351 research outputs found

    Hubungan Antara Prioritas Tipe Nilai Motivasional Dan Perilaku Berhutang Pada Etnis Betawi

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    The purpose of this research is to study correlation between motivational value typespriorities and debt behavior in Betawi ethnic group. This research is using ex post field factostudy type with 129 participants. The participants are those who identify themselves asmember of Betawi ethnic group, have formal or informal debts which are used forconsumption, minimum age 20 years old, and work actively. Results of this research showthat there is not any significant correlation between ten motivational value type and debtbehavior in Betawi ethnic group. Description of motivational value type in Betawi debtorshows that conformity and benevolence value types become their priorities among othervalue types. Mean of participants' debt ratio is 32.36%, which means that participants arehaving a very high debt ratio

    Impact of different fertilisers on elemental content in young hybrid aspen stem wood

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    The biomass production using fast-growing tree species such as hybrid aspen (Populus tremuloides Michx. x Populus tremula L.) has been recognized as an environmentally friendly and cost-effective approach. Growing these species can reduce the negative impact of earlier land mismanagement and at the same time provide additional biomass growth. The application of fertilisers may introduce not only the necessary macro elements (N, P, K) but also significant amounts of toxic heavy metals. Therefore, the knowledge about elemental flows from fertilised soil to the different parts of hybrid aspen trees is essential and especially meaningful for the evaluation of element content in specific environmental ecosystems. The impact of different fertilisers (sewage sludge, digestate and wood ash) on the concentrations of micro- and macro elements in the wood of six-year-old hybrid aspen stands grown on former agricultural land was studied. The determination of element concentrations in different tree rings of hybrid aspen trees was accomplished by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP–MS). Isotope ratio mass spectrometry (IRMS) was used to determine the nitrogen and carbon content and isotope ratios in different parts of hybrid aspen trees. Stem disc samples from hybrid aspen trees were obtained from agricultural land in the central part of Latvia. Samples were taken from six-yearold hybrid aspen trees that at the moment of planting were fertilised with sewage sludge, a residue of biogas production (digestate) and wood ash. The obtained results indicated that the chemical element accumulation in hybrid aspen was affected by the applied fertiliser type. In this study, the use of wood ash, as well as digestate, affected the elemental content in hybrid aspen to a greater extent than the use of sewage sludge, relative to unfertilised (control) subplot. The analysed elements varied in the analysed stem plane (across the tree rings). The most significant changes between the rings were observed for the content of K and Ca

    A comparative study of the properties of industrially produced humic substances

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    Humic substances (HSs) are produced industrially in large quantities from low rank coal, weathered coal, peat, also from soils, composts and other sources. Considering that the applications of industrially produced HSs also include food, pharmaceutical applications and environmental technologies, it is important to evaluate their composition and quality and to identify their sources. The aim of the present study is to compare the properties of industrially produced HS samples. HSs were characterised using spectroscopic and other methods. For the identification of origin of HSs, different methods can be used, such as elemental analysis and ratios of light stable isotopes. The results of the study indicate that many industrially produced HSs are of poor quality (low concentration of basic substance, admixture of undesirable substances, pollutants, no quality indications). In this situation, rigorous quality control should be implemented, providing detailed characteristics of the product. The composition of materials suggested for agricultural applications has not been analysed much. Most of the studied materials were designated as HAs, followed by fulvic acids (FAs) and HSs. However, an analysis of the humic matter types indicates that the majority of substances offered on the market are in fact mixtures of HAs and FAs; so, it would be more appropriate to designate them as HSs or their salts. This study identifies the main quality problems of industrially produced humic substances: 1) lack of strict quality indicators, 2) absence of indication of source materials/origins of HSs

    Massive variceal bleeding secondary to splenic vein thrombosis successfully treated with splenic artery embolization: a case report

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Introduction</p> <p>Splenic vein thrombosis results in localized portal hypertension called sinistral portal hypertension, which may also lead to massive upper gastrointestinal bleeding. Symptomatic sinistral portal hypertension is usually best treated by splenectomy, but interventional radiological techniques are safe and effective alternatives in the management of a massive hemorrhage, particularly in cases that have a high surgical risk.</p> <p>Case presentation</p> <p>We describe a 23-year-old Greek man with acute massive gastric variceal bleeding caused by splenic vein thrombosis due to a missing von Leiden factor, which was successfully managed with splenic arterial embolization.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Interventional radiological techniques are attractive alternatives for patients with a high surgical risk or in cases when the immediate surgical excision of the spleen is technically difficult. Additionally, surgery is not always successful because of the presence of numerous portal collaterals and adhesion. Splenic artery embolization is now emerging as a safe and effective alternative to surgery in the management of massive hemorrhage from gastric varices due to splenic vein thrombosis, which often occurs in patients with hypercoagulability.</p

    Genes influencing coagulation and the risk of aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage, and subsequent complications of secondary cerebral ischemia and rebleeding

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    We investigated whether genes influencing coagulation are associated with the occurrence of aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH) and with secondary cerebral ischemia and rebleeding in patients with aneurysmal SAH. Genotyping for factor V Leiden (G1691A), prothrombin G20210A, methylenetetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) C677T, factor XIII subunit A Val34Leu, Tyr204Phe and Pro564Leu, and factor XIII subunit B His95Arg was performed in 208 patients with aneurysmal SAH and in 925 controls. Secondary cerebral ischemia occurred in 49 (24%) patients and rebleeding in 28 (14%) during their clinical course of 3 months after the aneurysmal SAH. The risk of aneurysmal SAH was assessed as odds ratio (OR) with 95% confidence interval (95% CI). The risk of secondary cerebral ischemia and rebleeding was assessed as hazard ratio (HR) with 95% CI using Cox regression. Carriers of the subunit B His95Arg factor XIII polymorphism had an increased risk of aneurysmal SAH with 23% of the patients homozygous or heterozygous for the variant allele compared to 17% of control subjects (OR 1.5, 95% CI 1.0-2.2). For the remaining genetic variants no effect on the risk of aneurysmal SAH could be demonstrated. A clear relation with the risk of secondary cerebral ischemia and of rebleeding could not be established for any of the genetic variants. We found that aneurysmal SAH patients are more often carriers of the subunit B His95Arg factor XIII polymorphism compared to controls. This suggests that carriers of the subunit B His95Arg factor XIII polymorphism have an increased risk of aneurysmal SAH. Larger studies should confirm our results. As aneurysmal SAH patients who died soon after admission could not be included in the present study, our results only apply to a population of patients who survived the initial hours after the hemorrhage. For the other studied genetic factors involved in coagulation, no association with the occurrence of aneurysmal SAH or with the occurrence of secondary cerebral ischemia or rebleeding after aneurysmal SAH could be demonstrated

    A gene-centric analysis of activated partial thromboplastin time and activated protein C resistance using the HumanCVD focused genotyping array.

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    Activated partial thromboplastin time (aPTT) is an important routine measure of intrinsic blood coagulation. Addition of activated protein C (APC) to the aPTT test to produce a ratio, provides one measure of APC resistance. The associations of some genetic mutations (eg, factor V Leiden) with these measures are established, but associations of other genetic variations remain to be established. The objective of this work was to test for association between genetic variants and blood coagulation using a high-density genotyping array. Genetic association with aPTT and APC resistance was analysed using a focused genotyping array that tests approximately 50 000 single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in nearly 2000 cardiovascular candidate genes, including coagulation pathway genes. Analyses were conducted on 2544 European origin women from the British Women's Heart and Health Study. We confirm associations with aPTT at the coagulation factor XII (F12)/G protein-coupled receptor kinase 6 (GRK6) and kininogen 1 (KNG1)/histidine-rich glycoprotein (HRG) loci, and identify novel SNPs at the ABO locus and novel locus kallikrein B (KLKB1)/F11. In addition, we confirm association between APC resistance and factor V Leiden mutation, and identify novel SNP associations with APC resistance in the HRG and F5/solute carrier family 19 member 2 (SLC19A2) regions. In conclusion, variation at several genetic loci influences intrinsic blood coagulation as measured by both aPTT and APC resistance

    Increased risk of venous thrombosis by AB alleles of the ABO blood group and Factor V Leiden in a Brazilian population

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    Most cases of a predisposition to venous thrombosis are caused by resistance to activated protein C, associated in 95% of cases with the Factor V Leiden allele (FVL or R506Q). Several recent studies report a further increased risk of thrombosis by an association between the AB alleles of the ABO blood group and Factor V Leiden. The present study investigated this association with deep vein thrombosis (DVT) in individuals treated at the Hemocentro de Pernambuco in northeastern Brazil. A case-control comparison showed a significant risk of thrombosis in the presence of Factor V Leiden (OR = 10.1), which was approximately doubled when the AB alleles of the ABO blood group were present as well (OR = 22.3). These results confirm that the increased risk of deep vein thrombosis in the combined presence of AB alleles and Factor V Leiden is also applicable to the Brazilian population suggesting that ABO blood group typing should be routinely added to FVL in studies involving thrombosis