101 research outputs found

    Fake news as a floating signifier: hegemony, antagonism and the politics of falsehood

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    ‘Fake news’ has emerged as a global buzzword. While prominent media outlets, such as The New York Times, CNN, and CBS, have used the term to designate misleading information spread through websites, President Donald Trump has recently used the term as a negative designation of these very ‘mainstream media’. In this article, we argue that the concept of ‘fake news’ has become an important component in contemporary political struggles. We showcase how the term is utilised by different positions within the social space as a means of discrediting, attacking and delegitimising political opponents. Excavating three central moments within the construction of ‘fake news’, we argue that the term has increasingly become a ‘floating signifier’: a signifier lodged in-between different hegemonic projects seeking to provide an image of how society is and ought to be structured. By approaching ‘fake news’ from the viewpoint of discourse theory, the paper reframes the current stakes of the debate and contributes with new insights into the function and consequences of ‘fake news’ as a novel political category

    NASA GMAO S2S Prediction System Hindcast and Near-Real Time Operations Strategy

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    In this presentation we present an overview of the GMAO Sub-Seasonal and Seasonal Prediction System with a focus on the computing time and resources and actual time it takes to complete a full set of hindcasts. The goal is to come up with some solutions to allow us to run more ensemble members for the next version of the system which will be higher resolution and take many more resources

    Sembilan Elemen Jurnalisme

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    Saat kemajuan teknologi dan kekuatan dunia usaha menghasilkan tantangan yang sangat dahsyat terhadap nilai-nilai tradisional dalam jurnalisme, Kovach dan Rosenstiel menulis pelajaran yang sangat berharga tentang siapa kita, apa yang kita kerjakan, dan bagaimana seharusnya kita melakukannya. David Halberstam, wartawan pemenang Pulitzer PrizePada akhirnya, menulis atau menyampaikan berita adalah sebuah laku moral. Apa yang dikemukakan Kovach dalam buku ini menegaskan hal itu kembali. Goenawan Mohamad, Redaktur Senior Tempo Buku hebat yang secara luar biasa menggambarkan problem, mengartikulasikan nilai, memaparkan risiko, dan menawarkan cara yang bisa dipahami dan dipraktikkan untuk menanggapi kesulitan yang dialami jurnalisme saat ini. Sembilan Elemen Jurnalisme layak menjadi bacaan wajib untuk setiap lembaga dan (orang) yang terlibat dalam jurnalisme. Neil Rudenstine, Rektor, Harvard University. Kewajiban pertama jurnalisme adalah pada kebenaran, Loyalitas pertama jurnalisme kepada warga, Intisari jurnalisme adalah disiplin verifikasi, Para praktisinya harus menjaga independensi terhadap sumber berita, Jurnalisme harus berlaku sebagai pemantau kekuasaan, Jurnalisme harus menyediakan forum publik untuk kritik maupun dukungan warga, Jurnalisme harus berupaya membuat hal yang penting, menarik dan relevan, Jurnalisme harus menjaga agar berita komprehensif dan proporsional, Para praktisinya harus diperbolehkan mengikuti nurani mereka

    Blur: how to know what's true in the age of information overload

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    Amid the hand-wringing over the death of "true journalism" in the Internet Age-the din of bloggers, the echo chamber of Twitter, the predominance of Wikipedia-veteran journalists and media critics Bill Kovach and Tom Rosenstiel have written a pragmatic guide to navigating the twenty-first century media terrain. Yes, old authorities are being dismantled, new ones created, and the very nature of knowledge has changed. But seeking the truth remains the purpose of journalism. How do we discern what is reliable? Blur provides a road map, or more specifically, reveals the craft that has been used in newsrooms by the very best journalists for getting at the truth

    The Elements of journalism/ Kovach

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    xv, 332 hal.; 21 cm

    The Elements of journalism/ Kovach

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    xv, 332 hal.; 21 cm
