53 research outputs found

    Total vertical sediment flux and PM10 emissions from disturbed Chihuahuan Desert surfaces

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    Desert surfaces are typically stable and represent some of the longest-lived landforms on Earth. For surfaces devoid of vegetation, the evolution of a desert pavement of gravel and small stones protects the surface from erosion by wind and water and vegetation further protects the surface in arid and semi-arid rangelands. The susceptibility of the land surface to wind erosion is enhanced by mechanical damage to the desert pavement or vegetation losses resulting from fire or grazing. Despite the relatively rich literature on the effects of grazing and fire on plant community composition, land degradation, and the productivity of arid landscapes, little is known about the effects of moderate grazing or fire on the erodibility of soils in desert grasslands and shrublands. Here we investigate the effects of simulated moderate grazing, simulated livestock trampling, and of fire on the resulting wind erodibility and dust emissions of the affected soil surfaces. We surveyed 24 plots of the same size, 6 m × 0.6 m, at a research site in the northern Chihuahuan Desert including 6 plots in a shrub-grass ecotone, 12 plots in an adjacent grassland, and 6 plots in an area that had been burned by a natural wildfire 6 months earlier but had no vegetation recovery due to the time of year and drought. To evaluate the various effects of disturbances on the susceptibility of the surface to wind erosion and dust entrainment, replicates of three plots underwent different treatments including clipping, trampling, fire, and tillage. We subsequently tested each of the treated plots with a portable field wind tunnel run at 12.6 m s−1. We found that moderate grazing and fire did not result in great soil loss in desert grasslands but that shrublands were more seriously affected by grazing and fire. Total removal of vegetation and disturbance of the soil surface did result in greater than order of magnitude increases of vertical sediment flux and greater than three-fold increases of dust emissions

    What motivates open defecation? A qualitative study from a rural setting in Nepal

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    Introduction Open defecation is ongoing in Nepal despite the rise in efforts for increasing latrine coverage and its use. Understanding the reasons for open defecation would complement the ongoing efforts to achieve the ‘open defecation free’ status in Nepal. This study aimed at exploring different motivations of people who practice open defecation in a village in Nepal. Methods This study was conducted among the people from the Hattimudha village in Morang district of eastern Nepal, who practiced open defecation. Maximum variation sampling method was used to recruit participants for 20 in-depth interviews and 2 focus group discussions. We adopted a content analysis approach to analyze the data. Results We categorized different reasons for open defecation as motivation by choice and motivation by compulsion. Open defecation by choice as is expressed as a medium for socializing, a habit and an enjoyable outdoor activity that complies with spiritual and religious norms. Open defecation by compulsion include reasons such as not having a latrine at home or having an alternative use for the latrine structures. Despite having a private latrine at home or access to a public latrine, people were compelled to practice open defecation due to constraints of norms restricting latrine use and hygiene issues in general. For women the issues with privacy and issues refraining women to use the same latrine as men compelled women to look for open defecation places. Conclusion Open defecation is either a voluntary choice or a compulsion. This choice is closely linked with personal preferences, cultural and traditional norms with special concerns for privacy for women and girls in different communities. The ongoing campaigns to promote latrine construction and its use needs to carefully consider these factors in order to reduce the open defecation practices and increase the use of sanitary latrines

    Brokering justice: global indigenous rights and struggles over hydropower in Nepal

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    This article explores the dynamics of brokerage at the intersection between the justice conceptions enshrined in global norms and the notions of justice asserted in specific socio-environmental struggles. Using the case of a small hydropower project in Nepal, we trace the attempts of an indigenous activist to enrol villagers in his campaign against the background of villagers’ everyday negotiations with the hydropower company. The study shows how global norms, such as indigenous peoples’ rights, may fail to gain traction on the ground or even become sources of injustice in particular contexts

    The Spatial Heterogeneity between Japanese Encephalitis Incidence Distribution and Environmental Variables in Nepal

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    To identify potential environmental drivers of Japanese Encephalitis virus (JE) transmission in Nepal, we conducted an ecological study to determine the spatial association between 2005 Nepal JE incidence, and climate, agricultural, and land-cover variables at district level.District-level data on JE cases were examined using Local Indicators of Spatial Association (LISA) analysis to identify spatial clusters from 2004 to 2008 and 2005 data was used to fit a spatial lag regression model with climate, agriculture and land-cover variables.Prior to 2006, there was a single large cluster of JE cases located in the Far-West and Mid-West terai regions of Nepal. After 2005, the distribution of JE cases in Nepal shifted with clusters found in the central hill areas. JE incidence during the 2005 epidemic had a stronger association with May mean monthly temperature and April mean monthly total precipitation compared to mean annual temperature and precipitation. A parsimonious spatial lag regression model revealed, 1) a significant negative relationship between JE incidence and April precipitation, 2) a significant positive relationship between JE incidence and percentage of irrigated land 3) a non-significant negative relationship between JE incidence and percentage of grassland cover, and 4) a unimodal non-significant relationship between JE Incidence and pig-to-human ratio.JE cases clustered in the terai prior to 2006 where it seemed to shift to the Kathmandu region in subsequent years. The spatial pattern of JE cases during the 2005 epidemic in Nepal was significantly associated with low precipitation and the percentage of irrigated land. Despite the availability of an effective vaccine, it is still important to understand environmental drivers of JEV transmission since the enzootic cycle of JEV transmission is not likely to be totally interrupted. Understanding the spatial dynamics of JE risk factors may be useful in providing important information to the Nepal immunization program

    Eco-social and behavioural determinants of diarrhoea in under-five children of Nepal: a framework analysis of the existing literature.

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    BACKGROUND: While diarrhoea is the second major killer among the under-five children in the world with an estimation of 760,000 deaths annually, it stands as a major killer in Nepal with an annual incidence of 500 per 1000 under-five children with diarrhoea. Diarrhoea is responsible for a wide range of morbidity and mortality among children in Nepal. The objective of this review work is to identify the eco-social and behavioural determinants of diarrhoea among the under-five children of Nepal. METHODS: A literature review was conducted using the Dahlgren and Whitehead model (1991) between June and October 2015. PubMed, Nepal Journals online and Google Scholar were used to search for literature published between 1989 and July 2015 using defined keywords. RESULTS: Children of age group 6-23 months are at higher risk, as supplementary diets are introduced to the children from the age of 6 months. Male children have better access to healthcare services. Malnourished children also have a higher chance of developing persistent diarrhoea. Provision of safe water and sanitation has direct link with the prevention and control of diarrhoea. Male gender with high income positively influences the treatment-seeking behaviour. Mother's education and hand-washing practice have direct influence in child health. Hand-washing practices with soap which are protective are influenced by the cultural beliefs. Involvement of community health volunteers increases the access to the health system, thereby reducing the diarrhoeal burden in the community. CONCLUSION: Age, gender, hand-washing behaviour, nutritional status of children, education of mothers, water and sanitation, healthcare services, cultural and societal values and income of the household were identified determinants for diarrhoea in under-five children of Nepal

    Latrine coverage and its utilisation in a rural village of Eastern Nepal: a community-based cross-sectional study.

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    BACKGROUND: A little more than 1/3rd of the rural households in Nepal have improved latrine facility. The government of Nepal is working towards making an open defecation free area all over Nepal. There is no data found in literature searches regarding the status of latrines and its utilisation in Nepal. This study aims to estimate the coverage and utilisation of latrine and its associated factors in a rural community of Nepal. METHODS: We conducted a cross sectional study in March 2015-September 2015 among 625 households in Hattimuda Village, Morang district in Eastern Nepal using semi-structured pre-tested questionnaire with observational checklists. RESULTS: Out of 623 households, 473 (76.9%) have latrine facilities. There is an increase in latrine coverage in Hattimuda by 37% (38.9% in 2011 to 75.9% in 2016). Majority of the latrines (89.9%) were functional, however 32.3% needs maintenance. The extent of latrine utilisation among those households with a toilet at home was satisfactory (94.3%). Presence of child below 5 years of age at home (OR 2.37, 95% CI 0.05-0.46), functional latrine (OR 27.37, 95% CI 6.84-109.45), frequency of cleaning (OR 3.66, 95% CI 1.09-12.29) and latrine constructed with self-initiation (OR 4.21, 95% CI 1.06-16.66) are factors significantly associated with the utilisation of the latrine. CONCLUSIONS: While the coverage needs to be increased, appropriate interventions to increase the utilisation of latrine needs to be in place so that the village moves closer to open defecation free (ODF) status. As other studies are not found from Nepal, the findings from this study can be used a reference for other rural areas of Nepal

    The potential of health literacy to address the health related UN sustainable development goal 3 (SDG3) in Nepal: a rapid review

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    Background Health literacy has been linked to health outcomes across population groups around the world. Nepal, a low income country, experiences the double burden of highly prevalent communicable as well as non-communicable diseases. The World Health Organization (WHO) has positioned health literacy as a key mechanism to meet the health-related Sustainable Development Goal (SDG3). However, there is little known about the status of health literacy in developing countries such as Nepal. This paper aims to review the potential of health literacy to address SDG3 in Nepal. Methods A rapid review was conducted using the knowledge to action evidence summary approach. Articles included in the review were those reporting on barriers to health care engagements in Nepal published in English language between January 2000 and December 2015. Results Barriers for healthcare engagement included knowledge and education as strong factors, followed by culture, gender roles, quality of service and cost of services. These barriers influence the Nepalese community to access and engage with services, and make and enact healthcare decisions, not only at the individual level but at the family level. These factors are directly linked to health literacy. Health literacy is a pivotal determinant of understanding, accessing and using health information and health services, it is important that the health literacy needs of the people be addressed. Conclusion Locally identified and developed health literacy interventions may provide opportunities for systematic improvements in health to address impediments to healthcare in Nepal. Further research on health literacy and implementation of health literacy interventions may help reduce inequalities and increase the responsiveness of health systems which could potentially facilitate Nepal to meet the sustainable development goals. While there is currently little in place for health literacy to impact on the SDG3, this paper generates insights into health literacy’s potential role

    Health literacy of future healthcare professionals: a cross-sectional study among health sciences students in Nepal

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    Background There is an assumption that health literacy is higher among health professionals, allowing them to improve the health literacy of their patients. This study explored health literacy profiles of health science students in Nepal, the future health professionals and educators of health literacy. Methods The multidimensional Health Literacy Questionnaire and demographic questions were administered online to medical and other health science students at the B. P. Koirala Institute of Health Sciences, Dharan, Nepal. Results More than half (55.8%) of the participants were male, 68.3% were ≤19 y of age, 62.2% had parents with a university degree, 73.5% were studying undergraduate courses and 61.6% were pursuing medicine. Students reported having moderate support and skills to manage their health. Health was regarded as important to them. They reported a moderate ability to engage with health professionals and the healthcare system. Medical students reported higher scores for all scales except social support for health, which was similar across the groups. Conclusions Universities should target interventions to improve students’ access to health information and to develop students’ ability to engage actively with healthcare providers. This will likely produce health professionals with improved health literacy levels who are sensitive to the health literacy needs of their patients from different population groups

    Outdoor Residential Water Use Restrictions during Recent Drought Suppressed Disease Vector Abundance in Southern California

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    The California state government put restrictions on outdoor residential water use, including landscape irrigation, during the 2012-2016 drought. The public health implications of these actions are largely unknown, particularly with respect to mosquito-borne disease transmission. While residential irrigation facilitates persistence of mosquitoes by increasing the availability of standing water, few studies have investigated its effects on vector abundance. In two study sub-regions in the Los Angeles Basin, we examined the effect of outdoor residential water use restrictions on the abundance of the most important regional West Nile virus vector, Culex quinquefasciatus. Using spatiotemporal random forest models fit to Cx. abundance during drought and non-drought years, we generated counterfactual estimates of Cx. abundance under a hypothetical drought scenario without water use restrictions. We estimate that Cx. abundance would have been 44% and 39% larger in West Los Angeles and Orange counties, respectively, if outdoor water usage had remained unchanged. Our results suggest that drought, without mandatory water use restrictions, may counterintuitively increase the availability of larval habitats for vectors in naturally dry, highly irrigated settings and such mandatory water use restrictions may constrain Cx. abundance, which could reduce the risk of mosquito-borne disease while helping urban utilities maintain adequate water supplies
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