106 research outputs found

    Neumann problems for nonlinear elliptic equations with L1L^1 data

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    In the present paper we prove existence results for solutions to nonlinear elliptic Neumann problems whose prototype is \begin{equation*} \begin{cases} -\Delta_{p} u -\text{div} (c(x)|u|^{p-2}u)) =f & \text{in}\ \Omega, \\ \left( |\nabla u|^{p-2}\nabla u+ c(x)|u|^{p-2}u \right)\cdot\underline n=0 & \text{on}\ \partial \Omega \,, \end{cases} \end{equation*} when ff is just a summable function. Our approach allows also to deduce a stability result for renormalized solutions and an existence result for operator with a zero order term

    Lexical learning and dysgraphia in a group of adults with developmental dyslexia

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    We investigated the ability to learn new words in a group of 22 adults with developmental dyslexia/dysgraphia and the relationship between their learning and spelling problems. We identified a deficit that affected the ability to learn both spoken and written new words (lexical learning deficit). There were no comparable problems in learning other kinds of representations (lexical/semantic and visual) and the deficit could not be explained in terms of more traditional phonological deficits associated with dyslexia (phonological awareness, phonological STM). Written new word learning accounted for further variance in the severity of the dysgraphia after phonological abilities had been partialled out. We suggest that lexical learning may be an independent ability needed to create lexical/formal representations from a series of independent units. Theoretical and clinical implications are discussed. © 2005 Psychology Press Ltd

    La certificación del Parque Nacional del Circeo (Italia central) : evaluación de la calidad de las aguas superficiales

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    Se ha evaluado la calidad biológica de las aguas corrientes del Parque Nacional del Circeo (Italia Central) en el ámbito de un proyecto de Certificación de esta Área Protegida según la Norma Internacional UNI EN ISO 14001. La calidad ambiental ha sido analizada en 25 estaciones de 13 cursos de agua (Fosso Bagnara, Fosso Fontana delle Rose, Fosso Arciglioni, Fosso Capogrosso, Rio Nocchia, Canale Cicerchia, Diversivo Nocchia, Canale Caterattino, Fiume Ninfa, Collettore Acque Medie, Rio Martino, Canale Papale, Rio Torto) a través de métodos de monitoreo biológico (tests toxicológicos del sedimento e índices biológicos) en el período comprendido entre el invierno del 2000 y la primavera del 2001. Los tests toxicológicos han comprendido el test de inhibición de la bioluminiscencia de la bacteria Vibrio fischeri y el test de germinación de semillas de 3 especies vegetales. Han sido calculados los índices bióticos I.B.E y B.M.W.P.', basados en las comunidades de macroinvertebrados bentónicos (muestreadas con red de mano), y los índices G.I.S., basados sobre las comunidades de macrófitos acuáticos. Ha sido también calculado el índice de funcionalidad fluvial (I.F.F.) en base a las características bióticas y abióticas del sistema acuático y del sistema terrestre asociado. En general la baja calidad de las aguas corrientes examinadas puede relacionarse con las modificaciones artificiales del álveo y a la contaminación química de origen urbana, agrícola e industrial. Estos factores antrópicos han causado la simplificación de las estructuras de las comunidades bentónicas (dominadas por pocas especies resistentes) y la alteración de la funcionalidad de los cursos de agua.An evaluation of the biological quality of running waters of the Circeo National Park (Central Italy) was performed according to the Certification Project of this Protected Area considering the International Standard UNI EN ISO 14001. The environmental quality was analysed in 25 sampling sites of 13 watercourses (Fosso Bagnara, Fosso Fontana delle Rose, Fosso Arciglioni, Fosso Capogrosso, Rio Nocchia, Canale Cicerchia, Diversivo Nocchia, Canale Caterattino, Fiume Ninfa, Collettore Acque Medie, Rio Martino, Canale Papale, Rio Torto) utilizing methods of biological monitoring (sediment toxicity tests and biological indexes) between winter 2000 and spring 2001. Toxicity tests included bio-luminescence inhibition of the bacterium Vibrio fischeri, and seed germination of 3 plant species. Biotic indexes (I.B.E and B.M.W.P') were calculated in relation to the macroinvertebrate communities (sampled with handheld net) and G.I.S. indexes were calculated in relation to aquatic macrophyte communities. The Fluvial Functionality Index was also calculated, taking into account the biotic and abiotic features of the aquatic system and its associated terrestrial system. Generally, the low quality of the studied watercourses can be related to artificial changes and chemical pollution coming from urban, agricultural and industrial areas. These anthropogenic factors have led to simplified benthic communities (dominated by a low number of tolerant species) and have altered the functionality of the watercourses

    Development of a new generation of 3D pixel sensors for HL-LHC

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    This paper covers the main technological and design aspects relevant to the development of a new generation of thin 3D pixel sensors with small pixel size aimed at the High-Luminosity LHC upgrades. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Semiconductor pixel detectors for digital mammography

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    Abstract We present some results obtained with silicon and gallium arsenide pixel detectors to be applied in the field of digital mammography. Even though GaAs is suitable for medical imaging applications thanks to its atomic number, which allows a very good detection efficiency, it often contains an high concentrations of traps which decrease the charge collection efficiency (CCE). So we have analysed both electrical and spectroscopic performance of different SI GaAs diodes as a function of concentrations of dopants in the substrate, in order to find a material by which we can obtain a CCE allowing the detection of all the photons that interact in the detector. Nevertheless to be able to detect low contrast details, efficiency and CCE are not the only parameters to be optimized; also the stability of the detection system is fundamental. In the past we have worked with Si pixel detectors; even if its atomic number does not allow a good detection efficiency at standard thickness, it has a very high stability. So keeping in mind the need to increase the Silicon detection efficiency we performed simulations to study the behaviour of the electrical potential in order to find a geometry to avoid the risk of electrical breakdown


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    O paisagismo consiste na modificação de determinado espaço com a implantação de plantas ornamentais, visando criar um ambiente harmonioso e proporcionar às pessoas o maior contato com a natureza, embora, atualmente, poucos jardins são encontrados em áreas rurais, em decorrência da alta demanda de tempo que é dedicado à realização das atividades no campo. Neste contexto, estudar a composição paisagística do meio rural, vem de encontro com a necessidade de se preservar as espécies vegetais, bem como os costumes de muitas dos nossos imigrantes (colonizadores), mudando a ideia que os espaços ocupados pelas propriedades rurais, não são apenas voltados para a produção agrícola, mas também um local aconchegante que traga bem-estar e suavidade para a família. Desta forma, o objetivo do presente estudo é projetar um local no qual se preserve a vegetação natural ao redor da residência, implantando novas espécies ornamentais que não exijam cuidados excessivos. Para a realização do projeto paisagístico, será necessário a escolha e delimitação da área. Em seguida, será coletado o solo para a realização da análise e, quantificação dos nutrientes necessários para o desenvolvimento das plantas. De posse do resultado da análise, serão realizados os cálculos para posterior calagem e adubação do local. Os fatores climáticos, o ciclo cultural das espécies ornamentais, bem como a época de floração de cada uma dessas espécies, deverão ser considerados no momento da compra. A disposição e plantio das mudas das espécies ornamentais serão realizadas em canteiros, preparados em diferentes formas para que haja uma diminuição dos custos e dos tratos culturais. As espécies ornamentais serão escolhidas objetivando manter um ambiente harmonioso diariamente, com flores novas as quais possuem diferentes cores e odores, cativando os olhares e aguçando os sentidos das pessoas. Nos espaços vazios, isto é, entre os canteiros, será plantado grama, construído um pergolado e, utilizado outros elementos adequados para o novo espaço criado. Uma vez implantado o jardim, o mesmo servirá para o embelezamento do local, para atração da fauna, bem como para melhorar o bem-estar físico e mental das pessoas que vivem no local. Este projeto será desenvolvido com intuito de atender as necessidades distintas em um ambiente tecnicamente projetado visando a manutenção de elementos vegetais e arquitetônicos que garantem o valor ético e moral da história cultural e do ambiente. O projeto aproveitará ainda, os espaços disponíveis em propriedade, sejam eles internos ou externos com áreas de grande, médio ou pequeno porte, de modo a buscar maiores condições de conforto ambiental. A execução deste projeto contribuirá para que outras famílias se inspirem e coloquem em prática a ideia de projeto rural

    Green cities for a better future? – A case study from an alpine region: the Town of Trento

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    In a world where, by 2050, 70% of the population will be living in cities, a “New Urban Agenda” is considered crucial in order to form more sustainable, inclusive and resilient cities. This means cities which are liveable both from the natural and human-environment points of view and where citizens are involved in the realization and management of an attractive urban environment of high quality. Given the process of urbanization occurring in many towns of the Alpine Region, managers and planners need to know the new order of priorities in needs and values expressed by citizens with regard to urban forests and those in nearby areas. This paper illustrates a case study of the town of Trento, in the north-eastern Italian Alps, a typical medium-sized alpine town which, despite recent urbanization, is still in close connection to woodlands. The research has been carried out by means of a questionnaire aimed at investigating the relationship between citizens and their forests. In particular, the points of investigation were the main functions attributed to the forests and visitors’ preferences of forest features. The results show that urbanization and socio-economic changes, with the introduction of an urban lifestyle, are producing a radical transformation in people’s behaviour and attitudes with regard to forests. A survey of this type may be a useful tool in the hands of planners and managers in order to help shape a sustainable urban development

    The INFN-FBK "Phase-2" R&D program

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    We report on the 3-year INFN ATLAS-CMS joint research activity in collaboration with FBK, started in 2014, and aimed at the development of new thin pixel detectors for the High Luminosity LHC Phase-2 upgrades. The program is concerned with both 3D and planar active-edge pixel sensors to be made on 6" p-type wafers. The technology and the design will be optimized and qualified for extreme radiation hardness (2×1016 neq cm-2). Pixel layouts compatible with present (for testing) and future (RD53 65nm) front-end chips of ATLAS and CMS are considered. The paper covers the main aspects of the research program, from the sensor design and fabrication technology, to the results of initial tests performed on the first prototypes. © 2015 Elsevier B.V