666 research outputs found

    The employee experience of HR practices:Understanding employee perceptions of HR practices in strategic human resource management

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    Dissertation Jeske van Beurden - The employee experience of HR practices In every organisation, employees encounter human resource (HR) related practices, as they might have yearly performance appraisal conversations, follow trainings to develop themselves, and receive compensation for the work they perform. Both the organisation and employees invest a great deal of time, effort, and money in these HR practices. There is growing interest in the employee experience of HR practices as research has shown that organizations that provide a good employee experience have optimized HR processes and are able to serve their customers or clients better. Despite the increasing interest in the employee experience of HR practices, we lack insight in how we define employee perceptions of HR practices and how they impact their health, well-being and performance. In this dissertation, the construct of employee perceptions of HR practices is explored. In addition, employee perceptions of HR practices are examined in terms of descriptive (i.e., more objective/verifiable reports of HR practices) and evaluative (i.e., the employee’s interpretations of HR practices) elements in relation to employee outcomes (i.e., health, well-being and performance outcomes). Finally, the degree to which the offered HR practices fit the employee’s need to work effectively, as well as the fit between offered HR practices by management and perceived HR practices by employees is examined in relation to employee outcomes. Results of a systematic literature review including 45 empirical studies show that the construct of employee perceptions of HR practices is multifaceted. In addition, among 208 Dutch teachers working in primary and secondary education, it was found that the perceived effectiveness of HR practices (the evaluative element) is positively associated with work engagement, while the perceived availability of HR practices (the descriptive element) did not show a significant relationship. Furthermore, data among 465 workers in a variety of sectors show that employee outcomes are affected by the perceived effectiveness of present and absent HR practices. Finally, findings based on 252 manager-employee dyads show that congruence in manager and employee perceptions of HR practices relates to higher employee commitment and in turn job performance as compared to incongruence. In addition, the employee’s perception of the perceived importance of HR practices reduces incongruence in manager and employee perceptions of HR practices. Based on the results of this dissertation, we recommend the following: (1) Organizations and employees should be aware that employees experience HR practices in different ways, whereby we can distinguish between: -The experience of the HR practice itself (i.e., a description of whether the HR practice is available or present according to the employee); -A mental evaluation of the HR practice (e.g., satisfaction with or fairness of the HR practice); -An evaluation in terms of effectiveness of present and absent HR practices, focusing on the extent to which the employees’ work performance is affected by the HR practices. (2) To optimize the employee experience of HR practices, organisations should ask employees how they perceive the HR practices to be necessary and sufficient for their individual job performance. (3) By focusing on the employee experience of HR practices, a better match can be achieved between management investment in HR practices and the distribution and alignment of HR practices with employees' needs. Proefschrift Jeske van Beurden - De ervaring van werknemers met HR-activiteiten In elke organisatie krijgen werknemers te maken met human resource (HR) gerelateerde activiteiten, zoals jaarlijkse functioneringsgesprekken, het volgen van opleidingen om te ontwikkelen, en een vergoeding voor het werk dat ze verrichten. Zowel de organisatie als werknemers investeren veel tijd, energie en geld in deze activiteiten. Er is een groeiende interesse in het medewerker perspectief op HR-activiteiten omdat onderzoek heeft aangetoond dat organisaties die een goede werknemerservaring bieden, hun HR-processen hebben geoptimaliseerd en hiermee klanten of cliĂ«nten beter kunnen bedienen. Ondanks de toenemende interesse in de werknemersbeleving van HR-activiteiten, ontbreekt het aan inzicht in hoe werknemerspercepties van HR-activiteiten definiĂ«ren en hoe deze hun gezondheid, welzijn en functioneren beĂŻnvloeden. In dit proefschrift is het concept van werknemerspercepties van HR-activiteiten in kaart gebracht. Daarnaast is de werknemersperceptie van HR-activiteiten onderzocht in termen van beschrijvende (d.w.z., meer objectieve/controleerbare ervaringen met HR-activiteiten) en evaluatieve (d.w.z., de interpretaties van HR-activiteiten door de werknemer) elementen in relatie tot werknemersuitkomsten in termen van de gezondheid, het welzijn en de prestaties van werknemers. Ten slotte is de mate waarin de aangeboden HR-activiteiten aansluiten bij de behoefte van de werknemer om effectief te kunnen werken onderzocht, evenals de aansluiting tussen de aangeboden HR-activiteiten door het management en de gepercipieerde HR-activiteiten door werknemers en de impact op werknemersuitkomsten. De resultaten van een systematisch literatuuronderzoek, dat 45 empirische studies omvatte, laten zien dat het concept van werknemerspercepties van HR-activiteiten veelzijdig is. Daarnaast is onder 208 Nederlandse leraren werkzaam in het basis- en voortgezet onderwijs gevonden dat de waargenomen effectiviteit van HR-activiteiten (het evaluatieve element) positief samenhangt met bevlogenheid van de werknemer, terwijl de waargenomen beschikbaarheid van HR-activiteiten (het beschrijvende element) geen significant verband laat zien. Verder blijkt uit onderzoek onder 465 werknemers in diverse sectoren dat werknemersresultaten worden beĂŻnvloed door de gepercipieerde effectiviteit van aanwezige en afwezige HR-activiteiten. Ten slotte tonen bevindingen op basis van vragenlijsten van 252 managers en medewerkers aan dat congruentie in manager en werknemer percepties van HR-activiteiten gerelateerd is aan hogere betrokkenheid en vervolgens werkprestaties ten opzichte van incongruentie. Bovendien versterkt de perceptie van de werknemer van het belang van HR-activiteiten de congruentie in HR-percepties tussen de manager en medewerker.    Op basis van de resultaten van dit proefschrift worden de volgende aanbevelingen gedaan: (1) Organisaties en werknemers dienen zich bewust te zijn van de verschillende soorten percepties van HR-activiteiten die er bestaan, waarvoor we het volgende onderscheid aanbevelen: -De ervaring van de HR-activiteit zelf (d.w.z. een beschrijving van of de HR-activiteit beschikbaar of aanwezig is volgens de werknemer); -Een mentale evaluatie van de HR-activiteit (bijvoorbeeld de tevredenheid met of rechtvaardigheid van de HR-activiteit); -Een evaluatie in termen van effectiviteit van aanwezige en afwezige HR-activiteiten, gericht op de mate waarin de werkprestaties van werknemers worden beĂŻnvloed door de HR-activiteiten. (2) Om de ervaring van werknemers met HR-activiteiten te optimaliseren, dienen organisaties werknemers te vragen hoe zij de HR-activiteiten als noodzakelijk en toereikend voor hun functioneren ervaren. (3) Door te richten op de ervaring van werknemers met HR-activiteiten kan een betere afstemming tot stand worden gebracht tussen enerzijds de investering in HR-activiteiten door het management en anderzijds de verdeling en afstemming van de HR-activiteiten op de behoeften van de werknemers

    A new research culture for the marginalised in Bangladesh

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    Minorities have never had an easy time in Bangladesh. Since October 2001, when a four-party coalition with strong Islamist influence came to power, minority conditions have worsened. But some small disadvantaged groups, such as cobblers, pig farmers and river gypsies, have begun to organise themselves thanks to a new research approach to development

    A compact differential laser Doppler velocimeter using a semiconductor laser

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    A small differential laser Doppler velocimeter which uses a semiconductor laser and a small number of optical components is described. In this device the light from the laser diode is split into coherent beams by means of a diffraction grating. The two first-order beams are crossed in a probe volume with a lens. In a test experiment the velocity of water containing 0.9 mu m polystyrene spheres was determined from the fluctuation of the scattered light. This velocity agreed with the velocity calculated from flux measurements

    Techniques for modifying impulsive processes associated with unhealthy eating: a systematic review

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    Objective: This systematic review aimed to; (i) identify and categorize techniques used to modify or manage impulsive processes associated with unhealthy eating behavior, (ii) describe the mechanisms targeted by such techniques and (iii) summarize available evidence on the effectiveness of these techniques. Methods: Searches of 5 bibliographic databases identified studies, published in English since 1993, that evaluated at least one technique to modify impulsive processes affecting eating in adults. Data were systematically extracted on study characteristics, population, study quality, intervention techniques, proposed mechanisms of action and outcomes. Effectiveness evidence was systematically collated and described without meta-analysis. Results: Ninety-two studies evaluated 17 distinct impulse management techniques. They were categorized according to whether they aimed to (1) modify the strength of impulses, or (2) engage the reflective system or other resources in identifying, suppressing or otherwise managing impulses. Although higher quality evidence is needed to draw definitive conclusions, promising changes in unhealthy food consumption and food cravings were observed for visuospatial loading, physical activity, and if-then planning, typically for up to 1-day follow-up. Conclusions: A wide range of techniques have been evaluated and some show promise for use in weight management interventions. However, larger-scale, more methodologically-robust, community based studies with longer follow-up times are needed to establish whether such techniques can have a long-term impact on eating patterns

    Teachers’ remaining career opportunities:The role of value fit and school climate

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    In light of an aging teacher population, this study investigates the influence of school climate and personschool (P-S) value fit on teachers' perspectives regarding their career futures. The results, based on a sample of 147 teachers, indicate that P-S value fit is positively associated with remaining career opportunities, over and above the negative effect of age. In addition, both climate for performance/academic press and climate for socialization affect teachers' future career perspectives through a P-S value fit mechanism. These findings imply that schools can enhance teachers’ perceived remaining career opportunities by creating strong school climates and improving perceived value fit. Keywords: Occupational future time perspective; Career opportunities; Person-school value fit; School climate; Teacher

    The Influence of Contrast and Temporal Expansion on the Marching-on-in-Time Contrast Current Density Volume Integral Equation

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    The contrast current density volume integral equation, discretized with piecewise constant spatial basis and test functions and Dirac-delta temporal test functions and the piecewise polynomial temporal basis functions, results in a causal implicit marching-on-in-time scheme that we refer to as the marching-on-in-time contrast current density volume integral equation (MOT-JVIE). The companion matrix stability analysis of the MOT-JVIE solver shows that for a fixed spatial and temporal step size, the stability is independent of the scatterer's dielectric contrast for quadratic spline temporal basis functions. Whereas, Lagrange and cubic spline exhibit instabilities at higher contrast. We relate this stability performance to the expansion and testing procedure in time. We further illustrate the capabilities of the MOT-JVIE based on quadratic spline temporal basis functions by: comparing the MOT-JVIE solution to time-domain results from literature and frequency-domain results from a commercial combined field integral equation solver. Finally, we present a long time sequence for a high-constrast scatterer discretized with 24,000 spatial unknowns.Comment: 15 pages, 33 figures, correction of the labeling in Figure 3, published in PIER

    Effects of Oestrogens and FSH on LH Stimulation of Steroid Production by Testis Leydig Cells from Immature Rats

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    Hypophysectomy of immature male rats results after 5 days in a decreased production of testosterone by isolated testis Leydig cells in response to LH. The LH responsiveness of the Leydig cells can be partly restored by treatment of the hypophysectomized rats with FSH. In continuation of previous reports on this subject (Steroids 28 (1976) 847; and 30 (1978) the following conclusions were derived from the results in the present paper: 1. After hypophysectomy of immature male rats the production of testosterone (T) as well as of 5‐pregnenolone (Δ5P) by isolated Leydig cells in response to LH is reduced. 2. Daily administration of FSH after hypophysectomy restores the Δ5P production in response to LH almost completely, but has a much smaller effect on the restoration of T production. 3. Administration of oestradiol benzoate (E2B) together with FSH has no effect on the restoration of LH‐stimulated Δ5P production, but causes a reduction of T production, when compared with Leydig cells from animals treated with FSH only. 4. Treatment of intact immature rats with E2B results in a decreased production of T and an increased production of Δ5P in isolated Leydig cells. 5. From experiments with labelled pregnenolone it appears that E2B and diethylstilboestrol (DES) inhibit the 17α‐hydroxylase activity of Leydig cells from intact as well as from hypophysectomized rats. This results in a reduced conversion of pregnenolone to C1:)‐steroids and in increased production of 3α‐hydroxy‐5α‐pregnan‐20‐one from ÎŽ5P. 6. The observed effects of FSH and E, were similar within a dose range of 100–10000 ng LH per 106 Leydig cells. Copyrigh

    Complete genome sequence of Frog virus 3, isolated from a strawberry poison frog (Oophaga pumilio) imported from Nicaragua into the Netherlands

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    Frog virus 3 was isolated from a strawberry poison frog (Oophaga pumilio) imported from Nicaragua via Germany to the Netherlands, and its complete genome sequence was determined. Frog virus 3 isolate Op/2015/Netherlands/UU3150324001 is 107,183 bp long and has a nucleotide similarity of 98.26% to the reference Frog virus 3 isolate

    Perceived sports competence mediates the relationship between childhood motor skill proficiency and adolescent physical activity and fitness: a longitudinal assessment

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    Background: The purpose of this paper was to investigate whether perceived sports competence mediates the relationship between childhood motor skill proficiency and subsequent adolescent physical activity and fitness.Methods: In 2000, children\u27s motor skill proficiency was assessed as part of a school-based physical activity intervention. In 2006/07, participants were followed up as part of the Physical Activity and Skills Study and completed assessments for perceived sports competence (Physical Self-Perception Profile), physical activity (Adolescent Physical Activity Recall Questionnaire) and cardiorespiratory fitness (Multistage Fitness Test). Structural equation modelling techniques were used to determine whether perceived sports competence mediated between childhood object control skill proficiency (composite score of kick, catch and overhand throw), and subsequent adolescent self-reported time in moderate-to-vigorous physical activity and cardiorespiratory fitness.Results: Of 928 original intervention participants, 481 were located in 28 schools and 276 (57%) were assessed with at least one follow-up measure. Slightly more than half were female (52.4%) with a mean age of 16.4 years (range 14.2 to 18.3 yrs). Relevant assessments were completed by 250 (90.6%) students for the Physical Activity Model and 227 (82.3%) for the Fitness Model. Both hypothesised mediation models had a good fit to the observed data, with the Physical Activity Model accounting for 18% (R2 = 0.18) of physical activity variance and the Fitness Model accounting for 30% (R2 = 0.30) of fitness variance. Sex did not act as a moderator in either model.Conclusion: Developing a high perceived sports competence through object control skill development in childhood is important for both boys and girls in determining adolescent physical activity participation and fitness. Our findings highlight the need for interventions to target and improve the perceived sports competence of youth.<br /

    Investigation of amphibian mortality events in wildlife reveals an on-going ranavirus epidemic in the North of the Netherlands

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    In the four years following the first detection of ranavirus (genus Ranavirus, family Iridoviridae) infection in Dutch wildlife in 2010, amphibian mortality events were investigated nationwide to detect, characterize and map ranaviruses in amphibians over time, and to establish the affected host species and the clinico-pathological presentation of the disease in these hosts. The ultimate goal was to obtain more insight into ranavirus disease emergence and ecological risk. In total 155 dead amphibians from 52 sites were submitted between 2011 and 2014, and examined using histopathology, immunohistochemistry, virus isolation and molecular genetic characterization. Ranavirus-associated amphibian mortality events occurred at 18 sites (35%), initially only in proximity of the 2010 index site. Specimens belonging to approximately half of the native amphibian species were infected, including the threatened Pelobates fuscus (spadefoot toad). Clustered massive outbreaks involving dead adult specimens and ranavirus genomic identity indicated that one common midwife toad virus (CMTV)-like ranavirus strain is emerging in provinces in the north of the Netherlands. Modelling based on the spatiotemporal pattern of spread showed a high probability that this emerging virus will continue to be detected at new sites (the discrete reproductive power of this outbreak is 0.35). Phylogenetically distinct CMTV-like ranaviruses were found in the south of the Netherlands more recently. In addition to showing that CMTV-like ranaviruses threaten wild amphibian populations not only in Spain but also in the Netherlands, the current spread and risk of establishment reiterate that understanding the underlying causes of CMTV-like ranavirus emergence requires international attention
