1,376 research outputs found

    Untersuchungen zur Zuchtstrategie in Schweizer Bio-Braunviehbetrieben

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    A survey on 1000 organic dairy cattle farms was done to obtain information on the state of breeding affairs in Switzerland. The response of 60% of returned questionnaires was very high. Milk performance data were average for organic as well as for traditionally managed farms. The farmers weighted functional traits to be very important in breeding. The bulls used on organic farms were compared with the bulls used on traditional farms. A total of 25067 organic and 28003 traditional matings of Swiss Braunvieh was analysed. The comparison of breeding values of the sires showed that in the scope of selection strategies the functional traits were not as important. It is concluded that organic farmers persecute an organic breeding strategy but in the particular mating it is not implemented. On one hand the chosen organic breeding strategy has to be reconsidered and on the other hand there seems to be a backlog in consulting and sensitizing the farmers

    Radial evolution of cross helicity at low and high latitudes in the solar wind

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    We employ a turbulence transport theory to the radial evolution of the solar wind at both low and high latitudes. The theory includes cross helicity, magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) turbulence, and driving by shear and pickup ions. The radial decrease of cross helicity, observed in both low and high latitudes, can be accounted for by including sufficient shear driving to overcome the tendency of MHD turbulence to produce Alfvénic states. The shear driving is weaker at high latitudes leading to a slower evolution. Model results are compared with observations from Ulysses and Voyager

    Radial evolution of cross helicity in high-latitude solar wind

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    We employ a turbulence transport theory to explain the high-latitude radial evolution of cross helicity, or Alfvénicity, observed by the Ulysses spacecraft. Evolution is slower than at low latitudes due to weakened shear driving

    The Strengths of Phenolic Ketimines and Their Methyl Ethers as Bases

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    The ionization constants of the monohydroxy-diphenyl ketimines and their methyl ethers are calculated from measurements of the hydrogen ion concentration of aqueous solutions of their hydrochlorides through the use of the quinhydrone electrode. This data has been collected as a part of the information expected to throw light on the varied stability toward hydrolysis shown by different ketimines

    HLA-G: expression in human keratinocytes in vitro and in human skin in vivo

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    Classical, polymorphic major histocompatibility complex class I molecules are expressed on most nucleated cells.They present peptides at the cell surface and, thus, enable the immune system to scan peptides for their antigenicity. The function of the other, nonclassical class I molecules in man is controversial. HLA-G which has been shown by transfection experiments to be expressed at the cell surface, is only transcribed in placental tissue and in the fetal eye.Therefore, a role of HLA-G in the control of rejection of the allogeneic fetus has been discussed. We found that HLA-G expression is induced in keratinocytes by culture in vitro. Three different alternative splicing products of HLA-G can be detected: a full length transcript, an mRNA lacking exon 3 and a transcript devoid of exon 3 and 4. Reverse transcription followed by polymerase chain reaction also revealed the presence of HLA-G mRNA in vivo in biopsies of either diseased or healthy skin

    Genetische Parameter für verschiedene euterviertelspezifische Merkmale beim Schweizer Braunvieh

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    Fragestellung: - Gibt es Unterschiede und Regelmäßigkeiten in den genetischen Parametern für die Milchinhaltsstoffe zwischen den Eutervierteln? - Lassen sich diese Informationen züchterisch nutzen

    Accuracy of 54K to HD gebotype imputation in Brown Swiss cattle

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    Imputation of genotypes can be used to reduce the implementation costs of genomic selection. In this study, we evaluated the accuracy of genotype imputation from Illumina 54k to Illumina High Density (HD) in Brown Swiss cattle. Genotype data comprised 6,106 54k and 880 HD genotyped bulls and cows of Brown Swiss and Original Braunvieh cattle. Genotype data was checked for parentage conflicts and SNP were excluded if MAF was below 0.5% and SNP call rate was lower than 90%. The final data set included 39,004 SNP for the 54k and 627,306 SNP for the HD chip. HD genotypes of animals born between 2004 and 2008 (n=365) were masked to mimic animals genotyped with the 54k chip. Methods used for imputation were FImpute and Findhap V2. Both programs use pedigree information for imputation. The accuracy of imputation was assessed by the correlation (r) between true and imputed genotypes, the percentage of correctly and incorrectly imputed genotypes. Both programs gave high imputation accuracy with FImpute outperforming Findhap. Accuracy of imputation increased with increasing relationship between the HD genotyped reference population and 54k genotyped imputation candidates. Average r for FImpute and Findhap were 0.992 and 0.988 when both parents of the 54k genotyped candidate were HD genotyped, respectively. Correlations were lower when no direct relatives were HD genotyped (0.971 and 0.918 for FImpute and Findhap, respectively). Accuracy of imputation highly depended on MAF of the imputed SNP. For FImpute, average r ranged between 0.89 (MAF <0.025) and 0.99 (MAF between 0.4 and 0.5)

    A complex geo-scientific strategy for landslide hazard mitigation ? from airborne mapping to ground monitoring

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    International audienceAfter a large landslide event in Sibratsgfäll/Austria several exploration methods were evaluated on their applicability to investigate and monitor landslide areas. The resulting optimised strategy consists of the combined application of airborne electromagnetics, ground geoelectrical measurements and geoelectrical monitoring combined with hydrological and geological mapping and geotechnical modelling. Interdisciplinary communication and discussion was the primary key to assess this complicated hazard situation

    Thermal neutron induced (n,p) and (n,alpha) reactions on 37Ar

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    The 37Ar(n_th,alpha)34S and 37Ar(n_th,p)37Cl reactions were studied at the high flux reactor of the ILL in Grenoble. For the 37Ar(n_th,alpha_0) and 37Ar(n_th,p) reaction cross sections, values of (1070+/-80)b and (37+/-4)b, respectively, were obtained. Both values are about a factor 2 smaller than results of older measurements. The observed suppression of the 37(n_th,alpha_1) transition could be verified from theoretical considerations. Finally, evidence was found for the two-step 37Ar(n_th,gamma-alpha) process.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in Nuclear Physics

    Integration of quality of service in avionics architecture

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    International audienceTraditionally, avionics systems have followed a federated approach - separate software functions al- located to dedicated (often physically disjoint) com-puting ”black-boxes”