185 research outputs found

    Caracterização do infiltrado inflamatório em hemangiomas e hemangiossarcomas cutâneos e viscerais e análise de sobrevida e recidiva tumoral em cães

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    Cutaneous and visceral hemangiomas and hemangiosarcomas are proliferations of vascular endothelial cells, with the hemangioma classified as benign and malignant hemangiosarcoma. According to data in other neoplastic types the inflammatory infiltrate of the tumor microenvironment and other factors like cytokines favor or inhibit the tumor progression. Therefore, the objective of this study was to elucidate the participation of the immune system in relation to these neoplasms, establish incidence, prognostic parameters and analysis, and estimates of time and survival. A survey of the cases of hemangioma and hemangiosarcoma in dogs from the animal pathology / HV - UFU laboratory files was carried out within two years (2016 - 2018), which in total gave 84 cases, but for the survival and relapse analysis were used 35 cases. Hemangiosarcoma was more frequent than hemangioma, and the cutaneous form in both neoplasms was the one with the highest incidence. The organ most affected by these neoplasms was the spleen and the mean age of the hemangiomas was 10.12 years and in the hemangiosarcomas 8.72 years, and the black coat was the one with the highest occurrence in the hemangiomas, while in the hemangiosarcomas it was the white one. The highest percentage of inflammatory infiltrate was found in plasma cells in both neoplasms, and the type of infiltrate and intensity had no correlation and statistical difference with relapse and survival (p> 0.05), and the most frequent tumor size was of T2 (1-10 cm), that statistically the tumor size also had no relation with relapse and survival (p> 0.05). In the survival, 50% of the animals analyzed died within 60 days after diagnosis. In the present study, the factors studied did not have a statistical correlation with survival and relapse, demonstrating that for hemangiomas and hemangiosarcoma, these patterns cannot be considered as predictive predictive factors, but the time and the survival estimate were low, evidencing that, in general, the prognosis is unfavorable.FAPEMIG - Fundação de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de Minas GeraisTrabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação)Os hemangiomas e hemangiossarcomas cutâneos e viscerais são proliferações de células do endotélio vascular, sendo o hemangioma classificado como benigno e o hemangiossarcoma maligno. De acordo com dados em outros tipos neoplásicos o infiltrado inflamatório do microambiente tumoral e outros fatores como citocinas, favorecem ou inibem a progressão tumoral. Diante disso, o objetivo deste trabalho foi elucidar a participação do sistema imune frente a essas neoplasias, estabelecer incidências, parâmetros prognósticos e análise e estimativas de tempo e sobrevida. Foi realizado um levantamento dos casos de hemangioma e hemangiossarcoma em cães, dos arquivos do laboratório de patologia animal/HV-UFU compreendidos em dois anos (2016 – 2018) que totalizaram 84 casos, já para a análise de sobrevida e recidiva foram utilizados 35 casos. O hemangiossarcoma foi mais frequente que o hemangioma, e a forma cutânea em ambas as neoplasias foi a de maior incidência. O órgão mais acometido por esses neoplasmas foi o baço e a idade média dos hemangiomas foi de 10,12 anos e nos hemangiossarcomas 8,72 anos, e a pelagem preta foi a de maior ocorrência nos hemangiomas, enquanto que nos hemangiossarcomas foi a branca. A maior porcentagem encontrada de infiltrado inflamatório foi de células plasmocitárias em ambas as neoplasias, e o tipo de infiltrado e intensidade não tiveram correlação e não apresentaram diferenças estatísticas em relação a recidiva e sobrevida (p> 0,05) e o tamanho tumoral de maior frequência foi o de T2 (1-10 cm), que estatisticamente o tamanho do tumor também não teve relação com a recidiva e sobrevida (p> 0,05). Na sobrevida 50% dos animais analisados tiveram morte em até aproximadamente 60 dias após o diagnóstico. No presente estudo os fatores estudados não tiveram correlação estatística com a sobrevida e recidiva demonstrando que para hemangioma e hemangiossarcoma esses padrões não podem ser considerados fatores prognósticos preditivos, mas o tempo e a estimativa de sobrevida foram baixos, evidenciando que de um modo geral, o prognóstico é desfavorável

    Innovation and intellectual property system: Proposal for a conceptual framework

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    Developing a resilient infrastructure, inclusive and sustainable industrialization and fostering innovation correspond to one of the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations (SDG/UN), notably the ninth. However, meeting this result, in the case of developing countries such as Brazil, seems complex, demanding a review of the organization of industrial and innovation systems. Based on that, this study analyzes the panorama of Science, Technology and Innovation in Brazil (ST&I), through indicators. Then, a conceptual framework is presented with suggestions for planning and organizing an innovation and intellectual property system. The analysis of the country\u27s indicators revealed some important challenges in the area of ST&I, such as the need to improve the financing process and better adhesion of national companies to the system of protection of their intellectual property. Additionally, the framework presented a series of suggestive actions for the system\u27s actors, based on 05 main functions: Regulatory, Coordination, Protection of Intellectual Property, Promotion and Production and Operationalization of Knowledge

    Longitudinal Analysis Of Patents On Colorectal Cancer

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    Colorectal cancer is epidemiologically relevant worldwide because it is the fourth leading cause of death from cancer. This study aims to present the mapping of technologies related to colorectal cancer. The search took place during the months of May and June 2019. The Leans database was used, which collects global patent information. The search occurred through the term "colorectal cancer", inserted in the title or abstract fields. Patents with publication date between January 1, 2000 and June 1, 2019 were selected. Only the patents granted and those filed were filtered (patent application; granted patent). A total of 6,850 patents were identified, of which 5,445 (79.48%) correspond to patents filed and 1,405 (20.51%) are patents granted in the period from 2000 to 2019. In 2000, 47 patents on colorectal cancer were published. The quantitative growth of technologies filed and granted was constant. In 2017 there was a total of 911 applications, indicating a growth of 1938.29% in relation to the year 2000. The first patent of the period was on the APC gene mutation, associated with colorectal cancer in families of Ashkenazi Jews, developed by Laken and collaborators (2000), and belongs to Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland, in the United States. It can be concluded that the mapping of patents is important to trace a panorama of the world technological advance, as well as it can also be used as an instrument to identify scientific articles that cite patents developed in a given time space

    Technological Prospecting: A Mapping of the Patent Applications Related of Internet of Things

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    A new line of computers that interconnects through the Internet, also known as the Internet of Things, is a great challenge to be understood as a mechanism to generate new opportunities in the technology industry and society. This study aimed to analyze, by means of a technological prospection, the patent deposits on the Internet of Things in the world. Patent application searches were carried out at the bases of WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organization), called Patentscope and the European Patent Office (Espacenet). The study showed the prominence of China and the United States in the technological production of the area. Brazil is still not among the main countries originating from IoT technologies, however in 2019 it established Decree No. 9,854, which establishes the National Plan for the Internet of Things

    Economic-Financial Indicators Applied to the B3 Industrial Machinery and Equipment Sector

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    No contexto empresarial, a Analysis das Demonstrações Financeiras é um instrumento importante para compreender a situação económica-financeira das empresas, além de avaliar os resultados obtidos pelas sociedades. Este estudo analisa as contas das empresas fabricantes de máquinas e equipamentos industriais, por meio de indicadores econômico-financeiros para compreender as variações ocorridas no setor entre os anos de 2013 a 2018. O segmento foi selecionado por estar inserido na rubrica Bens de Capital, que tem uma desvantagem reduzida na economia mundial. O estudo se caracterizou-se como uma pesquisa documental quantitativa a partir de informações sobre associações no B3.Dentre os resultados, verifica-se que o setor apresenta níveis de endividamento, expressando dependência de capital de terceiros para operar

    Color variability and relationship with basic density and extractive content of Calycophyllum spruceanum wood

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    There are reports relating color to extractives, however there is a lack of information about the effect of other characteristics on the colorimetry of wood. Thus, this study aimed to evaluate the longitudinal and radial variability of color and its relationship with the basic density and extractive contents of Calycophyllum spruceanum wood from a six-year-old plantation located in Rio Branco, Acre, Brazil. The determination and assessment of the wood color were carried out by the Commission Internationale de L’Éclairage - CIE-L*a*b* system. The basic density and extractive contents were determined according to current technical standards. The species wood color was classified as yellowish olive. The highest and lowest lightness (L*) were longitudinally observed in the base (cutting height) and diameter at breast height (DBH), taken at 1.30 m from the ground. In relation to radial position, the lightness (L*) was lower in peripheral regions of the trunk. Higher concentrations of redness (a*) and yellowness (b*) and saturation (C) occurred along the DBH and the external radial position. In evaluating age, the extractive contents were not correlated to the wood color, while the basic density was correlated with a*, b*, C and h* colorimetric parameters. The colorimetric characterization of this specie contributes to its proper identification and a more homogeneous classification of lumber, and can be used from the log break-down (sawing) to its end use, adding commercial value to the wood

    Public Research Institutions and Their Connections with Patents of Companies in Technological and Regional Development

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    The interaction between companies and universities is a central theme in discussions on technology transfer. In Brazil, there is an urgent need to raise awareness of the importance of this cooperative relationship for local and regional development. In this sense, it is observed that the innovation process is strategic so that an institution is strengthened and can fulfill its social mission in economic and regional development. Piauí, according to the IBGE census, has a population estimate of 3,273,227 in 2019. Piaui\u27s per capita income is R$ 817.00 and ranks 24th in Brazil in this regard. With these data, the need arises to intervene scientifically in this reality. The objective of this study is to investigate the partnership relationships between companies and public research institutions in Piauí, in the development and transfer of technologies. Research Institutions are the main promoters of technological development in the state, however, for these technologies to reach productive arrangements, strategic alignment in the management of these technologies is necessary. Documentary research was used, with a quantitative approach. In the exploratory search, INPI\u27s databases (National Institute of Industrial Property) and of Espacenet ( European Patent Office ) was used. We sought to select the companies with relevant economic representativeness in the state scenario and investigated the patent information. In the analysis of the data obtained, the Competitiveness Ranking of the CLP States (Public Leadership) was used to compare Piauí with well positioned states. According to the results found, it is observed that the transfer of technology between research institutions and companies is not evident. However, we can see that there are partnership initiatives with small companies in conducting research that can project a change in this scenario. The low number of patents and public/private partnerships in driving innovation in the state of Piauí, may be related to the low index evidenced by the Competitiveness Ranking of States - CLP


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    O compliance tem apresentado crescente participação no mercado de trabalho. Compliance é o dever de cumprir, de estar em conformidade e fazer cumprir leis, diretrizes, regulamentos internos e externos, buscando mitigar o risco atrelado à reputação e o risco legal. Deste modo, é fundamental uma gestão tributária eficiente que requer o conhecimento prévio das regras aplicáveis. É extremamente necessário para a atuação profissional contábil e para os gestores, uma vez que este é um conjunto de rotinas fiscais sistematizadas que tem o objetivo de assegurar a conformidade do contribuinte à legislação tributária. Sendo assim, buscou-se demonstrar a percepção dos gestores e profissionais da área contábil em relação às barreiras, custos e benefícios da implementação de compliance tributário nas empresas. Dessa forma, realizou-se a elaboração e aplicação de um questionário de pesquisa qualitativa de caráter exploratório, visando identificar as informações necessárias para reconhecer a percepção dos profissionais contábeis sobre a implementação e manutenção das práticas de compliance tributário. Os resultados obtidos revelam que 65% dos respondentes não trabalham com projeto específico em conformidade na realização de suas atividades. Isso mostra a falta de investimento dentro da maioria das organizações. Faz-se necessário planejamento e orçamento para este fim de modo a evitar incorrer em erros frequentes.

    Levantamento preliminar da avifauna da comunidade rural Vau da Boa Esperança, Barreiras, Bahia

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    The study aimed to carry out a preliminary survey of birds in the rural community, Vau da Boa Esperança, Barreiras, Brazil. Data were collected during the months of August to November 2018, with seasonal walks in linear transects and stops at fixed points of observation, totaling 70 sample hours. Sighted birds were identified to the lowest possible taxonomic level. Endangered species have been classified according to the IUCN Red List and the Red List of Endangered Species in Brazil by the Ministry of the Environment. Eighty species from 34 families and 21 orders were identified. One endemic species from the Cerrado, Penelope ochrogaster, was observed and three species presented conservation status: Primolius maracana as almost threatened, and P. ochrogaster and Crypturellus noctivagus zabele as vulnerable. The results found demonstrate the need for a more detailed survey of avifauna in the region.O estudo teve como objetivo realizar um levantamento preliminar da avifauna na comunidade rural, Vau da Boa Esperança, Barreiras, Brasil. Os dados foram coletados durante os meses de agosto a novembro de 2018, com caminhadas sazonais em transectos lineares e paradas em pontos fixos de observação, totalizando 70 horas amostrais. As aves avistadas foram identificadas até menor o nível taxonômico possível. As espécies ameaçadas de extinção foram classificadas de acordo com a Red List da IUCN e a Lista de Vermelha de espécies ameaçadas de extinção no Brasil do Ministério do Meio Ambiente. Foram identificadas 80 espécies de 34 famílias e 21 ordens. Foi observada uma espécie endêmica do Cerrado, a Penelope ochrogaster, e três apresentando status de alerta para a conservação: Primolius maracana como quase ameaçada, e P. ochrogaster e Crypturellus noctivagus zabele como vulneráveis. Os resultados encontrados demonstram a necessidade de um levantamento mais detalhado da avifauna na região

    Síndrome da deleção 2q37.3 – A primeira descrição de achados orais, relato de caso

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    Introduction: The 2q37.3 deletion syndrome is a disorder caused by the microdeletion of a subband on chromosome 2, whose epidemiology is approximately 150 cases worldwide, and the prevalence of 1: 10000. Its characteristics are developmental delay, facial dysmorphia, musculoskeletal abnormalities, and increased risk of congenital diseases. The purpose is to present, for the first time in the literature, the oral and dental clinical findings associated with the syndrome. Case report: The main physical characteristics of the syndrome were identified during the physical examination: thin upper lip, prominent columella, and epicanthic folds. In the intraoral examination, dental characteristics were reported, which may be associated with the syndrome: accumulation of dental calculus, hypomineralization and hypoplasia, crossbite, open bite, agenesis, taurodontism, and dentigerous cyst. The dental treatment consisted of the application of behavior management techniques, hygiene and diet instruction, prophylaxis, supragingival scraping, topical fluoride application, and extraction of the lower second molar. This is the first report of oral characteristics of the 2q37.3 deletion syndrome, giving importance to the characteristics observed in this patient. Such findings will be useful in the characterization of the syndrome, which is extremely rare, and may contribute to the clinical diagnosis of these patients, in addition to subsidizing the dental treatment of other individuals. Conclusion: We present oral clinical findings such as hypomineralization and hypoplasia, crossed and an open bite, agenesis, taurodontism, and dentigerous cyst present in the patient with the syndrome and we suggest that the involved gene or its deletion may be responsible for such findings.Introdução: A síndrome de deleção 2q37.3 é uma desordem causada pela microdeleção de uma sub-banda no cromossomo 2, cuja epidemiologia é de aproximadamente 150 casos no mundo, e a incidência de 1:10000. As características da síndrome são: atraso no desenvolvimento, dismorfia facial, anormalidades musculoesqueléticas e aumento ao risco de doenças congênitas. O objetivo deste relato de caso é apresentar, pela primeira vez na literatura, os achados clínicos orais e dentários associados à síndrome. Relato de caso: As principais características físicas da síndrome foram identificadas na paciente durante o exame físico: lábio superior fino, columela proeminente e dobras epicânticas. No exame intraoral, relatou-se as características odontológicas, que podem estar associadas à síndrome: acúmulo de cálculo dental, hipomineralização e hipoplasia, mordida cruzada, mordida aberta, agenesias, taurodontia e cisto dentígero. O tratamento dental consistiu na aplicação de técnicas de manejo de comportamento, instrução de higiene e de dieta, profilaxia, raspagem supragengival, aplicação tópica de flúor, além da extração do segundo molar decíduo inferior. Este é o primeiro relato de características orais da síndrome de deleção 2q37.3 dando importância às características observadas nesta paciente. Tais achados também serão úteis na caracterização da síndrome, que é extremamente rara, podendo contribuir para o diagnóstico clínico desses pacientes, além de subsidiar o tratamento odontológico de outros indivíduos. Conclusão: Apresentamos os achados clínicos orais como hipomineralização e hipoplasia, mordida cruzada e aberta, agenesia, taurodontia e cisto dentígero presentes na paciente com a síndrome e sugerimos que o gene envolvido ou sua deleção possam ser responsáveis por tais achados