119 research outputs found

    A cloudiness transition in a marine boundary layer

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    Boundary layer cloudiness plays several important roles in the energy budget of the earth. Low level stratocumulus are highly reflective clouds which reduce the net incoming shortwave radiation at the earth's surface. Climatically, the transition to a small area fraction of scattered cumulus clouds occurs as the air flows over warmer water. Although these clouds reflect less sunlight, they still play an important role in the boundary layer equilibrium by transporting water vapor upwards, and enhancing the surface evaporation. The First ISCCP (International Satellite Cloud Climatology Project) Regional Experiment (FIRE) included a marine stratocumulus experiment off the southern California coast from June 29 to July 19, 1987. The objectives of this experiment were to study the controls on fractional cloudiness, and to assess the role of cloud-top entrainment instability (CTEI) and mesoscale structure in determining cloud type. The focus is one research day, July 7, 1987, when coordinated aircraft missions were flown by four research aircraft, centered on a LANDSAT scene at 1830 UTC. The remarkable feature of this LANDSAT scene is the transition from a clear sky in the west through broken cumulus to solid stratocumulus in the east. The dynamic and thermodynamic structure of this transition in cloudiness is analyzed using data from the NCAR Electra. By averaging the aircraft data, the internal structure of the different cloud regimes is documented, and it is shown that the transition between broken cumulus and stratocumulus is associated with a change in structure with respect to the CTEI condition. However, this results not from sea surface temperature changes, but mostly from a transition in the air above the inversion, and the breakup appears to be at a structure on the unstable side of the wet virtual adiabat

    Mesoscale characteristics of cumulus convection: a mesoscale budget study of convection in the NHRE network

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    February 1976.Includes bibliographical references.Sponsored by the National Science Foundation OCD72-01406

    Thermodynamic structure of the stratocumulus-capped boundary layer on 7 July, 1987

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    As part of project First ISCCP Regional Experiment (FIRE), a mission was carried out on 7 July 1987 to study the thermodynamic structure of a boundary layer which is in transition from a clear to a cloudy state. The National Center for Aeronautical Research (NCAR) Electra flew a pattern in tight coordination with the NASA ER-2 aircraft near 122 West, 31.6 North off the coast of California. A description is given here of the thermodynamic structure. The purpose is to derive the entrainment rate and the fluxes of the thermodynamic variables. To this end researchers represent the data in conserved variable diagrams

    Cumulus parameterization theory in terms of feedback and control

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    June 1974.Includes bibliographical references.Sponsored by NSF GA-33182

    Characteristics of tropical squall-lines over Venezuela

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    July 1974.Includes bibliographical references.Sponsored by the National Science Foundation, Atmospheric Sciences Section GA-33182

    Triggering Deep Convection with a Probabilistic Plume Model

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    A model unifying the representation of the planetary boundary layer and dry, shallow and deep convection, the Probabilistic Plume Model (PPM), is presented. Its capacity to reproduce the triggering of deep convection over land is analysed in detail. The model accurately reproduces the timing of shallow convection and of deep convection onset over land, which is a major issue in many current general climate models. The PPM is based on a distribution of plumes with varying thermodynamic states (potential temperature and specific humidity) induced by surface layer turbulence. Precipitation is computed by a simple ice microphysics, and with the onset of precipitation, downdrafts are initiated and lateral entrainment of environmental air into updrafts is reduced. The most buoyant updrafts are responsible for the triggering of moist convection, causing the rapid growth of clouds and precipitation. Organization of turbulence in the subcloud layer is induced by unsaturated downdrafts, and the effect of density currents is modeled through a reduction of the lateral entrainment. The reduction of entrainment induces further development from the precipitating congestus phase to full deep cumulonimbus. Model validation is performed by comparing cloud base, cloud top heights, timing of precipitation and environmental profiles against cloud resolving models and large-eddy simulations for two test cases. These comparisons demonstrate that PPM triggers deep convection at the proper time in the diurnal cycle, and produces reasonable precipitation. On the other hand, PPM underestimates cloud top height

    Characterization of increased persistence and intensity of precipitation in the northeastern United States

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    We present evidence of increasing persistence in daily precipitation in the northeastern United States that suggests that global circulation changes are affecting regional precipitation patterns. Meteorological data from 222 stations in 10 northeastern states are analyzed using Markov chain parameter estimates to demonstrate that a significant mode of precipitation variability is the persistence of precipitation events. We find that the largest region‐wide trend in wet persistence (i.e., the probability of precipitation in 1 day and given precipitation in the preceding day) occurs in June (+0.9% probability per decade over all stations). We also find that the study region is experiencing an increase in the magnitude of high‐intensity precipitation events. The largest increases in the 95th percentile of daily precipitation occurred in April with a trend of +0.7 mm/d/decade. We discuss the implications of the observed precipitation signals for watershed hydrology and flood risk

    Evaluation of daily precipitation from the era5 global reanalysis against ghcn observations in the northeastern united states

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    Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. Precipitation is a primary input for hydrologic, agricultural, and engineering models, so making accurate estimates of it across the landscape is critically important. While the distribution of in-situ measurements of precipitation can lead to challenges in spatial interpolation, gridded precipitation information is designed to produce a full coverage product. In this study, we compare daily precipitation accumulations from the ERA5 Global Reanalysis (hereafter ERA5) and the US Global Historical Climate Network (hereafter GHCN) across the northeastern United States. We find that both the distance from the Atlantic Coast and elevation difference between ERA5 estimates and GHCN observations affect precipitation relationships between the two datasets. ERA5 has less precipitation along the coast than GHCN observations but more precipitation inland. Elevation differences between ERA5 and GHCN observations are positively correlated with precipitation differences. Isolated GHCN stations on mountain peaks, with elevations well above the ERA5 model grid elevation, have much higher precipitation. Summer months (June, July, and August) have slightly less precipitation in ERA5 than GHCN observations, perhaps due to the ERA5 convective parameterization scheme. The heavy precipitation accumulation above the 90th, 95th, and 99th percentile thresholds are very similar for ERA5 and the GHCN. We find that daily precipitation in the ERA5 dataset is comparable to GHCN observations in the northeastern United States and its gridded spatial continuity has advantages over in-situ point precipitation measurements for regional modeling applications

    Controls on Evaporation in a Boreal Spruce Forest

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    The surface energy balance over a boreal spruce forest is analyzed using 3 yr of 30-min-averaged data collected during the 1994–96 Boreal Ecosystem–Atmosphere Study experiment 40 km west of Thompson, Manitoba, to show the climatic controls on surface evapotranspiration. The seasonal variation of evaporation is shown: lowest in spring when the ground is frozen, highest in summer (although daytime evaporative fractions are only 0.4), and lower again in fall after frost. The surface sensible heat flux in contrast is high in spring, when evaporation is low. Evaporation is much higher when the surface, including the moss layer, is wet. At all temperatures (in summer), evaporative fraction falls with increasing light level, because of the high vegetative resistance of the forest system. Using a Monin–Obukhov formulation and a bulk vegetation model, the vegetative resistance for the boreal spruce forest system is calculated. This bulk vegetative resistance decreases with increasing photosynthetic radiation, decreases sharply with relative humidity, decreases with increasing surface water storage, and is lower on cloudy days than on sunny days with the same incoming photosynthetic radiation. Vegetative resistance at its midmorning minimum is lower by a factor of 4 when the moss surface is very wet. As over grassland sites, the lower surface resistance to evaporation directly influences the diurnal cycle of lifting condensation level and cloud-base height, which are much lower on days with a wet surface. The reduction of vegetative resistance under cloudy skies at the same incoming radiation level presumably reflects the more efficient use of diffuse radiation by the canopy for photosynthesis. Vegetative resistance is roughly doubled in spring, when the ground is frozen, and is higher in fall after frost. About 63% of the observed variance in vegetative resistance can be explained in terms of meteorological variables using multiple linear regression. Some measurement issues are addressed in an appendix. The residual in the energy balance falls with increasing wind speed, which may be due to a small (10%–15%) underestimation of the sensible and latent heat fluxes at low wind speeds. During spring melt, however, this residual has a high daytime value of 30% of net radiation. The residual is also much higher on sunny days than on cloudy days
