1,537 research outputs found

    Election marketing and communication management in the local public sphere

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    This paper is an analysis of communication management during local elections campaigns in Poland in 2002, 2006, 2010, 2014, 2018. The 2002 was chosen as the starting point of the analysis because of the following facts: 1) those were the first direct local elections for mayors/municipality heads; 2) the number of council members was reduced by law all of which heralded an interesting competition. The high turnover rate of candidates for councillors across different regions of Poland in 2002, 2006, 2010, 2014 and 2018 local government elections has been attributed in part to the volatility caused by greater media and public interest in council issues. The paper is based on: the theory analysis, qualitative and quantitative research (questionnaires), statistical analysis (questionnaires and reports) and content analysis (selected papers; radio/TV stations; web pages). Surveys were carried out in: 2002, 2006, 2010, 2014 and 2018. The survey was followed at the region of Lower Silesia. In this paper there is presented detailed data from the study of Dzierżoniów county. There were chosen varied types of communes: periphery and centre of the region. The group of around 2500 respondents was analysed

    Review of the economic development in the Western Balkan states

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    Foreword. Ten years after the end of the armed conflict, the Western Balkans1 are still being considered as the “land of the unsuccessful policies”. Enormous financial and technical assistance transferred by the International Community has not managed to meet the goals of integrating the region within itself as well as within the European markets. Explanation for this can be found in the consequences of the war and the remnants of the socialist state. The complexity of current institutional/ political arrangements combined with the limited willingness of the regional actors to introduce and implement much of the needed reforms have additionally contributed to the current state of affairs. The economy and politics in the region intertwine to an extent as probably in none of the other post-communist states. Therefore, the paper presents the recent economic performance of the Western Balkan countries in the light of their limited institutional development and lack of efficient regional cooperation. The paper discusses the importance of foreign direct investments’ inflow for the economic growth of the “latecomer” states and presents major drawbacks which limit the influx of the foreign capital to the region. It presents private sector activity and regional cooperation programmes. It discusses the role of the International Community with the main focus on the activities of the European Union. The EU is examined not only as the main aid donor but more importantly as a foreign trade partner. Furthermore, it analyses the impact of the presence of the International Community and their strategies towards the region with the special attention to the EU. Finally, it presents recommendations for the improvement of the economic performance in light of the enhanced political cooperation between the EU and the region

    Ćwiczenia komunikacyjne a nauczanie fonetyki języka polskiego jako obcego

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    Celem artykułu jest zwrócenie uwagi na możliwość zastosowania ćwiczeń komunikacyjnych podczas nauczania fonetyki jpjo. Podejście komunikacyjne, nastawione na efektywne porozumiewanie się, sprzyja bowiem wykorzystywaniu technik opartych na autentycznych, prawie autentycznych bądź udających autentyczne materiałach językowych, które niesłusznie (sic!), w zakresie wymowy i percepcji, wydają się trudne do zdobycia.The aim of this article is to show the possibility of using communicative exercises when teaching Polish phonetics to foreigners. The communicative approach, which is oriented toward effective communication, leads to using the techniques based on materials that are authentic, quasi-authentic or only resemble authentic language. Such materials, which include correct pronunciation and perception, are wrongly considered to be difficult to obtain

    Przystępność wprowadzanych zagadnień fonetycznych w wybranych podręcznikach do nauczania fonetyki języka polskiego jako obcego

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    Udostępnienie publikacji Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego finansowane w ramach projektu „Doskonałość naukowa kluczem do doskonałości kształcenia”. Projekt realizowany jest ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego w ramach Programu Operacyjnego Wiedza Edukacja Rozwój; nr umowy: POWER.03.05.00-00-Z092/17-00.

    Proving termination of evaluation for System F with control operators

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    We present new proofs of termination of evaluation in reduction semantics (i.e., a small-step operational semantics with explicit representation of evaluation contexts) for System F with control operators. We introduce a modified version of Girard's proof method based on reducibility candidates, where the reducibility predicates are defined on values and on evaluation contexts as prescribed by the reduction semantics format. We address both abortive control operators (callcc) and delimited-control operators (shift and reset) for which we introduce novel polymorphic type systems, and we consider both the call-by-value and call-by-name evaluation strategies.Comment: In Proceedings COS 2013, arXiv:1309.092

    Before and after the local election – new media in the process of shaping civil society (the case of Poland)

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    The analysis of the situation on the national political scene creates the impression that all boundaries of positive marketing are transgressed and politicians’ actions remind a brutal, full of venom campaign for power, rather than an honest competition between ideas on election issues. Therefore, it is difficult to talk about the rule of competition, which is a prerequisite for marketing. The following article is an analysis of activities pursued by politicians in Poland before and after the local elections in 2002 and 2006. The choice of the period, which was characterized, was not random, it was dictated by the following facts: first of all, those were the first direct local elections for mayors/municipality heads; secondly, the number of council members was reduced by law (both municipal) – all of which heralded an interesting competition and thirdly we can observe the impact of the new communication technologies especially during the election campaign which seems to be prepared more professionally each local election


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    The European Arrest Warrant (EAW, or more rarely, EUAW) was introduced in Poland n 2004, at the moment of our country accession to the European Union. Simplification and rationalization of the system of persons transfer throughout the states of the European Union, thanks the elimination of complex extradition procedures, were the basic tasks of EAW. The aim of the paper is to show differences at Polish terminology concerning the list of 32 crimes covered by EAW, to present the list of 32 crime categories covered by EAW for the languages pair: Polish and Italian, and to present terminological problems in case of EAW translation. Frequency of EAW application by Polish courts between the years 2006–2008, as well as problems connected with incorporation of laws of Framework decision from 2002 concerning EAW in Italy were also presented in the paper.Europejski Nakaz Aresztowania (ENA) został wprowadzony w Polsce w 2004 roku, z chwilą przystąpienia naszego kraju do Unii Europejskiej. Podstawowym zadaniem ENA było uproszczenie i usprawnienie systemu przekazywania osób dzięki pominięciu złożonych procedur ekstradycyjnych pomiędzy państwami należącymi do Unii Europejskiej. Celem artykułu jest wskazanie różnic w terminologii polskiej dotyczących listy 32 przestępstw objętych ENA, zaprezentowanie listy 32 kategorii przestępstw objętych ENA dla pary językowej: polski i włoski oraz pojawiających się trudności terminologicznych w przypadku tłumaczenia ENA. W artykule przedstawiono także częstotliwość stosowania ENA przez polskie sądy w latach 2006–2008, jak również zaprezentowano trudności związane z inkorporowaniem przepisów Decyzji Ramowej z 2002 roku dotyczących ENA we Włoszech


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    Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie podstawowej terminologii i frazeologii dotyczącej instytucji pełnomocnictwa na potrzeby przekładu w polsko-włoskiej parze językowej. Artykuł zapoznaje czytelnika z ogólną charakterystyką instytucji prawnej pełnomocnictwa w polskim i włoskim systemie prawnym, w tym z kwestiami definicyjnymi, które mogą stanowić bazę do wypracowania pewnych ram metodologicznych i zasobu praktycznych wytycznych w zakresie ukierunkowania przekładu dokumentu pełnomocnictwa. Z racji zmienności i polisemicznego charakteru terminu „pełnomocnictwo” podjęto próbę zestawienia podstawowych terminów funkcjonujących w obu językach. Szczegółowe informacje odnoszące się do dokumentu pełnomocnictwa sporządzanego w formie aktu notarialnego przewidziane na gruncie włoskiej ustawy o notariacie skonfrontowane zostały z ustawowymi wymogami dotyczącymi struktury pełnomocnictwa sporządzanego w kwalifikowanej formie aktu notarialnego na gruncie prawa polskiego. W artykule prezentowane są wyniki analiz terminologicznych, opracowanych na podstawie wybranych przykładowych dokumentów pełnomocnictw w języku włoskim, które pozwoliły na stworzenie glosariusza włosko-polskiego. Prezentacji i omówieniu przykładów charakterystycznych terminów oraz zwrotów stosowanych we włoskich pełnomocnictwach towarzyszy refleksja dotycząca dydaktyki przekładu włosko-polskiego. The aim of the article is to study the basic terminology and phraseology referring to the institution of the power of attorney. The article gives outline information about the legal institution of power of attorney in Polish and Italian legal systems, as well as definitions of some related concepts, which can constitute a basis for a methodological frame of reference and a repertory of practical guidelines and suggestions regarding the process of translation. Due to the changeability of the term in question and its polysemous character, an attempt has been made to show the basic terminology present in both languages: Polish and Italian and their equivalents. Detailed information concerning the power of attorney in the form of notary deed in the Italian legal order have been compared with the requirements as to construction of the notary deedenvisaged in the Polish act on notaryship. The article presents the results of the analysis carried out on ten selected documents of the power of attorney in Italian, which led to the making of a Polish-Italian glossary of the terminology in question. Presentation and explanation of the importance of linguistic and dogmatic meaning of selected Italian phrases and rules referring to the documents of the power of attorney has been accompanied by reflection on translator training practice.