522 research outputs found

    Self-stabilizing Numerical Iterative Computation

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    Many challenging tasks in sensor networks, including sensor calibration, ranking of nodes, monitoring, event region detection, collaborative filtering, collaborative signal processing, {\em etc.}, can be formulated as a problem of solving a linear system of equations. Several recent works propose different distributed algorithms for solving these problems, usually by using linear iterative numerical methods. In this work, we extend the settings of the above approaches, by adding another dimension to the problem. Specifically, we are interested in {\em self-stabilizing} algorithms, that continuously run and converge to a solution from any initial state. This aspect of the problem is highly important due to the dynamic nature of the network and the frequent changes in the measured environment. In this paper, we link together algorithms from two different domains. On the one hand, we use the rich linear algebra literature of linear iterative methods for solving systems of linear equations, which are naturally distributed with rapid convergence properties. On the other hand, we are interested in self-stabilizing algorithms, where the input to the computation is constantly changing, and we would like the algorithms to converge from any initial state. We propose a simple novel method called \syncAlg as a self-stabilizing variant of the linear iterative methods. We prove that under mild conditions the self-stabilizing algorithm converges to a desired result. We further extend these results to handle the asynchronous case. As a case study, we discuss the sensor calibration problem and provide simulation results to support the applicability of our approach

    Incremental proximal methods for large scale convex optimization

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    Laboratory for Information and Decision Systems Report LIDS-P-2847We consider the minimization of a sum∑m [over]i=1 fi (x) consisting of a large number of convex component functions fi . For this problem, incremental methods consisting of gradient or subgradient iterations applied to single components have proved very effective. We propose new incremental methods, consisting of proximal iterations applied to single components, as well as combinations of gradient, subgradient, and proximal iterations. We provide a convergence and rate of convergence analysis of a variety of such methods, including some that involve randomization in the selection of components.We also discuss applications in a few contexts, including signal processing and inference/machine learning.United States. Air Force Office of Scientific Research (grant FA9550-10-1-0412

    New Error Bounds for Approximations from Projected Linear Equations

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    Joint Technical Report of U.H. and M.I.T. Technical Report C-2008-43 Dept. Computer Science University of Helsinki and LIDS Report 2797 Dept. EECS M.I.T. July 2008; revised July 2009We consider linear fixed point equations and their approximations by projection on a low dimensional subspace. We derive new bounds on the approximation error of the solution, which are expressed in terms of low dimensional matrices and can be computed by simulation. When the fixed point mapping is a contraction, as is typically the case in Markov decision processes (MDP), one of our bounds is always sharper than the standard contraction-based bounds, and another one is often sharper. The former bound is also tight in a worst-case sense. Our bounds also apply to the non-contraction case, including policy evaluation in MDP with nonstandard projections that enhance exploration. There are no error bounds currently available for this case to our knowledge

    Stochastic motion planning and applications to traffic

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    This paper presents a stochastic motion planning algorithm and its application to traffic navigation. The algorithm copes with the uncertainty of road traffic conditions by stochastic modeling of travel delay on road networks. The algorithm determines paths between two points that optimize a cost function of the delay probability distribution. It can be used to find paths that maximize the probability of reaching a destination within a particular travel deadline. For such problems, standard shortest-path algorithms don’t work because the optimal substructure property doesn’t hold. We evaluate our algorithm using both simulations and real-world drives, using delay data gathered from a set of taxis equipped with GPS sensors and a wireless network. Our algorithm can be integrated into on-board navigation systems as well as route-finding Web sites, providing drivers with good paths that meet their desired goals.National Science Foundation (U.S.) (grant EFRI-0710252)National Science Foundation (U.S.) (grant IIS-0426838

    Numerical Stability of Path-based Algorithms For Traffic Assignment

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    In this paper we study numerical stability of path-based algorithms for the traffic assignment problem. These algorithms are based on decomposition of the original problem into smaller sub-problems which are optimised sequentially. Previously, path-based algorithms were numerically tested only in the setting of moderate requirements to the level of solution precision. In this study we analyse convergence of these methods when the convergence measure approaches machine epsilon of IEEE double precision format. In particular, we demonstrate that the straightforward implementation of one of the algorithms of this group (projected gradient) suffers from loss of precision and is not able to converge to highly precise solution. We propose a way to solve this problem and test the proposed adjusted version of the algorithm on various benchmark instances

    Variations on the Stochastic Shortest Path Problem

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    In this invited contribution, we revisit the stochastic shortest path problem, and show how recent results allow one to improve over the classical solutions: we present algorithms to synthesize strategies with multiple guarantees on the distribution of the length of paths reaching a given target, rather than simply minimizing its expected value. The concepts and algorithms that we propose here are applications of more general results that have been obtained recently for Markov decision processes and that are described in a series of recent papers.Comment: Invited paper for VMCAI 201

    Regularized fitted Q-iteration: application to planning

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    We consider planning in a Markovian decision problem, i.e., the problem of finding a good policy given access to a generative model of the environment. We propose to use fitted Q-iteration with penalized (or regularized) least-squares regression as the regression subroutine to address the problem of controlling model-complexity. The algorithm is presented in detail for the case when the function space is a reproducing kernel Hilbert space underlying a user-chosen kernel function. We derive bounds on the quality of the solution and argue that data-dependent penalties can lead to almost optimal performance. A simple example is used to illustrate the benefits of using a penalized procedure