340 research outputs found

    Migration activity of the population between Ukraine and Hungary in the context of geopolitical confrontations

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    У статті здійснено комплексний аналіз міграційної активності населення між Україною та Угорщиною, що є основою для обґрунтування пріоритетів її регулювання у визначеній територіальній міграційній системі. Предметом дослідження є теоретико-прикладні засади аналізу міграційної активності населення у межах конкретної територіальної міграційної системи. Методологію дослідження формують фундаментальні положення аналітичної міграціології з визначенням специфіки поняття міграційної активності, що відображає потенційну і реальну здатність населення до переміщень. Результатами статті є поглиблення теоретичних засад дослідження міграційної активності населення, методика комплексного аналізу міграції між Україною та Угорщиною з використанням вітчизняної та міжнародної статистичної бази. Комплексний аналіз охоплює з’ясування особливостей інфраструктурного забезпечення та правового середовища міграції (візовий режим, дія угоди про правила місцевого прикордонного руху), тенденцій перетину державного кордону (українська та угорська статистика), у тому числі в розрізі пунктів пропуску, визначення особливостей освітньої і трудової міграції, практики натуралізації і проживання громадян України на території Угорщини. Окрему увагу приділено питанням асиметричності міграційної активності населення між Україною та Угорщиною. Комплексний аналіз доповнено порівнянням демографічних, соціальних та економічних показників країн. На основі проведеного аналізу узагальнено специфіку міграційної активності населення в україно-угорській міграційній системі – первинність етнокультурних детермінант переміщень з локалізацією впливів на мешканців Закарпатської області; стрімка динаміка зростання кількості мігрантів з України в Угорщину. Актуалізовано основні проблеми міграційної активності населення між Україною та Угорщиною: політико-правового характеру – подвійне громадянство частини населення прикордонних районів Закарпатської області, що може слугувати приводом для геополітичних спекуляцій; інформаційного характеру – стрімке зростання кількості громадян України, які виїжджають в Угорщину на тривале проживання; соціокультурного характеру – вплив ідей «Великої Угорщини» на частину населення Закарпаття, особливо прикордонних районів, яке ідентифікує себе з угорцями або, в крайньому випадку, з русинами та не володіє українською мовою.The comprehensive analysis of migration activity of the population between Ukraine and Hungary, which is the basis for substantiating the priorities of its regulation in the defined territorial migration system, is carried out in the article. The study subject is theoretical and applied principles of analysis of migration activity of the population within a specific territorial migration system. The research methodology is formed by the fundamental provisions of analytical migration science with the definition of migration activity, which reflects the potential and real ability of the population to move. The article results are the deepening of the theoretical bases of the study of migration activity of the population, the method of complex migration analysis between Ukraine and Hungary with using the national and international statistical base. Complex analysis covers an identification of the features of infrastructure providing and legal environment of migration (visa regime, the operation of the agreement on the rules of local border traffic), tendencies of crossing the state border (Ukrainian and Hungarian statistics), including in the context of border crossing points, determination of educational and labor migration features, naturalization practices and residence of Ukrainian citizens on the Hungary territory. Particular attention is paid to the asymmetric questions of migration activity of the population between Ukraine and Hungary. Complex analysis is complemented by comparisons of demographic, social and economic indicators of countries. The specificity of migration activity of the population in the Ukrainian- Hungarian migration system on the basis of the conducted analysis is generalized – the primacy of ethnocultural determinants of displacement with influences localization on the residents of Transcarpathian region; rapid growth dynamics of the migrants number from Ukraine to Hungary. The main problems of migration activity of the population between Ukraine and Hungary are updated: political and legal character – dual citizenship of a part of the population of the Transcarpathian border regions, which can serve as an occasion for geopolitical speculation; informational character – the rapid growth in the number of Ukrainian citizens, who go to Hungary for long-term residence; socio-cultural character – influence of the «Greater Hungary» ideas on a part of the Transcarpathia population, especially the border regions, which identifies itself with the Hungarians, or as a last resort with the Ruthenians and does not speak Ukrainian

    Toward a better understanding of tool wear effect through a comparison between experiments and SPH numerical modelling of machining hard materials

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    The aim of this study is to improve the general understanding of tungsten carbide (WC–Co) tool wear under dry machining of the hard-to-cut titanium alloy Ti6Al4V. The chosen approach includes experimental and numerical tests. The experimental part is designed to identify wear mechanisms using cutting force measurements, scanning electron microscope observations and optical profilometer analysis. Machining tests were conducted in the orthogonal cutting framework and showed a strong evolution of the cutting forces and the chip profiles with tool wear. Then, a numerical method has been used in order to model the machining process with both new and worn tools. The use of smoothed particle hydrodynamics model (SPH model) as a numerical tool for a better understanding of the chip formation with worn tools is a key aspect of this work. The redicted chip morphology and the cutting force evolution with respect to the tool wear are qualitatively compared with experimental trends. The chip formation mechanisms during dry cutting process are shown to be quite dependent from the worn tool geometry. These mechanisms explain the high variation of the experimental and numerical feed force between new and worn tools

    Образное и красочное изображение мира в современной женской прозе

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    The article presents the results of the analysis of tops and color vocabulary in modern women's prose. A detailed comparison of the subject and the image of the comparison in the works of V. Tokareva, D. Ruina, O. Slavnikova, I. Muravyova and many other women authors of the XXI century is given in this article. The metaphoric of women's prose and the positions of the metaphorical and non-metaphorical components of the image are investigated. In the context of the tropes (epithet, comparison, metaphor), the color preferences of women writers are presented, so the coloratives are often presented as part of these figurative means and perform a specific function.El artículo presenta los resultados del análisis de vocabulario de tops y colores en la prosa moderna de las mujeres. En este artículo se presenta una comparación detallada del tema y la imagen de la comparación en los trabajos de V. Tokareva, D. Ruina, O. Slavnikova, I. Muravyova y muchas otras mujeres del siglo XXI. Se investigan la metafórica de la prosa de las mujeres y las posiciones de los componentes metafóricos y no metafóricos de la imagen. En el contexto de los tropos (epíteto, comparación, metáfora), se presentan las preferencias de color de las escritoras, por lo que los colorantes se presentan a menudo como parte de estos medios figurativos y cumplen una función específica.В статье представлены результаты анализа вершин и цветовой лексики в современной женской прозе. Подробное сравнение предмета и изображения сравнения в работах В. Токарева, Д. Руины, О. Славниковой, И. Муравьевой и многих других женщин-авторов XXI века. Исследована метафорическая женская проза и позиции метафорических и неметафорических составляющих образа. В контексте тропов (эпитет, сравнение, метафора) представлены цветовые предпочтения женщин-писателей, поэтому колоритивы часто представлены как часть этих образных средств и выполняют определенную функцию

    Risk factors for diagnosed noma in northwest Nigeria: A case-control study, 2017

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    Background Noma (cancrum oris), a neglected tropical disease, rapidly disintegrates the hard and soft tissue of the face and leads to severe disfiguration and high mortality. The disease is poorly understood. We aimed to estimate risk factors for diagnosed noma to better guide existing prevention and treatment strategies using a case-control study design. Methods Cases were patients admitted between May 2015 and June 2016, who were under 15 years of age at reported onset of the disease. Controls were individuals matched to cases by village, age and sex. Caretakers answered the questionnaires. Risk factors for diagnosed noma were estimated by calculating unadjusted and adjusted odds ratios (ORs) and respective 95% confidence intervals (CI) using conditional logistic regression. Findings We included 74 cases and 222 controls (both median age 5 (IQR 3, 15)). Five cases (6.5%) and 36 (16.2%) controls had a vaccination card (p = 0.03). Vaccination coverage for polio and measles was below 7% in both groups. The two main reported water sources were a bore hole in the village (cases n = 27, 35.1%; controls n = 63, 28.4%; p = 0.08), and a well in the compound (cases n = 24, 31.2%; controls n = 102, 45.9%; p = 0.08). The adjusted analysis identified potential risk and protective factors for diagnosed noma which need further exploration. These include the potential risk factor of the child being fed pap every day (OR 9.8; CI 1.5, 62.7); and potential protective factors including the mother being the primary caretaker (OR 0.08; CI 0.01, 0.5); the caretaker being married (OR 0.006; CI 0.0006, 0.5) and colostrum being given to the baby (OR 0.4; CI 0.09, 2.09). Interpretation This study suggests that social conditions and infant feeding practices are potentially associated with being a diagnosed noma case in northwest Nigeria; these findings warrant further investigation into these factors

    Communication tools used by distributed teams in a BIM learning project

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    The constant changes in the world market demand flexible and fluid organizational structures, such as rotating and engaging human effort, to provide high performance. Therefore, organizations make use of distributed multicultural teams, meetings, and online lead projects. However, these social categorization processes can become a disadvantage if trigger potential conflicts during task performance. Distributed teams can also be difficult to manage, and their members can face extra adversities in communication. Architecture, Engineering and Construction Industry (AEC), is a context where the use of distributed teams is growing significantly, particularly through the enabling features of Building Information Modelling (BIM) methodologies. This paper was aimed at the diagnosis of communication behaviour in distributed teams in the context of a PBL methodology that requested students to work in distributed teams on two distinct locations. For that, the authors managed a workshop on Lean Project Management and Collaborative Tools in the European Master in Building Information Modelling (BIM A+) using a Lego for Scrum activity, adapted to a team of students distributed in Portugal and Slovenia. After that, nine distributed teams of students had to design exposition pavilions in BIM platform and using collaborative tools. At the end, each team had to present the project for the entire body of students and faculty, located in Guimaraes (Portugal) and Ljubljana (Slovenia).- (undefined

    Challenges in predicting the change in the cumulative exposure of new tobacco and related products based on emissions and toxicity dose–response data

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    Funding: This work was funded by the Netherlands Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority (NVWA), Utrecht, the Netherlands. Project number 9.7.1Many novel tobacco products have been developed in recent years. Although many may emit lower levels of several toxicants, their risk in the long term remains unclear. We previously published a method for the exposure assessment of mixtures that can be used to compare the changes in cumulative exposure to carcinogens among tobacco products. While further developing this method by including more carcinogens or to explore its application to non-cancer endpoints, we encountered a lack of data that are required for better-substantiated conclusions regarding differences in exposure between products. In this special communication, we argue the case for more data on adverse health effects, as well as more data on the composition of the emissions from tobacco products. Such information can be used to identify significant changes in relevance to health using the cumulative exposure method with different products and to substantiate regulatory decisions.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Time Accurate Unsteady Pressure Loads Simulated for the Space Launch System at a Wind Tunnel Condition

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    Using the Fully Unstructured Three-Dimensional (FUN3D) computational fluid dynamics code, an unsteady, time-accurate flow field about a Space Launch System configuration was simulated at a transonic wind tunnel condition (Mach = 0.9). Delayed detached eddy simulation combined with Reynolds Averaged Naiver-Stokes and a Spallart-Almaras turbulence model were employed for the simulation. Second order accurate time evolution scheme was used to simulate the flow field, with a minimum of 0.2 seconds of simulated time to as much as 1.4 seconds. Data was collected at 480 pressure taps at locations, 139 of which matched a 3% wind tunnel model, tested in the Transonic Dynamic Tunnel (TDT) facility at NASA Langley Research Center. Comparisons between computation and experiment showed agreement within 5% in terms of location for peak RMS levels, and 20% for frequency and magnitude of power spectral densities. Grid resolution and time step sensitivity studies were performed to identify methods for improved accuracy comparisons to wind tunnel data. With limited computational resources, accurate trends for reduced vibratory loads on the vehicle were observed. Exploratory methods such as determining minimized computed errors based on CFL number and sub-iterations, as well as evaluating frequency content of the unsteady pressures and evaluation of oscillatory shock structures were used in this study to enhance computational efficiency and solution accuracy. These techniques enabled development of a set of best practices, for the evaluation of future flight vehicle designs in terms of vibratory loads

    Disparities in access to and use of HIV-related health services in the Netherlands by migrant status and sexual orientation: a cross-sectional study among people recently diagnosed with HIV infection

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    Background Migrants often face barriers to accessing healthcare. We examined disparities in access to and use of HIV-related health services between migrant and non-migrant people recently diagnosed with HIV living in the Netherlands, taken into account sexual orientation. Also, we examined differences in experiences in living with HIV between these groups. Methods We used a questionnaire and clinical data collected between July 2013 and June 2015 among migrant and non-migrant participants of the European cross-sectional aMASE (Advancing Migrant Access to health Services in Europe) study in the Netherlands. Using univariable logistic regression analyses, we compared outcomes on between migrants and non-migrants, stratified by sexual orientation (with non-migrant men having sex with men [MSM] as the reference group). Results We included 77 migrant MSM, 115 non-migrant MSM, 21 migrant heterosexual men, 14 non-migrant heterosexual men and 20 migrant women. In univariable analyses, all heterosexual groups were less likely to ever have had an HIV-negative test before their diagnosis and were more likely to be diagnosed late than non-migrant MSM. All migrant groups were more likely to have experienced difficulties accessing general healthcare in the Netherlands and were less likely to have heard of post-exposure prophylaxis than non-migrant MSM. Migrants frequently reported uncertainty about their rights to healthcare and language barriers. Most (93%) participants visited a healthcare facility in the 2 years before HIV diagnosis but only in 41% an HIV test was discussed during that visit (no statistical difference between groups). Migrant heterosexuals were more likely to have missed appointments at their HIV clinic due to the travel costs than non-migrant MSM. Migrant MSM and women were more likely to have experienced HIV discrimination in the Netherlands than non-migrant MSM. Conclusion Disparities in access to and use of HIV-related health services and experiences exist by migrant status but also by sexual orientation. Our data suggests heterosexual men and women may particularly benefit from improved access to HIV testing (e.g., through provider-initiated testing), while migrant MSM may benefit from improved access to HIV prevention interventions (e.g., pre-exposure prophylaxis)