395 research outputs found

    Random equations in aerodynamics

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    Literature was reviewed to identify aerodynamic models which might be treated by probablistic methods. The numerical solution of some integral equations that arise in aerodynamical problems were investigated. On the basis of the numerical studies a qualitative theory of random integral equations was developed to provide information on the behavior of the solutions of these equations (in particular, boundary and asymptotic behavior, and stability) and their statistical properties without actually obtaining explicit solutions of the equations

    Computational solution of random equations

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    Issued as Progress reports no. [1-3], and Final report, Project no. G-37-63

    On the generalized semigroup relation in the strong operator topology

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    AbstractLet be a Banach space, and let –() denote the Banach algebra of endomorphisms of . A one-parameter family of operator-valued functions {S(t), t∈R+}, where S(t):R+→–(), is said to be a generalized semigroup of operators on if (1) S(s+t)−−S(s)S(t)=F(s, t), s, t∈R+, (2) S(s)S(t)=S(t)S(s), (3) S(O)=I, where F(s,t): R+× ×R+ → –(). Solutions of Eq. (1) in the vmiform operator topology were considered in an earlier paper of the authors (Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 60 (1968), 1170–1174). In this paper the authors investigate the analytical properties of Eq. (1) in the strong operator topology, when it is assumed that the perturbation family F(s, t) is bounded relative to the family S(t). A representation of S(t) is given; and, as an example, a generalized semigroup of translations on C[0, ∞] is considered

    Condensation of the roots of real random polynomials on the real axis

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    We introduce a family of real random polynomials of degree n whose coefficients a_k are symmetric independent Gaussian variables with variance = e^{-k^\alpha}, indexed by a real \alpha \geq 0. We compute exactly the mean number of real roots for large n. As \alpha is varied, one finds three different phases. First, for 0 \leq \alpha \sim (\frac{2}{\pi}) \log{n}. For 1 < \alpha < 2, there is an intermediate phase where grows algebraically with a continuously varying exponent, \sim \frac{2}{\pi} \sqrt{\frac{\alpha-1}{\alpha}} n^{\alpha/2}. And finally for \alpha > 2, one finds a third phase where \sim n. This family of real random polynomials thus exhibits a condensation of their roots on the real line in the sense that, for large n, a finite fraction of their roots /n are real. This condensation occurs via a localization of the real roots around the values \pm \exp{[\frac{\alpha}{2}(k+{1/2})^{\alpha-1} ]}, 1 \ll k \leq n.Comment: 13 pages, 2 figure

    Finite-size scaling of directed percolation in the steady state

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    Recently, considerable progress has been made in understanding finite-size scaling in equilibrium systems. Here, we study finite-size scaling in non-equilibrium systems at the instance of directed percolation (DP), which has become the paradigm of non-equilibrium phase transitions into absorbing states, above, at and below the upper critical dimension. We investigate the finite-size scaling behavior of DP analytically and numerically by considering its steady state generated by a homogeneous constant external source on a d-dimensional hypercube of finite edge length L with periodic boundary conditions near the bulk critical point. In particular, we study the order parameter and its higher moments using renormalized field theory. We derive finite-size scaling forms of the moments in a one-loop calculation. Moreover, we introduce and calculate a ratio of the order parameter moments that plays a similar role in the analysis of finite size scaling in absorbing nonequilibrium processes as the famous Binder cumulant in equilibrium systems and that, in particular, provides a new signature of the DP universality class. To complement our analytical work, we perform Monte Carlo simulations which confirm our analytical results.Comment: 21 pages, 6 figure

    QED cascades induced by circularly polarized laser fields

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    The results of Monte-Carlo simulations of electron-positron-photon cascades initiated by slow electrons in circularly polarized fields of ultra-high strength are presented and discussed. Our results confirm previous qualitative estimations [A.M. Fedotov, et al., PRL 105, 080402 (2010)] of the formation of cascades. This sort of cascades has revealed the new property of the restoration of energy and dynamical quantum parameter due to the acceleration of electrons and positrons by the field and may become a dominating feature of laser-matter interactions at ultra-high intensities. Our approach incorporates radiation friction acting on individual electrons and positrons.Comment: 13 pages, 10 figure

    Distribution of roots of random real generalized polynomials

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    The average density of zeros for monic generalized polynomials, Pn(z)=ϕ(z)+k=1nckfk(z)P_n(z)=\phi(z)+\sum_{k=1}^nc_kf_k(z), with real holomorphic ϕ,fk\phi ,f_k and real Gaussian coefficients is expressed in terms of correlation functions of the values of the polynomial and its derivative. We obtain compact expressions for both the regular component (generated by the complex roots) and the singular one (real roots) of the average density of roots. The density of the regular component goes to zero in the vicinity of the real axis like Imz|\hbox{\rm Im}\,z|. We present the low and high disorder asymptotic behaviors. Then we particularize to the large nn limit of the average density of complex roots of monic algebraic polynomials of the form Pn(z)=zn+k=1nckznkP_n(z) = z^n +\sum_{k=1}^{n}c_kz^{n-k} with real independent, identically distributed Gaussian coefficients having zero mean and dispersion δ=1nλ\delta = \frac 1{\sqrt{n\lambda}}. The average density tends to a simple, {\em universal} function of ξ=2nlogz\xi={2n}{\log |z|} and λ\lambda in the domain ξcothξ2nsinarg(z)\xi\coth \frac{\xi}{2}\ll n|\sin \arg (z)| where nearly all the roots are located for large nn.Comment: 17 pages, Revtex. To appear in J. Stat. Phys. Uuencoded gz-compresed tarfile (.66MB) containing 8 Postscript figures is available by e-mail from [email protected]

    A new transform for solving the noisy complex exponentials approximation problem

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    The problem of estimating a complex measure made up by a linear combination of Dirac distributions centered on points of the complex plane from a finite number of its complex moments affected by additive i.i.d. Gaussian noise is considered. A random measure is defined whose expectation approximates the unknown measure under suitable conditions. An estimator of the approximating measure is then proposed as well as a new discrete transform of the noisy moments that allows to compute an estimate of the unknown measure. A small simulation study is also performed to experimentally check the goodness of the approximations.Comment: 42 pages, 5 figure

    Two-Body Random Ensembles: From Nuclear Spectra to Random Polynomials

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    The two-body random ensemble (TBRE) for a many-body bosonic theory is mapped to a problem of random polynomials on the unit interval. In this way one can understand the predominance of 0+ ground states, and analytic expressions can be derived for distributions of lowest eigenvalues, energy gaps, density of states and so forth. Recently studied nuclear spectroscopic properties are addressed.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures. To appear in Physical Review Letter