42 research outputs found

    Health of migrants during the disease while staying in Poland

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    The phenomenon of emigration has been the subject of discussion and reflection for many years. The connection between emigration and deterioration of health condition is increased in the current situation of the wave of emigration, because the most popular and most commonly used strategy of migration is the shuttle. This kind of emigration concept often results in disturbances in the functioning of the emigrant in various social structures, in the country from which he comes as well as in the country of emigration, which is not without significance on the psychophysical state of the person and also his relatives. Medical problems typical for expatriates usually arise from the neglect of prevention, scarcity or limited access to health care, tiring and burdensome physical work, experiencing enormous psychological costs as a result of separation from loved ones and awareness of loneliness in a culturally unknown environment

    Sintetska mjera lokacije poljoprivredne parcele na temelju udaljenosti

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    The paper aims to define the location factor (LF) as a synthetic, quantitative measure of agricultural parcel locations. Multivariate comparative analysis and the original formula based on the weighted distance to selected places, were used to determine the location factor. The factor allows the objective description of parcel locations and replaces several locational characteristics by one variable which simplifies the computational process and could be used in many applications. The LF also works as a similarity measure in parcel clustering and could be applied in a variety of spatial analyses at the municipality level, in public investment planning, land consolidation or land value map making.Cilj je ovog rada odrediti faktor lokacije (LF) kao sintetsku, kvantitativnu mjeru lokacije poljoprivredne parcele. Viševarijantna komparativna analiza i originalna formula, koja se temelji na težinskoj udaljenosti do odabranih mjesta, korišteni su za određivanje faktora lokacije. Faktor omogućuje objektivni opis lokacija parcele te zamjenjuje nekoliko lokacijskih karakteristika jednom varijablom što pojednostavljuje računski postupak i može se koristiti za mnoge primjene. LF je također primjeren kao mjera sličnosti u raspoređivanju parcela u skupine te se može primijeniti u raznim prostornim analizama na razini općina, u planiranju javnih ulaganja, komasaciji ili izradi karata vrijednosti zemljišta

    Elevated Level of DNA Damage and Impaired Repair of Oxidative DNA Damage in Patients with Recurrent Depressive Disorder

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    Background: Depressive disorder (DD), including recurrent DD (rDD), is a severe psychological disease, which affects a large percentage of the world population. Although pathogenesis of the disease is not known, a growing body of evidence shows that inflammation together with oxidative stress may contribute to development of DD. Since reactive oxygen species produced during stress may damage DNA, we wanted to evaluate the extent of DNA damage and efficiency of DNA repair in patients with depression. Material and Methods: We measured and compared the extent of endogenous DNA damage – single- and double-strand breaks, alkali-labile sites, and oxidative damage of the pyrimidines and purines – in peripheral blood mononuclear cells isolated from rDD patients (n=40) and healthy controls (n=46) using comet assay. We also measured DNA damage evoked by hydrogen peroxide and monitored changes in DNA damage during repair incubation. Results: We found an increased number DNA breaks, alkali-labile sites, and oxidative modification of DNA bases in the patients compared to the controls. Exposure to hydrogen peroxide evoked the same increased damage in both groups. Examination of the repair kinetics of both groups revealed that the lesions were more efficiently repaired in the controls than in the patients. Conclusions: For the first time we showed that patients with depression, compared with non-depresses individuals, had more DNA breaks, alkali-labile sites, and oxidative DNA damage, and that those lesions may be accumulated by impairments of the DNA repair systems. More studies must be conducted to elucidate the role of DNA damage and repair in depression

    Bilateral exudative retinal detachment in a patient with end-stage renal disease — a case report

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    End-stage renal disease (ESRD) is one of the most severe chronic kidney diseases occurring with a frequency of 0.1% in the general population. Patients with ESRD are more at risk of ocular complications, therefore cooperation between a nephrologist and an ophthalmologist is recommended. The most common complaints associated with the eye include the conjunctival chemosis, keratopathy, macular edema, optic neuropathy, elevated intraocular pressure and exudative retinal detachment. In this article, a case report of bilateral exudative retinal detachment in patients with the end-stage renal disease is presented

    Rzeczowe dziedzictwo modernistycznego osiedla. Etnograficzna inwentaryzacja artefaktów w Izbie Pamięci Osiedla im. Józefa Montwiłła-Mireckiego w Łodzi

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    Dokument wydano w ramach projektu (Nie)zapomniane. Osiedle im. Józefa Montwiłła-Mireckiego w Łodzi. Historia buduje tożsamość mieszkańców. Projekt, dofinansowany w ramach programu Narodowego Instytutu Dziedzictwa „Wspólnie dla dziedzictwa”, zrealizowała Fundacja Urban Forms

    Single-nucleotide polymorphisms of genes involved in repair of oxidative DNA damage and the risk of recurrent depressive disorder

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    BACKGROUND Depressive disorder, including recurrent type (rDD), is accompanied by increased oxidative stress and activation of inflammatory pathways, which may induce DNA damage. This thesis is supported by the presence of increased levels of DNA damage in depressed patients. Such DNA damage is repaired by the base excision repair (BER) pathway. BER efficiency may be influenced by polymorphisms in BER-related genes. Therefore, we genotyped nine single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in six genes encoding BER proteins. MATERIAL AND METHODS Using TaqMan, we selected and genotyped the following SNPs: c.-441G>A (rs174538) of FEN1, c.2285T>C (rs1136410) of PARP1, c.580C>T (rs1799782) and c.1196A>G (rs25487) of XRCC1, c.*83A>C (rs4796030) and c.*50C>T (rs1052536) of LIG3, c.-7C>T (rs20579) of LIG1, and c.-468T>G (rs1760944) and c.444T>G (rs1130409) of APEX1 in 599 samples (288 rDD patients and 311 controls). RESULTS We found a strong correlation between rDD and both SNPs of LIG3, their haplotypes, as well as a weaker association with the c.-468T>G of APEXI which diminished after Nyholt correction. Polymorphisms of LIG3 were also associated with early onset versus late onset depression, whereas the c.-468T>G polymorphism showed the opposite association. CONCLUSIONS The SNPs of genes involved in the repair of oxidative DNA damage may modulate rDD risk. Since this is an exploratory study, the results should to be treated with caution and further work needs to be done to elucidate the exact involvement of DNA damage and repair mechanisms in the development of this disease

    Znaczenie wieku realnego i wieku subiektywnego w doświadczaniu siebie cielesnego przez osoby w okresie senioralnym

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    In the late adulthood, people tend to feel younger than it is indicated by their real age. It has been shown that subjective age (psychological variable) is a better predictor of psychosocial functioning than an actual age (objective variable). The aim of this study was to address the question of whether a subjective sense of age is more important than chronological age in experiencing oneself in a bodily dimension in people in old age. A group of 194 seniors (including 111 women and 83 men) aged from 57 to 90 years has been examined using Beata Mirucka’s Battery of Tests To Examine Representation of Body Self. The results revealed that the majority of respondents felt on average 12 years younger compared to their chronological age. At the same time, the subjective age, as opposed to chronological age, proved to be a good predictor of the positive experience of the body self at the old age; experiencing oneself as a younger person remained closely related to the positive body image, body schema and body feeling

    Antioxidative and Oxidative Profiles in Plasma and Saliva in Dairy Cows during Pregnancy

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    Increased metabolism that occurs during pregnancy can result in oxidative stress which is harmful to cells and, consequently, for the proper functioning of the whole organism. Plasma and recently also saliva are important resources for evaluating physiological and pathological conditions in animals. The study aimed to investigate the influence of the metabolic state on the effectiveness of the antioxidant profile of plasma and saliva during the pregnancy of cows. Seventy-six healthy pregnant and twelve non-pregnant control cows were included in the study. Blood and saliva samples were collected each month of the pregnancy course. Examined body fluids were used to evaluate both the total antioxidant capacity (TAC) and the oxidative parameters related to protein and lipid peroxidative processes. TAC, the content of hydroperoxides, and SH groups were determined spectrophotometrically while formylokinurenine and bityrosine contents were measured spectrofluorimetrically. The results showed dynamic changes depending on the period of pregnancy course. The highest antioxidant activity in plasma was mostly noted in early pregnancy and advanced pregnant cows. All tested parameters except SH groups expressed higher values in saliva compared to plasma. Obtained results reveal that the increase in oxidative intensity induced appropriate answers of cells reflected in the increase in antioxidative activity of the organism. Moreover, some examined parameters can indicate the intensity of oxidative stress and therefore could be used in a panel of markers of the physiological course of pregnancy. However, with regards to antioxidant/oxidative parameters, saliva reflects the content of plasma only in part, due to the local metabolism of the salivary gland. Further studies are necessary to establish physiological ranges of antioxidative/oxidative profiles in cows and to define the usefulness of saliva as biological material in oxidative stress diagnostics

    Using Next-Generation Sequencing Technology to Explore Genetic Pathways in Endophytic Fungi in the Syntheses of Plant Bioactive Metabolites

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    Recent investigations carried out all over the world have disclosed the capacity of a multitude of endophytic fungal species/strains to produce bioactive compounds which are the same or structurally related to those synthesized by their host plants. This intriguing phenomenon has implemented huge research activity aimed at ascertaining the nature of the biological processes underlying this convergence, as well as to characterize the genetic bases of the biosynthetic schemes. Insights on these basic issues may support the biotechnological exploitation of wild strains, and their eventual improvement through genome editing. Aspects concerning the use of next generation sequencing technologies for the comparative elucidation of the biosynthetic pathways operating in endophytic fungi and their host plants are reviewed in this paper in view of applicative perspectives. Our literature search yielded 21 references dealing with at least 26 strains which have been the subject of experimental activities involving massively parallel genome and transcriptome sequencing methods in the last eight years