356 research outputs found

    Les conditions météorologiques de l'été 1995

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    Caractéristiques climatiques de la campagne feux de forêt de l'été 1999.

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    L'été 1999 présente de nombreuses similitudes avec l'été 1998 : début rapide, été chaud avec plus de 2 degrés au dessus de la normale, période sensible de fin juin à fin juillet avec une intensité de sécheresse qui rappelle celle des étés 1989 en région PACA ou 1993 en Corse

    Les conditions météorologiques lors de la campagne feux de forêts de l'été 1997

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    Stem Cell Res

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    Primary hyperoxaluria type 1 (PH1) is a rare autosomal recessive disorder of the liver metabolism due to functional deficiency of the peroxisomal enzyme alanine:glyoxylate aminotransferase (AGT). AGT deficiency results in overproduction of oxalate which complexes with calcium to form insoluble calcium-oxalate salts in urinary tracts, ultimately leading to end-stage renal disease. Currently, the only curative treatment for PH1 is combined liver-kidney transplantation, which is limited by donor organ shortage and lifelong requirement for immunosuppression. Transplantation of genetically modified autologous hepatocytes is an attractive therapeutic option for PH1. However, the use of fresh primary hepatocytes suffers from limitations such as organ availability, insufficient cell proliferation, loss of function, and the risk of immune rejection. We developed patient-specific induced pluripotent stem cells (PH1-iPSCs) free of reprogramming factors as a source of renewable and genetically defined autologous PH1-hepatocytes. We then investigated additive gene therapy using a lentiviral vector encoding wild-type AGT under the control of the liver-specific transthyretin promoter. Genetically modified PH1-iPSCs successfully provided hepatocyte-like cells (HLCs) that exhibited significant AGT expression at both RNA and protein levels after liver-specific differentiation process. These results pave the way for cell-based therapy of PH1 by transplantation of genetically modified autologous HLCs derived from patient-specific iPSCs

    Clostridium difficile in Retail Ground Meat, Canada

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    Clostridium difficile was isolated from 12 (20%) of 60 retail ground meat samples purchased over a 10-month period in 2005 in Canada. Eleven isolates were toxigenic, and 8 (67%) were classified as toxinotype III. The human health implications of this finding are unclear, but with the virulence of toxinotype III strains further studies are required

    Characterization of Clostridium difficile isolates using capillary gel electrophoresis-based PCR ribotyping

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    We have developed a Clostridium difficile PCR ribotyping method based on capillary gel electrophoresis and have compared it with conventional PCR ribotyping. A total of 146 C. difficile isolates were studied: five isolates were reference strains (PCR ribotypes 001, 014, 017, 027 and 053); 141 were clinical isolates comprising 39 Austrian PCR ribotypes collected in the period 2006–2007 at 25 Austrian healthcare facilities. Capillary gel electrophoresis yielded up to 11 fragments per isolate and 47 ribotype patterns. All but one of the five PCR ribotypes of reference strains were clearly reflected in the chromatograms of capillary-based typing. Capillary gel electrophoresis divided 24 isolates belonging to PCR ribotype type 014 into seven subgroups, whereas subtyping the same isolates using multiple-locus variable-number tandem-repeat analysis yielded three unrelated subgroups, without obvious correlation to sr subgroups. Using a web-based software program (http://webribo.ages.at), we were able to correctly identify these 014 isolates by simply allocating the seven subgroup patterns to one ribotype, i.e. to PCR ribotype 014. We consider capillary gel electrophoresis-based PCR ribotyping to be a way of overcoming the problems associated with inter-laboratory comparisons of typing results, while at the same time substantially diminishing the hands-on time for PCR ribotyping

    The molecular characterisation of Escherichia coli K1 isolated from neonatal nasogastric feeding tubes

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    Background: The most common cause of Gram-negative bacterial neonatal meningitis is E. coli K1. It has a mortality rate of 10–15%, and neurological sequelae in 30– 50% of cases. Infections can be attributable to nosocomial sources, however the pre-colonisation of enteral feeding tubes has not been considered as a specific risk factor. Methods: Thirty E. coli strains, which had been isolated in an earlier study, from the residual lumen liquid and biofilms of neonatal nasogastric feeding tubes were genotyped using pulsed-field gel electrophoresis, and 7-loci multilocus sequence typing. Potential pathogenicity and biofilm associated traits were determined using specific PCR probes, genome analysis, and in vitro tissue culture assays. Results: The E. coli strains clustered into five pulsotypes, which were genotyped as sequence types (ST) 95, 73, 127, 394 and 2076 (Achman scheme). The extra-intestinal pathogenic E. coli (ExPEC) phylogenetic group B2 ST95 serotype O1:K1:NM strains had been isolated over a 2 week period from 11 neonates who were on different feeding regimes. The E. coli K1 ST95 strains encoded for various virulence traits associated with neonatal meningitis and extracellular matrix formation. These strains attached and invaded intestinal, and both human and rat brain cell lines, and persisted for 48 h in U937 macrophages. E. coli STs 73, 394 and 2076 also persisted in macrophages and invaded Caco-2 and human brain cells, but only ST394 invaded rat brain cells. E. coli ST127 was notable as it did not invade any cell lines. Conclusions: Routes by which E. coli K1 can be disseminated within a neonatal intensive care unit are uncertain, however the colonisation of neonatal enteral feeding tubes may be one reservoir source which could constitute a serious health risk to neonates following ingestion

    Possible Seasonality of Clostridium difficile in Retail Meat, Canada

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    We previously reported Clostridium difficile in 20% of retail meat in Canada, which raised concerns about potential foodborne transmissibility. Here, we studied the genetic diversity of C. difficile in retail meats, using a broad Canadian sampling infrastructure and 3 culture methods. We found 6.1% prevalence and indications of possible seasonality (highest prevalence in winter)

    Molecular characterization of Escherichia coli strains that cause symptomatic and asymptomatic urinary tract infections

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    The differences between Escherichia coli strains associated with symptomatic and asymptomatic urinary tract infections (UTIs)remain to be properly determined. Here we examined the prevalence of plasmid types and bacteriocins, as well as genetic relatedness, in a defined collection of E. coli strains that cause UTIs. Comparative analysis identified a subgroup of strains with a high number of virulence genes (VGs) and microcins M/H47. We also identified associations between microcin genes, VGs, and specific plasmid types

    Recognition of Clostridium difficile PCR-ribotypes 001, 027 and 126/078 using an extended MALDI-TOF MS system

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    During the last decade, Clostridium difficile infection (CDI) increased markedly inside as well as outside of hospitals. In association with the occurrence of new hypervirulent C. difficile strains, CDI became more important. Until now typing of C. difficile strains has been enabled by PCR-ribotyping. However, this method is restricted to specialized laboratories combined with high maintenance cost. Therefore, we tested MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry for typing of C. difficile to provide a fast method for surveillance of CDI. Using a standard set of 25 different C. difficile PCR ribotypes a database was made by different mass spectra recorded in the SARAMIS™ software (AnagnosTec, Zossen, Germany). The database was validated with 355 C. difficile strains belonging to 29 different PCR ribotypes collected prospectively from all submitted feces samples in 2009. The most frequent PCR ribotypes were type 001 (70%), 027 (4.8%) and 078/126 (4.7%). All three types were recognized by MALDI-TOF MS. We conclude that an extended MALDI-TOF system was capable to recognize specific markers for ribotypes 001, 027 and 078/126 allowing an effective identification of these strains