212 research outputs found

    The Impacts of Socio-Cultural Practices on Female Studentsa College Education in Oromia: The Case of Jimma College of Teachers Education

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    The general purpose of this study was to identify some socio-cultural factors that affect female students College education and then to indicate intercultural educational issues in line with young female students College education in Oromia by taking JCTE as the case study area The study was a mixed approach investigation which involves index of qualitative variation that measure the dispersion of quantitative way that are available at nominal level variable through triangulating with qualitative inquires The investigation of this qualitative approach was using purposive sampling through which case studies personal observation FGD and semi-structured interview was employed The information gathered was organized and analyzed using tabulations showing both percentages and index of quantitative variations The quotation of field narrations were also included The result indicated that the major barriers to female students college education in classroom participation of formal education were both the cultural and traditional values and their prospects for educational opportunities Traditional beliefs practices and proverbs perpetuate gender imbalance in terms of educational achievements and classroom performance The study also found the factors that negatively affect female students education in JCTE in emphasizing to pregnancy lack of female models low level parental education and negative parental attitudes towards female students education from their very growing up low value attached to education and sexual harassments by their classmates and male teachers To ameliorate the existing situation the study suggested in a way of conclusion about the use of culture procedures for teacher training and applications of cultural information to curriculum Therefore it was also suggested that a serious consideration in educational teacher training that could be given on the following areas Knowing the effects of cultural and socioeconomic va

    Introduction to Cultural Ecology

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    Introduction to Cultural Ecology Sutton and Anderson North America ALTAMIRA PRESS 2004 PP Xiii 384 1st Floor Angel Court 81 St Clements Street ISBN 1 84520 056 X Cloth 1 84520 057 8 Paper Reviews of Book by Abdissa Ayana Biftu into ten chapters Chapter one deals with a very introduction of the concept anthropology ecology cultures and humans using some scientific inquiry The second chapter provides the general conceptual frameworks and terms used in Ecology Human Biological Ecology is explained in chapter three becoming to be considered as background to understanding and distinguishing cultural adaptations Chapter four talk about cultural ecology in which knowledge is observed to be adaptive to cultural elements Beside to this chapter five deals with hunting and gathering with consideration of these terms as foraging Generally hunter-gatherers do not make intensive effort at environmental manipulation The origin of food production is depicted in chapter six in dealing with the significant impact of agriculture on both the natural and cultural environment In chapter seven the issue of horticulture is dealt by giving a sort of emphasis to their utilization of wild resources Chapter eight on the other hand refers to pastoralism indicating the other aspects of agriculture for domestication of animal

    Opportunities and Challenges of Investment Activities: The Case of Selected Areas in Jimma Zone

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    The purpose of this paper is to explicitly identify the major opportunities and challenges of investment activities in selected areas of Jimma zone Seka Waterfall Asendabo Hydro-Electric power Yebu Beekeeping and Jimma Museum in order to make the line open for further advanced research Furthermore indicating some of the investment opportunities for investors and providing possible solutions to the challenges observed were investigated Information has been gathered from both primary and secondary sources of data The pre-prepared written questionnaires and structured observation were primary one whereas document analysis belonged to secondary sources of data In addition to this structured interview was also employed for triangulation of research findings reality Simple random sampling method has been used for collection of data processing and analyzing was performed accordingly Jimma Zone has investment opportunities with a potential to accommodate various types of agro-industries that could make agricultural resources produced in the areas of its row material s production Some of the inputs for this sub-sector agro industry include cereals oil-seeds fruits vegetables coffee tea spices cotton honey animal and animal products milk and milk products processing enterprises such as tannery meat canning honey processing fruit and vegetable processing could be established in the zone particularly in the stated urban areas Lack of resources and political factors were the major factors contributing to the limited level of investment activity followed by social factors and lack of awareness Climatic condition of the areas and others such as corruption was some challenges which limit investment activity in the zone To overcome these and other problems that contribute to low investment activities in the zone developing infrastructure facilities matching the activities with the climate of the area conducting panel discussions as well as m

    The Role of Higher Diploma Program in Improving Trained Teachersa Classroom Teaching Methods: Focused on Selected CTE of Oromia

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    The purpose of this study is to identify the Role of Higher Diploma Program in Improving Trained Teachers Classroom Teaching Methods and to examine how Higher Diploma Program Training changes HDP Trained Teachers Classroom Teaching Methods so as to bring changes in college students learning The method employed in this study is descriptive one because it helps to reveal the current major implementation problems after the training of higher diploma Among 10 CTE in Oromia three colleges namely Nekemte Jimma and Asela were chosen using purposive sampling The reason for using purposive sampling technique in determining the sample were to examine the certain improvements and changes of HDP experienced beginners since they trained more teacher educators up to the present time The sample sizes are fifty- Seven students from each college making up a total of one hundred and seventy one students out of 5 700 and Sixteen HDP trained teachers from each college making up a total of 48 teachers out of 210 were included using probability sampling since the populations were relatively large Instruments used for data gathering were questionnaires composed of both open and close ended items were set and administered To cross-check the validation of information gathered the researcher used semi-structured interview questions beside with personal observation which was used to compare the opinion of respondents with relevant issues of pre-set questionnaires of students and teachers The major findings denote that HDP trained teachers were able to talk knowledgeably about the key components of the HDP active learning methods students centered learning continuous assessment lesson planning classroom management and time management The researcher recommends that there were an obligatory program of continuous Professional Development for CTE instructors to include annual workshops to remind them of the latest teaching method as well as lesson observations by a CP

    Sinana Agricultural Research Center (SARC)

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    United States Agency for International Developmen

    Psykologifaget og individuell frigjøring

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    Temaet for denne litteraturoppgaven er kritisk psykologi. Man kan definere kritikk som en metode for å rette oppmerksomhet mot forutsetninger som skjuler seg i vårt vanlige handle- og tenkesett (Madsen, 2012a, s.742). Kritisk psykologi innebærer å ta et metaperspektiv på de faglige forutsetningene som ligger til grunn for det perspektivet faget anlegger på virkeligheten. Disiplinen «kritisk psykologi» anklager samtidspsykologien for å ha et for snevert perspektiv, særlig i behandling av folk sine individuelle utfordringer. At psykologien får en stadig viktigere rolle og posisjon i dagens samfunn kan være bra, men kanskje ikke uten at psykologien som fag samtidig er bevisst på de sosiopolitiske forholdene faget er en del av og hvordan disse er med å forårsake individuelle utfordringer som psykologien ønsker å behandle. Hvis psykologien sin målestokk for hva som er normalt/fungerende/sunt er definert av individets evne til å møte forventninger innenfor samfunnets strukturelle rammer, kan psykologifaget komme til å ukritisk bidra til støtte og reproduksjon av slike rammer. Grundig kritikk i den psykologifaglige diskursen bør være å stille seg spørsmål om hvorvidt psykologien står på utsiden av disse rammene eller om psykologien også er med på å opprettholde en bestemt samfunnsorden og/eller bestemte menneskesyn. Sett «innenfra» kan det være vanskelig å ta stilling til slike spørsmål. I denne oppgaven vil jeg derfor ta utgangspunkt i filosofi, nærmere bestemt Jørgen Habermas sitt begrep om livsverden og hans teori om systemets kolonisering av denne livsverden. Tanken er at dette kan gi psykologer et utenfra-perspektiv på hvilken situasjon vi alle, inkludert psykologifaget, befinner oss i og at et slikt utenfra-perspektiv er nødvendig når vi skal forstå pasienten i en større sammenheng. I forlengelsen av dette ligger det også et spørsmål om frigjøring. Kritisk psykologi er grunnlagt på en ide om at psykologien ikke bare skal «behandle pasienter», men at dens meningsinnhold også skal virke frigjørende for individet. Ifølge kritisk psykologi innebærer dette at psykologien må operere med en eller annen form for oppfatning av hva en slik frigjøring innebærer. Man kan til dels si at det er uklart hva kritisk psykologi mener med frigjøring og at Habermas sin teori representerer et av flere mulige svar på dette spørsmålet. Oppgaven forsøker å synliggjøre at Jørgen Habermas sitt begrep om individets livsverden og hans teori om systemets kolonisering av denne livsverden kan gi et godt perspektiv på dette. Oppgaven består av tre deler: (1) I første del vil jeg gjennomgå teoretiske og historiske utgangspunkter for disiplinen kritisk psykologi, (2) deretter vil jeg gi noen eksempler på kritikkverdig utøvelse av psykologifaget og (3) til slutt drøfte dette i lys av Habermas sin teori. Nøkkelord: Frihet, Individ, Livsverden, kommunikasjonsfelleskap, Penger, Makt

    Prolonged delays in leprosy case detection in a leprosy hot spot setting in Eastern Ethiopia

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    BACKGROUND: Leprosy or Hansen’s disease is known to cause disability and disfigurement. A delay in case detection of leprosy patients can lead to severe outcomes. In Ethiopia, the disability rates caused by leprosy among new cases are relatively high compared to other endemic countries. This suggests the existence of hidden leprosy cases in the community and a delay in timely detection. To reduce disability rates, it is crucial to identify the factors associated with this delay. This study aimed to determine the extent of delay in case detection among leprosy cases in Eastern Ethiopia. METHODS: This cross-sectional explorative study was conducted in January and February 2019 among 100 leprosy patients diagnosed ≤6 months prior to inclusion. A structured questionnaire was used to collect data, including the initial onset of symptoms, and the reasons for delayed diagnosis. Descriptive statistics, including percentages and medians, were used to describe the case detection delay. Logistic regression analysis was carried out to evaluate the predictors of delay in case detection of >12 months. FINDINGS: The median age of patients was 35 years, with a range of 7 to 72 years. The majority were male (80%) and rural residents (90%). The median delay in case detection was 12 months (interquartile range 10–36 months) among the included patients. The mean delay in case detection was 22 months, with a maximum delay of 96 months. The overall prevalence of disability among the study population was 42% (12% grade I and 30% grade II). Fear of stigma (p = 0.018) and experiencing painless symptoms (p = 0.018) were highly associated with a delay in case detection of >12 months. CONCLUSIONS: Being afraid of stigma and having painless symptoms, which are often misinterpreted as non-alarming at the onset of the disease, were associated with a delay in case detection. This study showed the need to increase knowledge on early symptoms of leprosy among affected communities. Furthermore, it is important to support initiatives that reduce leprosy related stigma and promote health worker training in leprosy control activities


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    In the title compound, C10H6F3N3, the imidazo[1,2-a]pyridine group is essentially planar with a maximum deviation of 0.021 (1) Å. The F atoms in the trifluoro­methyl group and the methyl H atoms are each disordered over two sets of sites with refined site occupancies of 0.68 (1):0.32 (1). In the crystal, mol­ecules are linked into infinite chains through two C—H⋯N inter­actions forming R 2 2(12) and R 2 2(8) hydrogen-bond ring motifs. These chains are stacked along the a axis

    Synthesis of new DPP-4 inhibitors based on a novel tricyclic scaffold

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    A novel molecular scaffold has been synthesized and its synthesis and incorporation into new analogues of biologically active molecules will be discussed. A comparison of the inhibitory activity of these compounds to the known type-2 diabetes compound (sitagliptin) against dipeptidyl peptidase-4 (DPP-4) will be shown
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