352 research outputs found

    Soliton dynamics in gas-filled hollow-core photonic crystal fibers

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    Gas-filled hollow-core photonic crystal fibers offer unprecedented opportunities to observe novel nonlinear phenomena. The various properties of gases that can be used to fill these fibers give additional degrees of freedom for investigating nonlinear pulse propagation in a wide range of different media. In this review, we will consider some of the the new nonlinear interactions that have been discovered in recent years, in particular those which are based on soliton dynamics

    Soliton-radiation trapping in gas-filled photonic crystal fibers

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    We propose an optical trapping technique in which a fundamental soliton traps an ultrashort small amplitude radiation in a symmetric hollow-core photonic crystal fiber filled with a noble gas, preventing its dispersion. The system is Raman- and plasma-free. Trapping is due to the cross phase modulation effect between the two pulses. The trapped radiation inside the soliton-induced potential will oscillate periodically due to the shock effect, similar to the motion of a mechanical pendulum. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.87.04380

    Strong Raman-induced non-instantaneous soliton interactions in gas-filled photonic crystal fibers

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    We have developed an analytical model based on the perturbation theory in order to study the optical propagation of two successive intense solitons in hollow-core photonic crystal fibers filled with Raman-active gases. Based on the time delay between the two solitons, we have found that the trailing soliton dynamics can experience unusual nonlinear phenomena such as spectral and temporal soliton oscillations and transport towards the leading soliton. The overall dynamics can lead to a spatiotemporal modulation of the refractive index with a uniform temporal period and a uniform or chirped spatial period

    An application of parametric quantile regression to extend the two-stage quantile regression for ratemaking

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    This paper deals with the use of parametric quantile regression for the calculation of a loaded premium, based on a quantile measure, corresponding to individual insurance risk. Heras et al. have recently introduced a ratemaking process based on a two-stage quantile regression model. In the first stage, a probability to have at least one claim is estimated by a GLM logit, whereas in the second stage several quantile regressions are necessary for the estimate of the severity component. The number of quantile regressions to be performed is equal to the number of risk classes selected for ratemaking. In the actuarial context, when a large number of risk classes are considered (e.g. in Motor Third Party Liability), such approach can imply an over-parameterization and time-consuming. To this aim, in the second stage, we suggest to apply a more parsimonious approach based on Parametric Quantile Regression as introduced by Frumento and Bottai and never used in the actuarial context. This more conservative approach allows you not to lose efficiency in the estimation of premiums compared to the traditional Quantile Regression

    Optical analogue of spontaneous symmetry breaking induced by tachyon condensation in amplifying plasmonic arrays

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    We study analytically and numerically an optical analogue of tachyon condensation in amplifying plasmonic arrays. Optical propagation is modeled through coupled-mode equations, which in the continuous limit can be converted into a nonlinear one-dimensional Dirac-like equation for fermionic particles with imaginary mass, i.e. fermionic tachyons. We demonstrate that the vacuum state is unstable and acquires an expectation value with broken chiral symmetry, corresponding to the homogeneous nonlinear stationary solution of the system. The quantum field theory analogue of this process is the condensation of unstable fermionic tachyons into massive particles. This paves the way for using amplifying plasmonic arrays as a classical laboratory for spontaneous symmetry breaking effects in quantum field theory.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    Measurement of XeI and XeII velocity in the near exit plane of a low-power Hall effect thruster by light induced fluorescence spectroscopy

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    Near exit plane non-resonant light induced fluorescence spectroscopy is performed in a Hall effect low-power Xenon thruster at discharge voltage of 250V and anode flow rate of 0.7mg/sec. Measurement of the axial and radial velocity components are performed, exciting the 6s[3/2]_2-->6p[3/2]_2 transition at 823.16nm in XeI and the 5d[4]_(7/2)-->6p[3]_(5/2) transition at 834.724nm in XeII. No significant deviation from the thermal velocity is observed for XeI. Two most probable ion velocities are registered at a given position with respect to the thruster axis, which are mainly attributed to different areas of creation of ions inside the acceleration channel. The spatial resolution of the set-up is limited by the laser beam size (radius of the order of 0.5mm) and the fluorescence collection optics, which have a view spot diameter of 8mm.Comment: 6 pages, 8 figure

    Ultra-broadband supercontinuum generation in gas-filled photonic-crystal fibers: The epsilon-near-zero regime

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    In this Letter, we show theoretically that the nonlinear photoionisation process of a noble gas inside a hollow-core photonic crystal fibre can be exploited in obtaining broadband supercontinuum generation via pumping close to the mid-infrared regime. The interplay between the Kerr and photoionisation nonlinearities is strongly enhanced in this regime. Photoionisation continuously modifies the medium dispersion, in which the refractive index starts to significantly decrease and approach the epsilon-near-zero regime. Subsequently, the self-phase modulation induced by the Kerr effect is boosted because of the accompanied slow-light effect. As a result of this interplay, an output spectrum that comprises of a broadband light with multiple dispersive-wave emission is obtained.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    High-energy, shock-front assisted resonant radiation in the normal dispersion regime

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    We present a simple yet effective theory that predicts the existence of resonant radiation bands in the deep normal group velocity dispersion region of a medium, even in absence of a zero-group velocity dispersion point. This radiation is evident when the medium is pumped with high-energy ultrashort pulses, and it is driven by the interplay between the Kerr and the shock terms in the NLSE. Accurate experiments performed in bulk silica fully support the theoretical phase-matching condition found by our theory.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Gap solitons in spatiotemporal photonic crystals

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    We generalize the concept of nonlinear periodic structures to systems that show arbitrary spacetime variations of the refractive index. Nonlinear pulse propagation through these spatiotemporal photonic crystals can be described, for shallow nonstationary gratings, by coupled mode equations which are a generalization of the traditional equations used for stationary photonic crystals. Novel gap soliton solutions are found by solving a modified massive Thirring model. They represent the missing link between the gap solitons in static photonic crystals and resonance solitons found in dynamic gratings.Comment: 3 figures, submitte

    Shock-induced PT -symmetric potentials in gas-filled photonic-crystal fibers

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    We have investigated the interaction between a strong soliton and a weak probe with certain configurations that allow optical trapping in gas-filled hollow-core photonic-crystal fibers in the presence of the shock effect. We have shown theoretically and numerically that the shock term can lead to an unbroken parity-time-(PT-) symmetric potential in these kinds of fibers. Time irreversible behavior, a signature feature of the PT symmetry, is also demonstrated numerically. Our results will open different configurations and avenues for observing PT-symmetry breaking in optical fibers, without the need to resort to complex optical systems