79 research outputs found

    Etude analytique de la fiabilité dans les réseaux ad hoc multi-domiciliés

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    National audienceLa redondance est le principal moyen pour amĂ©liorer la robustesse et la disponibilitĂ© des chemins dans les rĂ©seaux mobiles ad hoc. Dans ce document, nous analysons deux niveaux de redondance proposĂ©s dans la littĂ©rature afin de faciliter le recouvrement de la communication entre deux nƓuds (1) la redondance de routes Ă  travers les protocoles de routage multipath (2) le concept de multihoming procurant une redondance de niveau transport. Nous montrons l'avantage de l'intĂ©gration multihoming-multipath dans les rĂ©seaux ad hoc en termes de fiabilitĂ© et de disponibilitĂ© et proposons une mĂ©thode de calcul de la fiabilitĂ© des chemins dans un rĂ©seau mobile ad hoc multi-domiciliĂ© utilisant cette approche

    Beyond translesion synthesis: polymerase Îș fidelity as a potential determinant of microsatellite stability

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    Microsatellite DNA synthesis represents a significant component of human genome replication that must occur faithfully. However, yeast replicative DNA polymerases do not possess high fidelity for microsatellite synthesis. We hypothesized that the structural features of Y-family polymerases that facilitate accurate translesion synthesis may promote accurate microsatellite synthesis. We compared human polymerases Îș (Pol Îș) and η (Pol η) fidelities to that of replicative human polymerase ÎŽ holoenzyme (Pol ÎŽ4), using the in vitro HSV-tk assay. Relative polymerase accuracy for insertion/deletion (indel) errors within 2–3 unit repeats internal to the HSV-tk gene concurred with the literature: Pol ÎŽ4 >> Pol Îș or Pol η. In contrast, relative polymerase accuracy for unit-based indel errors within [GT]10 and [TC]11 microsatellites was: Pol Îș ≄ Pol ÎŽ4 > Pol η. The magnitude of difference was greatest between Pols Îș and ÎŽ4 with the [GT] template. Biochemically, Pol Îș displayed less synthesis termination within the [GT] allele than did Pol ÎŽ4. In dual polymerase reactions, Pol Îș competed with either a stalled or moving Pol ÎŽ4, thereby reducing termination. Our results challenge the ideology that pol Îș is error prone, and suggest that DNA polymerases with complementary biochemical properties can function cooperatively at repetitive sequences

    Co-expression network of neural-differentiation genes shows specific pattern in schizophrenia

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    Background: Schizophrenia is a neurodevelopmental disorder with genetic and environmental factors contributing to its pathogenesis, although the mechanism is unknown due to the difficulties in accessing diseased tissue during human neurodevelopment. The aim of this study was to find neuronal differentiation genes disrupted in schizophrenia and to evaluate those genes in post-mortem brain tissues from schizophrenia cases and controls. Methods: We analyzed differentially expressed genes (DEG), copy number variation (CNV) and differential methylation in human induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSC) derived from fibroblasts from one control and one schizophrenia patient and further differentiated into neuron (NPC). Expression of the DEG were analyzed with microarrays of post-mortem brain tissue (frontal cortex) cohort of 29 schizophrenia cases and 30 controls. A Weighted Gene Co-expression Network Analysis (WGCNA) using the DEG was used to detect clusters of co-expressed genes that werenon-conserved between adult cases and controls brain samples. Results: We identified methylation alterations potentially involved with neuronal differentiation in schizophrenia, which displayed an over-representation of genes related to chromatin remodeling complex (adjP = 0.04). We found 228 DEG associated with neuronal differentiation. These genes were involved with metabolic processes, signal transduction, nervous system development, regulation of neurogenesis and neuronal differentiation. Between adult brain samples from cases and controls there were 233 DEG, with only four genes overlapping with the 228 DEG, probably because we compared single cell to tissue bulks and more importantly, the cells were at different stages of development. The comparison of the co-expressed network of the 228 genes in adult brain samples between cases and controls revealed a less conserved module enriched for genes associated with oxidative stress and negative regulation of cell differentiation. Conclusion: This study supports the relevance of using cellular approaches to dissect molecular aspects of neurogenesis with impact in the schizophrenic brain. We showed that, although generated by different approaches, both sets of DEG associated to schizophrenia were involved with neocortical development. The results add to the hypothesis that critical metabolic changes may be occurring during early neurodevelopment influencing faulty development of the brain and potentially contributing to further vulnerability to the illness.We thank the patients, doctors and nurses involved with sample collection and the Stanley Medical Research Institute. This research was supported by either Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientifico e Tecnologico (CNPq #17/2008) and Fundação Carlos Chagas Filho de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (FAPERJ). MM (CNPq 304429/2014-7), ACT (FAPESP 2014/00041-1), LL (CAPES 10682/13-9) HV (CAPES) and BP (PPSUS 137270) were supported by their fellowshipsinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    An Active Site Aromatic Triad in Escherichia coli DNA Pol IV Coordinates Cell Survival and Mutagenesis in Different DNA Damaging Agents

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    DinB (DNA Pol IV) is a translesion (TLS) DNA polymerase, which inserts a nucleotide opposite an otherwise replication-stalling N2-dG lesion in vitro, and confers resistance to nitrofurazone (NFZ), a compound that forms these lesions in vivo. DinB is also known to be part of the cellular response to alkylation DNA damage. Yet it is not known if DinB active site residues, in addition to aminoacids involved in DNA synthesis, are critical in alkylation lesion bypass. It is also unclear which active site aminoacids, if any, might modulate DinB's bypass fidelity of distinct lesions. Here we report that along with the classical catalytic residues, an active site “aromatic triad”, namely residues F12, F13, and Y79, is critical for cell survival in the presence of the alkylating agent methyl methanesulfonate (MMS). Strains expressing dinB alleles with single point mutations in the aromatic triad survive poorly in MMS. Remarkably, these strains show fewer MMS- than NFZ-induced mutants, suggesting that the aromatic triad, in addition to its role in TLS, modulates DinB's accuracy in bypassing distinct lesions. The high bypass fidelity of prevalent alkylation lesions is evident even when the DinB active site performs error-prone NFZ-induced lesion bypass. The analyses carried out with the active site aromatic triad suggest that the DinB active site residues are poised to proficiently bypass distinctive DNA lesions, yet they are also malleable so that the accuracy of the bypass is lesion-dependent

    RecG directs DNA synthesis during double-strand break repair

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    Homologous recombination provides a mechanism of DNA double-strand break repair (DSBR) that requires an intact, homologous template for DNA synthesis. When DNA synthesis associated with DSBR is convergent, the broken DNA strands are replaced and repair is accurate. However, if divergent DNA synthesis is established, over-replication of flanking DNA may occur with deleterious consequences. The RecG protein of Escherichia coli is a helicase and translocase that can re-model 3-way and 4-way DNA structures such as replication forks and Holliday junctions. However, the primary role of RecG in live cells has remained elusive. Here we show that, in the absence of RecG, attempted DSBR is accompanied by divergent DNA replication at the site of an induced chromosomal DNA double-strand break. Furthermore, DNA double-stand ends are generated in a recG mutant at sites known to block replication forks. These double-strand ends, also trigger DSBR and the divergent DNA replication characteristic of this mutant, which can explain over-replication of the terminus region of the chromosome. The loss of DNA associated with unwinding joint molecules previously observed in the absence of RuvAB and RecG, is suppressed by a helicase deficient PriA mutation (priA300), arguing that the action of RecG ensures that PriA is bound correctly on D-loops to direct DNA replication rather than to unwind joint molecules. This has led us to put forward a revised model of homologous recombination in which the re-modelling of branched intermediates by RecG plays a fundamental role in directing DNA synthesis and thus maintaining genomic stability

    Epidémiologie descriptive de l'anasarque chez le bulldog anglais

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    L'anasarque congĂ©nitale, encore dĂ©nommĂ©e water puppy syndrome , correspond Ă  une hydropisie des tissus foetaux Ă  l'origine d'un oedĂšme sous-cutanĂ© gĂ©nĂ©ralisĂ© associĂ© Ă  des quantitĂ©s variables de liquide dans les cavitĂ©s abdominale et thoracique. Cette affection, responsable de dystocies, entraĂźne la mise en place obligatoire d'une cĂ©sarienne lors de la mise-bas et provoque de la mortinatalitĂ© et d'importantes pertes Ă©conomiques dans de nombreuses espĂšces telles que les espĂšces bovine, ovine, caprine ou encore canine. ParticuliĂšrement observĂ©e dans la race Bulldog Anglais, l'hydropisie foetale devient une rĂ©elle menace pour cette race, les instances europĂ©ennes privilĂ©giant dĂ©sormais le bien-ĂȘtre animal. AprĂšs une Ă©tude bibliographique multispĂ©cifique de cette affection, nous prĂ©sentons les rĂ©sultats d'un questionnaire soumis Ă  44 Ă©leveurs de Bulldogs Anglais en France. Ceci nous permet de dĂ©crire la conduite d'Ă©levage dans cette race. Aucune relation entre l'alimentation, la gĂ©nĂ©tique ou la conduite de la reproduction et l'incidence de l'anasarque n'a pu ĂȘtre mise en Ă©vidence.MAISONS-ALFORT-Ecole VĂ©tĂ©rin (940462302) / SudocSudocFranceF
