7 research outputs found

    Analysis of relative prosperity in Romania and Slovenia using the being-loving-having model

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    The study aimed to verify Allardt's prosperity model in the field of economic prosperity based on the notions of being, loving and having and to explore the existence of possible correlation among sets of all three variables. Canonical correlation analysis to predict relative prosperity was performed for selected 110 nations with the focus on Romania and Slovenia. The study results for Romania for 2011 indicate low approval of the government, low confidence in the judicial system as well as in financial institutions, in addition to concerns about health prospects and lack of confidence in the transparency of elections for the loving construct. In addition, the being construct is also negative in Romania suggesting overall dissatisfaction with the economic status and development, indicating strong dissatisfaction with governmental efforts to address poverty and efforts regarding sanitation, concerns about environment, existing standard of living and life expectancy, suggesting a weak health system. The study further suggests for Slovenia for 2011 negative expectations for the loving construct and below average expectations for the being construct. The approval of the government and confidence in the judicial system and financial institutions in Slovenia is also low, the only positive expectation is the confidence in electoral system, but Slovenians are also worried about their health prospects. In addition, the being construct for Slovenia is also slightly below average, indicating dissatisfaction with economic development and below average satisfaction with water quality and environment, and life expectancy suggesting health system inefficiency. The longitudinal study for the time period from 2011 till 2016 suggests moderate improvements for Romania in eight areas of relative prosperity, especially for the natural environment, governance and education, and for Slovenia practically unchanged situation. The study further suggests that both nations still face numerous challenges but due to implementation of certain structural reforms till 2016, albeit limited, some additional improvements regarding the economic prosperity of their citizens could be expected in the near future

    Bibliometric analysis of the emerging phenomenon of smart factories

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    Research Question (RQ): Bibliometric studies provide a useful tool in reviewing scientific research, by using quantitative methods for analyzing all available publications in a research area of interest, in our case research on smart factories. Therefore, the following research questions occurred: 1. how much research has been done on smart factories, since the concept first appeared in 2011? 2. what characterizes the available publications? Purpose: The purpose of our study is to analyze the extent of the available literature on the topic of smart factories, along with classifying the characteristics of available contributions, namely journal papers, conference papers and book chapter, along with their impact indicators. Method: Bibliometric analysis and historical literature review was done with the help of the Clarivate Analytics Web of Science bases: SCI-EXPANDED, SSCI, A&HCI, CPCI-S, CPCI-SSH, BKCI-S, BKCI-SSH, ESCI, CCR-EXPANDED, and IC. Results: We found that there are a total of 123 contributions to the field of smart factory research, from 2011 till 2017, and that most of these contributions fall under engineering and other technology related research areas, while a few fall within the social science category. Organization: Our study can help traditional factories and emerging smart factories learn about developments in the field of new smart technologies and learn information that might help them change their business models. Society: The number of citations helps determine the impact a paper or set of papers has had on a particular field of research or science in general, which can help other authors determine which papers might be useful for their own research. Originality: Up-to-date bibliometric analysis of Web of Science literature in the field of smart factories. Limitations / further research: Bibliometric studies only provide information on whether or not other authors found particular publications useful and do not provide information on why the publications were useful to those authors. Bibliometric studies thus serve a descriptive role and not a prescriptive role

    Psihosocialni faktorji in pojavnost bolečine v križu pri poklicnih voznikih

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    Background and purpose: Professional drivers as a group are exposed to high risk of developing low back pain due to ergonomic factors and work conditions. The purpose of the study was to examine to what extent the low back pain occurs among Slovene professional drivers as a result of the development of various psychosocial factors. Methodology: The study involved 275 respondents (professional bus drivers, car/van drivers, international truck/lorry drivers, and ambulance car drivers). Hypotheses were tested using multivariate statistical method (regression analysis) and analysis of variance. Data were collected by structured questionnaire comprised of three parts: socio-demographic data, basic psychosocial factors causing low back pain, and incidence, duration and severity of low back pain as a result of psychosocial risk factors, was implemented. Results: The results of quantitative survey suggest that low back pain is mostly caused by lifting and carrying heavy loads, inadequate working conditions, poor physical fitness, regular nights out, shift work, and stress. Only the impact of gender on low back pain distress among professional drivers was confirmed, predominantly among bus drivers and lorry drivers on international routes. Low back pain occurrence was less common, albeit not statistically significant, among professional drivers of vans and passenger cars. Conclusion: Our study suggests that psychosocial factors are also important cause for the development of low back pain among professional drivers and can limit the quality of their social and professional lives.Ozadje in namen: Poklicni vozniki predstavljajo poklicno skupino, ki je zelo izpostavljena tveganjem, da razvije bolečino v križu zaradi ergonomski kot tudi psihosocialnih dejavnikov. Namen naše raziskave je ugotoviti pojavnost bolečine v križu pri poklicnih voznikih v Sloveniji kot rezultat različnih psihosocialnih dejavnikov tveganja. Oblikovanje/Metodologija/Pristop: V raziskavi je sodelovalo 275 anketirancev, poklicnih voznikov iz Slovenije (poklicni vozniki avtobusv, poklicni vozniki osebnih avtomobilov, vozniki tovornjakov, taksisti in vozniki reševalnih vozil). Hipoteze smo testirali s pomočjo multivariatne statistične metode (regresijske analize) in analize variance. Podatki so bili pridobljeni s strukturiranim anketnim vprašalnikom, sestavljenim iz treh delov: osnovni demografski podatki, vprašanja v zvezi s psihosocialnimi dejavniki tveganja za bolečino v križu in posledice bolečine v križu, zaradi psihosocialnih dejavnikov. Rezultati: Rezultati kvantitativne raziskave so pokazali, da na bolečino v križu pri poklicnih voznikih najbolj vplivajo naslednji dejavniki: dvigovanje in prenašanje težkih bremen, neprimerni delovni pogoji, slaba telesna pripravljenost, redno ponočevanje, delo v izmeni ter stres. V raziskavi smo ugotovili, da spol vplivaj na pojavnost bolečine v križu. Bolečino v križu imajo najpogosteje vozniki mestnega avtobusa in tovornih vozil na mednarodnih progah, najredkeje pa poklicni vozniki osebnih avtomobilov, vendar razlike niso statistično značilne. Sklep: Naša raziskava opozarja, da so tudi psihosocialni dejavniki tveganja tisti, ki lahko poklicnim voznikom povzročijo pojavljanje bolečine v križu in jim posledično zmanjšajo kvaliteto njihovega zasebnega in poklicnega življenja

    Psihosocialni faktorji in pojavnost bolečine v križu pri poklicnih voznikih

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    Background and purpose: Professional drivers as a group are exposed to high risk of developing low back pain due to ergonomic factors and work conditions. The purpose of the study was to examine to what extent the low back pain occurs among Slovene professional drivers as a result of the development of various psychosocial factors. Methodology: The study involved 275 respondents (professional bus drivers, car/van drivers, international truck/ lorry drivers, and ambulance car drivers). Hypotheses were tested using multivariate statistical method (regression analysis) and analysis of variance. Data were collected by structured questionnaire comprised of three parts: socio-demographic data, basic psychosocial factors causing low back pain, and incidence, duration and severity of low back pain as a result of psychosocial risk factors, was implemented. Results: The results of quantitative survey suggest that low back pain is mostly caused by lifting and carrying heavy loads, inadequate working conditions, poor physical fitness, regular nights out, shift work, and stress. Only the impact of gender on low back pain distress among professional drivers was confirmed, predominantly among bus drivers and lorry drivers on international routes. Low back pain occurrence was less common, albeit not statistically significant, among professional drivers of vans and passenger cars. Conclusion: Our study suggests that psychosocial factors are also important cause for the development of low back pain among professional drivers and can limit the quality of their social and professional lives.Ozadje in namen: Poklicni vozniki predstavljajo poklicno skupino, ki je zelo izpostavljena tveganjem, da razvije bolečino v križu zaradi ergonomski kot tudi psihosocialnih dejavnikov. Namen naše raziskave je ugotoviti pojavnost bolečine v križu pri poklicnih voznikih v Sloveniji kot rezultat različnih psihosocialnih dejavnikov tveganja. Oblikovanje/Metodologija/Pristop: V raziskavi je sodelovalo 275 anketirancev, poklicnih voznikov iz Slovenije (poklicni vozniki avtobusv, poklicni vozniki osebnih avtomobilov, vozniki tovornjakov, taksisti in vozniki reševalnih vozil). Hipoteze smo testirali s pomočjo multivariatne statistične metode (regresijske analize) in analize variance. Podatki so bili pridobljeni s strukturiranim anketnim vprašalnikom, sestavljenim iz treh delov: osnovni demografski podatki, vprašanja v zvezi s psihosocialnimi dejavniki tveganja za bolečino v križu in posledice bolečine v križu, zaradi psihosocialnih dejavnikov. Rezultati: Rezultati kvantitativne raziskave so pokazali, da na bolečino v križu pri poklicnih voznikih najbolj vplivajo naslednji dejavniki: dvigovanje in prenašanje težkih bremen, neprimerni delovni pogoji, slaba telesna pripravljenost, redno ponočevanje, delo v izmeni ter stres. V raziskavi smo ugotovili, da spol vplivaj na pojavnost bolečine v križu. Bolečino v križu imajo najpogosteje vozniki mestnega avtobusa in tovornih vozil na mednarodnih progah, najredkeje pa poklicni vozniki osebnih avtomobilov, vendar razlike niso statistično značilne. Sklep: Naša raziskava opozarja, da so tudi psihosocialni dejavniki tveganja tisti, ki lahko poklicnim voznikom povzročijo pojavljanje bolečine v križu in jim posledično zmanjšajo kvaliteto njihovega zasebnega in poklicnega življenja