799 research outputs found

    A Sox10 enhancer element common to the otic placode and neural crest is activated by tissue-specific paralogs

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    The otic placode, a specialized region of ectoderm, gives rise to components of the inner ear and shares many characteristics with the neural crest, including expression of the key transcription factor Sox10. Here, we show that in avian embryos, a highly conserved cranial neural crest enhancer, Sox10E2, also controls the onset of Sox10 expression in the otic placode. Interestingly, we show that different combinations of paralogous transcription factors (Sox8, Pea3 and cMyb versus Sox9, Ets1 and cMyb) are required to mediate Sox10E2 activity in the ear and neural crest, respectively. Mutating their binding motifs within Sox10E2 greatly reduces enhancer activity in the ear. Moreover, simultaneous knockdown of Sox8, Pea3 and cMyb eliminates not only the enhancer-driven reporter expression, but also the onset of endogenous Sox10 expression in the ear. Rescue experiments confirm that the specific combination of Myb together with Sox8 and Pea3 is responsible for the onset of Sox10 expression in the otic placode, as opposed to Myb plus Sox9 and Ets1 for neural crest Sox10 expression. Whereas SUMOylation of Sox8 is not required for the initial onset of Sox10 expression, it is necessary for later otic vesicle formation. This new role of Sox8, Pea3 and cMyb in controlling Sox10 expression via a common otic/neural crest enhancer suggests an evolutionarily conserved function for the combination of paralogous transcription factors in these tissues of distinct embryological origin

    Growth, heavy metal uptake, and photosynthesis in 'Paulsen 1103' (Vitis berlandieri x rupestris) grapevine rootstocks inoculated with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi from vineyard soils with high copper contents

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    Soils in old vineyards in southern Brazil have high copper accumulation due to fungicide applications over the years, which can affect physiology and growth of young grapevine plants. Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) alleviate toxic effects of metals and increase photosynthesis and plant growth. We evaluated whether inoculation with Rhizophagus clarus (Rh) from a mining area or with a trap-culture-enriched AMF community (Tc) isolated from a high-copper vineyard soil, improved growth and photosynthesis in grapevine rootstocks planted in young (< 10 years) and old (> 60 years) vineyards soils of Vale da Uva Goethe, SC, Brazil. Mycorrhizal colonization was higher in grapevines installed in young vineyard soil than those planted in old vineyard soil. Plants grew more in the old vineyard soil than in the soil from a young vineyard, and that was related to plant nutrient concentration in the soil. In both soils, Tc-inoculated grapevines had higher photosynthetic activity, while those inoculated with R. clarus had higher carbon assimilation. In conclusion, grapevines showed a positive response to AMF inoculation in different soil conditions, and the native AMF community from high copper soils are promising for inoculation of grapevines

    Caracterización preliminar de las interacciones aguas subterráneas-humedales-ser humano en Iberoamérica y en la Península Ibérica

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    El proyecto UNESCO IGCP 604 tiene como objetivo elaborar un marco conceptual sobre las interacciones aguas subterráneas–humedales-ser humano, y está motivado por el Programa de Evaluación de los Ecosistemas del Milenio de Naciones Unidas. Como resultados preliminares se ha elaborado información de catorce humedales en nueve países. Sus características morfológicas, hidrológicas, químicas, etc. son muy variables. Solamente los servicios de abastecimiento de agua y de regulación hídrica parecen estar ampliamente extendidos, con una tendencia dominante a mantenerse estables o a empeorar. Todos los servicios culturales son frecuentes y muestran una tendencia mayoritaria a mejorar. Entre los factores que inducen cambios en los servicios, los de impacto más extendido son: extracción de agua, cambios en el uso de suelo, contaminación y cambio climático y global. Presentan impactos variables, pero la tendencia general es a mantenerse estables o a aumentar.This paper presents the preliminary results of The UNESCO project IGCP 604, whose objec-tive is to elaborate a conceptual framework on groundwater-wetland-human beings interactions, and is moti-vated by the UNESCO Millennium Ecosystems Assessment Programme. Data from fourteen wetlands in nine countries have been elaborated. Their morphological, hydrological, chemical, etc. characteristics are highly variable. Only the water supply and water regulation services seem to be widely extended, and their general evolution trend is to be stable or to worsen. All the cultural services seem to be widely extended, and the dominant trend is to improve. The factors that most widely induce changes in wetland services are water ex-traction, biological exploitation, changes in land use, pollution, and climate and global change. They cause variable impacts, which tend to be stable or to increase

    Expression and function of transcription factor cMyb during cranial neural crest development

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    The transcription factor cMyb has well known functions in vertebrate hematopoiesis, but little was known about its distribution or function at early developmental stages. Here, we show that cMyb transcripts are present at the neural plate during gastrulation in chick embryos. cMyb expression then resolves to the cranial neural folds and is maintained in early migrating cranial neural crest cells during and after neurulation. Morpholino-mediated knock-down of cMyb reduces expression of Pax7 and Twist at the neural plate border, as well as reducing expression of neural crest specifier genes Snail2 and Sox10 and completely eliminating expression of Ets1. On the other hand, its loss results in abnormal maintenance of Zic1, but little or no effect on other neural crest specifier genes like FoxD3 or Sox9. These results place cMyb in a critical hierarchical position within the cranial neural crest cell gene regulatory network, likely directly inhibiting Zic1 and upstream of Ets1 and some, but not all, neural crest specifier genes

    Analysis Gender Stereotypes in perception profile of conduct in track and field

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    In our current world, the existance of obstacles to acknowledge women’s equal abiliAes is real. Legally there are no barriers. The Sports Act of the government of Andalusia (Law 5/2016, July 19) determines the right to equality between genders. This is what has been called the glass ceiling. Gender stereotypes about behavior profile recreate constraints that occur in everyday pracAces, power relaAons and insAtuAonal arrangements of the general social order. Thee stereotypes are rooted in sports. In this sense. The objecAve of this study was to "interprete different gender stereotypes that exist regarding men’s and women’s profile of conduct in athleAcs.

    Características y propiedades germinativas de las semilla de abarco (cariniana pyriformis miers)

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    El presente estudio se llevó a cabo en los laboratorios y viveros de la Facultad de Ciencias Agrícolas de la Universidad Nacional, Seccional de Medellín. Se estudiaron, básicamente, los siguientes aspectos: a) Características de los frutos, semillas y plántulas de abarco; b) Búsqueda de un tratamiento adecuado contra el ataque de hongos a las semillas; c) Hallazgo de adecuadas condiciones para el almacenamiento de las semillas, de tal manera que su pérdida de potencia germinativa no fuera significativa en un período más o menos largo y; d) Estudiar el comportamiento de las plántulas bajo diferentes condiciones de exposición solar. Para el estudio de la eficacia de los tratamientos sanitarios se aplicaron cuatro productos químicos diferentes a semillas colocadas en platos de Petri, luego se efectuó el conteo de semillas infectadas a los doce y veinticuatro días, utilizando un diseño completamente al azar. En los dos ensayos realizados bajo condiciones de almacenamiento de semillas de abarco, se dispuso de lotes de semillas almacenadas bajo diferentes condiciones ambientales y por distintos periodos, las cuales posteriormente fueron puestas a germinar, efectuándose luego el conteo de semillas germinadas. El diseño experimental para el ensayo I fue completamente al azar en un arreglo factorial 2 x 3 x 3, y para el ensayo JI fue completamente al azar en un arreglo factorial 2 x 3. Para el experimento sobre diferentes condiciones de luz solar, se sembraron semillas en eras de germinación y luego las plántulas fueron transplantadas a macetas las cuales se colocaron en distintos sitios, bajo diferentes grados de exposición solar. El diseño utilizado fue completamente al azar. El mejor tratamiento fue formol al 4% durante 3 minutos. No se encontraron diferencias significativas en cuanto al almacenamiento en seco en recipientes abiertos y cerrados herméticamente. Durante los primeros 90 días de período de almacenamiento, la temperatura más apropiada y que mostró diferencias significativas con los otros tratamientos fue 4°C. No se encontraron diferencias significativas en el desarrollo inicial de plántulas de abarco sometidas a diferentes condiciones de exposición solar. Se encontraron diferencias significativas entre los diferentes períodos de almacenamiento./Abstract The research was carried out in the laboratory and nursery of the School of Agricultural Sciences, Universidad Nacional, located in Medellín. Basically, the following aspects were studied: a) Characteristics of the fruit, seeds and seedlings of abarco (Cariniana pyriformis); b) Search for an adequate treatment against fungi attack on seeds; c) To find adequate storage conditions for the seeds, in such a way, that its germinative potency loss would not be significant after a long storage period; and d) Study the behavior of the seedlings under different conditions of exposition to sunlight. To study the efficiency of sanitary treatments, four different chemical products were applied to seeds placed in Petri dishes. The infected seeds were counted after 12 and 24 days. A completely random design was used. In the two trials carried out for storage conditions of abarco seeds, lots of seeds were stored under different conditions and during different periods; they were later on allowed to germinate and, counted. The experimental design for trial I was a completely randomized one in a factorial design of 2 x 3 x 3, and fortrial TI, completely randomized with a factorial design of 2 x 3. In the experiment dealing with different conditions of sunlight, seeds were planted in germination beds, the seedling being transplanted lo pots later on, and then placed in different sites, under varying degrees of sun exposure. The design utilized was also completely randomized. The results showed that the best treatment was formaldehyde 4% for 3 minutes. No significant differences were found in relation to dry storage in open containers and those hermetically c1osed. During the first 90 days of the storage period, the most appropriate temperature, which also showed significative differences with the other treatments, was 40°C. No significant differences were found in the initial development of the abarco seedlings exposed to varying degrees of sunlight. Significant diferences were found between the different periods of storage

    Estrategia de diseño para la automatización de pruebas unitarias de códigos php utilizando el framework phpunit

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    Las soluciones para pruebas unitarias de software basadas en librerías no son suficientes debido que para su uso es necesario su automatización, lo que genera doble trabajo para el programador. En este documento se presenta el desarrollo de una estrategia de diseño para automatización de pruebas unitarias de códigos PHP utilizando el framework PHPUnit como trabajo de grado en el Politécnico Colombiano Jaime Isaza Cadavid ABSTRACT The solutions for software unit testing libraries are not based on sufficient due to its use are necessary for its automation, which creates double work for the programmer. This paper presents the development of a design strategy for automated unit testing PHP code using PHPUnit framework as graduate work at the Politécnico Colombiano Jaime Isaza Cadavid

    Automatización de pruebas unitarias de códigos PHP

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    Las pruebas unitarias de software permiten evitar errores a gran escala que con el paso del tiempo requieren mayor inversión para su corrección. Sin embargo a veces los frameworks de apoyo disponibles para realizar estas pruebas no son suficientes por sí solos y necesitan ser automatizados. En este artículo se presenta el desarrollo de una estrategia de diseño para automatización de pruebas unitarias de códigos PHP utilizando el framework PHPUnit y su posterior desarrollo empleando la metodología WEBM

    FMECA and FTA analysis applied to the manufacturing process of pulsating heat pipes

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    Pulsating heat pipes (PHPs) offer significant advantages for the thermal control of electronic components due to their simple manufacturing and high heat transfer rates. The reliability of PHPs has traditionally been assessed through long-life testing, but detailed reliability analyses from an equipment perspective are limited. The study of PHP reliability is essential due to its application and operational conditions. For instance, in aerospace applications these devices operate under severe conditions, and maintenance or replacement is impossible during operation, making them critical components in system functionality. The reliability analysis of PHPs focuses on the manufacturing process, considering future operating conditions. Although preliminary PHP testing will be conducted on Earth, laboratory conditions are less stringent due to the difficulty of replicating launch acceleration and space conditions for long-term testing under microgravity. This study presents an FMECA (Failure Modes, Effects, and Criticality Analysis) of the pulsating heat pipe manufacturing process, breaking down the production of each component. The results indicate that the most critical point is concentrated in the assembly of these components, leading to a higher incidence of welding failures. It recommends further work to improve welding and analyze mechanical stresses within the heat pipe