547 research outputs found

    A broadband radio study of the average profile and giant pulses from PSR B1821-24A

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    We present the results of wide-band (720-2400 MHz) study of PSR B1821-24A (J1824-2452A, M28A), an energetic millisecond pulsar visible in radio, X-rays and gamma-rays. In radio, the pulsar has a complex average profile which spans >85% of the spin period and exhibits strong evolution with observing frequency. For the first time we measure phase-resolved polarization properties and spectral indices of radio emission throughout almost all of the on-pulse window. We combine this knowledge with the high-energy information to compare M28A to other known gamma-ray millisecond pulsars and to speculate that M28A's radio emission originates in multiple regions within its magnetosphere (i.e. both in the slot or outer gaps near the light cylinder and at lower altitudes above the polar cap). M28A is one of the handful of pulsars which are known to emit Giant Pulses (GPs) -- short, bright radio pulses of unknown nature. We report a drop in the linear polarization of the average profile in both windows of GP generation and also a `W'-shaped absorption feature (resembling a double notch), partly overlapping with one of the GP windows. The GPs themselves have broadband spectra consisting of multiple patches with fractional spectral width (Δν/ν\Delta\nu/\nu) of about 0.07. Although our time resolution was not sufficient to resolve the GP structure on the microsecond scale, we argue that GPs from this pulsar most closely resemble the GPs from the main pulse of the Crab pulsar, which consist of a series of narrowband nanoshots.Comment: 16 pages, 8 figures, accepted to Ap


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    Purpose: Within the framework of the translation studies, the results of research on mass media texts were presented only by individual examples in the professional literature. While, for example, literary texts have developed a variety of guidelines, strategies, and models of translation. There were almost no studies on the TV news translation. We have found only a few references to this topic in scientific works dealing with mass media texts translation in general. There is still no comprehensive analysis of the German mass media translation in Ukrainian. Methodology: However the language for specialist purposes is a special style, which creates and presents to the viewer the news texts for television. Typically, the TV news services set their own requirements for the TV news language, but there are common rules followed by all TV news editors. The linguistic designing defines the light in which the events are presented and what opinion the recipient will form. Result: However, in recent years the demand for mass media texts translation has significantly increased. It was influenced by the distribution of audiovisual international information channels such as Euronews, BBC, France 24, DW. Deutsche Welle TV news which is currently being translated into thirty languages of the world, including Ukrainian. To some degree the translation of Deutsche Welle TV news into Ukrainian influences the level of Ukrainian integration into the European space. Due to a well-executed translation Ukrainians can learn about current political and economic events that take place in Europe and in the world, about the latest achievements in medicine, technology, ecology, sociology, etc. Applications: This research can be used for universities, teachers, and students. Novelty/Originality: In this research, the model of “Deutsche Welle” as a Mass Media Language for Specialist Purposes: Pragmatics, Analysis and Translation is presented in a comprehensive and complete manner

    Marketing support of competitiveness of agricultural enterprises

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    The article examines the system of agricultural marketing with the aim of meeting the needs of consumers and achieving the competitiveness of agricultural producers in the context of determining the characteristics of agricultural activity. It is substantiated that the sustainable development of agricultural production contributes to the strengthening of the economic and social security of the state, the formation of a positive image of the country, the growth of the quality of life of the urban and rural population, the increase of export potential, the maintenance of ecological balance in rural areas, the rational use, protection and reproduction of natural resources. According to the results of the assessment of the state of agricultural production in Ukraine, a change in the assortment of agricultural products was revealed in the direction of increasing the amount of cultivation of more profitable types of crop and livestock products. It was found that agricultural products occupy a leading place in Ukrainian exports. Attention is focused on the peculiarities of agricultural production, compared to other branches of the economy, which determine the specifics of the organization of marketing at agricultural enterprises. It was revealed that marketing research in the agricultural sector is mainly carried out by intermediaries, as a result of which the largest part of the profit is concentrated in intermediary structures. The stages of the process of implementation of marketing activities at enterprises producing agricultural products are characterized. It is substantiated that for the successful conduct of competition and the introduction of niche products, it is advisable to conduct marketing research and analyze the competitiveness of agricultural enterprises in the course of financial and economic activity, which will contribute to timely decision-making regarding changes in the product range, sales markets, and the enterprise management system. It has been proven that the use of marketing tools to increase the competitiveness of agricultural enterprises is important because it will contribute to taking into account external factors of influence and internal reserves of increasing efficiency. Attention is drawn to the need to select effective methods of competition and create the basis for the identification of the enterprise, which is determined by its marketing concept

    Pulsar Science with the Green Bank 43m Telescope

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    The 43m telescope at the NRAO site in Green Bank, WV has recently been outfitted with a clone of the Green Bank Ultimate Pulsar Processing Instrument (GUPPI \cite{Ransom:2009}) backend, making it very useful for a number of pulsar related studies in frequency ranges 800-1600 MHz and 220-440 MHz. Some of the recent science being done with it include: monitoring of the Crab pulsar, a blind search for transient sources, pulsar searches of targets of opportunity, and an all-sky mapping project. For the Crab monitoring project, regular observations are searched for giant pulses (GPs), which are then correlated with γ\gamma-ray photons from the \emph{Fermi} spacecraft. Data from the all-sky mapping project are first run through a pipeline that does a blind transient search, looking for single pulses over a DM range of 0-500 pc~cm3^{-3}. These projects are made possible by MIT Lincoln Labs.Comment: 2 pages, 1 figure, to appear in AIP Conference Proceedings of Pulsar Conference 2010 "Radio Pulsars: a key to unlock the secrets of the Universe", Sardinia, October 201

    Review of overall parameters of giant radio pulses from the Crab pulsar and B1937+21

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    We present a review of observed parameters of giant radio pulses, based on the observations conducted by our group during recent years. The observations cover a broad frequency range of about 3 octaves, concentrating between 600 and 4850 MHz. Giant pulses of both the Crab pulsar and the millisecond pulsar B1937+21 were studied with the 70-m Tidbinbilla, the 100-m GBT, 64-m Kalyazin and Westerbork radio telescopes. We discuss pulse energy distribution, dependence of peak flux density from the pulse width, peculiarities of radio spectra, and polarization properties of giant radio pulses.Comment: 3 pages, 4 figures, to be published in the Proceedings of the conference "40 Years of Pulsars: Millisecond Pulsars, Magnetars, and More" held on August 12-17, 2007, McGill University, Montreal, Canad

    Кластерний аналіз у розробленні пріоритетних напрямів інформатизації логістичних процесів у системі медичного постачання Збройних Сил України

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    Aim. To conduct the cluster analysis of the results of an expert survey for the development of priority directions of informatization of logistics processes in the medical supply system of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Materials and methods. To achieve the goal of the study, the analysis of foreign and domestic scientific sources and the current legal documents was conducted. The methods of information retrieval, systematization, content analysis and the technology of hierarchical agglomeration cluster analysis were used. Results and discussion. By clustering the results of an expert survey on informatization of logistic processes in the medical supply system of the Armed Forces of Ukraine the distribution into seven clusters formed due to similar answers to the questionnaire was obtained. The number of clusters was determined by the dendrogram construction program without any researcher’s assumptions. The cluster analysis showed stable cluster groupings with a certain level of tightness of relations between features both within a cluster and among several clusters. This corresponds to the vision of the experts who outlined the problem on the research topic and determine the ways to solve it. Conclusions. Based on the results of the analysis of the personal composition of each cluster, a sufficiently high level of consistency of the conclusions of experts of the medical supply system of the Armed Forces of Ukraine to the need for the introduction of informatization of logistics processes has been determined. Priority directions of informatization of logistic processes in the medical supply system of the Armed Forces of Ukraine have been developed; a decisive place in these directions belongs to the implementation of a program for automatic accounting of medical supplies in the Armed Forces of Ukraine. The need for the introduction of modern software for decision-making support in the management of flow processes of providing medical supplies and equipment of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, as well as information analytical tools for the needs of the Medical Supply Directorate of the Medical Forces Command of the Armed Forces of Ukraine has been substantiated.Цель работы заключается в кластерном анализе результатов экспертного опроса для разработки приоритетных направлений информатизации логистических процессов в системе медицинского снабжения Вооружённых Сил (ВС) Украины. Материалы и методы. Для достижения цели исследования проведен анализ отечественной и зарубежной научной литературы, действующей нормативно-правовой базы Украины, результатов экспертного опроса. В ходе выполнения исследования использованы методы информационного поиска, систематизации, контент-анализа и метод иерархического агломеративного кластерного анализа. Результаты и их обсуждение. Кластеризацией результатов экспертного опроса по информатизации системы медицинского снабжения ВС Украины получено распределение на семь кластеров, образованных благодаря подобным ответам на вопросы анкеты. Количество кластеров определено программой построения дендрограммы без каких-либо предположений исследователя. Кластерный анализ показал устойчивые кластерныегруппировки с определённым уровнем связи между признаками как внутри кластера, так и между несколькими кластерами, что соответствует видению экспертов, которые очертили проблему по теме исследования и определяют пути её решения. Выводы. На основе полученных результатов анализа персонального состава каждого кластера установлен высокий уровень согласованности ответов экспертов в отношении необходимости внедрения информатизации логистических процессов в систему медицинского снабжения ВС Украины. Разработаны приоритетные направления информатизации логистических процессов в системе медицинского снабжения ВС Украины, определяющее место среди которых принадлежит внедрению программы для автоматического ведения учёта медицинского имущества в ВС Украины. Обоснована необходимость внедрения современного программного обеспечения поддержки принятия решений в управлении потоковыми процессами снабжения медицинской техникой и имуществом ВС Украины, а также информационных аналитических инструментов для нужд Управления медицинского снабжения Командования Медицинских сил ВС Украины.Мета роботи полягає у кластерному аналізі результатів експертного опитування для опрацювання пріоритетних напрямів інформатизації логістичних процесів у системі медичного постачання Збройних Сил (ЗС) України. Матеріали та методи. Для досягнення мети дослідження проведено аналіз вітчизняної та зарубіжної наукової літератури, чинної нормативно-правової бази України, результатів експертного опитування. Під час виконання дослідження використано методи інформаційного пошуку, систематизації, контент-аналізу та метод ієрархічного агломеративного кластерного аналізу. Результати та їх обговорення. Кластеризацією результатів експертного опитування щодо інформатизації системи медичного постачання ЗС України отримано розподіл на сім кластерів, утворених завдяки подібним відповідям на питання анкети. Кількість кластерів визначено програмою побудови дендрограми без будь-якихприпущень дослідника. Кластерний аналіз засвідчив наявність стійких кластерних угруповань з певним рівнем зв’язку між ознаками як всередині кластера, так і між декількома кластерами, що відповідає баченню експертів, які окреслили проблему з теми дослідження і визначають шляхи її розв’язання. Висновки. На основі отриманих результатів аналізу персонального складу кожного кластера визначено високий рівень узгодженості відповідей експертів щодо необхідності впровадження інформатизації логістичних процесів у систему медичного постачання ЗС України. Розроблено пріоритетні напрями інформатизації логістичних процесів у системі медичного постачання ЗС України, визначальне місце з-поміж яких належить впровадженню програми для автоматичного обліку медичного майна в ЗС України. Обґрунтовано необхідністьвпровадження сучасного програмного забезпечення підтримки прийняття рішень в управлінні потоковими процесами постачання медичної техніки і майна ЗС України та інформаційних аналітичних інструментів для потреб Управління медичного постачання Командування Медичних сил ЗС України

    Correlation of Fermi photons with high-frequency radio giant pulses from the Crab pulsar

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    To constrain the giant pulse (GP) emission mechanism and test the model of Lyutikov (2007) for GP emission, we have carried out a campaign of simultaneous observations of the Crab pulsar at gamma-ray (Fermi) and radio (Green Bank Telescope) wavelengths. Over 10 hours of simultaneous observations we obtained a sample of 2.1x10^4 giant pulses, observed at a radio frequency of 9 GHz, and 77 Fermi photons, with energies between 100 MeV and 5 GeV. The majority of GPs came from the interpulse (IP) phase window. We found no change in the GP generation rate within 10-120 s windows at lags of up to +-40 min of observed gamma-ray photons. The 95% upper limit for a gamma-ray flux enhancement in pulsed emission phase window around all GPs is 4 times the average pulsed gamma-ray flux from the Crab. For the subset of IP GPs, the enhancement upper limit, within the IP emission window, is 12 times the average pulsed gamma-ray flux. These results suggest that GPs, at least high-frequency IP GPs, are due to changes in coherence of radio emission rather than an overall increase in the magnetospheric particle density.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figures; to appear in The Astrophysical Journal, February 201