705 research outputs found

    Mechanisms of Action and Targets of Nitric Oxide in the Oculomotor System

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    Nitric oxide (NO) production by neurons in the prepositus hypoglossi (PH) nucleus is necessary for the normal performance of eye movements in alert animals. In this study, the mechanism(s) of action of NO in the oculomotor system has been investigated. Spontaneous and vestibularly induced eye movements were recorded in alert cats before and after microinjections in the PH nucleus of drugs affecting the NO–cGMP pathway. The cellular sources and targets of NO were also studied by immunohistochemical detection of neuronal NO synthase (NOS) and NO-sensitive guanylyl cyclase, respectively. Injections of NOS inhibitors produced alterations of eye velocity, but not of eye position, for both spontaneous and vestibularly induced eye movements, suggesting that NO produced by PH neurons is involved in the processing of velocity signals but not in the eye position generation. The effect of neuronal NO is probably exerted on a rich cGMP-producing neuropil dorsal to the nitrergic somas in the PH nucleus. On the other hand, local injections of NO donors or 8-Br-cGMP produced alterations of eye velocity during both spontaneous eye movements and vestibulo-ocular reflex (VOR), as well as changes in eye position generation exclusively during spontaneous eye movements. The target of this additional effect of exogenous NO is probably a well defined group of NO-sensitive cGMP-producing neurons located between the PH and the medial vestibular nuclei. These cells could be involved in the generation of eye position signals during spontaneous eye movements but not during the VOR.Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria Grants 94/0388 and 97/2054Comunidad Autónoma de Madrid Grant 08.5/0019/1997Dirección General de Investigación Científica y Technológica Grant PB 93–117

    Nitric oxide controls excitatory/inhibitory balance in the hypoglossal nucleus during early postnatal development

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    Synaptic remodeling during early postnatal development lies behind neuronal networks refinement and nervous system maturation. In particular, the respiratory system is immature at birth and is subjected to significant postnatal development. In this context, the excitatory/inhibitory balance dramatically changes in the respiratory-related hypoglossal nucleus (HN) during the 3 perinatal weeks. Since, development abnormalities of hypoglossal motor neurons (HMNs) are associated with sudden infant death syndrome and obstructive sleep apnea, deciphering molecular partners behind synaptic remodeling in the HN is of basic and clinical relevance. Interestingly, a transient expression of the neuronal isoform of nitric oxide (NO) synthase (NOS) occurs in HMNs at neonatal stage that disappears before postnatal day 21 (P21). NO, in turn, is a determining factor for synaptic refinement in several physiopathological conditions. Here, intracerebroventricular chronic administration (P7-P21) of the broad spectrum NOS inhibitor l-NAME (N(omega)-nitro-l-arginine methyl ester) differentially affected excitatory and inhibitory rearrangement during this neonatal interval in the rat. Whilst l-NAME led to a reduction in the number of excitatory structures, inhibitory synaptic puncta were increased at P21 in comparison to administration of the inactive stereoisomer d-NAME. Finally, l-NAME decreased levels of the phosphorylated form of myosin light chain in the nucleus, which is known to regulate the actomyosin contraction apparatus. These outcomes indicate that physiologically synthesized NO modulates excitatory/inhibitory balance during early postnatal development by acting as an anti-synaptotrophic and/or synaptotoxic factor for inhibitory synapses, and as a synaptotrophin for excitatory ones. The mechanism of action could rely on the modulation of the actomyosin contraction apparatus

    The bullied who bullies: the reciprocal relationship between victim and aggressor in workplace bullying situations

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    El objetivo del presente estudio consistió en explorar las relaciones longitudinales entre los factores organizacionales (sobrecarga de trabajo y justicia procedimental) y ser agresor y víctima de conductas de acoso. Se compararon distintos modelos causales (modelo de estabilidad, de causalidad normal, de causalidad inversa y modelo recíproco). La muestra estuvo compuesta por 286 empleados de dos empresas de Madrid, y se empleó un intervalo temporal de un año. Los resultados de los modelos de ecuaciones estructurales mostraron que el modelo recíproco fue el que mejor ajuste presentaba. Se encontró que la sobrecarga T1 se relacionaba positivamente con ser víctima de acoso T2, mientras que la justicia procedimental presentaba una relación negativa con ser víctima de acoso T2. Se halló un efecto inverso entre ser víctima de acoso T1 y la sobrecarga T2. Además, se encontró una relación recíproca entre ser agresor y víctima de acoso. En general, estos resultados enfatizan la necesidad de extender los modelos causales tradicionales del acoso hacia enfoques más dinámicosThe aim of this study was to explore longitudinal relationships between organizational factors (workload and procedural justice) and targets and perpetrators of workplace bullying. We compared several causal models (baseline or stability, normal, reversed and reciprocal models). The sample comprised 286 employees from two companies in Madrid, and we used a time-lag of one year. Results of structural equation modeling analyses showed that reciprocal model fit the data the best. We found that T1 workload was related positively to T2 target of bullying, and T1 procedural justice was related negatively to T2 target of bullying. There was a signifi cant reverse effect of T1 target of bullying on T2 workload. Furthermore, we found a reciprocal relationship between being the target and the perpetrator of bullying. Overall, these fi ndings emphasize the need to extend the traditional causal models of workplace bullying to more dynamic approache

    The learning to learn competence: An assessment of a theoretical model

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    Learning to learn (LTL) is a key competence (European Commission [EC], 2006, 2018). Building it into the educational system requires a solid theoretical model that researchers share, but there is currently a lack of agreement among academics. This work aims to check the theoretical model proposed by the research team against the opinions of key informants. This model has five dimensions — cognitive, metacognitive, affective-motivational, social-relational, and ethical — as well as twenty subdimensions. The first three dimensions come from the literature about strategic and self-regulated learning and have been present since research into this topic began. The fourth comes from the social-cognitive approach and has more recently been added into explanatory models. The fifth one is an original contribution by this group. Our research focusses on the university setting and the aim of the present work is to verify our model with some of the key informants involved in the process (students, teachers, professionals, and employers). A qualitative methodology was used, featuring twelve discussion groups, one for each group in the three participating universities (N = 67). The participants were asked a general question about LTL and then their contributions were recorded. These contributions were then transcribed and processed using Atlas ti.8. to compare them with the theoretical model. The presence and importance of established dimensions and subdimensions was analysed, considering the frequency of comments and their connections and interrelationships. The results corroborated the model proposed by the research team: all the dimensions and almost all of the subdimensions appeared in the participants’ comments. The next stage in the research process is to develop a standardised assessment instrument, based on the model, so it can be statistically validated with university students.La competencia aprender a aprender (AaA) es una competencia clave (Comisión Europea [CE], 2006, 2018). Su incorporación en el sistema educativo precisa de un modelo teórico sólido y compartido por los investigadores, pero no hay acuerdo suficiente entre los académicos. Este trabajo pretende contrastar el modelo teórico elaborado por el equipo investigador con la opinión de informantes clave. Este modelo integra cinco dimensiones —cognitiva, metacognitiva, afectivo-motivacional, social-relacional y ética— y veinte subdimensiones. Las tres primeras provienen de la literatura sobre aprendizaje estratégico y autorregulado y están presentes desde los inicios de la investigación sobre el tema. La cuarta proviene del enfoque socio-cognitivo y se incorporó más tarde a los modelos explicativos. La quinta es una aportación original de este grupo. Nuestro contexto de investigación es la universidad y el objetivo contrastar nuestro modelo con informantes clave involucrados en el proceso (estudiantes, profesores, profesionales y empleadores). Para ello, se utilizó metodología cualitativa, realizándose doce grupos de discusión, uno por cada colectivo, en las tres universidades participantes en el proyecto (N=67). A partir de una pregunta general sobre lo que suponía la competencia AaA para los participantes, sus aportaciones fueron grabadas, transcritas y procesadas con Atlas ti.8. para cotejarlas con el modelo teórico. Se analizaron la presencia y relevancia de las dimensiones y subdimensiones establecidas, prestando atención a la frecuencia de los comentarios y a sus conexiones e interrelaciones. Los resultados corroboraron el modelo propuesto por el equipo investigador: todas las dimensiones y casi todas las subdimensiones aparecieron en las intervenciones de los participantes. La siguiente fase del proceso de investigación es la construcción de un instrumento de evaluación estandarizado, a partir del modelo, para su validación estadística en estudiantes universitarios

    Lysophosphatidic Acid and Several Neurotransmitters Converge on Rho-Kinase 2 Signaling to Manage Motoneuron Excitability

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    Intrinsic membrane excitability (IME) sets up neuronal responsiveness to synaptic drive. Several neurotransmitters and neuromodulators, acting through G-protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs), fine-tune motoneuron (MN) IME by modulating background K+ channels TASK1. However, intracellular partners linking GPCRs to TASK1 modulation are not yet well-known. We hypothesized that isoform 2 of rho-kinase (ROCK2), acting as downstream GPCRs, mediates adjustment of MN IME via TASK1. Electrophysiological recordings were performed in hypoglossal MNs (HMNs) obtained from adult and neonatal rats, neonatal knockout mice for TASK1 (task1(-/-)) and TASK3 (task3(-/-), the another highly expressed TASK subunit in MNs), and primary cultures of embryonic spinal cord MNs (SMNs). Small-interfering RNA (siRNA) technology was also used to knockdown either ROCK1 or ROCK2. Furthermore, ROCK activity assays were performed to evaluate the ability of various physiological GPCR ligands to stimulate ROCK. Microiontophoretically applied H1152, a ROCK inhibitor, and siRNA-induced ROCK2 knockdown both depressed AMPAergic, inspiratory-related discharge activity of adult HMNs in vivo, which mainly express the ROCK2 isoform. In brainstem slices, intracellular constitutively active ROCK2 (aROCK2) led to H1152-sensitive HMN hyper-excitability. The aROCK2 inhibited pH-sensitive and TASK1-mediated currents in SMNs. Conclusively, aROCK2 increased IME in task3(-/-), but not in task1(-/-) HMNs. MN IME was also augmented by the physiological neuromodulator lysophosphatidic acid (LPA) through a mechanism entailing G(alpha i/o)-protein stimulation, ROCK2, but not ROCK1, activity and TASK1 inhibition. Finally, two neurotransmitters, TRH, and 5-HT, which are both known to increase MN IME by TASK1 inhibition, stimulated ROCK2, and depressed background resting currents via G(alpha q)/ROCK2 signaling. These outcomes suggest that LPA and several neurotransmitters impact MN IME via G(alpha i/o)/G(alpha q)-protein-coupled receptors, downstream ROCK2 activation, and subsequent inhibition of TASK1 channels

    Measuring Dropout Intention in College Students: A Systematic Literature Review

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    University dropout is a global challenge, but current instruments often omit key factors, limiting understanding. Our study analyzed dropout intention measurement in university students via systematic review. We selected 6 relevant articles from significant databases. Most instruments have 3-5 factors, reliable dimensions, and are available in English. Though they’re mostly based on theoretical models, these seem underrepresented when examining dimensions and items. This highlights the need for better-grounded instruments, especially in Latin America where they’re scarce

    Impact of Continuous ICT Training in Secondary School Teachers in Portugal.

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    This paper focuses on the importance of teacher training in developing the necessary skills in the use of information and communications technology in school classrooms, as an effective and useful set of resources in the context of current teaching. The research was carried out in secondary school teachers in the city of Coimbra (Portugal) through technical survey on the perception of the teacher in a number of related topics.Este documento se centra en la importancia de la Formación continua del Profesorado en el desarrollo de las habilidades necesarias en el uso de las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación en las aulas de secundaria, como un conjunto de recursos eficaces y útiles en los contextos de enseñanza actuales. La investigación se llevó a cabo en la escuela secundaria maestros en el Municipio de Coimbra (Portugal) por medio de la técnica de encuesta sobre la percepción del profesor en una serie de temas relacionados

    Endogenous Rho-kinase signaling maintains synaptic strength by stabilizing the size of the readily releasable pool of synaptic vesicles

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    Rho-associated kinase (ROCK) regulates neural cell migration, proliferation and survival, dendritic spine morphology, and axon guidance and regeneration. There is, however, little information about whether ROCK modulates the electrical activity and information processing of neuronal circuits. At neonatal stage, ROCK is expressed in hypoglossal motoneurons (HMNs) and in their afferent inputs, whereasROCK is found in synaptic terminals on HMNs, but not in their somata. Inhibition of endogenousROCKactivity in neonatal rat brainstem slices failed to modulate intrinsic excitability of HMNs, but strongly attenuated the strength of their glutamatergic and GABAergic synaptic inputs. The mechanism acts presynaptically to reduce evoked neurotransmitter release. ROCK inhibition increased myosin light chain (MLC) phosphorylation, which is known to trigger actomyosin contraction, and reduced the number of synaptic vesicles docked to active zones in excitatory boutons. Functional and ultrastructural changes induced by ROCK inhibition were fully prevented/reverted by MLC kinase (MLCK) inhibition. Furthermore, ROCK inhibition drastically reduced the phosphorylated form of p21-associated kinase (PAK), which directly inhibits MLCK. We conclude that endogenous ROCK activity is necessary for the normal performance of motor output commands, because it maintains afferent synaptic strength, by stabilizing the size of the readily releasable pool of synaptic vesicles. The mechanism of action involves a tonic inhibition of MLCK, presumably through PAK phosphorylation. This mechanism might be present in adults since unilateral microinjection of ROCK or MLCK inhibitors into the hypoglossal nucleus reduced or increased, respectively, whole XIIth nerve activity

    Planeación estratégica en el simulador de negocios Capstone para la industria de sensores

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    El presente documento reporta el análisis realizado con las reflexiones, técnicas, así como los aprendizajes y decisiones tomadas en el simulador CAPSTONE. Se trabajó con la compañía Baldwin en la creación y aplicación de estrategias de negocios en seis áreas: investigación y desarrollo, mercadotecnia, producción, finanzas, recursos humanos y calidad. Los objetivos fueron capturar mercado e incrementar rentabilidad