5,572 research outputs found


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    Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/72782/1/j.1749-6632.1970.tb49791.x.pd

    Technical note: Whole-pen assessments of nutrient excretion and digestibility from dairy replacement heifers housed in sand-bedded freestalls

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    Our objectives were to describe and test refined procedures for quantifying excreta produced from whole pens of dairy heifers. Previous research efforts attempting to make whole-pen measurements of excreta output have been complicated by the use of organic bedding, which requires cumbersome analytical techniques to quantify excreta apart from the bedding. Research pens equipped with sand-bedded freestalls offer a unique opportunity for refinement of whole-pen fecal collection methods, primarily because sand-bedded freestall systems contain no organic bedding; therefore, concentrations of ash within the manure, sand, and feces can be used to correct for contamination of manure by sand bedding. This study was conducted on a subset of heifers from a larger production-scale feeding trial evaluating ensiled eastern gamagrass [Tripsacum dactyloides (L.) L.] haylage (EGG) that was incorporated into a corn silage/alfalfa haylage-based blended diet at rates of 0, 9.1, 18.3, or 27.4% of total DM. The diet without EGG also was offered on a limited basis. Eighty Holstein dairy heifers were blocked (heavy weight, 424 ± 15.9 kg; light weight, 324 ± 22.4 kg) and then assigned to 10 individual pens containing 8 heifers/pen. One pen per block was assigned to each of the 5 research diets, and whole-pen fecal collections were conducted twice for each pen. Grab fecal samples also were gathered from individual heifers within each pen, and subsequent analysis of these whole-pen composites allowed reasonable estimates of OM and NDF excreta output. Under the conditions of our experimental design, pooled SEM for the excreta DM, OM, NDF, and NDF (ash corrected) output were 0.113, 0.085, 0.093, and 0.075 kg· heifer –1·d–1, respectively. For DM excretion, this represented about one-third of the SEM reported for previous whole-pen collections from bedded- pack housing systems. Subsequent calculations of apparent DM and OM digestibilities indicated that the technique was sensitive, and linear trends (P ≤ 0.027) associated with the inclusion rates of EGG within the diet were detected. This technique allows estimation of apparent diet digestibilities on multiple animals simultaneously, thereby mitigating the need for isolating individual animals to obtain digestibility coefficients. The approach appears viable but requires hand labor for collections of multiple pens and thorough mixing of large volumes of manure as well as analytical corrections for sand ingested by lounging heifers

    Top quark associated production of topcolor pions at hadron colliders

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    We investigate the associated production of a neutral physical pion with top quarks in the context of topcolor assisted technicolor. We find that single-top associated production does not yield viable rates at either the Tevatron or LHC. tt-associated production at the Tevatron is suppressed relative to Standard Model ttH, but at the LHC is strongly enhanced and would allow for easy observation of the main decay channels to bottom quarks, and possible observation of the decay to gluons.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figures, submitted to PR

    Ideal MHD theory of low-frequency Alfven waves in the H-1 Heliac

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    A part analytical, part numerical ideal MHD analysis of low-frequency Alfven wave physics in the H-1 stellarator is given. The three-dimensional, compressible ideal spectrum for H-1 is presented and it is found that despite the low beta (approx. 10^-4) of H-1 plasmas, significant Alfven-acoustic interactions occur at low frequencies. Several quasi-discrete modes are found with the three-dimensional linearised ideal MHD eigenmode solver CAS3D, including beta-induced Alfven eigenmode (BAE)- type modes in beta-induced gaps. The strongly shaped, low-aspect ratio magnetic geometry of H-1 causes CAS3D convergence difficulties requiring the inclusion of many Fourier harmonics for the parallel component of the fluid displacement eigenvector even for shear wave motions. The highest beta-induced gap reproduces large parts of the observed configurational frequency dependencies in the presence of hollow temperature profiles

    No association between CTNNBL1 and episodic memory performance

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    Polymorphisms in the gene encoding catenin-β-like 1 (CTNNBL1) were recently reported to be associated with verbal episodic memory performance—in particular, delayed verbal free recall assessed between 5 and 30 min after encoding—in a genome-wide association study on healthy young adults. To further examine the genetic effects of CTNNBL1, we tested for association between 455 single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in or near CTNNBL1 and 14 measures of episodic memory performance from three different tasks in 1743 individuals. Probands were part of a population-based study of mentally healthy adult men and women, who were between 20 and 70 years old and were recruited as participants for the Berlin Aging Study II. Associations were assessed using linear regression analysis. Despite having sufficient power to detect the previously reported effect sizes, we found no evidence for statistically significant associations between the tested CTNNBL1 SNPs and any of the 14 measures of episodic memory. The previously reported effects of genetic polymorphisms in CTNNBL1 on episodic memory performance do not generalize to the broad range of tasks assessed in our cohort. If not altogether spurious, the effects may be limited to a very narrow phenotypic domain (that is, verbal delayed free recall between 5 and 30 min). More studies are needed to further clarify the role of CTNNBL1 in human memory

    Multilinear Wavelets: A Statistical Shape Space for Human Faces

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    We present a statistical model for 33D human faces in varying expression, which decomposes the surface of the face using a wavelet transform, and learns many localized, decorrelated multilinear models on the resulting coefficients. Using this model we are able to reconstruct faces from noisy and occluded 33D face scans, and facial motion sequences. Accurate reconstruction of face shape is important for applications such as tele-presence and gaming. The localized and multi-scale nature of our model allows for recovery of fine-scale detail while retaining robustness to severe noise and occlusion, and is computationally efficient and scalable. We validate these properties experimentally on challenging data in the form of static scans and motion sequences. We show that in comparison to a global multilinear model, our model better preserves fine detail and is computationally faster, while in comparison to a localized PCA model, our model better handles variation in expression, is faster, and allows us to fix identity parameters for a given subject.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figures; accepted to ECCV 201

    The production and persistence of ÎŁRONO2 in the Mexico City plume

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    Alkyl and multifunctional nitrates (RONO2, ΣANs) have been observed to be a significant fraction of NOy in a number of different chemical regimes. Their formation is an important free radical chain termination step ending production of ozone and possibly affecting formation of secondary organic aerosol. ΣANs also represent a potentially large, unmeasured contribution to OH reactivity and are a major pathway for the removal of nitrogen oxides from the atmosphere. Numerous studies have investigated the role of nitrate formation from biogenic compounds and in the remote atmosphere. Less attention has been paid to the role ΣANs may play in the complex mixtures of hydrocarbons typical of urban settings. Measurements of total alkyl and multifunctional nitrates, NO2, total peroxy nitrates (ΣPNs), HNO3 and a representative suite of hydrocarbons were obtained from the NASA DC-8 aircraft during spring of 2006 in and around Mexico City and the Gulf of Mexico. ΣANs were observed to be 10–20% of NOy in the Mexico City plume and to increase in importance with increased photochemical age. We describe three conclusions: (1) Correlations of ΣANs with odd-oxygen (Ox) indicate a stronger role for ΣANs in the photochemistry of Mexico City than is expected based on currently accepted photochemical mechanisms, (2) ΣAN formation suppresses peak ozone production rates by as much as 40% in the near-field of Mexico City and (3) ΣANs play a significant role in the export of NOy from Mexico City to the Gulf Region

    How Atomic Steps Modify Diffusion and Inter-adsorbate Forces: Empirical Evidence from Hopping Dynamics in Na/Cu(115).

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    We followed the collective atomic-scale motion of Na atoms on a vicinal Cu(115) surface within a time scale of pico- to nanoseconds using helium spin echo spectroscopy. The well-defined stepped structure of Cu(115) allows us to study the effect that atomic steps have on the adsorption properties, the rate for motion parallel and perpendicular to the step edge, and the interaction between the Na atoms. With the support of a molecular dynamics simulation we show that the Na atoms perform strongly anisotropic 1D hopping motion parallel to the step edges. Furthermore, we observe that the spatial and temporal correlations between the Na atoms that lead to collective motion are also anisotropic, suggesting the steps efficiently screen the lateral interaction between Na atoms residing on different terraces.This work was supported by the German-Israeli Foundation for Scientific Research and Development, the Israeli Science Foundation (Grant No. 2011185), the German Science Foundation (DFG) through contract MO 960/18-1, the Cluster of Excellence RESOLV (EXC 1069), and the European Research Council under the European Union’s seventh framework program (FP/2007-2013)/ERC Grant 307267.This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from ACS via http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/acs.jpclett.5b0193

    Fluctuation-dissipation considerations and damping models for ferromagnetic materials

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    The role of fluctuation-dissipation relations (theorems) for the magnetization dynamics with Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert and Bloch-Bloembergen damping terms are discussed. We demonstrate that the use of the Callen-Welton fluctuation-dissipation theorem that was proven for Hamiltonian systems can give an inconsistent result for magnetic systems with dissipation
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