219 research outputs found

    Keynes and Harrod on the Classical Theory of Interest: More on the Origin of the Only Diagram in the General Theory

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    Rod O'Donnell's (1999a, 1999b) and James Ahiakpor's (1999) contributions on the origin of the only diagram in J. M. Keynes's General Theory raise some interesting points regarding the use of documentary evidence for interpreting authors' ideas or specific passages in their writing

    Economic Dictionaries on the Web

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    This paper surveys the economic dictionaries available on the internet, both for free and on subscription, addressed to various kinds of audiences from schoolchildren to research students and academics. The focus is not much on content, but on whether and how the possibilities opened by electronic editing and by the modes of distribution and interaction opened by the internet are exploited in the organization and presentation of the materials. The upshot is that although a number of web dictionaries have taken advantage of some of the innovations offered by the internet (in particular the possibility of regularly updating, of turning cross-references into hyperlinks, of adding links to external materials, of adding more or less complex search engines), the observation that internet lexicography has mostly produced more ef! cient dictionary without, however, fundamentally altering the traditional paper structure can be con! rmed for this particular subset of reference works. In particular, what is scarcely explored is the possibility of visualizing the relationship between entries, thus abandoning the project of the early encyclopedists right when the technology provides the means of accomplishing it

    Leo Zanier, "Pardutt" in morte di Flora

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    Esame del corpus di 15 componimenti in versi, incorniciati da quattro prose, di Leo Zanier in morte della sua donna, tutti datati tra agosto e dicembre del 2014. Si accampa nel libretto (uscito a stampa nel 2015) la compresenza di vita e di morte in un’atmosfera di tristezza contenuta e persino gioiosa. La memoria collega e salda situazioni cronologicamente distanti e ambienti lontani, riunendoli attorno alla presenza dell’Assente. Elementi lessicali, tematici, anche grafici (importante la funzione dei punti di sospensione), richiami a distanza, ricorrenze di immagini, impostazioni sintattiche iterate, tutto concorre a fondere i testi in un organismo coerente

    Clément Juglar and his contemporaries on the causes of commercial crises

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    On this question, various and contradictory opinions have been formed; and if the notorious fact of the public distress has united the sentiments of all parties on this single point, they seem to differ as widely as ever in their judgments as to the causes of it.[Anonymous, 1816, p. 375] Introduction: of continents and islands Until recently, the writings of Clément Juglar had not been much read or cited first hand (hopefully this issue will contribute to stimulate interest in his work). His ..

    Harrod, Hansen and Samuelson on the Multiplier-Acceleration Model. A Further Note

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    harrod hansen samuelson multiplier acceleration principle, dynamics, business cycle

    Training load and heart rate variability in acute exposure to hypobaric hypoxia: A case study

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    Objetivo: Analizar el control de la carga de entrenamientoen la estrategia de aclimatación empleada por dos atletas amateur (mujer y hombre) antes de una ascensión exitosa a 5460 metros. Metodología: Durante 195 días consecutivos se realizaron mediciones basales de variabilidad de la frecuencia cardiaca (VFC). Se obtuvieron cuatro muestras de sangre durante la semana previa al evento principal (Pre), inmediatamente antes de la ascensión (Pre A), después (Post A) y una semana de recuperación (Post C). Resultados:Los registros diarios de VFC matutinos parecen ser una forma útil para monitorizar el estado de equilibrio simpático-parasimpático en montañistas antes de abordar las sesiones de entrenamiento. Se observó que ambos sujetos aumentaron sus niveles de leucocitos y neutrófilos exhibiendo variaciones sobre 60% entre las condiciones pre A y post B. Eritrocitos, hematocrito y hemoglobina presentaron tras la exposición aguda a 5460 m disminuciones, lo que coincide conlas diferencias porcentuales en plaquetas entre ambos sujetos (-3% y -51%). Conclusiones: Los registros diarios de VFC matutinos y de 5 minutos de duración parecen ser una forma útil para monitorizar el estado de equilibrio simpático-parasimpático. Se observaron cambios significativos en algunas células de la serie blanca.Aim: To analyzethe control of training load for an acclimatization strategy employed by two amateur athletes (female and male) prior to a successful ascent to 5460 meters. Methodology:Baseline heart rate variability (HRV) measurements were taken for 195 consecutive days. Four blood samples were taken the week before the main event (Pre), pre-ascent (Pre A), post-ascent (Post A), and one-week post-ascent (Post C). Results:Daily morning HRV recordings were useful for monitoring the state of sympathetic-parasympathetic balance in mountaineers prior to tackling training sessions. Both subjects had increased leukocytes and neutrophil levels, exhibiting variations over 60% between pre-A and post-B conditions. Erythrocytes, hematocrit, and haemoglobin decreased after acute exposure to 5460 m, coinciding with changes in platelet levels between both subjects (-3% and -51%). Conclusions:Daily morning and 5-min HRV recordings are a useful way for monitoring the state of sympathetic-parasympathetic balance. Significant changes were observed in some white blood cells

    Carga de entrenamiento y variabilidad de la frecuencia cardiaca en una exposición aguda a la hipoxia hipobárica: Estudio de caso

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    Objetivo: Analizar el control de la carga de entrenamiento en la estrategia de aclimatación empleada por dos atletas amateur (mujer y hombre) antes de una ascensión exitosa a 5460 metros. Metodología: Durante 195 días consecutivos se realizaron mediciones basales de variabilidad de la frecuencia cardiaca (VFC). Se obtuvieron cuatro muestras de sangre durante la semana previa al evento principal (Pre), inmediatamente antes de la ascensión (Pre A), después (Post A) y una semana de recuperación (Post C). Resultados: Los registros diarios de VFC matutinos parecen ser una forma útil para monitorizar el estado de equilibrio simpático-parasimpático en montañistas antes de abordar las sesiones de entrenamiento. Se observó que ambos sujetos aumentaron sus niveles de leucocitos y neutrófilos exhibiendo variaciones sobre 60% entre las condiciones pre A y post B. Eritrocitos, hematocrito y hemoglobina presentaron tras la exposición aguda a 5460 m disminuciones, lo que coincide con las diferencias porcentuales en plaquetas entre ambos sujetos (-3% y -51%). Conclusiones: Los registros diarios de VFC matutinos y de 5 minutos de duración parecen ser una forma útil para monitorizar el estado de equilibrio simpático-parasimpático. Se observaron cambios significativos en algunas células de la serie blanca

    Training volume and previous injury as associated factors for running-related injuries by race distance: A cross-sectional study

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    Objective: This study aims to determine the relationship between weekly pre-competition running volume and the presence of running-related injuries (RRIs) by race distance. Methods: An online questionnaire was sent to 25,000 participants, 14 days following the running event. The questionnaire included the presence and topography of RRIs, previous injury in the last 12 months, running experience, training, and sociodemographic characteristics. Univariate and multivariable binomial regression was used to analyse the crude and adjusted relationship of RRI and training volumes. Results: 4380 surveys were analysed (10km, n=1316; 21km, n= 2168; 42km, n=896). The median age was 36 years. Previous injury was reported by 51.8% of the respondents. Median training volume in the previous month was 15 km/week (IQR 6-24), 30 km/week (IQR 15-40) and 45 km/week (IQR 30-60), for the 10km, 21km, and 42km distances, respectively. During the race, 14.1% reported a RRI, with 43.1% located at the knee. The multivariable analysis showed previous injury and distance as the main associated factors, whereas weekly training volume, age, and previous participation were protective. Conclusion: Race is an inciting event for developing a RRI. Running race distance is an important factor itself and should be incorporated with other modifiable risk factors in current injury models