257 research outputs found

    Modelling the influence of shielding on physical and biological organ doses.

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    Distributions of "physical" and "biological" dose in different organs were calculated by coupling the FLUKA MC transport code with a geometrical human phantom inserted into a shielding box of variable shape, thickness and material. While the expression "physical dose" refers to the amount of deposited energy per unit mass (in Gy), "biological dose" was modelled with "Complex Lesions" (CL), clustered DNA strand breaks calculated in a previous work based on "event-by-event" track-structure simulations. The yields of complex lesions per cell and per unit dose were calculated for different radiation types and energies, and integrated into a version of FLUKA modified for this purpose, allowing us to estimate the effects of mixed fields. As an initial test simulation, the phantom was inserted into an aluminium parallelepiped and was isotropically irradiated with 500 MeV protons. Dose distributions were calculated for different values of the shielding thickness. The results were found to be organ-dependent. In most organs, with increasing shielding thickness the contribution of primary protons showed an initial flat region followed by a gradual decrease, whereas secondary particles showed an initial increase followed by a decrease at large thickness values. Secondary particles were found to provide a substantial contribution, especially to the biological dose. In particular, the decrease of their contribution occurred at larger depths than for primary protons. In addition, their contribution to biological dose was generally greater than that of primary protons

    Field Emission and Radial Distribution Function Studies of Fractal-like Amorphous Carbon Nanotips

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    The short-range order of individual fractal-like amorphous carbon nanotips was investigated by means of energy-filtered electron diffraction in a transmission electron microscope (TEM). The nanostructures were grown in porous silicon substrates in situ within the TEM by the electron beam-induced deposition method. The structure factorS(k) and the reduced radial distribution functionG(r) were calculated. From these calculations a bond angle of 124° was obtained which suggests a distorted graphitic structure. Field emission was obtained from individual nanostructures using two micromanipulators with sub-nanometer positioning resolution. A theoretical three-stage model that accounts for the geometry of the nanostructures provides a value for the field enhancement factor close to the one obtained experimentally from the Fowler-Nordheim law

    Discursos de viajeros europeos en la Argentina del siglo XIX: comunicación transatlántica, na(rra)ción y alteridad

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    Esta investigación tuvo sus antecedentes en dos proyectos anteriores, consolidando la línea: Comunicación e Historia. El análisis de los discursos de viajeros europeos que recorrieron estas latitudes durante el siglo XIX ha permitido profundizar ahora en la reflexión, en primer lugar, acerca del rol histórico, cultural y político de los viajeros en los procesos de construcción, lucha y reconfiguración de los proyectos político-culturales regional y nacional, al hilo de las comunicaciones transatlánticas establecidas a través de los “discursos de (en) viaje”, materializados en el objeto cultural “libro” (al decir de Raymond Williams, el primero de los medios modernos de comunicación). En segundo término, acerca de las narrativas de los viajeros europeos, a través de las publicaciones resultantes de esos viajes y sus traducciones, en tanto conjunto de procesos y de prácticas que suponen el traslado de un texto o conjunto de textos de la tradición cultural y el contexto en el que fueron producidos a otra. Finalmente, a partir de la puesta en relación entre discurso y alteridad, se analizan los modos en que tales viajeros establecieron su vinculación con la otredad y, por tanto, los efectos de sentido que se materializaron en la construcción discursiva de las figuras del “otro"

    The FLUKA code: present applications and future developments

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    The main features of the FLUKA Monte Carlo code, which can deal with transport and interaction of electromagnetic and hadronic particles, are summarised. The physical models embedded in FLUKA are mentioned, as well as examples of benchmarking against experimental data. A short history of the code is provided and the following examples of applications are discussed in detail: prediction of calorimetric performances, atmospheric neutrino flux calculations, dosimetry in atmosphere and radiobiology applications, including hadrontherapy and space radiation protection. Finally a few lines are dedicated to the FLUKA server, from which the code can be downloaded.Comment: talk from the 2003 Computing in High Energy and Nuclear Physics (CHEP03), La Jolla, Ca, USA, March 2003, 8 pages, pd

    The sympathomimetic agonist mirabegron did not lower JAK2-V617F allele burden, but restored nestin-positive cells and reduced reticulin fibrosis in patients with myeloproliferative neoplasms: results of phase II study SAKK 33/14

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    The β-3 sympathomimetic agonist BRL37344 restored nestin-positive cells within the stem cell niche, and thereby normalized blood counts and improved myelofibrosis in a mouse model of JAK2-V617F positive myeloproliferative neoplasms. We therefore tested the effectiveness of mirabegron, a β-3 sympathomimetic agonist, in a phase II trial including 39 JAK2-V617F positive MPN with a mutant allele burden >20%. Treatment consisted of mirabegron 50 mg daily for 24 weeks. The primary endpoint, reduction of the JAK2-V617F allele burden ≥50%, was not reached in any of the patients. One patient achieved a 25% reduction in JAK2-V617F allele burden by 24 weeks. A small subgroup of patients showed hematological improvement. As a side study, bone marrow biopsies were evaluated in 20 patients.We found an increase in the nestin+ cells from a median of 1.09 (interquartile range 0.38-3.27)/mm2 to 3.95 (interquartile range 1.98-8.79)/mm2 (p<0.0001) and a slight decrease of reticulin fibrosis from a median grade of 1.0 (interquartile range 0-3) to 0.5 (interquartile range 0-2) (p=0.01) between start and end of mirabegron treatment. Despite the fact that the primary endpoint of reducing JAK2-V617F allele burden was not reached, the observed effects on nestin+ MSCs and reticulin fibrosis is encouraging and shows that mirabegron can modify the microenvironment where the JAK2-mutant stem cells are maintained

    Parenting Science Gang : radical co-creation of research projects led by parents of young children

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    Background Parents are increasingly searching online for information supported by research but can find it difficult to identify results relevant to their own experiences. More troublingly, a number of studies indicate that parenting information found online often can be misleading or wrong. The goal of the Parenting Science Gang (PSG) project was to use the power of the Internet to help parents ask questions they wanted to have answered by scientific research and to feel confident in assessing research evidence. Methods By using Facebook to recruit groups and facilitate interactions, PSG was able to engage fully the target public of parents of young children in the radical co-production of scientific studies, while not creating an undue burden on time or restricting participants due to disability, financial status or location. By giving parents true partnership and control of creation of projects, PSG ensured that the chosen questions were ones that were of most relevance and interest to them. Results This paper presents a summary of eight projects, with three in more detail, designed and implemented by PSG Facebook groups in collaboration with experts. Most projects had health related themes, often prompted by dissatisfaction with treatment of parents by health professionals or by feelings of being marginalised by pregnancy and motherhood, as well as by the lack of evidence for their questions and concerns. The PSG approach meant that these frustrations were channelled into actions. All eight of the PSG groups engaged in meaningful interactions with experts and co-produced studies with the groups defining the questions of interest. Conclusions This radically user-led design meant that the PSG staff and the collaborating experts had to live with a high degree of uncertainty. Nevertheless, PSG achieved its goal of academically productive, truly co-produced projects, but as important were the positive effects it had on many of the participants, both parents and experts. At the point of writing this paper, PSG projects have led to outputs including at least eight papers published, in press or in preparation, seven conference presentations, testimony to the Infant Feeding All-Party Parliamentary Group, and with more to come

    Comparison of air displacement plethysmography to hydrostatic weighing for estimating total body density in children

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    BACKGROUND: The purpose of this study was to examine the accuracy of total body density and percent body fat (% fat) using air displacement plethysmography (ADP) and hydrostatic weighing (HW) in children. METHODS: Sixty-six male and female subjects (40 males: 12.4 ± 1.3 yrs, 47.4 ± 14.8 kg, 155.4 ± 11.9 cm, 19.3 ± 4.1 kg/m(2); 26 females: 12.0 ± 1.9 yrs, 41.4 ± 7.7 kg, 152.1 ± 8.9 cm, 17.7 ± 1.7 kg/m(2)) were tested using ADP and HW with ADP always preceding HW. Accuracy, precision, and bias were examined in ADP with HW serving as the criterion method. Lohman's equations that are child specific for age and gender were used to convert body density to % fat. Regression analysis determined the accuracy of ADP and potential bias between ADP and HW using Bland-Altman analysis. RESULTS: For the entire group (Y = 0.835x + 0.171, R(2 )= 0.84, SEE = 0.007 g/cm(3)) and for the males (Y = 0.837x + 0.174, R(2 )= 0.90, SEE = 0.006 g/cm(3)) the regression between total body density by HW and by ADP significantly deviated from the line of identity. However in females, the regression between total body density by HW and ADP did not significantly deviate from the line of identity (Y = 0.750x + 0.258, R(2 )= 0.55, SEE = 0.008 g/cm(3)). The regression between % fat by HW and ADP for the group (Y = 0.84x + 3.81, R(2 )= 0.83, SEE = 3.35 % fat) and for the males (Y = 0.84x + 3.25, R(2 )= 0.90, SEE = 3.00 % fat) significantly deviated from the line of identity. However, in females the regression between % fat by HW and ADP did not significantly deviate from the line of identity (Y = 0.81x + 5.17, R(2 )= 0.56, SEE = 3.80 % fat). Bland-Altman analysis revealed no bias between HW total body density and ADP total body density for the entire group (R = 0.-22; P = 0.08) or for females (R = 0.02; P = 0.92), however bias existed in males (R = -0.37; P ≤ 0.05). Bland-Altman analysis revealed no bias between HW and ADP % fat for the entire group (R = 0.21; P = 0.10) or in females (R = 0.10; P = 0.57), however bias was indicated for males by a significant correlation (R = 0.36; P ≤ 0.05), with ADP underestimating % fat at lower fat values and overestimating at the higher % fat values. CONCLUSION: A significant difference in total body density and % fat was observed between ADP and HW in children 10–15 years old with a potential gender difference being detected. Upon further investigation it was revealed that the study was inadequately powered, thus we recommend that larger studies that are appropriately powered be conducted to better understand this potential gender difference

    The CERES/NA45 Radial Drift Time Projection Chamber

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    The design, calibration, and performance of the first radial drift Time Projection Chamber (TPC) are presented. The TPC was built and installed at the CERES/NA45 experiment at the CERN SPS in the late nineties, with the objective to improve the momentum resolution of the spectrometer. The upgraded experiment took data twice, in 1999 and in 2000. After a detailed study of residual distortions a spatial resolution of 340 um in the azimuthal and 640 um in the radial direction was achieved, corresponding to a momentum resolution of Dp/p = sqrt{(1% * p/GeV)^2 + (2%)^2}.Comment: 57 pages, 59 figure