742 research outputs found

    Effect of a built-in electric field in asymmetric ferroelectric tunnel junctions

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    The contribution of a built-in electric field to ferroelectric phase transition in asymmetric ferroelectric tunnel junctions is studied using a multiscale thermodynamic model. It is demonstrated in details that there exists a critical thickness at which an unusual ferroelectric-\'\' polar non-ferroelectric\rq\rq phase transition occurs in asymmetric ferroelectric tunnel junctions. In the \'\' polar non-ferroelectric\rq\rq phase, there is only one non-switchable polarization which is caused by the competition between the depolarizing field and the built-in field, and closure-like domains are proposed to form to minimize the system energy. The transition temperature is found to decrease monotonically as the ferroelectric barrier thickness is decreased and the reduction becomes more significant for the thinner ferroelectric layers. As a matter of fact, the built-in electric field does not only result in smearing of phase transition but also forces the transition to take place at a reduced temperature. Such findings may impose a fundamental limit on the work temperature and thus should be further taken into account in the future ferroelectric tunnel junction-type or ferroelectric capacitor-type devices.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figures, submitted to PR

    Origin of the orbital and spin orderings in rare-earth titanates

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    Rare-earth titanates RTiO3_3 are Mott insulators displaying a rich physical behavior, featuring most notably orbital and spin orders in their ground state. The origin of their ferromagnetic to antiferromagnetic transition as a function of the size of the rare-earth however remains debated. Here we show on the basis of symmetry analysis and first-principles calculations that although rare-earth titanates are nominally Jahn-Teller active, the Jahn-Teller distortion is negligible and irrelevant for the description of the ground state properties. At the same time, we demonstrate that the combination of two antipolar motions produces an effective Jahn-Teller-like motion which is the key of the varying spin-orbital orders appearing in titanates. Thus, titanates are prototypical examples illustrating how a subtle interplay between several lattice distortions commonly appearing in perovskites can produce orbital orderings and insulating phases irrespective of proper Jahn-Teller motions.Comment: Accepted in Physical Review

    Cationic ordering control of magnetization in Sr2FeMoO6 double perovskite

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    The role of the synthesis conditions on the cationic Fe/Mo ordering in Sr2FeMoO6 double perovskite is addressed. It is shown that this ordering can be controlled and varied systematically. The Fe/Mo ordering has a profound impact on the saturation magnetization of the material. Using the appropriate synthesis protocol a record value of 3.7muB/f.u. has been obtained. Mossbauer analysis reveals the existence of two distinguishable Fe sites in agreement with the P4/mmm symmetry and a charge density at the Fe(m+) ions significantly larger than (+3) suggesting a Fe contribution to the spin-down conduction band. The implications of these findings for the synthesis of Sr2FeMoO6 having optimal magnetoresistance response are discussed.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figure

    Growth and magnetic properties of multiferroic LaxBi1-xMnO3 thin films

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    A comparative study of LaxBi1-xMnO3 thin films grown on SrTiO3 substrates is reported. It is shown that these films grow epitaxially in a narrow pressure-temperature range. A detailed structural and compositional characterization of the films is performed within the growth window. The structure and the magnetization of this system are investigated. We find a clear correlation between the magnetization and the unit-cell volume that we ascribe to Bi deficiency and the resultant introduction of a mixed valence on the Mn ions. On these grounds, we show that the reduced magnetization of LaxBi1-xMnO3 thin films compared to the bulk can be explained quantitatively by a simple model, taking into account the deviation from nominal composition and the Goodenough-Kanamori-Anderson rules of magnetic interactions

    Origin of band gaps in 3d perovskite oxides

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    With their broad range of magnetic, electronic and structural properties, transition metal perovskite oxides ABO3 have long served as a platform for testing condensed matter theories. In particular, their insulating character - found in most compounds - is often ascribed to dynamical electronic correlations through the celebrated Mott-Hubbard mechanism where gaping arises from a uniform, symmetry-preserving electron repulsion mechanism. However, structural distortions are ubiquitous in perovskites and their relevance with respect to dynamical correlations in producing this rich array of properties remains an open question. Here, we address the origin of band gap opening in the whole family of 3d perovskite oxides. We show that a single-determinant mean-field approach such as density functional theory (DFT) successfully describes the structural, magnetic and electronic properties of the whole series, at low and high temperatures. We find that insulation occurs via energy-lowering crystal symmetry reduction (octahedral rotations, Jahn-Teller and bond disproportionation effects), as well as intrinsic electronic instabilities, all lifting orbital degeneracies. Our work therefore suggests that whereas ABO3 oxides may be complicated, they are not necessarily strongly correlated. It also opens the way towards systematic investigations of doping and defect physics in perovskites, essential for the full realization of oxide-based electronics

    Mott gapping in 3d ABO3 perovskites without Mott-Hubbard interelectronic U

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    The existence of band gaps in Mott insulators such as perovskite oxides with partially filled 3d shells has been traditionally explained in terms of strong, dynamic inter-electronic repulsion codified by the on-site repulsion energy U in the Hubbard Hamiltonian. The success of the "DFT+U approach" where an empirical on-site potential term U is added to the exchange-and correlation Density Functional Theory (DFT) raised questions on whether U in DFT+U represents interelectronic correlation in the same way as it does in the Hubbard Hamiltonian, and if empiricism in selecting U can be avoided. Here we illustrate that ab-initio DFT without any U is able to predict gapping trends and structural symmetry breaking (octahedra rotations, Jahn-Teller modes, bond disproportionation) for all ABO3 3d perovskites from titanates to nickelates in both spin-ordered and spin disordered paramagnetic phases. We describe the paramagnetic phases as a supercell where individual sites can have different local environments thereby allowing DFT to develop finite moments on different sites as long as the total cell has zero moment. We use a recently developed exchange and correlation functional ("SCAN") that is sanctioned by the usual single-determinant, mean-field DFT paradigm with static correlations, but has a more precise rendering of self-interaction cancelation. Our results suggest that strong dynamic electronic correlations are not playing a universal role in gapping of 3d ABO3 Mott insulators, and opens the way for future applications of DFT for studying a plethora of complexity effects that depend on the existence of gaps, such as doping, defects, and band alignment in ABO3 oxides
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