134 research outputs found

    Glossari di biblioteconomia in rete

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    Dynamic optimization of provider-based scheduling for HPC workloads

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    The vast array of cloud providers present in today’s market proffer a suite of High-Performance Computing (HPC) services. However, these offerings are characterized by significant variations in execution times and cost structures. Consequently, selecting the optimal cloud provider and configuring the features of the chosen computing instance (e.g. virtual machines) proves to be a challenging task for users intending to execute HPC workloads. This paper introduces a novel component designed for effortless integration with existing HPC scheduling systems. This module’s primary function is to facilitate the selection of the most appropriate cloud provider for each distinct job, thereby empowering dynamic and adaptive cost-minimization strategies. Through the application of data augmentation techniques and the employment of Continuous Machine Learning, the system is endowed with the capability to operate efficiently with cloud providers that have not been previously utilized. Furthermore, it is capable of tracking the evolution of jobs over time. Our results show that this component can achieve consistent economic savings, based on the quality of the data used in the training phase

    Fitorremediação induzida do chumbo com feijão-de-porco (Canavalia ensiformes (L.) D.C.)

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    Objetivou-se com este trabalho, analisar o potencial do feijão-de-porco em extrair chumbo em um solo artificialmente contaminado e verificar se a aplicação de EDTA e giberelina induz a uma maior fitoextração, bem como analisar a influência do chumbo em alguns parâmetros morfológicos e fisiológicos da planta. O primeiro experimento foi um fatorial completo com seis doses de chumbo (0; 200; 400; 600; 800 e 1000 mg kg-1), aplicadas no solo, associadas a seis doses de EDTA (0; 180; 360; 540; 720 e 890 mg kg-1 ). O feijão-de-porco permaneceu cultivado em casa de vegetação, durante 60 dias, após esse período, pôde-se observar o seu elevado potencial em absorver o chumbo presente no solo, porém acumulando-o em seu sistema radicular. A aplicação do EDTA aumenta o transporte de Pb para a parte aérea da planta, aumentando assim a eficácia na fitorremedição. A dose de 600 mg kg-1 de chumbo associada 890 mg kg-1 de EDTA permitiu a melhor relação parte aérea/total do Pb absorvido. O segundo experimento consistiu na aplicação de uma única dose de chumbo no solos, 1200 mg kg-1, no qual o feijão-de-porco foi cultivado sob três concentrações de giberelina (50; 100 e 150 mg L-1) associada a ausência ou presença de 890 mg kg-1 de EDTA, a planta foi cultivada em casa de vegetação durante 60 dias. A aplicação somente da giberelina na planta proporcionou resultados inferiores estatisticamente à aplicação conjunta do EDTA e o GA3, de modo que a interação entre a aplicação dos produtos permitiu uma maior absorção de chumbo, principalmente na dose de 50 mg L-1 de giberelina, que se mostrou estatisticamente superior às demais doses, quanto a absorção de Pb e seu transporte para a parte aérea. Palavras-Chave: Feijão-de-porco, chumbo, EDTA, giberelina, fitorremediação

    Revisión bibliográfica sobre lesión en “Turf Toe”: grados de lesión, diagnóstico y tratamiento.

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    El turf toe, es una patología habitual en futbolistas y relacionada con el césped artificial y el calzado flexible. El diagnóstico se basa en los hallazgos clínicos, apoyándonos en pruebas complementarias de imagen. A lo largo de este tiempo, diversos autores se han propuesto varias clasificaciones de la lesión constituidas por diversos grados, útil para establecer un protocolo terapéutico universal y aplicable en función del grado de lesión. Objetivos Analizar la patología del turf toe, en concreto, grados de lesión y patrones. Recoger información sobre exploración física y pruebas complementarias. Tratamiento no quirúrgico, y establecer un protocolo terapéutico con la información recogida. Material y métodos El presente trabajo se ha elaborado mediante una búsqueda bibliográfica usando como base de datos de ciencias de la salud al buscador Pubmed, Scopus, Trypdatabase y UpToDate. Conclusiones La clasificación en esta patología es un aspecto muy importante, hay poca controversia entre autores, la clínica es prácticamente igual, las pruebas complementarias como radiología y resonancias magnéticas, unas y otras son totalmente compatibles y eficaces a la hora del diagnóstico, siendo necesarias tanto estas como la exploración física para evaluar con exactitud la lesión. Mientras que los tratamientos difieren en pocos detalles, hay pequeñas diferencias entre unos y otros, en base a los autores y el grado en el que se utilizan

    Bronchoalveolar lavage in systemic sclerosis with lung involvement: role and correlations with functional, radiological and scintigraphic parameters

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    To evaluate the role and the prognostic value of bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) in scleroderma patients withinterstitial lung disease. We reviewed the records of 79 patients with systemic sclerosis (SSc) who had dyspnea and pulmonary involvement and underwent BAL study. Sixty-two patients were prospectively followed up for 12–36 months and re-evaluated by pulmonary function tests (PFTs). Seventy-nine SSc patients were enrolled (71 F and 8 M), 55 with limited and 24 with a diVuse form; mean age55 +/- 13 years; mean disease duration 55.2 +/- 59 months. All patients were ANA positive, of these 30 were anti-topoisomerase-1 positive (anti-Topo1) and 22 were anti-centromere positive (ACA). Thirty-one patients had alveolitis (39.2%) that was neutrophilic in 12 patients, eosinophilic in 3 and mixed (neutrophilic and eosinophilic) in 16 patients. Compared to patients without alveolitis, those with alveolitis had a significant reduction of carbon monoxide diffusing capacity (DLCO), forced vital capacity (FVC) and more elevated lung high-resolution computed tomography (HRCT) scores. Furthermore, alveolar clearance was signiWcantly accelerated. No differences were found between patients with and without alveolitis regarding disease subsets (diffuse vs limited-SSc); a significant predominance of anti-Topo1 antibodies was foundin the alveolitis group and of ACA antibodies in the non-alveolitiscohort. During the follow-up, (range: 12–36 months) 62patients, 26 with and 36 without alveolitis were re-evaluated with PFTs. In the alveolitis group, 12 patients (46.1%)showed stable lung function parameters and 14 had worsened (53.8%). In this group, 20 patients (77%) received cyclophosphamide (CYC): 11 (55%) worsened (5 of them died of cardio-pulmonary complications) and 9 (45%) remained stable. Six patients could not be treated; of these 3 remained stableand 3 worsened. Among 36 patients with normal BAL, 11 (30.5%) showed stable lung function parameters, 13 improved (36.1%) and 12 worsened (33.3%); in this last group, 2 patients died of extra-pulmonary complications. Six patients, with progression of lung fibrosis, were treated with CYC: 3 of them improved and 3 remained stable. Our study revealed a trend toward a more severe course in the SSc patients with BAL alveolitis; probably the non-significant result is related to the low number of the examined subjects and to the selection criteria. However, BAL remains the only tool to exclude lung infections and, in our experience, a useful instrument to evaluate interstitial lung disease in SSc patients

    A new material based on montmorillonite and Cu(II)-phenanthroline complex for effective capture of ammonia from gas phase

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    The intercalation of [Cu(Phen)(H2O)2]2+ (CuPhen) in montmorillonite (Mt) produces a stable hybrid material that is very efficient in removing NH3 from gas phase even at extremely low pressures. The process was studied by elemental analysis, X-ray powder diffraction, thermal analysis coupled with evolved gas mass spectrometry and DR UV–Vis, NMR and X-ray absorption spectroscopy. The adsorption of CuPhen on Mt consists of two consecutive steps. During the first one, CuPhen intercalates alone into Mt through a cation exchange process, afterwards CuPhen and SO42− ions entry jointly into the mineral interlayer. The two-steps adsorption process is described by a VI-type isotherm, successfully fitted by two independent Frumkin isotherms. NH3 trapping is long-lasting, easy, fast even at extremely low gas pressure and reversible under mild conditions. Mt containing CuPhen always results well performant in removing ammonia from gas phase, but an appreciably higher adsorption capacity of NH3 is obtained when SO42− ion is absent from the interlayer. This hybrid montmorillonite is thus a promising material to be used in industrial or environmental contexts, as an efficient air-cleaner

    The Copper Chemical Garden as a Low Cost and Efficient Material for Breaking Down Air Pollution by Gaseous Ammonia

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    Chemical garden (CG) from copper(II) sulfate, nitrate and chloride (CG CuSO, CG Cu(NO), CG CuCl) were grown, and characterized from the structural and compositional point of view by using scanning electron microscopy, X-ray powder diffraction, elemental analysis, thermogravimetric analysis coupled with mass spectrometry, and DR (diffuse reflectance) UV-Vis-NIR spectroscopy. The main crystalline phases, controlled by the anion of the starting salt, were brochantite and kobyashevite for CG CuSO, gerhardtite, rouaite and anthonyite for CG Cu(NO), and atacamite for CG CuCl. The materials were then exposed to ammonia vapors to test the effectiveness of their entrapping property. All materials proved to be very efficient and rapid in the uptake of ammonia, which invariably results in the formation of a Cu(II)/NH complex. However, after a few tens of minutes, CG Cu(NO) and CG CuCl release water and get wet, thereby resulting unsuitable for applications. Only CG CuSO remains dry for at least 25 hours. This makes it a valid candidate for building devices for trapping ammonia, and possibly other gases capable of interacting with Cu(II). The entrapment of ammonia by this material was also characterized by H and Si MAS-NMR XAS spectroscopies.The authors would like to acknowledge the contribution of the European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST Action, grant number CA17120) supported by the EU Framework Programme Horizon 2020. This research is also under the contribution of progetti di rilevante interesse nazionale (PRIN2017)(it) “Mineral Reactivity, a Key to Understand Large-Scale Processes: from Rock Forming Environments to Solid Waste Recovering/Lithification”, grant number 2017 L83S77

    Effect of air temperature, genetic and period of the day in the frequencies of occurrences and length of time of behavioral expression of broiler breeders

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    Behavioral adjustments may occur fast and with less cost than the physiological adaptations. Considering the social behavior is suggestive that the frequency and the intensity of aggressive interactions, the total social cohesion and the extent of vicious attitudes may be used to evaluate welfare. This research presents an analysis of the interactions between the experimental factors such as temperature, genetic and time of the day in the behavior of female broiler breeders under controlled environment in a climatic chamber in order to enhance the different reaction of the birds facing distinct environmental conditions. The results showed significant differences between the behaviors expressed by the studied genetics presenting the need of monitoring them in real-time in order to predict their welfare in commercial housing, due to the complexity of the environmental variables that interfere in the well being process. The research also concluded that the welfare evaluation of female broiler breeders needs to consider the time of the day during the observation of the behaviors.Ajustes de comportamento podem ocorrer rapidamente e a custo menor do que os ajustes fisiológicos. Considerando o comportamento social, é sugestivo que a freqüência e a intensidade de interações agressivas, o total de coesão social e a extensão de vícios sociais possam ser utilizados para avaliação de bem-estar. Esta pesquisa apresenta uma análise das interações entre os fatores experimentais, como temperatura, linhagem e período do dia, nos comportamentos de matrizes pesadas alojadas em câmara climática, buscando evidenciar as diferentes reações das aves submetidas a distintas condições ambientais. Os resultados encontrados mostraram diferenças significativas entre os comportamentos expressos pelas diferentes linhagens, reforçando a necessidade do monitoramento em tempo real do bem-estar de matrizes pesadas em alojamentos comerciais, dada a complexidade com que as variáveis ambientais interferem no bem-estar. A pesquisa permitiu concluir também que a avaliação do bem-estar de matrizes pesadas deve considerar o período do dia na observação dos comportamentos.59661

    Nitrogen pools in tropical plantations of N2-fixing and non-N2-fixing legume trees under different tree stand densities.

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    We investigated the nitrogen pools in monocultures of legume species widely used in reforestation in Brazil that have contrasting growth and nitrogen acquisition strategies. The plantations were established with the slow-growing and N2-fixing tree Anadenanthera peregrina var. peregrina, and the fast-growing and non-fixing tree Schizolobium parahyba var. amazonicum. The measurements of N pools in the tree biomass and the soil followed standard methods and were carried out on 54 experimental plots. The N2 fixation pools were evaluated by abundance natural of 15N and the N accretion methods. The soil N content was of similar magnitude between species and stand densities. The species showed similar amounts of N in the biomass, but divergent patterns of N accumulation, as well as the 15N signature on the leaves. S. parahyba accumulated most N in the stem, while A. peregrina accumulated N in the roots and leaves. However, the N accumulation in biomass of A. peregrina stand was less constrained by environment than in S. parahyba stands. The percentage of N derived from N2 fixation in A. peregrina stands decreased with the increase of stand density. The biological N2 fixation estimates depended on the method and the response of tree species to environment

    Postfordismo e trasformazione urbana.Casi di recupero dei vuoti industriali e indicazioni per le politiche nel territorio torinese

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    Il volume sulle aree dismesse e la trasformazione urbana promosso dalla Direzione Competitività della Regione Piemonte e dall'ente strumentale di ricerca economica e sociale, IRES Piemonte, racchiude contributi su esperienze di recupero dei vuoti urbani industriali e casi rilevanti della trasformazione urbana che hanno interessato Torino e la sua area metropolitana.- Prefazione #7- Introduzione #9- 1. Le ristrutturazioni industriali e il territorio: crisi, declino,metamorfosi? #33- 2. Scoprire i vuoti industriali: analisi e riflessioni a partire da censimenti e mappature di aree industriali dismesse a Torino #51- 3. Le aree dismesse nella riqualificazione e nella rigenerazione urbana a Torino (1990-2015) #113- 4. La trasformazione urbana tra grandi interventi e architetture “ordinarie”. #147- 5. Due esperienze di rigenerazione urbana sul territorio torinese:il Comitato Parco Dora sulla Spina 3 e il Comitato Urban in Barriera di Milano, a Torino #169- 6. Da cittadella industriale a Spina 3: una riconversione incompiuta #193- 7. Ex Diatto - Ex Westinghouse, due casi emblematici per le politiche di rivitalizzazione delle aree industriali torinesi #211- 8. Mirafiori. Dalla componentistica allo yogurt: storia di un progetto di re-industrializzazione #229- 9. Area OSI OVEST-NORD: Toolbox Coworking! #247- 10. Abilitare il territorio metropolitano alla rigenerazione e ad un nuovo sviluppo. Il caso di None, dall'industria subita all'industria inseguita #275- 11. Le ex-Acciaierie Mandelli di Collegno: la storia di una fabbrica,l'attualità del dibattito urbanistico. #301- 12. I programmi territoriali quale motore di rigenerazione urbana e di politiche di contenimento del consumo di suolo nel comune di Settimo Torinese #323- 13. La Regione Piemonte e la sfida del contenimento del consumo di suolo e del riutilizzo delle aree dismesse #353- 14. Torino, la nascita della città postindustriale: quale bilancio? #365- 15. Valutare i rischi della riqualificazione urbanistica e ambientale delle aree industriali dismesse #381- 16. Le aree industriali dismesse e il loro impatto sulla salute: il ruolo dei cittadini e delle amministrazioni locali nell'identificazione dei problemi e delle possibili soluzioni. #405- 17. I giovani e la città che cambia. Nuovi passi e nuovi sguardi sulle tracce di un passato industriale #427- Elenco degli autori e delle autrici #44