5 research outputs found

    Predicting The Strength Properties of Self Healing Concrete Using Artificial Neural Network

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    An extensive simulation program is used in this study to discover the best ANN model for predicting the compressive strength of concrete with respect to the percentage of mineral admixture and percentage of crystalline admixture. To accomplish this, an experimental database of 100 samples is compiled from the literature and utilized to find the best ANN architecture. The main aim of this paper was to predict the strength properties of self-healing concrete (SHC) with crystalline admixture and different mineral admixtures using an artificial neural network (ANN). The samples, 100 in Number, with different mixes, were analyzed after 28 days of curing of the samples. ANN was fed with the experimental data containing four input parameters: mineral admixture (MA), percentage of mineral admixture (PMA), Percentage of crystalline admixture (PCA), and type of exposure (TE). Correspondingly, strength (Fc) was the output parameter. The experimental data showed a good correlation with the values predicted by ANN. In conclusion, ANN could be used to accurately evaluate SHC strength characteristics

    Non-traumatic ileal perforation: A retrospective study

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    Objective: To determine clinical features, operative findings and post-operative complications in patients operated for non-traumatic ileal perforation and to discuss the role of typhoid vaccination. Materials and Methods: A retrospective study was carried out from 2009-2010. Seven patients were admitted through casualty as cases of acute abdomen. Underlying conditions were typhoid ulcers (4 patients) and non-specific etiology (3 patients). Diagnosis was made on clinical grounds, laboratory investigations, radiology and operative findings. Exploratory laporotomy was done. Different variables studied post-operatively were wound infection, residual abscess, recurrence and delayed post-operative complications. Results: Tenderness, distension and rigidity were found in maximum patients. Gases under diaphragm and air fluid levels were common radiological findings. However, widal test and blood culture for S. typhi was positive in four patients. Six patients had single perforation and one patient had two perforations, all being on antimesentric border of ileum. Maximum patients had peritoneal collection of less than 1000 ml. In five patients simple closure of perforation was done and in remaining two resection with end to side ileotransverse anatomosis was required. Wound infection and residual intraabdominal abscess were found in one patient each. Conclusion: Management criteria remain same in typhoid and non-specific perforations. Commonest cause of ileal perforation is typhoid fever in our country, so immunization against typhoid beyond 18 years of age is recommended