1,268 research outputs found

    Granja de renderitzat per a Blender

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    El projecte tracta de veure com muntar i accedir a una granja de renderitzat pel programa de disseny en 3D Blender. Aquest programa és lliure i gratuït, lo que redueix el cost de la granja. El projecte busca la millor opció per muntar una granja no permanent en una empresa o escola que no tingui la opció de comprar més ordinadors que només estiguin dedicats al sistema de renderitzat. Així per exemple, ordinadors que no s'utilitzin a la nit podran convertir-se a nodes de la granja. L'únic ordinador que cal que tingui una instal•lació permanent és el servidor, els altres son carregats amb un LiveCD. Mitjançant una aplicació web accedirem a la granja per enviar els treballs al servidor i veurem els arxius renderitzats. També es podrà monitoritzar els treballs que s'estan processant

    Otimização multiobjetivo com estimação de distribuição guiada por tomada de decisão multicritério

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    Orientadores: Fernando José Von Zuben, Guilherme Palermo CoelhoDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Elétrica e de ComputaçãoResumo: Considerando as meta-heurísticas estado-da-arte para otimização multiobjetivo (MOO, do inglês Multi-Objective Optimization), como NSGA-II, NSGA-III, SPEA2 e SMS-EMOA, apenas um critério de preferência por vez é levado em conta para classificar soluções ao longo do processo de busca. Neste trabalho, alguns dos critérios de seleção adotados por esses algoritmos estado-da-arte, incluindo classe de não-dominância e contribuição para a métrica de hipervolume, são utilizados em conjunto por uma técnica de tomada de decisão multicritério (MCDM, do inglês Multi-Criteria Decision Making), mais especificamente o algoritmo TOPSIS (Technique for Order of Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution), responsável por ordenar todas as soluções candidatas. O algoritmo TOPSIS permite o uso de abordagens baseadas em múltiplas preferências, ao invés de apenas uma como na maioria das técnicas híbridas de MOO e MCDM. Cada preferência é tratada como um critério com uma importância relativa determinada pelo tomador de decisão. Novas soluções candidatas são então amostradas por meio de um modelo de distribuição, neste caso uma mistura de Gaussianas, obtido a partir da lista ordenada de soluções candidatas produzida pelo TOPSIS. Essencialmente, um operador de roleta é utilizado para selecionar um par de soluções candidatas de acordo com o seu mérito relativo, adequadamente determinado pelo TOPSIS, e então uma novo par de soluções candidatas é gerado a partir de perturbações Gaussianas centradas nas correspondentes soluções candidatas escolhidas. O desvio padrão das funções Gaussianas é definido em função da distância das soluções no espaço de decisão. Também foram utilizados operadores para auxiliar a busca a atingir regiões potencialmente promissoras do espaço de busca que ainda não foram mapeadas pelo modelo de distribuição. Embora houvesse outras opções, optou-se por seguir a estrutura do algoritmo NSGA-II, também adotada no algoritmo NSGA-III, como base para o método aqui proposto, denominado MOMCEDA (Multi-Objective Multi-Criteria Estimation of Distribution Algorithm). Assim, os aspectos distintos da proposta, quando comparada com o NSGA-II e o NSGA-III, são a forma como a população de soluções candidatas é ordenada e a estratégia adotada para gerar novos indivíduos. Os resultados nos problemas de teste ZDT mostram claramente que nosso método é superior aos algoritmos NSGA- II e NSGA-III, e é competitivo com outras meta-heurísticas bem estabelecidas na literatura de otimização multiobjetivo, levando em conta as métricas de convergência, hipervolume e a medida IGDAbstract: Considering the state-of-the-art meta-heuristics for multi-objective optimization (MOO), such as NSGA-II, NSGA-III, SPEA2 and SMS-EMOA, only one preference criterion at a time is considered to properly rank candidate solutions along the search process. Here, some of the preference criteria adopted by those state-of-the-art algorithms, including non-dominance level and contribution to the hypervolume, are taken together as inputs to a multi-criteria decision making (MCDM) strategy, more specifically the Technique for Order of Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS), responsible for sorting all candidate solutions. The TOPSIS algorithm allows the use of multiple preference based approaches, rather than focusing on a particular one like in most hybrid algorithms composed of MOO and MCDM techniques. Here, each preference is treated as a criterion with a relative relevance to the decision maker (DM). New candidate solutions are then generated using a distribution model, in our case a Gaussian mixture model, derived from the sorted list of candidate solutions produced by TOPSIS. Essentially, a roulette wheel is used to choose a pair of the current candidate solutions according to the relative quality, suitably determined by TOPSIS, and after that a new pair of candidate solutions is generated as Gaussian perturbations centered at the corresponding parent solutions. The standard deviation of the Gaussian functions is defined in terms of the parents distance in the decision space. We also adopt refreshing operators, aiming at reaching potentially promising regions of the search space not yet mapped by the distribution model. Though other choices could have been made, we decided to follow the structural conception of the NSGA-II algorithm, also adopted in the NSGA-III algorithm, as basis for our proposal, denoted by MOMCEDA (Multi-Objective Multi-Criteria Estimation of Distribution Algorithm). Therefore, the distinctive aspects, when compared to NSGA-II and NSGA-III, are the way the current population of candidate solutions is ranked and the strategy adopted to generate new individuals. The results on ZDT benchmarks show that our method is clearly superior to NSGA-II and NSGA-III, and is competitive with other wellestablished meta-heuristics for multi-objective optimization from the literature, considering convergence to the Pareto front, hypervolume and IGD as performance metricsMestradoEngenharia de ComputaçãoMestre em Engenharia Elétrica2016/21031-0FAPESPCAPE

    A Population-based Hybrid Approach to Hyperparameter Optimization for Neural Networks

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    In recent years, large amounts of data have been generated, and computer power has kept growing. This scenario has led to a resurgence in the interest in artificial neural networks. One of the main challenges in training effective neural network models is finding the right combination of hyperparameters to be used. Indeed, the choice of an adequate approach to search the hyperparameter space directly influences the accuracy of the resulting neural network model. Common approaches for hyperparameter optimization are Grid Search, Random Search, and Bayesian Optimization. There are also population-based methods such as CMA-ES. In this paper, we present HBRKGA, a new population-based approach for hyperparameter optimization. HBRKGA is a hybrid approach that combines the Biased Random Key Genetic Algorithm with a Random Walk technique to search the hyperparameter space efficiently. Several computational experiments on eight different datasets were performed to assess the effectiveness of the proposed approach. Results showed that HBRKGA could find hyperparameter configurations that outperformed (in terms of predictive quality) the baseline methods in six out of eight datasets while showing a reasonable execution time.Comment: 28 pages, 7 figure

    Physical function of aged population is predicted by motor competence and physical fitness

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    Fitness and cognitive status on aging has been widely studied and well reported on literature. Independence and functioning are decisive in elders life quality. Motor competence has been associated to children physical activity levels and healthy weight status. Whether or not Motor Competence has additional value in promoting physical function on aging is not well stablished.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Physical function of aged population is predicted by motor competence and physical fitness

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    Fitness and cognitive status on aging has been widely studied and well reported on literature. Independence and functioning are decisive in elders life quality. Motor competence has been associated to children physical activity levels and healthy weight status. Whether or not Motor Competence has additional value in promoting physical function on aging is not well stablished. PURPOSE: to investigate the relationship and influence of motor competence, physical fitness and cognitive status on physical functioning, in aged population. METHODS: institutionalized participants were recruited as a convenience sample in three day-care centers (N=283, women N=184, mean age = 82.05±7.70 years). Physical functioning was assessed through self-report using a composite physical function scale. Physical fitness was evaluated with the Senior Fitness Test. Motor competence was evaluated as the proficiency in overarm throw a tennis ball, measuring the ball velocity, and standing long jump. Cognitive performance was assessed with Mini-Mental State Examination test. T test was used to test the difference between women and men in all variables. Pearson correlation between physical functioning, physical fitness and motor competence was performed. Stepwise regression was used to identify the predictor variables of physical functioning. Significance was set at p < 0.05. RESULTS: Men had significant better motor competence and physical fitness results than women. In women, the highest correlation were found between physical functioning and Chair stand (r=0.25), standing long jump (r=0.19) and 2-min step (r=0.19). In men, the highest correlation were found on 2-min step (r=0.30) and overarm throw (r=0.27). Stepwise regression retained the following variables: 2.44 m up-&-Go, standing long jump, and sex (F(3; 212) = 33.73; p < 0.001, R2 = 0.32). Men has an estimate of more 2.162 points in physical functioning than women. Physical functioning is estimate to increased 1 point for every -0.151 s in 2.44 m Up-&-Go, and 1 point for every 0.051 cm in standing long jump. CONCLUSION: Despite having found significant moderate to low correlations in both men and women, it seems that both Motor Competence and Fitness status has important influence on physical functioning.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Developmental pathways of cardiorespiratory fitness from 6 to 15 years of age

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    Most of the information gathered about physical fitness of paediatric populations are cross-sectional, resulting in normative perspectives that account for average values relative to age, but not to a comprehensive understanding of developmental individual trajectories. The aim of this study was to model the longitudinal development of cardiorespiratory fitness of boys and girls from 6 to 15 years of age, using an individual centred approach. Two hundred twenty-nine school children (128 boys; 101 girls) were followed on their 20 metres shuttle run test (20mSRT) results from 6 to 15 years of age. Annual measurements were made during the four years of primary school, and again at grade 9th or 10th. Individual trajectories of 20mSRT development were modelled and grouped according to their similarities of change in three different developmental pathways that were included in subsequent hierarchical nested models for testing each sex developmental model of cardiorespiratory fitness. Final models including the developmental pathways showed better deviance statistics (p .50), meaning these models capture well the existing variability, in respect to the rate of change. Individual pathways of change in the performance of 20mSRT test can be detected in childhood and adolescence. Additionally, all individual?s developmental trajectories in 20mSRT can be described using three significantly different slopes. These pathways are indicative of a high, average, or low rate of change in performance over the years and differ from the normative approach.4811-99FE-2ECD | Luis Paulo RodriguesN/

    Festa e desobediência em nome da independência da Catalunha : eventos e mobilizações do Procés

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    Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (graduação)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Ciências Sociais, Departamento de Antropologia, 2020.Este trabalho monográfico desenvolve uma etnografia dos eventos e mobilizações promovidas pelo movimento independentista catalão, coloquialmente conhecido em sua região como Procés. Tais eventos e mobilizações são observados sob a abordagem de rituais, focando nas questões performáticas, narrativas, simbólicas e semióticas do Procés. Foram acompanhados dois tipos de eventos promovidos por independentistas catalães: (i) suas expressões em festividades locais catalãs; e (ii) em manifestações civis constituídas por atos de tumultos e desobediência civil. Tais rituais independentistas são inerentemente conflitivos, pois sua produção exige a (re) construção simbólica de diversos aspectos da vida social catalã. Por meio da realização desses rituais o movimento tem permitido que novas narrativas ideológicas, centrada no papel do Estado e da soberania das nacionalidades, ganhassem um novo espaço na vida social e cívica catalã.This monographic work develops an ethnography of the events and mobilizations promoted by the Catalan independence movement, colloquially known in its region as Procés. Such events and mobilizations are observed under the approach of rituals, focusing on the performance, narrative, symbolic and semiotic issues of the Procés. Two types of rituals promoted by Catalan independentists were followed: (i) their expressions at local Catalan festivities; and (ii) in civic demonstrations consisting of acts of unrest and civil disobedience. Such independence rituals are inherently conflicting, as their production requires the symbolic (re) construction of various aspects of social life. Through carrying out these rituals, the movement has allowed new ideological narratives, centered on the role of the State and the sovereignty of nationalities to gain a new space in Catalan social and civic lifeAquest treball monogràfic desenvolupa una etnografia dels esdeveniments i mobilitzacions promogudes pel moviment independentista català, col·loquialment conegut com el Procés. Aquests esdeveniments i mobilitzacions són observats des d’una aproximació d’anàlisi ritual, emfatitzant les qüestions performatives, narratives, simbòliques i semiòtiques del Procés. Es van acompanyar dos tipus de rituals promoguts pels independentistes catalans: (i) les seves expressions a les festivitats locals catalanes; i (ii) a manifestacions civils, constituïdes per tumults/avalots i actes de desobediència civil. Aquests/Tals rituals independentistes són inherentment conflictius, atès que la seva producció exigeix la (re)construcció de diversos aspectes de la vida social. Mitjançant la realització d’aquests rituals, el moviment ha permès noves narratives ideològiques, centrades en el rol/paper de l’Estat i la sobirania de les nacionalitats per tal de guanyar un nou espai a la vida social i cívica catalana

    The influence of winter and summer seasons on physical fitness in aged population

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    Epidemiological studies have described the association between physical fitness and health. Few have reported the impact of seasonal variation on fitness determinants, in elderly. We investigated the effects of summer and winter environmental conditions on physical fitness, in both exercise and non-exercise elders. 371 non-in-stitutionalized older adults (74.1% female; 78.4 ? 5.3 years) randomly recruited from a total sample of 1338 subjects from north of Portugal, were prospectively followed during 1 year and 3 assessments were performed ? April (baseline), October (summer season) and April (winter season). Four groups were defined, according to reported habits of exercising: Exercise (EG); Winter Exercise (WG); and Summer Exercise (SG); non-Exercise (nEG). Muscle strength was assessed with handgrip and isometric knee extension test, and aerobic capacity with the 6 min walking test. Repeated measures ANOVA with two between-subjects factors were run for independent variables, considering a three Time points. Significance set at p < .05. Findings show that: (1) men were fitter than women; (2) EG showed better results than nEG (p = .000), but not different than WG or SG, (3) nEG physical fitness was not significantly different from WG and SG; (4) SG and WG showed similar results; (5) there was significant group-by-time interaction for all variables in study. Among elderly, the regular physical exercise determined better cardiorespiratory fitness and levels of strength compared to individuals that were not exercising, however, no season impact was observed. Independently of exercising mode, regular, seasonal or not exercising, the pattern of changes in physical fitness throughout the year was similar.4811-99FE-2ECD | Luis Paulo RodriguesN/

    A dynamical Thouless formula

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    In this paper we establish an abstract, dynamical Thouless-type formula for affine families of GL(2,R)\mathrm{GL} (2,\mathbb{R}) cocycles. This result extends the classical formula relating, via the Hilbert transform, the maximal Lyapunov exponent and the integrated density of states of a Schr\"odinger operator. Here, the role of the integrated density of states will be played by a more geometrical quantity, the fibered rotation number. As an application of this formula we present limitations on the modulus of continuity of random linear cocycles. Moreover, we derive H\"older-type continuity properties of the fibered rotation number for linear cocycles over various base dynamics.Comment: A couple of references adde

    Inversor trifásico PWM fonte de tensão com integração de interruptores em delta

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia Elétrica, Florianópolis, 2013.Este trabalho apresenta o estudo de uma nova topologia de um conversor trifásico dois níveis bidirecional com integração de interruptores conectados em delta adequado para aplicações em acionamentos de máquinas elétricas e para a conexão de sistemas à rede elétrica. A inserção da malha de interruptores em delta a um inversor de tensão convencional adiciona estados redundantes na operação do conversor que, se escolhidos de maneira adequada em uma estratégia de modulação, podem otimizar o desempenho do conversor, de acordo com critérios do projetista. Dependendo da estratégia de modulação utilizada, o conversor pode ser otimizado para a redução das perdas por condução ou para a redução da geração das tensões de modo comum. Uma metodologia para a geração de técnicas de modulação PWM contínuas, descontínuas e híbridas aplicáveis ao conversor proposto e a outros convencionais é apresentada e o desempenho de algumas estratégias é analisado. Estratégias também foram propostas para concentrar as perdasde comutação em componentes específicos, diminuindo a taxa de decrescimentoda eficiência do conversor com o aumento da frequência decomutação. Um protótipo de 10 kW foi construído para validar a análise teórica e para realizar a interface de sistemas geradores com a rede elétrica. São fornecidos detalhes da implementação prática bem como a metodologia adotada para o projeto do filtro de EMI e dos controladores. Resultados experimentais são mostrados validando algumas das análises apresentadas. Abstract : This work analyzes a novel three-phase two-level delta-switch activevoltage source inverter for electrical drives and grid connected applications.The addition of delta connected switches to the phases of avoltage source inverter make possible new redundant operational states.The converter states, when combined in a modulation strategy,can optimize the converter performance as defined by the designer.Depending on modulation, the converter can be optimized for lossesreduction or for common mode voltage reduction. A methodology forcontinuous, discontinuous and hybrid PWM modulation strategies generationis presented, suitable for the proposed converter and otherconventional ones, and the performance of some of them is analyzed.Strategies are also proposed in order concentrate the switching lossesin some components, reducing the efficiency decreasing rate when theswitching frequency is increased. A 10 kW prototype was designed andimplemented in order to validate the performed analyses and to connectgeneration systems to the grid. Some practical details and the methodologyfor EMI filters and controllers design are given. Experimentalresults are presented validating some of the performed analysis
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