50 research outputs found

    The Emergence of Preprints: Comparing Publishing Behaviour in the Global South and the Global North

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    Purpose: The recent proliferation of preprints could be a way for researchers worldwide to increase the availability and visibility of their research findings. Against the background of rising publication costs caused by the increasing prevalence of article processing fees, the search for other ways to publish research results besides traditional journal publication may increase. This could be especially true for lower-income countries. Design/methodology/approach: Therefore, we are interested in the experiences and attitudes towards posting and using preprints in the Global South as opposed to the Global North. To explore whether motivations and concerns about posting preprints differ, we adopted a mixed-methods approach, combining a quantitative survey of researchers with focus group interviews. Findings: We found that respondents from the Global South were more likely to agree to adhere to policies and to emphasise that mandates could change publishing behaviour towards open access. They were also more likely to agree posting preprints has a positive impact. Respondents from the Global South and the Global North emphasised the importance of peer-reviewed research for career advancement. Originality: The study has identified a wide range of experiences with and attitudes towards posting preprints among researchers in the Global South and the Global North. To our knowledge, this has hardly been studied before, which is also because preprints only have emerged lately in many disciplines and countries

    Projekt zur Spezifikation eines Kerndatensatz Forschung: Prozesse, Ergebnisse und Implementierung

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    Jahrestagung der Forschungs- und Technologiereferent/innen 2016 Workshop XIV "Forschungsberichterstattung, Kerndatensatz Forschung & Forschungsinformationssysteme" 19. Februar 2016, Universität Potsdam https://www.forschungsreferenten.de/jahrestagung/jahrestagung-2016.htm

    Which Factors are associated with Open Access Publishing? A Springer Nature Case Study

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    Open Access (OA) facilitates access to articles. But, authors or funders often must pay the publishing costs preventing authors who do not receive financial support from participating in OA publishing and citation advantage for OA articles. OA may exacerbate existing inequalities in the publication system rather than overcome them. To investigate this, we studied 522,411 articles published by Springer Nature. Employing correlation and regression analyses, we describe the relationship between authors affiliated with countries from different income levels, their choice of publishing model, and the citation impact of their papers. A machine learning classification method helped us to explore the importance of different features in predicting the publishing model. The results show that authors eligible for APC waivers publish more in gold-OA journals than others. In contrast, authors eligible for an APC discount have the lowest ratio of OA publications, leading to the assumption that this discount insufficiently motivates authors to publish in gold-OA journals. We found a strong correlation between the journal rank and the publishing model in gold-OA journals, whereas the OA option is mostly avoided in hybrid journals. Also, results show that the countries' income level, seniority, and experience with OA publications are the most predictive factors for OA publishing in hybrid journals

    Une classification interdisciplinaire des champs de recherche pour la science

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    Dieser Beitrag ist mit Zustimmung des Rechteinhabers (De Gruyter) frei zugänglich.In einem 2020 durchgeführten Kooperationsprojekt zwischen der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin und dem Deutschen Zentrum für Hochschul- und Wissenschaftsforschung (DZWH) ist eine Forschungsfeldklassifikation entstanden, die problembezogene und interdisziplinäre Forschung in Deutschland abbildet. Ziel dieser Klassifikation ist es, Forschungsberichterstattung basierend auf disziplinorientierten Fächersystematiken innerhalb des Kerndatensatz Forschung sinnvoll zu ergänzen und somit der einem ständigen Wandel unterliegenden Forschung Rechnung zu tragen. Die Klassifikation ist in einem intellektuellen Prozess mittels Card-Sorting entstanden und hat vorhandene Forschungsklassifikationen, Forschungsfeldlisten und aktuelle Forschungsprojekte als Grundlage herangezogen. Die umfassende Einbeziehung von Stakeholdern bei der Entwicklung der Klassifikation soll deren Akzeptanz steigern und einen vielfältigen Einsatz ermöglichen.In 2020, a cooperative project at the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin and the German Centre for Higher Education Research and Science Studies (DZHW) developed a research field classification to categorize problem-related and interdisciplinary research in Germany. The aim of this classification is to improve the reporting of research information by offering a complement to discipline-oriented subject classifications, e.g. in the context of the Research Core Dataset (Kerndatensatz Forschung) – a standard for reporting on research and research activities. The research field classification is sought to reflect the changing research landscape. The classification was intellectually developed by using a card sorting method and considering existing research classifications, field lists and current research projects. The extensive involvement of stakeholders in the development of the classification is intended to increase its acceptance and facilitate use in diverse settings.Dans le cadre d'un projet de coopération mené en 2020 entre l'Université Humboldt de Berlin et le Deutschen Zentrum für Hochschul- und Wissenschaftsforschung (Centre allemand de recherche universitaire et scientifique – DZWH), une classification des domaines de recherche a été élaborée, qui reflète la recherche axée sur des problèmes, ainsi que la recherche interdisciplinaire en Allemagne. L'objectif de cette classification est de compléter judicieusement la présentation des rapports de recherche, qui sont basés sur des classifications de matières orientées vers les disciplines. Cette amélioration de l'ensemble de données de base permet ainsi de tenir compte de l’évolution constante de la recherche. La classification est le résultat d'un processus intellectuel de tri de cartes et s'est appuyée sur des classifications de recherche existantes, des listes de domaines de recherche et des projets de recherche actuels. L'implication large des parties prenantes dans le développement de la classification devrait augmenter son acceptation et permettre des utilisations variées.Peer Reviewe

    Ăśberblick ĂĽber den aktuellen Stand der Forschungsberichterstattung: Integration, Standardisierung, verteilte Informationssysteme

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    Dieses Diskussionspapier gibt einen Ăśberblick ĂĽber die Entwicklung der Forschungsberichterstattung im Wissenschaftssystem. Dabei werden aktuelle Entwicklungen von integrierten Forschungsinformationssystemen und aktuelle Standardisierungsinitiativen aufgezeigt und ein Einblick in ein Umsetzungsprojekt eines verteilten Systems gegeben. Der Beitrag schlieĂźt in mit einer Diskussion von Weiterentwicklungsszenarien verteilter Forschungsinformationssysteme im Wis-senschaftssystem

    Movement as voluntary and imaginative

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