143 research outputs found

    On Coloring Resilient Graphs

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    We introduce a new notion of resilience for constraint satisfaction problems, with the goal of more precisely determining the boundary between NP-hardness and the existence of efficient algorithms for resilient instances. In particular, we study rr-resiliently kk-colorable graphs, which are those kk-colorable graphs that remain kk-colorable even after the addition of any rr new edges. We prove lower bounds on the NP-hardness of coloring resiliently colorable graphs, and provide an algorithm that colors sufficiently resilient graphs. We also analyze the corresponding notion of resilience for kk-SAT. This notion of resilience suggests an array of open questions for graph coloring and other combinatorial problems.Comment: Appearing in MFCS 201

    Elliptic logarithms, diophantine approximation and the Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer conjecture

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    Most, if not all, unconditional results towards the abc-conjecture rely ultimately on classical Baker's method. In this article, we turn our attention to its elliptic analogue. Using the elliptic Baker's method, we have recently obtained a new upper bound for the height of the S-integral points on an elliptic curve. This bound depends on some parameters related to the Mordell-Weil group of the curve. We deduce here a bound relying on the conjecture of Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer, involving classical, more manageable quantities. We then study which abc-type inequality over number fields could be derived from this elliptic approach.Comment: 20 pages. Some changes, the most important being on Conjecture 3.2, three references added ([Mas75], [MB90] and [Yu94]) and one reference updated [BS12]. Accepted in Bull. Brazil. Mat. So

    Isoperimetric Inequalities in Simplicial Complexes

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    In graph theory there are intimate connections between the expansion properties of a graph and the spectrum of its Laplacian. In this paper we define a notion of combinatorial expansion for simplicial complexes of general dimension, and prove that similar connections exist between the combinatorial expansion of a complex, and the spectrum of the high dimensional Laplacian defined by Eckmann. In particular, we present a Cheeger-type inequality, and a high-dimensional Expander Mixing Lemma. As a corollary, using the work of Pach, we obtain a connection between spectral properties of complexes and Gromov's notion of geometric overlap. Using the work of Gunder and Wagner, we give an estimate for the combinatorial expansion and geometric overlap of random Linial-Meshulam complexes

    30 years of collaboration

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    We highlight some of the most important cornerstones of the long standing and very fruitful collaboration of the Austrian Diophantine Number Theory research group and the Number Theory and Cryptography School of Debrecen. However, we do not plan to be complete in any sense but give some interesting data and selected results that we find particularly nice. At the end we focus on two topics in more details, namely a problem that origins from a conjecture of Rényi and Erdős (on the number of terms of the square of a polynomial) and another one that origins from a question of Zelinsky (on the unit sum number problem). This paper evolved from a plenary invited talk that the authors gaveat the Joint Austrian-Hungarian Mathematical Conference 2015, August 25-27, 2015 in Győr (Hungary)

    Model order selection for bio-molecular data clustering

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    Background: Cluster analysis has been widely applied for investigating structure in bio-molecular data. A drawback of most clustering algorithms is that they cannot automatically detect the ”natural ” number of clusters underlying the data, and in many cases we have no enough ”a priori ” biological knowledge to evaluate both the number of clusters as well as their validity. Recently several methods based on the concept of stability have been proposed to estimate the ”optimal ” number of clusters, but despite their successful application to the analysis of complex bio-molecular data, the assessment of the statistical significance of the discovered clustering solutions and the detection of multiple structures simultaneously present in high-dimensional bio-molecular data are still major problems. Results: We propose a stability method based on randomized maps that exploits the high-dimensionality and relatively low cardinality that characterize bio-molecular data, by selecting subsets of randomized linear combinations of the input variables, and by using stability indices based on the overall distribution of similarity measures between multiple pairs of clusterings performed on the randomly projected data. A χ 2-based statistical test is proposed to assess the significance of the clustering solutions and to detect significant and if possible multi-level structures simultaneously present in the data (e.g. hierarchical structures)

    Origin of Co-Expression Patterns in E.coli and S.cerevisiae Emerging from Reverse Engineering Algorithms

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    BACKGROUND: The concept of reverse engineering a gene network, i.e., of inferring a genome-wide graph of putative gene-gene interactions from compendia of high throughput microarray data has been extensively used in the last few years to deduce/integrate/validate various types of "physical" networks of interactions among genes or gene products. RESULTS: This paper gives a comprehensive overview of which of these networks emerge significantly when reverse engineering large collections of gene expression data for two model organisms, E. coli and S. cerevisiae, without any prior information. For the first organism the pattern of co-expression is shown to reflect in fine detail both the operonal structure of the DNA and the regulatory effects exerted by the gene products when co-participating in a protein complex. For the second organism we find that direct transcriptional control (e.g., transcription factor-binding site interactions) has little statistical significance in comparison to the other regulatory mechanisms (such as co-sharing a protein complex, co-localization on a metabolic pathway or compartment), which are however resolved at a lower level of detail than in E. coli. CONCLUSION: The gene co-expression patterns deduced from compendia of profiling experiments tend to unveil functional categories that are mainly associated to stable bindings rather than transient interactions. The inference power of this systematic analysis is substantially reduced when passing from E. coli to S. cerevisiae. This extensive analysis provides a way to describe the different complexity between the two organisms and discusses the critical limitations affecting this type of methodologies

    Approximation Schemes for Multi-Budgeted Independence Systems

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    A natural way to deal with multiple, partially conflicting objectives is turning all the objectives but one into budget constraints. Some classical optimization problems, such as spanning tree and forest, shortest path, (perfect) matching, independent set (basis) in a matroid or in the intersection of two matroids, become NP-hard even with one budget constraint. Still, for most of these problems efficient deterministic and randomized approximation schemes are known. For two or more bud-gets, typically only multi-criteria approximation schemes are available, which return slightly infeasible solutions. Not much is known however for strict budget constraints: filling this gap is the main goal of this paper. It is not hard to see that the above-mentioned problems whose solution sets do not correspond to independence systems are inapproximable al-ready for two budget constraints. For the remaining problems, we present approximation schemes for a constant number k of budget constraints using a variety of techniques: i) we present a simple and powerful mech-anism to transform multi-criteria approximation schemes into pure ap-proximation schemes. This leads to deterministic and randomized ap-proximation schemes for various of the above-mentioned problems; ii) we show that points in low-dimensional faces of any matroid polytope are almost integral, an interesting result on its own. This gives a de-terministic approximation scheme for k-budgeted matroid independent set; iii) we present a deterministic approximation scheme for 2-budgeted matching. The backbone of this result is a purely topological property of curves in R2

    Redundancy and the Evolution of Cis-Regulatory Element Multiplicity

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    The promoter regions of many genes contain multiple binding sites for the same transcription factor (TF). One possibility is that this multiplicity evolved through transitional forms showing redundant cis-regulation. To evaluate this hypothesis, we must disentangle the relative contributions of different evolutionary mechanisms to the evolution of binding site multiplicity. Here, we attempt to do this using a model of binding site evolution. Our model considers binding sequences and their interactions with TFs explicitly, and allows us to cast the evolution of gene networks into a neutral network framework. We then test some of the model's predictions using data from yeast. Analysis of the model suggested three candidate nonadaptive processes favoring the evolution of cis-regulatory element redundancy and multiplicity: neutral evolution in long promoters, recombination and TF promiscuity. We find that recombination rate is positively associated with binding site multiplicity in yeast. Our model also indicated that weak direct selection for multiplicity (partial redundancy) can play a major role in organisms with large populations. Our data suggest that selection for changes in gene expression level may have contributed to the evolution of multiple binding sites in yeast. We conclude that the evolution of cis-regulatory element redundancy and multiplicity is impacted by many aspects of the biology of an organism: both adaptive and nonadaptive processes, both changes in cis to binding sites and in trans to the TFs that interact with them, both the functional setting of the promoter and the population genetic context of the individuals carrying them