181 research outputs found

    Effect of Strontium Ranelate on Femur Densitometry and Antioxidative/Oxidative Status in Castrated Male Rats

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    The studies were aimed at determinatning of the effect of strontium ranelate (SR) on the mineralization  processes and selected parameters of oxidative stress in orchidectomized rats during the development of  osteopenia. Male Wistar rats were sham-operated (SHO) and orchidectomized (ORX). ORX animals were  divided into control (ORX-C) and gavaged with SR (ORX-SR), at a dose of 900mg/kg/b.w. After 60 days  the animals were scanned for determination of bone mineral density (BMD) of the whole skeleton. Isolated  femora were examined by DEXA and pQCT. Tomographic measurements were performed for a total  slice and separately for the cortical and trabecular parts of the distal end of the femora. The intensity of  lipid peroxidation (ILP) and total antioxidant capacity (TAC) in blood serum were measured. SR treatment  increased vBMD and BMC of total, trabecular and cortical bone in ORX rats compared to ORX-C and  SHO rats. ORX significantly increased TAC in control animals, and SR limited this increase. ILP in SHO  and ORX-C rats which on a similar level. SR increased ILP by 21.3%, as compared to SHO. SR improved  densitometric and geometric parameters of femora by orchidectomized rats what prevented degradation of  bone tissue. Beneficial effects of SR were also demonstrated in stabilization of TAC in ORX rats at the level  noted in SHO rats.

    ATR-mediated phosphorylation of DNA polymerase η is needed for efficient recovery from UV damage

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    DNA polymerase η (polη) belongs to the Y-family of DNA polymerases and facilitates translesion synthesis past UV damage. We show that, after UV irradiation, polη becomes phosphorylated at Ser601 by the ataxia-telangiectasia mutated and Rad3-related (ATR) kinase. DNA damage–induced phosphorylation of polη depends on its physical interaction with Rad18 but is independent of PCNA monoubiquitination. It requires the ubiquitin-binding domain of polη but not its PCNA-interacting motif. ATR-dependent phosphorylation of polη is necessary to restore normal survival and postreplication repair after ultraviolet irradiation in xeroderma pigmentosum variant fibroblasts, and is involved in the checkpoint response to UV damage. Taken together, our results provide evidence for a link between DNA damage–induced checkpoint activation and translesion synthesis in mammalian cells

    Regulation of Translesion Synthesis DNA Polymerase η by Monoubiquitination

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    DNA polymerase eta is a Y family polymerase involved in translesion synthesis (TLS). Its action is initiated by simultaneous interaction between the PIP box in pol eta and PCNA and between the UBZ in pol eta and monoubiquitin attached to PCNA. Whereas monoubiquitination of PCNA is required for its interaction with pol eta during TLS, we now show that monoubiquitination of pol eta inhibits this interaction, preventing its functions in undamaged cells. Identification of monoubiquitination sites within pol eta nuclear localization signal (NLS) led to the discovery that pol eta NLS directly contacts PCNA, forming an extended pol eta-PCNA interaction surface. We name this the PCNA-interacting region (PIR) and show that its monoubiquitination is downregulated by various DNA-damaging agents. We propose that this mechanism ensures optimal availability of nonubiquitinated, TLS-competent pol eta after DNA damage. Our work shows how monoubiquitination can either positively or negatively regulate the assembly of a protein complex, depending on which substrates are targeted by ubiquitin

    Regulation of proliferating cell nuclear antigen ubiquitination in mammalian cells

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    After exposure to DNA-damaging agents that block the progress of the replication fork, monoubiquitination of proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) mediates the switch from replicative to translesion synthesis DNA polymerases. We show that in human cells, PCNA is monoubiquitinated in response to methyl methanesulfonate and mitomycin C, as well as UV light, albeit with different kinetics, but not in response to bleomycin or camptothecin. Cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers are responsible for most of the PCNA ubiquitination events after UV-irradiation. Failure to ubiquitinate PCNA results in substantial sensitivity to UV and methyl methanesulfonate, but not to camptothecin or bleomycin. PCNA ubiquitination depends on Replication Protein A (RPA), but is independent of ATR-mediated checkpoint activation. After UV-irradiation, there is a temporal correlation between the disappearance of the deubiquitinating enzyme USP1 and the presence of PCNA ubiquitination, but this correlation was not found after chemical mutagen treatment. By using cells expressing photolyases, we are able to remove the UV lesions, and we show that PCNA ubiquitination persists for many hours after the damage has been removed. We present a model of translesion synthesis behind the replication fork to explain the persistence of ubiquitinated PCNA

    Simultaneous disruption of two DNA polymerases, Polη and Polζ, in Avian DT40 cells unmasks the role of Polη in cellular response to various DNA lesions

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    Replicative DNA polymerases are frequently stalled by DNA lesions. The resulting replication blockage is released by homologous recombination (HR) and translesion DNA synthesis (TLS). TLS employs specialized TLS polymerases to bypass DNA lesions. We provide striking in vivo evidence of the cooperation between DNA polymerase η, which is mutated in the variant form of the cancer predisposition disorder xeroderma pigmentosum (XP-V), and DNA polymerase ζ by generating POLη−/−/POLζ−/− cells from the chicken DT40 cell line. POLζ−/− cells are hypersensitive to a very wide range of DNA damaging agents, whereas XP-V cells exhibit moderate sensitivity to ultraviolet light (UV) only in the presence of caffeine treatment and exhibit no significant sensitivity to any other damaging agents. It is therefore widely believed that Polη plays a very specific role in cellular tolerance to UV-induced DNA damage. The evidence we present challenges this assumption. The phenotypic analysis of POLη−/−/POLζ−/− cells shows that, unexpectedly, the loss of Polη significantly rescued all mutant phenotypes of POLζ−/− cells and results in the restoration of the DNA damage tolerance by a backup pathway including HR. Taken together, Polη contributes to a much wide range of TLS events than had been predicted by the phenotype of XP-V cells

    Lysine Residue 185 of Rad1 Is a Topological but Not a Functional Counterpart of Lysine Residue 164 of PCNA

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    Monoubiquitylation of the homotrimeric DNA sliding clamp PCNA at lysine residue 164 (PCNAK164) is a highly conserved, DNA damage-inducible process that is mediated by the E2/E3 complex Rad6/Rad18. This ubiquitylation event recruits translesion synthesis (TLS) polymerases capable of replicating across damaged DNA templates. Besides PCNA, the Rad6/Rad18 complex was recently shown in yeast to ubiquitylate also 9-1-1, a heterotrimeric DNA sliding clamp composed of Rad9, Rad1, and Hus1 in a DNA damage-inducible manner. Based on the highly similar crystal structures of PCNA and 9-1-1, K185 of Rad1 (Rad1K185) was identified as the only topological equivalent of PCNAK164. To investigate a potential role of posttranslational modifications of Rad1K185 in DNA damage management, we here generated a mouse model with a conditional deletable Rad1K185R allele. The Rad1K185 residue was found to be dispensable for Chk1 activation, DNA damage survival, and class switch recombination of immunoglobulin genes as well as recruitment of TLS polymerases during somatic hypermutation of immunoglobulin genes. Our data indicate that Rad1K185 is not a functional counterpart of PCNAK164

    Convergence of Rad6/Rad18 and Fanconi Anemia Tumor Suppressor Pathways upon DNA Damage

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    Extremely high cancer incidence associated with patients with Fanconi anemia (FA) suggests the importance of the FA signaling pathway in the suppression of non-FA human tumor development. Indeed, we found that an impaired FA signaling pathway substantially contributes to the development of non-FA human tumors. However, the mechanisms underlying the function of the FA pathway remain less understood. Using RNA interfering approach in combining with cell proliferation and reporter assays, we showed that the function of FA signaling pathway is at least partly mediated through coupling with hRad6/hRad18 signaling (HHR6 pathway). We previously reported that FANCD2 monoubiquitination, a hallmark of the FA pathway activation, can be regulated by HHR6. Here we found that hRad18 can also regulate activation of the FA pathway. More importantly, we found that FANCD2 is capable of modulating activity of DNA translesion synthesis polymerase eta, an effector of HHR6 pathway. These results provide novel insights into how the FA pathway is intertwined with HHR6 pathway to maintain chromosomal stability and suppress the development of human cancer, representing an important conceptual advance in the field of FA cancer research