290 research outputs found

    High-Order IMEX-RK Finite Volume Methods for Multidimensional Hyperbolic Systems.

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    In this paper we present a high-order accurate cell-centered finite volume method for the semi-implicit discretization of multidimensional hyperbolic systems in conservative form on unstructured grids. This method is based on a special splitting of the physical flux function into a convective and a non-convective part. The convective contribution to the global flux is treated implicitly by mimicking the upwinding of a scalar linear flux function while the rest of the flux is discretized in an explicit way. The spatial accuracy is ensured by allowing non-oscillatory polynomial reconstruction procedures, while the time accuracy is attained by adopting a Runge-Kutta stepping scheme. The method can be naturally considered in the framework of the textbf{IM}plicit-textbf{EX}plicit (IMEX) schemes and the properties of the resulting operators are analysed using the properties of M-matrices

    Piecewise linear transformation in diffusive flux discretization

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    To ensure the discrete maximum principle or solution positivity in finite volume schemes, diffusive flux is sometimes discretized as a conical combination of finite differences. Such a combination may be impossible to construct along material discontinuities using only cell concentration values. This is often resolved by introducing auxiliary node, edge, or face concentration values that are explicitly interpolated from the surrounding cell concentrations. We propose to discretize the diffusive flux after applying a local piecewise linear coordinate transformation that effectively removes the discontinuities. The resulting scheme does not need any auxiliary concentrations and is therefore remarkably simpler, while being second-order accurate under the assumption that the structure of the domain is locally layered.Comment: 11 pages, 1 figures, preprint submitted to Journal of Computational Physic

    Pseudotemporal ordering of spatial lymphoid tissue microenvironment profiles trails Unclassified DLBCL at the periphery of the follicle

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    : We have established a pseudotemporal ordering for the transcriptional signatures of distinct microregions within reactive lymphoid tissues, namely germinal center dark zones (DZ), germinal center light zones (LZ), and peri-follicular areas (Peri). By utilizing this pseudotime trajectory derived from the functional microenvironments of DZ, LZ, and Peri, we have ordered the transcriptomes of Diffuse Large B-cell Lymphoma cases. The apex of the resulting pseudotemporal trajectory, which is characterized by enrichment of molecular programs fronted by TNFR signaling and inhibitory immune checkpoint overexpression, intercepts a discrete peri-follicular biology. This observation is associated with DLBCL cases that are enriched in the Unclassified/type-3 COO category, raising questions about the potential extra-GC microenvironment imprint of this peculiar group of cases. This report offers a thought-provoking perspective on the relationship between transcriptional profiling of functional lymphoid tissue microenvironments and the evolving concept of the cell of origin in Diffuse Large B-cell Lymphomas

    Comparison of mandibular arch expansion by the schwartz appliance using two activation protocols: A preliminary retrospective clinical study

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    Background and objectives: Dental crowding is more pronounced in the mandible than in the maxilla. When exceeding a significant amount, the creation of new space is required. The mandibular expansion devices prove to be useful even if the increase in the lower arch perimeter seems to be just ascribed to the vestibular inclination of teeth. The aim of the study was to compare two activation protocols of the Schwartz appliance in terms of effectiveness, particularly with regard to how quickly crowding is solved and how smaller is the increasing of vestibular inclination of the mandibular molars. Materials and methods: We compared two groups of patients treated with different activation's protocols of the lower Schwartz appliance (Group 1 protocol consisted in turning the expansion screw half a turn twice every two weeks and replacing the device every four months; Group 2 was treated by using the classic activation protocol-1/4 turn every week, never replacing the device). The measurements of parameters such as intercanine distance (IC), interpremolar distance (IPM), intermolar distance (IM), arch perimeter(AP), curve of Wilson (COW), and crowding (CR) were made on dental casts at the beginning and at the end of the treatment. Results: A significant difference between protocol groups was observed in the variation of COWL between time 0 and time 1 with protocol 1 with protocol 1 subjects showing a smaller increase in the parameter than protocol 2 subjects. The same trend was observed also for COWR, but the difference between protocol groups was slightly smaller and the interaction protocol-by-time did not reach the statistical significance. Finally, treatment duration in protocol 1 was significantly lower than in protocol 2. Conclusion: The results of our study suggest that the new activation protocol would seem more effective as it allows to achieve the objective of the therapy more quickly, and likely leading to greater bodily expansion

    Finite volume scheme based on cell-vertex reconstructions for anisotropic diffusion problems with discontinuous coefficients

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    We propose a new second-order finite volume scheme for non-homogeneous and anisotropic diffusion problems based on cell to vertex reconstructions involving minimization of functionals to provide the coefficients of the cell to vertex mapping. The method handles complex situations such as large preconditioning number diffusion matrices and very distorted meshes. Numerical examples are provided to show the effectiveness of the method

    Monte Carlo-based 3D surface point cloud volume estimation by exploding local cubes faces

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    This article proposes a state-of-the-art algorithm for estimating the 3D volume enclosed in a surface point cloud via a modified extension of the Monte Carlo integration approach. The algorithm consists of a pre-processing of the surface point cloud, a sequential generation of points managed by an affiliation criterion, and the final computation of the volume. The pre-processing phase allows a spatial reorientation of the original point cloud, the evaluation of the homogeneity of its points distribution, and its enclosure inside a rectangular parallelepiped of known volume. The affiliation criterion using the explosion of cube faces is the core of the algorithm, handles the sequential generation of points, and proposes the effective extension of the traditional Monte Carlo method by introducing its applicability to the discrete domains. Finally, the final computation estimates the volume as a function of the total amount of generated points, the portion enclosed within the surface point cloud, and the parallelepiped volume. The developed method proves to be accurate with surface point clouds of both convex and concave solids reporting an average percentage error of less than 7 %. It also shows considerable versatility in handling clouds with sparse, homogeneous, and sometimes even missing points distributions. A performance analysis is presented by testing the algorithm on both surface point clouds obtained from meshes of virtual objects as well as from real objects reconstructed using reverse engineering techniques

    Artificial co-drivers as a universal enabling technology for future intelligent vehicles and transportation systems

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    This position paper introduces the concept of artificial “co-drivers” as an enabling technology for future intelligent transportation systems. In Sections I and II, the design principles of co-drivers are introduced and framed within general human–robot interactions. Several contributing theories and technologies are reviewed, specifically those relating to relevant cognitive architectures, human-like sensory-motor strategies, and the emulation theory of cognition. In Sections III and IV, we present the co-driver developed for the EU project interactIVe as an example instantiation of this notion, demonstrating how it conforms to the given guidelines. We also present substantive experimental results and clarify the limitations and performance of the current implementation. In Sections IV and V, we analyze the impact of the co-driver technology. In particular, we identify a range of application fields, showing how it constitutes a universal enabling technology for both smart vehicles and cooperative systems, and naturally sets out a program for future research
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