273 research outputs found

    The exocyst component Sec5 is present on endocytic vesicles in the oocyte of Drosophila melanogaster

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    The exocyst is an octameric complex required for polarized secretion. Some components of the exocyst are found on the plasma membrane, whereas others are recruited to Golgi membranes, suggesting that exocyst assembly tethers vesicles to their site of fusion. We have found that in Drosophila melanogaster oocytes the majority of the exocyst component Sec5 is unexpectedly present in clathrin-coated pits and vesicles at the plasma membrane. In oocytes, the major substrate for clathrin-dependent endocytosis is the vitellogenin receptor Yolkless. A truncation mutant of Sec5 (sec5E13) allows the formation of normally sized oocytes but with greatly reduced yolk uptake. We find that in sec5E13 oocytes Yolkless accumulates aberrantly in late endocytic compartments, indicating a defect in the endocytic cycling of the receptor. An analogous truncation of the yeast SEC5 gene results in normal secretion but a temperature-sensitive defect in endocytic recycling. Thus, the exocyst may act in both Golgi to plasma membrane traffic and endocytic cycling, and hence in oocytes is recruited to clathrin-coated pits to facilitate the rapid recycling of Yolkless

    Improving the Caenorhabditis elegans Genome Annotation Using Machine Learning

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    For modern biology, precise genome annotations are of prime importance, as they allow the accurate definition of genic regions. We employ state-of-the-art machine learning methods to assay and improve the accuracy of the genome annotation of the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans. The proposed machine learning system is trained to recognize exons and introns on the unspliced mRNA, utilizing recent advances in support vector machines and label sequence learning. In 87% (coding and untranslated regions) and 95% (coding regions only) of all genes tested in several out-of-sample evaluations, our method correctly identified all exons and introns. Notably, only 37% and 50%, respectively, of the presently unconfirmed genes in the C. elegans genome annotation agree with our predictions, thus we hypothesize that a sizable fraction of those genes are not correctly annotated. A retrospective evaluation of the Wormbase WS120 annotation [1] of C. elegans reveals that splice form predictions on unconfirmed genes in WS120 are inaccurate in about 18% of the considered cases, while our predictions deviate from the truth only in 10%–13%. We experimentally analyzed 20 controversial genes on which our system and the annotation disagree, confirming the superiority of our predictions. While our method correctly predicted 75% of those cases, the standard annotation was never completely correct. The accuracy of our system is further corroborated by a comparison with two other recently proposed systems that can be used for splice form prediction: SNAP and ExonHunter. We conclude that the genome annotation of C. elegans and other organisms can be greatly enhanced using modern machine learning technology

    A critical case study of decision criteria in architectural competitions

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    This paper analyzes a number of design proposals submitted within the framework of a large architectural competition in view of their eco-efficiency. As all new or refurbished buildings in Central Europe need to meet certain minimum energy performance requirements, many architectural competition announcements encourage participating planners to propose low-energy, passive or even plus-energy buildings, and also to take into account the ecological performance of building parts. Especially for public buildings, which are often seen as role models, competition announcements feature many environmental criteria addressing building envelope, HVAC-systems, and eco-impact of materials. It is difficult to compare project submissions (for example in terms of energy performance), as the quality and amount of information for each project varies widely. In most competitions, a professional jury chooses the “best” projects and it is debatable if ecological and energy performances are considered in the process. In this context, this paper presents results of a case study conducted in Austria. The entries of a competition for refurbishment and extension of a school building are analyzed using submitted project narratives as well as simple heating demand calculations. The outcome is subsequently compared with the Jury's final ranking of the submissions. The results can shed some light on the following questions: Do the competition entries provide sufficient information to evaluate their thermal and ecological behavior in general? Did the ecological and thermal performance influence the outcome of the competition and final Jury's ranking of the submitted proposals

    Evolution of Escherichia coli to 42 °C and Subsequent Genetic Engineering Reveals Adaptive Mechanisms and Novel Mutations.

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    Adaptive laboratory evolution (ALE) has emerged as a valuable method by which to investigate microbial adaptation to a desired environment. Here, we performed ALE to 42 °C of ten parallel populations of Escherichia coli K-12 MG1655 grown in glucose minimal media. Tightly controlled experimental conditions allowed selection based on exponential-phase growth rate, yielding strains that uniformly converged toward a similar phenotype along distinct genetic paths. Adapted strains possessed as few as 6 and as many as 55 mutations, and of the 144 genes that mutated in total, 14 arose independently across two or more strains. This mutational recurrence pointed to the key genetic targets underlying the evolved fitness increase. Genome engineering was used to introduce the novel ALE-acquired alleles in random combinations into the ancestral strain, and competition between these engineered strains reaffirmed the impact of the key mutations on the growth rate at 42 °C. Interestingly, most of the identified key gene targets differed significantly from those found in similar temperature adaptation studies, highlighting the sensitivity of genetic evolution to experimental conditions and ancestral genotype. Additionally, transcriptomic analysis of the ancestral and evolved strains revealed a general trend for restoration of the global expression state back toward preheat stressed levels. This restorative effect was previously documented following evolution to metabolic perturbations, and thus may represent a general feature of ALE experiments. The widespread evolved expression shifts were enabled by a comparatively scant number of regulatory mutations, providing a net fitness benefit but causing suboptimal expression levels for certain genes, such as those governing flagellar formation, which then became targets for additional ameliorating mutations. Overall, the results of this study provide insight into the adaptation process and yield lessons important for the future implementation of ALE as a tool for scientific research and engineering

    Individualized targeted treatment in a case of a rare TFG::ROS1 fusion positive inflammatory myofibroblastic tumor (IMT)

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    Background Inflammatory myofibroblastic tumor (IMTs) are rare mesenchymal neoplasms with slow growth. Resection is considered as therapeutic standard, with chemotherapy being insufficiently effective in advanced disease. ALK translocations are present in 50% of cases, ROS1 fusions (YWHAE::ROS1, TFG::ROS1) are extremely rare. Here, we present a case with TFG::ROS1 fusion and highlight the significance of molecular tumor boards (MTBs) in clinical precision oncology for post-last-line therapy. Case Presentation A 32-year-old woman presented with IMT diagnosed at age 27 for biopsy and treatment evaluation. Previous treatments included multiple resections and systemic therapy with vinblastine, cyclophosphamide, and methotrexate. A computed tomography scan showed extensive tumor infiltration of the psoas muscles and the posterior abdomen. Next generation sequencing revealed an actionable ROS1 fusion (TFG::ROS1) with breakpoints at exon 4/35 including the kinase domain and activating the RAS-pathway. TFG, the Trk-fused gene, exerts functions such as intracellular trafficking and exhibits high sequence homology between species. Based on single reports about efficacy of ROS1-targeting in ROS1 translocation positive IMTs the patient was started on crizotinib, an ATP-competitive small molecule c-MET, ALK and ROS1-inhibitor. With a follow-up of more than 9 months, the patient continues to show a profound response with major tumor regression, improved quality of life and no evidence for severe adverse events. Conclusion This case underscores the importance of the availability of modern molecular diagnostics and interdisciplinarity in precision oncology to identify rare, disease-defining genotypes that make an otherwise difficult-to-treat disease targetable

    Management of fibromyalgia syndrome – an interdisciplinary evidence-based guideline

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    The prevalence of fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS) of 1–2% in the general population associated with high disease-related costs and the conflicting data on treatment effectiveness had led to the development of evidence-based guidelines designed to provide patients and physicians guidance in selecting among the alternatives. Until now no evidence-based interdisciplinary (including patients) guideline for the management of FMS was available in Europe

    Anaerobic Metazoans: No longer an oxymoron

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    The sediments of a deep-sea hypersaline and sulfidic Mediterranean basin have yielded an unexpected discovery, the first multicellular animals living entirely without oxygen. Reported by Danovaro et al. in BMC Biology, these three new species of Loricifera add a new and remarkable dimension to anoxic ecosystems previously thought to support only unicellular life

    Treatment outcome of IDH1/2 wildtype CNS WHO grade 4 glioma histologically diagnosed as WHO grade II or III astrocytomas

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    Background Isocitrate dehydrogenase (IDH)1/2 wildtype (wt) astrocytomas formerly classified as WHO grade II or III have significantly shorter PFS and OS than IDH mutated WHO grade 2 and 3 gliomas leading to a classification as CNS WHO grade 4. It is the aim of this study to evaluate differences in the treatment-related clinical course of these tumors as they are largely unknown. Methods Patients undergoing surgery (between 2016–2019 in six neurosurgical departments) for a histologically diagnosed WHO grade 2–3 IDH1/2-wt astrocytoma were retrospectively reviewed to assess progression free survival (PFS), overall survival (OS), and prognostic factors. Results This multi-center study included 157 patients (mean age 58 years (20–87 years); with 36.9% females). The predominant histology was anaplastic astrocytoma WHO grade 3 (78.3%), followed by diffuse astrocytoma WHO grade 2 (21.7%). Gross total resection (GTR) was achieved in 37.6%, subtotal resection (STR) in 28.7%, and biopsy was performed in 33.8%. The median PFS (12.5 months) and OS (27.0 months) did not differ between WHO grades. Both, GTR and STR significantly increased PFS (P < 0.01) and OS (P < 0.001) compared to biopsy. Treatment according to Stupp protocol was not associated with longer OS or PFS compared to chemotherapy or radiotherapy alone. EGFR amplification (P = 0.014) and TERT-promotor mutation (P = 0.042) were associated with shortened OS. MGMT-promoter methylation had no influence on treatment response. Conclusions WHO grade 2 and 3 IDH1/2 wt astrocytomas, treated according to the same treatment protocols, have a similar OS. Age, extent of resection, and strong EGFR expression were the most important treatment related prognostic factors

    Biological nitrate transport in sediments on the Peruvian margin mitigates benthic sulfide emissions and drives pelagic N loss during stagnation events

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    Highlights ‱ Very high rates of dissimilatory nitrate reduction to ammonium by Thioploca. ‱ Non-steady state model predicts Thioploca survival on intracellular nitrate reservoir. ‱ Ammonium release by Thioploca may be coupled to pelagic N loss by anammox. ‱ Thioploca may contribute to anammox long after bottom water nitrate disappearance. ‱ Model indicates that benthic foraminifera account for 90% of benthic N2 production. Abstract Benthic N cycling in the Peruvian oxygen minimum zone (OMZ) was investigated at ten stations along 12oS from the middle shelf (74 m) to the upper slope (1024 m) using in situ flux measurements, sediment biogeochemistry and modelling. Middle shelf sediments were covered by mats of the filamentous bacteria Thioploca spp. and contained a large ‘hidden’ pool of nitrate that was not detectable in the porewater. This was attributed to a biological nitrate reservoir stored within the bacteria to oxidize sulfide to sulfate during ‘dissimilatory nitrate reduction to ammonium’ (DNRA). The extremely high rates of DNRA on the shelf (15.6 mmol m-2 d-1 of N), determined using an empirical steady-state model, could easily supply all the ammonium requirements for anammox in the water column. The model further showed that denitrification by foraminifera may account for 90% of N2 production at the lower edge of the OMZ. At the time of sampling, dissolved oxygen was below detection limit down to 400 m and the water body overlying the shelf had stagnated, resulting in complete depletion of nitrate and nitrite. A decrease in the biological nitrate pool was observed on the shelf during fieldwork concomitant with a rise in porewater sulfide levels in surface sediments to 2 mM. Using a non-steady state model to simulate this natural anoxia experiment, these observations were shown to be consistent with Thioploca surviving on a dwindling intracellular nitrate reservoir to survive the stagnation period. The model shows that sediments hosting Thioploca are able to maintain high ammonium fluxes for many weeks following stagnation, potentially sustaining pelagic N loss by anammox. In contrast, sulfide emissions remain low, reducing the economic risk to the Peruvian fishery by toxic sulfide plume development
