12 research outputs found

    Examining the Influence of Induction Practices on Novice Teachersā€™ Perceptions of Efficacy and Student Learning Outcomes

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    The purpose of this phenomenological study was to investigate novice teachersā€™ perceptions of the influence of induction practices on student learning outcomes at a public secondary high school. A theory that guided this study is Knowlesā€™s theory of andragogy as it establishes the need for novice teachers to participate in training that is self-directed, builds competency in problem-solving, and focuses on their experiences. Another theory that guided this study is Laveā€™s and Wengerā€™s situated learning theory as it offers a framework for induction that increases novice teacher efficacy and professionalism in the workplace. A transcendental phenomenology was used to detect the common meaning shared by novice teachers who experience induction practices. The sample of the study included novice teachers at public high schools in a Midwest state who have three years or less of teaching and received induction practices. Questionnaires, individual interviews, and a focus group discussion served as the data collection methods to achieve triangulation of the data. The study implemented Moustakasā€™s procedures for analysis by completing epochĆ©, phenomenological reduction, imaginative variation, and synthesis. From the analysis, the following three themes regarding induction practices emerged: the power of relationships, an uplifting experience, and the importance of authenticity. The findings revealed that induction practices can positively influence novice teachersā€™ ability to achieve student learning outcomes

    Estudio de la influencia del calor neto en la microestructura del ZAC del acero AISI 4340 soldado por el proceso SMAW

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    El presente trabajo de investigaciĆ³n tiene como objetivo determinar la influencia del calor neto en la microestructura del acero AISI 4340 soldado por el proceso SMAW, con el fin de alargar la vida Ćŗtil de las piezas de maquinarias pesadas hasta que sean cambiadas por nuevas. En ese sentido se formulĆ³ la siguiente hipĆ³tesis: El calor neto aplicado en la soldabilidad del acero AISI 4340, por el proceso SMAW produce cambio en su microestructura. La metodologĆ­a empleada es de tipo experimental y de carĆ”cter explicativo. Para el estudio se usaron 8 probetas, cada una soldada con diferentes parĆ”metros de soldadura empleando los electrodos AWS E 312-16 y E 309 Mo-16 en una pasada, de las cuales se seleccionĆ³ una, la que fue objeto de estudio. Se realizĆ³ el ensayo de dureza a las 8 probetas, con el fin de determinar su dureza de cada probeta soldada. AdemĆ”s, se realizĆ³ el ensayo de Charpy; con el propĆ³sito de ver su resistencia, tenacidad al impacto, que presentan. De la misma forma, los resultados del ensayo de Charpy y del ensayo metalogrĆ”fico, junto con los resultados del cĆ”lculo de calor neto, ancho de la ZAC, temperatura mĆ”xima y la diluciĆ³n, comprobaron la influencia del calor neto en la microestructura del acero AISI 4340 soldado por el proceso SMAW. En la prueba de dureza se verifico una cierta diferencia entre la probeta soldada y el metal base, alcanzando un ligero aumento de dureza en el depĆ³sito de soldadura

    Growth of large SbSI crystals

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    In this paper a novel method of SbSI single crystals fabrication is presented. In this method a sonochemically prepared SbSI gel is used as an intermediate product in a vapour growth process. The main advantages of the presented technique are as follows. First, the SbSI gel source material has lower temperature of sublimation and allows to avoid explosions during SbSI synthesis (the sonochemical synthesis is free of any explosion hazard). Second, but not least, the grown SbSI single crystals have smaller ratio of longitudinal and lateral dimensions. The cross sections of the presented crystals are relatively large (they are up to 9 mm2). The crystals have been characterized by X-ray diffraction, angle-resolved optical spectroscopy, and diffusive reflectivity

    Efficient Solar Cells Based on Light-Harvesting Antimony Sulfoiodide

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    Although antimony sulfoiodide (SbSI) exhibits very interesting properties including high photoconductivity, ferroelectricity, and piezoelectricity, it is not applied to solar cells. Meanwhile, SbSI is predominantly prepared as a powder using a high-temperature, high-pressure system. Herein, the fabrication of solar cells utilizing SbSI as light harvesters is reported for the first time to the best of knowledge. SbSI is prepared by solution processing, followed by annealing under mild temperature conditions by a reaction between antimony trisulfide, which is deposited by chemical bath deposition on a mesoporous TiO2 electrode and antimony triiodide, under air at a low temperature (90 degrees C) without any external pressure. The solar cells fabricated using SbSI exhibit a power conversion efficiency of 3.05% under standard illumination conditions of 100 mW cm(-2)

    IzvērtÄ“Å”ana mākslas terapijā: principi un metodes

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    Vizuāli plastiskās mākslas terapijas praksē, lai veiktu klienta/pacienta izvērtÄ“Å”anu, papildus intervijai ar klientu/pacientu, kā arÄ« medicÄ«niskās dokumentācijas izpētei un citiem instrumentiem tiek veikta arÄ« uz mākslu balstÄ«ta izvērtÄ“Å”ana ar dažādu uz mākslu balstÄ«tu izvērtÄ“Å”anas instrumentu palÄ«dzÄ«bu. Å is rakstu krājums ir viens no pirmajiem centieniem aptvert plaÅ”o informāciju par izvērtÄ“Å”anas principiem un metodēm mākslas terapijā kopumā, Ä«paÅ”i koncentrējoties tieÅ”i uz mākslā balstÄ«tajiem izvērtÄ“Å”anas instrumentiem. Rakstu krājums ir paredzēts mākslas terapeitiem, studentiem, kas apgÅ«st mākslas terapiju, citu palÄ«dzoÅ”o profesiju speciālistiem un studējoÅ”ajiem, kā arÄ« dažādu citu nozaru profesionāļiem, kuri strādā kopā ar mākslas terapeitiem un vēlas iepazÄ«t dažādās mākslas terapijas prakses Ŕķautnes