51 research outputs found

    A megafauna pleisto-holocênica dos depósitos cavernícolas do Alto Vale do Ribeira (sul do Estado de São Paulo, Brasil)

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    A região do Alto Vale do Ribeira está situada no sul do Estado de São Paulo e abrange afloramentos de rochas carbonáticas pré-cambrianas com relevo cárstico bem desenvolvido, que compreendem um extenso sistema de grutas e cavernas. Os primeiros registros paleontológicos da região são do fim do século XIX e se devem a Ricardo Krone. O material fóssil descoberto por Krone só veio a ser descrito posteriormente por Ameghino, que também realizou atividades de prospecção espeleológica na região e acabou por encontrar diversas grutas e abismos com material paleontológico. Ameghino destacou o potencial da área e, desde então, novas localidades foram descobertas e projetos de exploração realizados para coleta e identificação de material fóssil. Destacam-se os trabalhos conduzidos no Abismo do Fóssil, no Abismo Ponta de Flecha, Iguatemi, entre outros. Ainda assim, no entanto, os estudos paleobiológicos realizados na região são considerados escassos. O objetivo do presente trabalho foi reunir o conhecimento existente sobre o registro de megafauna nas cavidades naturais da região e procurar mapear as localidades de ocorrência de fósseis tanto históricas como que ainda necessitam de investigação. Dessa forma pretende-se sintetizar e concentrar o conhecimento, além de disponibilizar de forma facilitada as referências das localidades para futuros estudos. A megafauna conhecida dos depósitos cavernícolas do Vale do Ribeira inclui Toxodon Owen, Eremotherium Spillmann, Catonyx (=Scelidodon) Ameghino, Hoplophorus (= Sclerocalyptus) Lund, Glyptodon Owen e Smilodon populator Lund. É discutido ainda um novo possível registro de Equidae. No mapa confeccionado com a pontuação das localidades fossilíferas, elas foram separadas em categorias entre "confirmadas" e "a confirmar", posto que foram considerados registros ainda sem verificação formal. As localidades históricas foram destacadas, assim como as localidades recém descobertas e ainda não exploradas paleontologicamente.Sesiones libresFacultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse

    Cave-dwelling gastropods of Brazil: a reply to Ferreira et al. (2023)

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    ABSTRACT In 2022, we published an article in this journal entitled “Cave-dwelling gastropods (Mollusca: Gastropoda) of Brazil: state of the art and conservation”. In that study, we compiled all the available information about cave-dwelling gastropods in the country, including terrestrial and freshwater species. We focused on the troglobites but also included information regarding some troglophilic species that we deemed worthy of discussion. In 2023, Ferreira et al. also in this journal, raised concerns regarding our article. We respond to their observations here

    Fauna terrestre da maior cavidade em granito do Hemisfério Sul, sudeste do Brasil: um habitat negligenciado

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    Studies focusing cave fauna on granitic caves are relatively rare when compared to carbonatic ones and no one considered replicas in the sampling to test fauna distribution patterns. We describe the terrestrial fauna of Riacho Subterrâneo cave through four sampling occasions (replicas) in different seasons. We analyzed seasonality and substrate preference of terrestrial invertebrates and discussed the importance of this neglected habitat as a refuge for fauna. Furthermore, we stressed the importance of the replicas in order to detect subterranean biodiversity patterns. The cave represents the greatest richness considering igneous rocks in Brazil (199 taxa) and has an important role as refuge for epigean fauna, besides the maintenance of troglophilic and trogloxene populations.Keywords: subterranean microhabitats, igneous rock, Neotropical Region, seasonality, refuge.Estudos com foco em fauna de cavidades graníticas são relativamente raros comparados àqueles em rochas carbonáticas, e nenhum deles considerou a realização de réplicas para teste de padrões de distribuição da fauna. Descrevemos a fauna terrestre da Gruta do Riacho Subterrâneo por meio de quatro ocasiões de amostragem (réplicas) em diferentes estações do ano. Analisamos a influência da sazonalidade e a preferência por substratos da comunidade de invertebrados terrestres e discutimos a importância deste habitat negligenciado como refúgio para a fauna. Ainda, discutimos a importância da realização de réplicas para detectar padrões de biodiversidade subterrânea. A cavidade apresenta a maior riqueza biológica dentre as cavidades em rochas ígneas no Brasil (199 táxons) e desempenha um papel importante como refúgio para fauna epígea, além de manutenção de populações troglófilas e trogloxenas.Palavras-chave: micro-habitats subterrâneos, rocha ígnea, Região Neotropical, sazonalidade, refúgio

    Fundamental research questions in subterranean biology

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    Five decades ago, a landmark paper inSciencetitledThe Cave Environmentheralded caves as ideal natural experimental laboratories in which to develop and address general questions in geology, ecology, biogeography, and evolutionary biology. Although the 'caves as laboratory' paradigm has since been advocated by subterranean biologists, there are few examples of studies that successfully translated their results into general principles. The contemporary era of big data, modelling tools, and revolutionary advances in genetics and (meta)genomics provides an opportunity to revisit unresolved questions and challenges, as well as examine promising new avenues of research in subterranean biology. Accordingly, we have developed a roadmap to guide future research endeavours in subterranean biology by adapting a well-established methodology of 'horizon scanning' to identify the highest priority research questions across six subject areas. Based on the expert opinion of 30 scientists from around the globe with complementary expertise and of different academic ages, we assembled an initial list of 258 fundamental questions concentrating on macroecology and microbial ecology, adaptation, evolution, and conservation. Subsequently, through online surveys, 130 subterranean biologists with various backgrounds assisted us in reducing our list to 50 top-priority questions. These research questions are broad in scope and ready to be addressed in the next decade. We believe this exercise will stimulate research towards a deeper understanding of subterranean biology and foster hypothesis-driven studies likely to resonate broadly from the traditional boundaries of this field.Peer reviewe

    Groundwater is a hidden global keystone ecosystem

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    Groundwater is a vital ecosystem of the global water cycle, hosting unique biodiversity and providing essential services to societies. Despite being the largest unfrozen freshwater resource, in a period of depletion by extraction and pollution, groundwater environments have been repeatedly overlooked in global biodiversity conservation agendas. Disregarding the importance of groundwater as an ecosystem ignores its critical role in preserving surface biomes. To foster timely global conservation of groundwater, we propose elevating the concept of keystone species into the realm of ecosystems, claiming groundwater as a keystone ecosystem that influences the integrity of many dependent ecosystems. Our global analysis shows that over half of land surface areas (52.6%) has a medium-to-high interaction with groundwater, reaching up to 74.9% when deserts and high mountains are excluded. We postulate that the intrinsic transboundary features of groundwater are critical for shifting perspectives towards more holistic approaches in aquatic ecology and beyond. Furthermore, we propose eight key themes to develop a science-policy integrated groundwater conservation agenda. Given ecosystems above and below the ground intersect at many levels, considering groundwater as an essential component of planetary health is pivotal to reduce biodiversity loss and buffer against climate change.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio