distinct. The goal of this study is to reevaluate four sister species sets in order to assess their validity as species using an analytical approach instead of relying on the traditional qualitative approach. Species diagnosis on the basis of a single trait or very few traits, as employed in the previous species descriptions, is not likely adequate to support the classification as distinct species or to show the relationships among species. To test the validity of species in the Hell Creek Formation, an extensive database of quantitative and qualitative character traits was constructed to be applied to various quantitative models. The morphological distinction of each species was ascertained by using discriminant and cluster analyses. The species distinction based on evolutionary relationships was also tested using cladistic methods. Comparing morphologic differences without quantitative analysis, all eight species display significant morphologic differences, implying that they are discrete species. Discriminant analysis distinguished all eight species on the basis of quantitative traits; however, many sister species were indistinguishable solely on the basis of qualitative traits. Cluster analysis displayed apparent structure in the dendrogram that loosely applied to eight distinct species, but in some cases, there was substantial intermixing of specimens otherwise assigned to the recognized species observed in the clusters. Cladistics displayed minimal resolution in the phylogenetic relationships between species and was not able to distinguish between sisters species on the basis of the criteria given. The results herein suggest that each species is distinct on the basis of their morphology as shown by species comparison with and without quantitative models. Interpretation of the evolutionary relationships among the species shows that each sister species set is closely related, but within the sister sets, the species are phylogenetically indistinguishable


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    Toe „Koers” vir die eerste keer in Augustus 1933 uitgegee is, was dit die voortsetting van die tydskrif „Die Wagtoring” wat in gereorganiseerde vorm onder die druk van die behoeftes van ’n veranderde wêreld en nuwe problematiek verskyn het. Onder die opskrif Redaksioneel lees ons in daardie nommer o.a. „Die reorganisasie is alleen uitwendig-formeel en nie prinsipieel nie. Die grondslag en doel bly onveranderd. Die blad in sy nuwe vorm stel hom nog presies op dieselfde grondslag as Die Wagtoring, nl. op die grondslag van die Heilige Skrif. Ook wat die doel betref is daar geen verandering nie. Die blad, tog, wil ook in sy nuwe vorm presies dieselfde doen as wat Die Wagtoring gedoen het; dit wil die beginsels van die Heilige Skrif volgens die interpretasie van die Calvinisme propageer op die verskillende terreine van die Iewe”

    Die beroepstaak van die universiteit

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    Die universiteit is ’n instelling wat al meermale as een van die belangrikste erfenisse van die Westerse wêreld uit die Middeleeue bestempel is. Dit tel al honderde jare en tog het daarin nie werklike wesensverandering plaasgevind nie. Hiermee word nie bedoel dat daar nie ontwikkeling op die vlak van die tersiêre onderwys gedurende al die eeue was nie. Inteendeel, daar is sonder twyfel min instellings wat so in omvang toegeneem en in wese verdiep en verfyn is as juis die universiteit — en met dit alles sonder om van aard te verander
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