1,101 research outputs found

    Integrated Flush Air Data Sensing System Modeling for Planetary Entry Guidance with Direct Force Control

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    Flush air data sensing (FADS) systems have been previously used at both Earth and Mars to provide onboard estimates of angle of attack, sideslip angle, and dynamic pressure. However, these FADS data were often not used in an in-the-loop sense to inform the onboard guidance and control systems. A method to integrate FADS-derived density and wind estimates with a numerical predictor-corrector guidance algorithm is presented. The method is demonstrated in a high-fidelity simulation of a human-scale Mars entry vehicle that utilizes a hypersonic inflatable aerodynamic decelerator (HIAD) with direct force control. Effects on guidance commands and state uncertainties both with and without FADS system modeling are presented and discussed

    Sketch-To-Solution: An Exploration of Viscous CFD with Automatic Grids

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    Numerical simulation of the Reynolds-averaged NavierStokes (RANS) equations has become a critical tool for the design of aerospace vehicles. However, the issues that affect the grid convergence of three dimensional RANS solutions are not completely understood, as documented in the AIAA Drag Prediction Workshop series. Grid adaption methods have the potential for increasing the automation and discretization error control of RANS solutions to impact the aerospace design and certification process. The realization of the CFD Vision 2030 Study includes automated management of errors and uncertainties of physics-based, predictive modeling that can set the stage for ensuring a vehicle is in compliance with a regulation or specification by using analysis without demonstration in flight test (i.e., certification or qualification by analysis). For example, the Cart3D inviscid analysis package has automated Cartesian cut-cell gridding with output-based error control. Fueled by recent advances in the fields of anisotropic grid adaptation, error estimation, and geometry modeling, a similar work flow is explored for viscous CFD simulations; where a CFD application engineer provides geometry, boundary conditions, and flow parameters, and the sketch-to-solution process yields a CFD simulation through automatic, error-based, grid adaptation

    Engineering design of artificial vascular junctions for 3D printing

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    Vascular vessels, including arteries, veins and capillaries, are being printed using additive manufacturing technologies, also known as 3D printing. This paper demonstrates that it is important to follow the vascular design by nature as close as possible when 3D printing artificial vascular branches. In previous work, the authors developed an algorithm of computational geometry for constructing smooth junctions for 3D printing. In this work, computational fluid dynamics (CFDs) is used to compare the wall shear stress and blood velocity field for the junctions of different designs. The CFD model can reproduce the expected wall shear stress at locations remote from the junction. For large vessels such as veins, it is shown that ensuring the smoothness of the junction and using smaller joining angles as observed in nature is very important to avoid high wall shear stress and recirculation. The issue is however less significant for capillaries. Large joining angles make no difference to the hemodynamic behavior, which is also consistent with the fact that most capillary junctions have large joining angles. The combination of the CFD analysis and the junction construction method form a complete design method for artificial vascular vessels that can be 3D printed using additive manufacturing technologies

    Trial fitting of a removable partial denture framework made using computer-aided design and rapid prototyping techniques

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    Previous studies of CAD/CAM-produced sacrificial patterns for removable partial denture frameworks have been documented but to date, no such restorations have been test-fitted to a patient. This paper provides details of the first trial fitting to a patient of an RPD framework, the sacrificial pattern of which was produced by CAD/CAM and RP technologies. A cast of the patient was scanned and the normal procedures of dental surveying and pattern build were undertaken with reference to the scanned model using computer-aided design. A sacrificial pattern of the design was produced by rapid prototyping technology. After spruing the pattern, investment-casting and finishing techniques were carried out according to conventional principles. The framework was successfully trial-fitted to the patient and clinically judged to be acceptable for the next stage of denture fabrication, that of adding acrylic bases and artificial teeth

    Parallel, Gradient-Based Anisotropic Mesh Adaptation for Re-entry Vehicle Configurations

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    Two gradient-based adaptation methodologies have been implemented into the Fun3d refine GridEx infrastructure. A spring-analogy adaptation which provides for nodal movement to cluster mesh nodes in the vicinity of strong shocks has been extended for general use within Fun3d, and is demonstrated for a 70 sphere cone at Mach 2. A more general feature-based adaptation metric has been developed for use with the adaptation mechanics available in Fun3d, and is applicable to any unstructured, tetrahedral, flow solver. The basic functionality of general adaptation is explored through a case of flow over the forebody of a 70 sphere cone at Mach 6. A practical application of Mach 10 flow over an Apollo capsule, computed with the Felisa flow solver, is given to compare the adaptive mesh refinement with uniform mesh refinement. The examples of the paper demonstrate that the gradient-based adaptation capability as implemented can give an improvement in solution quality

    Adsorption of Toxic Metal Ions From Solution by Inactivated Cells of Larrea Tridentata Creosote Bush

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    Larrea tridentata (creosote bush) is a plant that grows abundantly in the desert environment. This desert plant has been found naturally growing in heavy-metal contaminated soils. Previous experiments showed that the inactivated biomass of creosote bush was able to adsorb Cu(II) ions from aqueous solutions. The copper-binding capacity of the bush biomass that grows in heavy-metal uncontaminated soils was higher than the biomass that grows in heavy-metal contaminated soils. Experiments were performed to determine the ability of creosote bush biomass (grown in heavy metal uncontaminated soils) to adsorb Pb(II), Cd(II), Zn(II), Cr(III), Cr(VI), and Ni(II) ions from aqueous solutions. Batch pH profile experiments for these metal ions showed that the metal ion binding was different for every metal tested but increased as the pH was raised from 2.0 to 6.0. The metal ion uptake by the roots, stems, and leaves was quite fast. Binding capacity experiments showed a more significant binding capacity for lead(II) and chromium(III) ions and in general, the leaves bound more metal ions than the stems and roots. A great portion of the metal ions adsorbed by the creosote’s roots, stems, and leaves was desorbed by treatment with 0.1 M HCl (up to 99% in some cases). Biomass of creosote bush may prove to be useful to remove and recover metal ions from contaminated waters

    Accurate measurements of Optical Turbulence with Sonic-anemometers

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    The minimization of optical turbulence in and around the dome is key to reach optimum performance on large telescopes equipped with adaptive optics. We present the method and preliminary results of in-situ measurements of optical measurements made using sonic-anemometers. We show the impact of correcting the raw data for aliasing, path averaging, pulse sequence delays and Taylors' hypothesis. Finally, we highlight the occurrence of non-Kolmogorov turbulence which complicates the quantitative impact of the measurements on the telescope's resolution

    Pitting Corrosion in Austenitic Stainless Steel Water Tanks of Hotel Trains

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    The water storage tanks of hotel trains suffered pitting corrosion. To identify the cause, the tanks were subjected to a detailed metallographic study and the chemical composition of the austenitic stainless steels used in their construction was determined. Both the tank water and the corrosion products were further examined by physicochemical and microbiological testing. Corrosion was shown to be related to an incompatibility between the chloride content of the water and the base and filler metals of the tanks. These findings formed the basis of recommendations aimed at the prevention and control of corrosion in such tanks. Se han detectado problemas de corrosión por picaduras en los depósitos de agua de trenes hotel. Para identificar las causas se llevó a cabo un detallado estudio metalográfico así como de la composición química de los aceros inoxidables austeníticos utilizados en su construcción. También se realizaron estudios fisicoquímicos y microbiológicos de los productos de corrosión. Se ha encontrado que los problemas de corrosión están relacionados con la incompatibilidad entre el contenido en cloruros del agua y los metales base y de aporte de la soldadura de los tanques. En base a estos hallazgos se proponen una serie de recomendaciones encaminadas a la prevención y control de la corrosión de dichos depósitos

    Discovery of Unique Lanthionine Synthetases Reveals New Mechanistic and Evolutionary Insights

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    Identification of a new class of lanthionine synthetases provides insight into the mechanism and evolution of cyclic peptide biosynthesis