1,430 research outputs found

    A record of fossil shallow-water whale falls from Italy

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    Twenty-five Neogene-Quaternary whales hosted in Italian museum collections and their associated fauna were analysed for evidence of whale-fall community development in shallow-water settings. The degree of bone articulation, completeness of the skeleton and lithology of the embedding sediments were used to gather information on relative water depth, water energy, sedimentation rate and overall environmental predictability around the bones. Shark teeth and hard-shelled invertebrates with a necrophagous diet in close association with the bones were used as evidence of scavenging. Fossil bone bioerosion, microbially mediated cementation and other mollusc shells in the proximity of the remains informed on past biological activity around the bones. The results are consistent with the hypothesis that shallow-water whale falls differ from their deep-water counterparts. Taphonomic pathways are more variable on the shelf and whale carcasses may not go through all steps of the ecological succession as recognised in the deep sea. Whilst the mobile scavenger and the enrichment opportunistic stages are well represented, chemosynthetic taxa typical of the sulphophilic stage were recovered only in one instance. The presence of a generalist fauna among the suspension feeding bivalves and carnivorous gastropods, and the extreme rarity of chemosynthetic taxa, suggest that predatory pressure rules out whale-fall specialists from shallow shelf settings as in analogous cold seep and vent shallow-water communities. © 2014 The Lethaia Foundation

    Using some results about the Lie evolution of differential operators to obtain the Fokker-Planck equation for non-Hamiltonian dynamical systems of interest

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    Finding the generalized Fokker-Planck Equation (FPE) for the reduced probability density function of a subpart of a given complex system is a classical issue of statistical mechanics. Zwanzig projection perturbation approach to this issue leads to the trouble of resumming a series of commutators of differential operators that we show to correspond to solving the Lie evolution of first order differential operators along the unperturbed Liouvillian of the dynamical system of interest. In this paper, we develop in a systematic way the procedure to formally solve this problem. In particular, here we show which the basic assumptions are, concerning the dynamical system of interest, necessary for the Lie evolution to be a group on the space of first order differential operators, and we obtain the coefficients of the so-evolved operators. It is thus demonstrated that if the Liouvillian of the system of interest is not a first order differential operator, in general, the FPE structure breaks down and the master equation contains all the power of the partial derivatives, up to infinity. Therefore, this work shed some light on the trouble of the ubiquitous emergence of both thermodynamics from microscopic systems and regular regression laws at macroscopic scales. However these results are very general and can be applied also in other contexts that are non-Hamiltonian as, for example, geophysical fluid dynamics, where important events, like El Niño, can be considered as large time scale phenomena emerging from the observation of few ocean degrees of freedom of a more complex system, including the interaction with the atmosphere

    Gestión óptima de embalses en avenidas incorporando al concepto de incertidumbre : aplicación a embalses con central hidroeléctrica

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    Esta tesis realiza una contribución metodológica al problema de la gestión óptima de embalses hidroeléctricos durante eventos de avenidas, considerando un enfoque estocástico y multiobjetivo. Para ello se propone una metodología de evaluación de estrategias de laminación en un contexto probabilístico y multiobjetivo. Además se desarrolla un entorno dinámico de laminación en tiempo real con pronósticos que combina un modelo de optimización y algoritmos de simulación. Estas herramientas asisten a los gestores de las presas en la toma de decisión respecto de cuál es la operación más adecuada del embalse. Luego de una detallada revisión de la bibliografía, se observó que los trabajos en el ámbito de la gestión óptima de embalses en avenidas utilizan, en general, un número reducido de series de caudales o hidrogramas para caracterizar los posibles escenarios. Limitando el funcionamiento satisfactorio de un modelo determinado a situaciones hidrológicas similares. Por otra parte, la mayoría de estudios disponibles en este ámbito abordan el problema de la laminación en embalses multipropósito durante la temporada de avenidas, con varios meses de duración. Estas características difieren de la realidad de la gestión de embalses en España. Con los avances computacionales en materia de gestión de información en tiempo real, se observó una tendencia a la implementación de herramientas de operación en tiempo real con pronósticos para determinar la operación a corto plazo (involucrando el control de avenidas). La metodología de evaluación de estrategias propuesta en esta tesis se basa en determinar el comportamiento de éstas frente a un espectro de avenidas características de la solicitación hidrológica. Con ese fin, se combina un sistema de evaluación mediante indicadores y un entorno de generación estocástica de avenidas, obteniéndose un sistema implícitamente estocástico. El sistema de evaluación consta de tres etapas: caracterización, síntesis y comparación, a fin de poder manejar la compleja estructura de datos resultante y realizar la evaluación. En la primera etapa se definen variables de caracterización, vinculadas a los aspectos que se quieren evaluar (seguridad de la presa, control de inundaciones, generación de energía, etc.). Estas variables caracterizan el comportamiento del modelo para un aspecto y evento determinado. En la segunda etapa, la información de estas variables se sintetiza en un conjunto de indicadores, lo más reducido posible. Finalmente, la comparación se lleva a cabo a partir de la comparación de esos indicadores, bien sea mediante la agregación de dichos objetivos en un indicador único, o bien mediante la aplicación del criterio de dominancia de Pareto obteniéndose un conjunto de soluciones aptas. Esta metodología se aplicó para calibrar los parámetros de un modelo de optimización de embalse en laminación y su comparación con otra regla de operación, mediante el enfoque por agregación. Luego se amplió la metodología para evaluar y comparar reglas de operación existentes para el control de avenidas en embalses hidroeléctricos, utilizando el criterio de dominancia. La versatilidad de la metodología permite otras aplicaciones, tales como la determinación de niveles o volúmenes de seguridad, o la selección de las dimensiones del aliviadero entre varias alternativas. Por su parte, el entorno dinámico de laminación al presentar un enfoque combinado de optimización-simulación, permite aprovechar las ventajas de ambos tipos de modelos, facilitando la interacción con los operadores de las presas. Se mejoran los resultados respecto de los obtenidos con una regla de operación reactiva, aun cuando los pronósticos se desvían considerablemente del hidrograma real. Esto contribuye a reducir la tan mencionada brecha entre el desarrollo teórico y la aplicación práctica asociada a los modelos de gestión óptima de embalses. This thesis presents a methodological contribution to address the problem about how to operate a hydropower reservoir during floods in order to achieve an optimal management considering a multiobjective and stochastic approach. A methodology is proposed to assess the flood control strategies in a multiobjective and probabilistic framework. Additionally, a dynamic flood control environ was developed for real-time operation, including forecasts. This dynamic platform combines simulation and optimization models. These tools may assist to dam managers in the decision making process, regarding the most appropriate reservoir operation to be implemented. After a detailed review of the bibliography, it was observed that most of the existing studies in the sphere of flood control reservoir operation consider a reduce number of hydrographs to characterize the reservoir inflows. Consequently, the adequate functioning of a certain strategy may be limited to similar hydrologic scenarios. In the other hand, most of the works in this context tackle the problem of multipurpose flood control operation considering the entire flood season, lasting some months. These considerations differ from the real necessity in the Spanish context. The implementation of real-time reservoir operation is gaining popularity due to computational advances and improvements in real-time data management. The methodology proposed in this thesis for assessing the strategies is based on determining their behavior for a wide range of floods, which are representative of the hydrological forcing of the dam. An evaluation algorithm is combined with a stochastic flood generation system to obtain an implicit stochastic analysis framework. The evaluation system consists in three stages: characterizing, synthesizing and comparing, in order to handle the complex structure of results and, finally, conduct the evaluation process. In the first stage some characterization variables are defined. These variables should be related to the different aspects to be evaluated (such as dam safety, flood protection, hydropower, etc.). Each of these variables characterizes the behavior of a certain operating strategy for a given aspect and event. In the second stage this information is synthesized obtaining a reduced group of indicators or objective functions. Finally, the indicators are compared by means of an aggregated approach or by a dominance criterion approach. In the first case, a single optimum solution may be achieved. However in the second case, a set of good solutions is obtained. This methodology was applied for calibrating the parameters of a flood control model and to compare it with other operating policy, using an aggregated method. After that, the methodology was extent to assess and compared some existing hydropower reservoir flood control operation, considering the Pareto approach. The versatility of the method allows many other applications, such as determining the safety levels, defining the spillways characteristics, among others. The dynamic framework for flood control combines optimization and simulation models, exploiting the advantages of both techniques. This facilitates the interaction between dam operators and the model. Improvements are obtained applying this system when compared with a reactive operating policy, even if the forecasts deviate significantly from the observed hydrograph. This approach contributes to reduce the gap between the theoretical development in the field of reservoir management and its practical applications

    Measurement of absolute radius, refractive index and dispersion of a long cylinder

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    Long cylinders, such as optical fibers, are some of the most widely used photonic devices. The radius and refractive index of these fibers are therefore fundamentally important parameters in determining their performance. We have developed a method to determine the absolute radius, refractive index, and chromatic dispersion of a long cylinder using only the resonance wavelengths of the whispering gallery modes around its circumference for two different polarizations. Since this method only requires the measurement of resonance wavelengths, it is non-destructive and it can be performed using standard equipment. As a proof-of-concept, we demonstrate the method on a 125μm125\mu m optical fiber and an 80μm80\mu m borosilicate capillary fiber with thick walls, obtaining values for the diameter and the refractive index with an accuracy of 2nm2 nm and 2×1052\times 10^{-5}, respectively.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures; Correction to name in reference and typo; removed line number


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    Records of Metaxytherium medium (Mammalia: Sirenia) from Tononian (Late Miocene) sediments from che Arenaria di Ponsano Formation (Tuscany, Italy) are described. They consist of fragmentary specimens, including several partial cranial elements representing at least three skulls, two humeri, fragments of venebrae and some incomplete ribs. The new Tuscan records confirm che wide diffusion of Metaxytherium in the Mediterranean during the Miocene. This sirenian's occurrence in the Arenaria di Ponsano sediments is in accordance with the shelf environment indicated by other fossils. The low sea bottom was at least partially covered by segrass meadows, the food source of this dugongid.&nbsp


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    A partial skull of an odontocete cetacean from Middle Pliocene sediments of Monte Voltraio (Pisa Province, Tuscany, Italy) is examined. This fossil, erroneously referred to the family Ziphiidae and described in the past as holotype of the species Hyperoodon pusillus, is assigned here to the genus Kogia (family Kogiidae). The species Kogia pusilla is redescribed and compared to the living species K. breviceps and K. simus. Phylogenetically, an old separation (at least in the Lower Miocene) of Kogiidae and Physeteridae is suggested. The lack of substantiated kogiid records until the Upper Miocene is probably due to the rarity of these cetaceans. Phyletic analysis within the Kogiidae is undertaken and supposed apomorphies in the morphology and/or the extension of the supracranial basin that houses the large air sacs and the spermaceti organ are considered.&nbsp

    On the determination of the optimal parameters in the CAM model

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    In the field of complex systems, it is often possible to arrive at some simple stochastic or chaotic Low Order Models (LOMs) exploiting the time scale separation between leading modes of interest and fast fluctuations. These LOMs, although approximate, might provide interesting qualitative insights regarding some important aspects like the average time between two extreme events. Recently, the simplest example of a LOM with multiplicative noise, namely, a linear system with a linearly state dependent noise [also called correlated additive and multiplicative (CAM) model], has been considered as archetypal for numerous phenomena that present markedly non-Gaussian statistics. We show in this paper that the determination of the parameters of a CAM model from the (few) available data is far from trivial and that the actual most likely parameters might differ substantially from the ones determined directly from a (necessarily limited) short sequence of observations. We illustrate how this problem can be tackled, at least to the extent possible, using an approach that is based on Bayes' theorem. We shall focus on a CAM modeling the El Ninõ Southern Oscillation but the methodology can be extended to any phenomenon that can be described by a simplified LOM similar to the one examined here and where the available sequence of data is relatively short. We conclude that indeed a Bayesian approach can fix the problem

    The occurrence of the coronuloid barnacle Chelonibia Leach, 1817 as an encruster on mammalian bone in the central Mediterranean Sea

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    Među kornjačama i kitovima (Coronuloidea: Chelonibiidae, Coronulidae, † Emersoniidae i Platylepadidae), pripadnici vrste Chelonibia testudinaria (Linnaeus, 1758) poznati su kao epizoični brumbuljci koji se mogu pričvrstiti na prilično širok spektar podloga (prvenstveno na kornjače, rakove i velike vodene sisavce koji se hrane biljkama iz reda Sirenia). Trenutno su prepoznate tri živa morfija C. testudinaria; od njih, manje specifična za domaćina je morph patula, koja također prikazuje izuzetno jednostavnu, nespecijaliziranu arhitekturu ljuske. U ovom radu izvještavamo o nekoliko ljuski helonibiida, koje se odnose na morfe patule C. testudinaria, koja inkrustira lopaticu kitova sakupljenu s dna Jadranskog mora prema Salentu (regija Apulia, jugoistočna Italija) i okvirno upućenu na Tursiops truncatus (Montagu, 1821). Ovo je jedan od rijetkih zapisa u svijetu o brumbuljku iz nežive podloge, a i kao drugi slučaj inkrustriranja na kosti sisavca. Takva neobična pojava potom se ukratko raspravlja u širem kontekstu komensalizma brumbuljaka i supstrata staništa.Among the turtle and whale barnacles (Coronuloidea: Chelonibiidae, Coronulidae, †Emersoniidae and Platylepadidae), the members of the chelonibiid species Chelonibia testudinaria (Linnaeus, 1758) are known as epizoic barnacles that can attach to a rather wide spectrum of substrates (primarily sea turtles, crabs and sirenians). At present, three living morphs of C. testudinaria have been recognised; of these, the less host-specific is the patula morph, which also displays a remarkably simple, unspecialised shell architecture. Here we report on several chelonibiid shells, referred to the patula morph of C. testudinaria, encrusting a cetacean scapula collected from the floor of the Adriatic Sea facing Salento (Apulia Region, southeastern Italy) and tentatively referred to Tursiops truncatus (Montagu, 1821). This is one of the few records worldwide of a coronuloid barnacle from an inanimate substrate, as well as the second as an encruster on mammalian bone. Such an unusual occurrence is then briefly discussed in the broader framework of the coronuloid commensalism and substrate habits