108 research outputs found

    Design of Computer Experiments: a powerful tool for the numerical design of BAW filters

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    We apply Design of Computer Experiments methods to the simulation of piezoelectric stacks and the design of BAW resonators and filters. Through the example of DCS filters with two different technologies (Iridium and Molybdenum electrodes), we show that the definition and the exploitation of a metamodel can accurately replace acoustic simulations and allows therefore a much faster material stack desig

    Significance of Plastic Recycling with the Focus on Polyesters – Creating a Circular Economy

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    Plastics materials are essential in every part of our lives, resulting in their increasing production and consumption. Consequently, recycling of plastics has been of great importance in the last decades. Among all types of plastics, polyesters have become very appealing for numerous kinds of applications, making their recycling crucial. Several techniques have been developed for the recycling of plastics with the aim of eliminating the waste accumulated, as well as to create a circular economy

    Improvement of the quality of treatment of the complicated maxillary dental caries due to the use of cone-beam tomography in the process of planning the endodontic treatment

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    Трудности, связанные с эндодонтическим лечением моляров верхней челюсти, очень распространены в современной стоматологии. В стоматологической практике, чаще всего, для определения количества корневых каналов используют внутриротовую рентгенографию или ортопантомографию. Некачественно проведенное эндодонтическое лечение моляров верхней челюсти приводит к осложнениям не только со стороны зубочелюстной системы, но и влечет за собой поражение рядом расположенных структур. Цель нашего исследования — профилактика осложнений, возникающих после эндодонтического лечения, за счет использования конусно-лучевой томографии во время его планирования. Согласно полученным результатам, второй мезиально-щечный корневой канал в первом моляре верхней челюсти встречается в 78 % случаев, а во втором моляре — в 43 %. Эти показатели отличаются от данных, приведенных в литературе.In the stages of planning of the endodontic treatment of teeth it is necessary to have a notion about the number and location of the root canals. It is especially important during the endodontic treatment of molars. According to different authors, it is known that the number and location of root canal molars of the upper jaw are individual for each person. Thus, the first upper molar has three roots of root canals, but 50% of the mesial buccal root has two root canals. The second maxillary molar has three root canals in 70% of cases, and four in 30%. Options for the location and structure of the root canals in these teeth are also quite diverse. Therefore, the difficulties associated with endodontic treatment of molars of the upper jaw, are very common in modern dentistry. In dental practice, most of all, to determine the number of root canals intraoral radiography or orthopantomography are used. Low quality of endodontic treatment of the maxillary molars causes complications not only of the dentition system, but also the loss of adjacent structures. The aim of our study is the prevention of complications that were caused by the endodontic treatment, by using cone-beam tomography during the process of planning. According to our research, the second mesio-buccal root canal in the first maxillary molar is found in 78% of cases, and in the second molar — in 43%. These data differ from those given in the literature. The overwhelming number of patients aged over 40 years is marked by the loss of the first molars of the upper jaw on the right or left side, or both sides at the same time, which is associated with ineffective endodontic treatment of these teeth

    Odontogenic sinusitis as complication of chronic periodontitis

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    Статья посвящена обзору литературы, освещающей вопросы профилактики одонтогенного гайморита при лечении хронического периодонтита зубов верхней челюсти. В современной стоматологии эта проблема чрезвычайно актуальна, несмотря на многочисленные исследования отечественных и зарубежных ученых. Данная патология, согласно источникам литературы, составляет 15–30 % от общего числа стоматологических заболеваний. Учитывая особенности анатомо-гистологического строения верхнечелюстного синуса, осложнения, возникающие после эндодонтического лечения зубов верхней челюсти, часто протекают бессимптомно. Поэтому очень важны первичная профилактика и ранняя диагностика этого осложнения.Taking into account the nature of anatomical-histological structure of the maxillary sinus, complications occurring endodontic treatment of the upper jaw, are often asymptomatic. So it’s very important to prevent this complication and diagnose the disease at an early stage, when the pathological changes in the maxillary sinus are reversible

    Agrotóxicos e saúde: realidade e desafios para mudança de práticas na agricultura.

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    Este artigo apresenta os resultados de uma pesquisa que teve como objetivo principal caracterizar o contexto e as práticas relacionadas ao uso de agrotóxicos entre agricultores residentes na Serrinha do Mendanha, comunidade agrícola situada em Campo Grande, município do Rio de Janeiro. A proposta metodológica teve uma abordagem qualitativa, sendo a principal fonte de dados a aplicação de questionário semiestruturado. Participaram da pesquisa 38 agricultores familiares. O perfil socioeconômico mostra uma realidade de idosos no trabalho agrícola, percentuais expressivos de analfabetismo e baixa renda. O uso de agrotóxicos é uma rotina para essas famílias. Apesar de existir uma naturalização do uso, a maioria dos informantes acredita que agrotóxicos podem afetar sua saúde, apresenta preocupação com o consumidor e gostaria de conhecer formas alternativas de cultivo. Tais achados apontam para a possibilidade de busca de mudança de práticas. Não se trata de repasse de conhecimento, pois este tipo de informação de alguma forma eles já possuem. Trata–se de desenvolver estratégias objetivando a minimização dos riscos ou mesmo o desuso de agrotóxicos na lavoura

    The emergence of non-secretory multiple myeloma during the non-cytotoxic treatment of essential thrombocythemia: A case report

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    Introduction. The emergence of multiple myeloma as a second malignancy in patients with essential thrombocythemia is extremely rare. Several cases have been published so far, pointing out the impact of a cytotoxic effect during treatment of essential thrombocythemia on the development of multiple myeloma. Case presentation. We report the case of a 52-year-old Caucasian man who presented to our hospital because of leukocytosis, a slightly decreased hemoglobin level and thrombocytosis. After a complete hematological work-up, essential thrombocythemia was diagnosed. The patient was included in a multicenter clinical study, treated with anagrelide and his platelet counts were maintained in the normal range for more than 3 years. A sudden drop in his hemoglobin level with normal leukocyte and platelet count occurred at the same time as a back pain. Magnetic resonance imaging of his spine revealed the existence of a pathological fracture of Th4, the collapse of the upper edge of Th7 and osteolytic lesions of multiple thoracic vertebrae. Repeated hematological examinations, including bone biopsy with immunohistochemistry, disclosed diagnosis of multiple myeloma of the non-secretory type. Conclusions: To the best of our knowledge this is the first published case in which multiple myeloma developed during the treatment of essential thrombocythemia with the non-cytotoxic drug anagrelide. Our attempts to find a common origin for the coexistence of multiple myeloma and essential thrombocythemia have not confirmed the genetic basis of their appearance. Further studies are needed to determine the biological impact of this coexistence

    Conflicts about water in Lake Chad: are environmental, vulnerability and security issues linked?

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    This paper builds on the growing literature that explores the relations between environmental change and non-traditional security, defined as non-military threats that challenge the survival and well-being of peoples and states. The Lake Chad basin in Africa is used as a case study for analysis. Focusing on a set of questions that has dominated recent theoretical debates, the paper investigates if conflicts resulting from water scarcity are as much about the broader vulnerability of the Lake Chad region as they are about changes in the Lake system and its environment. It argues that conflict is a probable outcome only in locations that are already challenged by a multitude of other context-specific factors beside resource scarcity. In the Lake Chad context, the likelihood of scarcity-driven conflict depends on whether vulnerability increases or decreases in the face of a declining water supply. The paper provides perspectives for a nuanced understanding of how the receding Lake Chad has led to conflict and outlines an integrated, forward-looking research agenda for linking environmental change, vulnerability and security issues in integrated human-environment systems

    Strengthening research capacity through the medical education partnership initiative: the Mozambique experience

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    BACKGROUND: Since Mozambique’s independence, the major emphasis of its higher educational institutions has been on didactic education. Because of fiscal and human resource constraints, basic and applied research activities have been relatively modest in scope, and priorities have often been set primarily by external collaborators. These factors have compromised the scope and the relevance of locally conducted research and have limited the impact of Mozambique’s universities as major catalysts for national development. CASE DESCRIPTION: We developed a multi-institutional partnership to undertake a comprehensive analysis of the research environment at Mozambique’s major public universities to identify factors that have served as barriers to the development of a robust research enterprise. Based on this analysis, we developed a multifaceted plan to reduce the impact of these barriers and to enhance research capacity within Mozambique. INTERVENTIONS: On the basis of our needs assessment, we have implemented a number of major initiatives within participating institutions to facilitate basic and applied research activities. These have included specialized training programmes, a reorganization of the research administration infrastructure, the development of multiple collaborative research projects that have emphasized local research priorities and a substantial investment in bioinformatics. We have established a research support centre that provides grant development and management services to Mozambique’s public universities and have developed an independent Institutional Review Board for the review of research involving human research subjects. Multiple research projects involving both communicable and non-communicable diseases have been developed and substantial external research support has been obtained to undertake these projects. A sizable investment in biomedical informatics has enhanced both connectivity and access to digital reference material. Active engagement with relevant entities within the Government of Mozambique has aligned institutional development with national priorities. CONCLUSIONS: Although multiple challenges remain, over the past 3 years significant progress has been made towards establishing conditions within which a broad range of basic, translational and clinical and public health research can be undertaken. Ongoing development of this research enterprise will enhance capacity to address critical locally relevant research questions and will leverage resources to accelerate the development of Mozambique’s national universities