41 research outputs found


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    Prakriti is the health profile or unique psychosomatic temperament of an individual encompassing his or her physical, functional and behavioural characteristics. Prakriti is not only an instrument to examine the patient but also influences the onset, occurrence, pathogenesis, diagnosis, prognosis and management of a patient. Among the various specific characteristics of Ayurveda, the knowledge of ‘Prakriti’ is at the top. Charaka, while directing tenfold examination of a patient (Dasvidh Pariksha), has counted ‘Prakriti’ on the top. Prakriti is most important in achieving the goal of Ayurveda, i.e. the maintenance of health of a healthy individual and cure of a diseased person. Keeping the knowledge of Prakriti in mind, a physician can suggest the person to follow up the day, night and seasonal regimens for the maintenance of health. Not only this, a diseased person can be easily managed by the knowledge of the Prakriti in the diagnosis as well as treatment. The knowledge of Prakriti eases the process of management of a disease because according to Ayurvedic concept, no disease in the body is possible without involvement of Dosha and the management is the reestablishment of Doshas in their normal state.For the purpose of present study, 30 patients of Sandhivata were selected from OPD and IPD of Ayurvedic and Unani Tibbia College Hospital and from Multi-Speciality Hindustani Dawakhana, Delhi having complaints related to ‘Sandhivata as per the “criteria for the selection of the patients” given below. On the basis of clinical examination (signs & symptoms) and necessary investigation (X-ray of the involved joints), the diagnosis of Sandhivata was established, then the patients were included in the study. The Prakriti of each patient was identified with the help of standard proforma, based on various signs & symptoms presented by various Ayurvedic authors for this purpose. The study revealed that Sandhivata has predominance in Vata pradhan prakriti due to Samanaya siddhanta


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    In recent times drastic changes have taken place in dietary habits and mode of life style which has resulted in precipitation of various metabolic diseases. One such alarming condition, which is on a high rise in the society, is Dyslipidemia. Since the pathology has a clear link with a person’s life style, the body demands a more holistic approach in treatment, hence indigenous system of medicine especially herbal preparations can play major role in finding a safe, simple and cost effective solution for the management of Dyslipidemia. Shigru botanically identified as Moringa oleifera Lam. is one of such commonly available plant which is greatly praised for its Medoghna property in various Nighantus.A clinical study of Shigru twak (stem bark) was conducted on 30 patients at OPD level of Government Ayurveda College Hospital, Tripunithura, Kerala. Shigru stem bark powder (Choornam) was given in the form of capsule, in a dose of 3gm per day along with lukewarm water before food for a period of 45 days. Assessment based on blood lipid levels and clinical features was done before and after treatment. The results were statistically analyzed. After the intervention Total Cholesterol, Serum LDL, Serum VLDL, Serum Triglyceride and Body weight were significantly reduced. On symptomatic evaluation the drug was significantly effective in reducing heaviness of body, chest pain, excessive sleep, excessive sweating, and breathlessness on exertion, palpitation and lethargy. The study revealed that Shigru twak is safe and effective in Dyslipidemia


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    In this era of globalization and standardization there is a dire need to arrive at a consensus in the approach to the treatment of the diseases in Ayurveda. It is an essential tool not only for proper understanding of the pathology, appropriate diagnosis, and treatment, but also for scientific documentation and generation evidence for global acceptance and appreciation among the scientific community. Classics clearly demarcate the effects of Sweda as an operative and as a pre-operative/post-operative (or both procedures). Considering the therapeutic importance of one such Swedana modality, study was attempted on standardization of the procedure of Dhanyamla dhara, a form of Parisheka sweda. Based on the references in the classics, the data collected through questionnaires and personal interviews a protocol was developed and it was clinically tested in the disease, Rheumatoid Arthritis. The study was carried out in the Department of Panchakarma, Government Ayurveda College, Tripunithura. Patients diagnosed of Rheumatoid Arthritis (As per American College of Rheumatology revised criteria 1987) under the age group of 16-60 years were selected according to the inclusion criteria and were admitted to the IP Unit. Assessment was done by using clinical parameters (objective and subjective) before treatment and after treatment. The results were statistically analyzed using the most appropriate statistical tests. Significant results were noted in all the clinical parameters such as joint pain, joint swelling, tenderness, general functional capacity signifying the effectiveness of Dhanyamla dhara in improving the clinical features and quality of patients life


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    International Journal of Advanced Research in Engineering and Technology (IJARET) Volume 11, Issue 4, April 2020, pp. 625-631, Article ID: IJARET_11_04_062 Available online at https://iaeme.com/Home/issue/IJARET?Volume=11&Issue=4 ISSN Print: 0976-6480 and ISSN Online: 0976-6499 ANALYSIS OF CHAOS THEORY FOR NONLINEAR DYNAMICAL SYSTEMS Rakesh Chandra Bhadula Associate Professor, Department of Mathematics, Graphic Era Hill University, Dehradun, Uttarakhand, India Cite this Article: Rakesh Chandra Bhadula, Analysis of Chaos Theory for Nonlinear Dynamical Systems, International Journal of Advanced Research in Engineering and Technology, 11(4), 2020, pp. 625-631. DOI: https://doi.org/10.17605/OSF.IO/BWS3

    The effect of lipid modifying drugs on male reproductive parameters

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    Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2019.ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD) is prevalent and on the increase globally. Lipid-lowering drugs, have been found to reduce CVD. They act by either reducing LDL or increasing HDL. Thus reducing the serum cholesterol which plays a pivotal role in male reproduction as it is a precursor for steroid hormone biosynthesis and forms an integral part of the sperm membrane. During spermatogenesis these hormones are necessary for normal sperm development and activation of genes in Sertoli cells, which promote differentiation of spermatogonia. The widespread prophylactic use of statins, especially by men of reproductive age, gives rise to concerns regarding the effect thereof on the male reproductive system. Aim: To determine if lipid-modifying drugs (Simvastatin and Fenofibrate) have any effects on male reproductive parameters. Methods: Male Wistar rats (n=60) were randomly divided into four groups and treated for 6 weeks as follows: Control, Simvastatin (0.5 mg/kg), Fenofibrate (100mg/kg) and Simvastatin + Fenofibrate (S+F). Sperm morphology was assessed using Computer-Aided Sperm Morphology Analysis (CASMA). The plasma concentration of Total Cholesterol and Triglycerides (TG) were analyzed by the veterinary section of PathCare, a private pathology company. Testosterone and Estradiol concentrations were measured by ELISA kits. Testicular and epididymal histomorphometrics were measured by staining the testis with H&E and quantified using Zeiss imaging software. Testicular oxidative status was assessed by measuring the activity of Catalase (CAT), Superoxide Dismutase (SOD) as well as lipid peroxidation using a microplate reader. Data was analyzed by GraphPad PrismÂź V5.00. Results were expressed as Mean ± SEM using One-way ANOVA. p≀0.05 determine statistical significance. Results: The body weight of animals was not significantly different between the groups (p=0.0753). However, the Simvastatin treated group presented with general increased body weight and significantly higher peritoneal fat compared to the Fenofibrate and S+F groups (p≀0.05). The Fenofibrate treated group had significantly higher fasted blood glucose levels compared to the Simvastatin group (p≀0.05). The total cholesterol and TG levels were generally reduced in treated animals compared to control animals. There were alterations observed in testosterone levels between the groups (p=0.0077). The S+F group receiving combination treatment had significantly lower testosterone levels compared to the Simvastatin (p<0.05) and Fenofibrate (p<0.05) groups, but did not differ from the control. There were no differences observed in sperm vitality when comparing the groups. The percentage of morphological normal spermatozoa was significantly lower in the Fenofibrate as well as S+F groups compared to the control group (p<0.05), while no differences were observed when comparing the Simvastatin group to the control group. When assessing testicular histomorphometrices, there were no significant differences found in seminiferous tubules’ area (p=0.0987), lumen diameter of the seminiferous tubules (p=0.914) and epithelial height (p=0.3401). When assessing the epididymal tubules’ parameters, luminal diameter did not show any significant differences (p=0.0620) and the mean heights of the epithelium also did not differ significantly (p=0.5101) between the treatment groups. Conclusion: Short-term exposure to cholesterol-lowering drugs can alter male reproductive parameters, however, more studies using longer treatment regimens are needed. In the interim, it is advised that physicians treating men with infertility should take cognisance of this fact.AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die risiko vir kardiovaskulĂȘre siekte (KVS) is algemeen en wĂȘreldwyd aan die toeneem. Lipiedverlagende middels is voorheen bewys om die voorkoms van KVS te verminder. Hierdie middels tree op deur Ăłf LDL te verminder of HDL te verhoog en gevolglik word serum cholesterol verlaag. Laasgenoemde speel ook Ɖ sentrale rol in manlike reproduksie as Ɖ voorloper vir steroĂŻd hormoon biosintese en maak Ɖ integrale deel uit van die sperm selmembraan. Gedurende spermatogenese word hierdie hormone ook benodig vir normale sperm ontwikkeling en aktivering van gene in Sertoli selle wat die differensiasie van spermatogonia bevorder. Die wydverspreide profilaktiese gebruik van statiene, veral deur mans in hul reproduktiewe ouderdom is kommerwekkend, veral oor die moontlike uitwerking daarvan op die manlike reproduktiewe stelsel. Doelstelling: Om te bepaal of lipiedverlagende middels (Simvastatien and Fenofibraat) enige uitwerking op manlike reproduktiewe parameters het. Metodes: Manlike Wistar rotte (n = 60) is ewekansig verdeel in vier groepe en daarna vir ses weke behandel soos volg: kontrole, Simvastatien (0.5 mg/kg), Fenofibraat (100mg/kg) en Simvastatien + Fenofibraat (S + F). Rekenaargesteunde spermmorfologie-analise (CASMA) is gebruik om sperm morfologie te evalueer. Die totale cholesterol en trigliseried (TG) konsenstrasies van die rot plasma was ontleed deur die veterinĂȘre afdeling van PathCare, 'n privaat patologie maatskappy. Testosteroon en estradiol konsentrasies is met behulp van ELISA kits gemeet. TestikulĂȘre en epididimale histomorfometrie is gemeet deur die testis met H&E te kleur. Daarna is dit gekwantifiseer met behulp van Zeiss beeldingsagteware. TestikulĂȘre oksidatiewe status was geassesseer deur die ensiem aktiwiteit van Katalase (CAT), Superoksied Dismutase (SOD) sowel as lipied peroksidasie te meet met behulp van 'n mikroplaat leser. Al die data was ontleed met behulp van GraphPad prismaÂź V5.00. Resultate is as gemiddelde ± SEM uitgedruk. Vir statistiese vergelykings is eenrigting ANOVA gebruik en 'n p-waarde <0.05 is gebruik om statistiese betekenisvolheid aan te dui. Resultate: Daar was nie ‘n beduidende verskil tussen die groepe diere se liggaamsgewigte nie (p = 0. 0753), maar die simvastatien behandelde groep het ‘n verhoogde algemene liggaamsgewig asook ‘n aansienlik hoĂ«r totale peritoneale vet gehad in vergelyking met die Fenofibraat en S + F groepe (p<0.05). Die Fenofibraat behandelde groep het ‘n hoĂ«r vastende bloedglukose vlak gehad in vergelyking met die simvastatien groep (p<0.05). Die totale cholesterol en TG vlakke was oor die algemeen verminder in die behandelde diere in vergelyking met kontrole diere. ‘n Beduidende verskil is gevind in testosteroon vlakke tussen al die groepe (p=0.0077). Die S + F groep wat die kombinasie behandeling ontvang het, het Ɖ aansienlik laer testosteroon vlak gehad invergeleke met die simvastatien (p<0.05) en Fenofibrate (p<0.05) groepe, maar het nie verskil van die kontrole groep nie. Geen verskille in sperm vitaliteite is tussen die groepe waargeneem nie. Die persentasie morfologies normale sperm selle was aansienlik hoĂ«r in die kontrole groep in vergelyking met die Fenofibraat en S + F behandelde groepe (p<0.05), maar nie in vergelyking met die Simvastatien groep nie. Met die evaluering van die testikulĂȘre histomorfometrie is daar geen beduidende verskille gevind in die seminifereuse tubule area, luminale deursnit van die seminifereuse tubule en die epiteel hoogte nie. Daar was geen beduidende verskil tussen groepe met betrekking tot die luminale deursnee analise van epididimale tubule parameters nie. Met betrekking tot die gemiddelde lengtes van die epiteel, was daar ook nie ‘n beduidende verskil tussen die behandelde groepe nie. Gevolgtrekking: Korttermyn blootstelling aan Cholesterol-verlagende middels kan manlike reproduktiewe parameters verander, maar studies met langer behandelingsregimens is nodig om hierdie stelling te ondersteun. In tussentyd word dit aanbeveel dat dokters wat onvrugbare mans behandeling van hierdie feit kennis neem


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    The invention discloses a novel heat shock protein with high homology to chloroplast elongation factor EF-Tu. Also disclosed is a transgenic method for enhancing tolerance to heat and drought in female reproductive organs. It involves the temporal and spatial expression of novel heat shock EF-Tu in a plant organ or plant tissue. The invention also includes expression constructs, and methods for the production of crop plants with heritable phenotypes which are useful in breeding programs designed to increase heat and drought tolerance


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    The invention discloses a novel heat shock protein with high homology to chloroplast elongation factor EF-Tu. Also disclosed is a transgenic method for enhancing tolerance to heat and drought in female reproductive organs. It involves the temporal and spatial expression of novel heat shock EF-Tu in a plant organ or plant tissue. The invention also includes expression constructs, and methods for the production of crop plants with heritable phenotypes which are useful in breeding programs designed to increase heat and drought tolerance

    96-101 of Ground Water Quality of Bhagwanpur Industrial Area of Haridwar in Uttarakhand, India

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    Abstract The ground water quality of Bhagwanpur Industrial Area of Haridwar district of Hilly state Uttarakhand in India has been studied. Under the study, the ground water samples were collected as per Bureau of Indian Standard from the selected locations of the area with the identification of their longitude and latitude. The GIS locations of the sampling sites have been shown in GIS map. Further, the samples were analyzed as per guidelines of BIS for 12 drinking water quality parameters like Colour, Temperature, pH, Total Hardness, Alkalinity, Chloride, TDS, Sulfate, Nitrate, Fluoride, Arsenic and Iron in analytical laboratory within the standard time limit of analysis. The results of the study have been explained in the paper. The Arsenic and Iron values in the ground water samples in some places have been found more than BIS standard limits. The probable reasons of the problem with the hydrogeology of Bhagwanpur area have also been described in the paper