22 research outputs found


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    La maîtrise de la gestion de l'information est devenue un besoin vital pour tous les secteurs d'activité. Ainsi les formations dispensées en Algérie commencent à s'ouvrir vers ce besoin combien important en nouvelles technologies de l'information. En Algérie, l'information scientifique et technique est enseignée au sein de plusieurs institutions ; nous avons le Département de Bibliothéconomie et des Sciences Documentaires d’Alger, l'Institut de Bibliothéconomie de Constantine et celui d'Oran, la Post-Graduation Spécialisée en Information Scientifique et Technique du CERIST, Le Master Professionnel en Ingénierie de l’Information de l’Institut National de la Productivité et du Développement Industriel (INPED) et la formation de I’ISIDE (magister en Ingénierie des Systèmes d'Information et du Document Electronique). Nous présenterons à cet effet la réforme des programmes des enseignements qui a permis la révision du programme officiel de licence en mettant en place une nouvelle structure pour l’enseignement de la bibliothéconomie et des sciences documentaires en Algérie et plus particulièrement à l'Institut d'Alger. De nouveaux objectifs pédagogiques sont fixés en apportant de nouveaux contenus pour certains modules, tels que celui de l'informatique et celui des nouvelles technologies de l'information adaptés à l’évolution rapide à l’ère numérique. Sur la base d’une approche critique, nous proposerons un programme d’études destiné aux étudiants pour leur apprendre l'usage optimal des technologies de l'information, l'assimilation des mutations sociales, les besoins des entreprises et ceux des professionnels en bibliothéconomie. RESI, n° 17-18, décembre 2007 La formation des sciences de |’information aux nouvelles TIC 21 Ceci va sans doute contribuer à l'harmonisation des programmes d'études en technologies de l'information dont l'objectif principal est d’assurer aux étudiants une formation complète en corrélation avec les mutations technologiques pour leur permettre d'acquérir des connaissances et un savoir-faire sur l’utilisation des outils de conception et de création de sites Web, des modalités d’informatisation des services documentaires, de conception des bibliothèques virtuelles, ainsi que des équipements de base des réseaux électroniques

    Intercambio de conocimientos entre Investigación y Desarrollo: resultados de la encuesta y sus implicaciones para el sector agroalimentario de Argelia

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    The lack of a structured and visible memory in the Algerian approach for professional knowledge and agronomic research, the partitioning of companies and research institutions make the valorization of the pool of scientific production and the centers of competence quite difficult. So, the purpose of this study is to think about how to make visible the results of the Algerian scientific research focused on improvements in production and economic development. With the aim to examine in this task the necessity and requirements of an information management system two surveys were conducted among Algerian researchers and professionals in 2008 and 2010. The results of the two surveys that recommend links between the economic and research sector suggest an establishment of an information system in order to share knowledge between the two sectors. The results of the survey helped us to validate our hypothesis. Algeria has a great need to realize the project of establishing a collaborative platform of a national agricultural information system of high added value. In the future, we propose that this project must include the perspective of cooperation with the Maghreb, in order to create an information system for managing and sharing of knowledge between these countries.La falta de una memoria estructurada y visible que apoye la estrategia argelina de potenciamiento del conocimiento profesional y la investigación agronómica, junto con el fraccionamiento del mapa de las empresas e instituciones de investigación especializadas en el tema dificultan la puesta en valor de la producción científica disponible y de los centros de competencia. Por lo tanto, el propósito de este estudio es pensar en cómo hacer visibles los resultados de la investigación científica argelina para promover la mejora de la producción agrícula y el desarrollo económico. Con el objetivo de conocer mejor las necesidades y requerimientos de dicho sistema, se realizaron dos encuestas entre los investigadores y profesionales de Argelia en 2008 y 2010. Los resultados de los dos estudios recomiendan incrementar los vínculos entre el sector económico y la investigación, y establecer un sistema de información con el fin de compartir conocimientos entre los dos sectores. Los resultados de la encuesta nos ayudaron a validar nuestra hipótesis. Argelia tiene una gran necesidad de establecer una plataforma de colaboración creando un sistema nacional de información agrícola de alto valor añadido. En el futuro, se propone que este proyecto incluya la perspectiva de cooperación con el Magreb, con el fin de crear un sistema de información para la gestión y el intercambio de conocimientos entre estos países

    Actes du Symposium International - Le livre, la Roumanie, l’Europe / Proceedings of the International Symposium Books, Romania, Europe - 5ème édition 24-26 septembre 2012

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    Tome 2 des actes du Symposium International "Le livre, la Roumanie, L\u27Europe" qui s\u27est tenu les 24, 25 et 26 septembre 2012 à Mamaia, Roumanie, organisé par la Bibliothèque Métropolitaine de Bucarest. / Tome 2 of the Proceedings of the International Symposium "Books, Romania, Europe" held on 24, 25 and 26 September 2012 in Mamaia, Romania, organized by the Bucharest Metropolitan Library. Textes réunis et présentés par : Réjean Savard Chantal Stanescu Hermina G.B. Anghelescu Cristina Io

    Actes Séminaire Jeunes chercheurs. Éducation Universitaire à l’Ère Numérique :Propriété Intellectuelle et Droit D’auteur. 23 & 24 Avril 2018

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    National audienceLe séminaire sur « l’Éducation Universitaire à l’Ère Numérique : Propriété Intellectuelle et Droit D’auteur » se veut une sensibilisation des universitaires et des jeunes chercheurs aux problèmes de plagiat à l’ère du numérique. Cette manifestation se propose de réunir des doctorants dans la spécialité « Bibliothèque et Nouvelles Technologies » et « Systèmes d’informations documentaires » du département de bibliothéconomie et des sciences documentaires d’Alger autour d’un débat dans le but d’analyser des dispositions législatives propre à l’Algérie pour en arriver à des fins pouvant contribuer à la constitution d’un approvisionnement juridique, opérant à la problématique de protection des droits d’auteur

    Measuring knowledge management in the Algerian agricultural sector: an approach by the National Observatory for Agricultural Research in strategic planning for scientific research

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    يتناول موضوع البحث الإجراءات العملية والموضوعية لمعايير إدارة المعرفة لدى العاملين والمهتمين بالنظام الوطني للمعلومات الزراعية بالجزائر، والتي بنيت على عملية تقصي المعلومات عن الباحثين في مجال البحث الزراعي. وكان الهدف الأساسي من الدراسة التعرف على طريقة التعامل مع معلومات البحث العملي وإمكانية الاستفادة منها في مجال التصنيع والتسويق التجاري، وتحديد مدى التعاون المشترك بين عناصر فئة الباحثين في المجال الزراعي لتقاسم المعارف والمعلومات والتعامل معها بشكل مباشر ومشترك، يتوافق مع أنظمة الذكاء الاجتماعي والإداري، بمقابل إنشاء نظام وطني يعمل على جمع المعلومات والبحوث في هذا المجال وإتاحتها لخدمة التنمية الزراعية والعلمية في الجزائر. لقد أثبتت الدراسة الحاجة الماسة إلى إنشاء المرصد الوطني للبحوث الزراعية كنظام معلومات في القطاع الزراعي مهمته تفعيل الإتاحة وتسهيل الوصول إلى البحوث والدراسات في المجال الزراعي لفئة الباحثين المتخصصين، ووضعها تحت تصرفهم والاستفادة منها، مما يسمح بتطوير أفضل مبني على أسس علمية وتطبيقات فعالة تساهم في نقل خبرات الباحثين في هذا المجال. وعليه فان هذا النظام سيسمح بإنشاء رابطة ثلاثية الأبعاد تجمع بين كل من البحث العلمي والتنمية الاقتصادية والإنتاج، مبنية على أسس قوية وصلبة تجمع وتخدم كافة المستفيدين في القطاع الزراعي الجزائري.  The research topic deals with the practical and objective procedures for knowledge management standards among workers and those interested in the National Agricultural Information System in Algeria, which was built on the process of searching for information about researchers in the field of agricultural research. The primary objective of the study was to identify the method of dealing with practical research information and the possibility of benefiting from it in the field of manufacturing and commercial marketing, and to determine the extent of joint cooperation between elements of the category of researchers in the agricultural field to share knowledge and information and deal with it directly and jointly, in accordance with social and administrative intelligence systems, in exchange for Establishing a national system that collects information and research in this field and makes it available to serve agricultural and scientific development in Algeria. The study demonstrated the urgent need to establish the National Observatory for Agricultural Research as an information system in the agricultural sector whose mission is to activate availability and facilitate access to research and studies in the agricultural field for the category of specialized researchers, and to place them at their disposal and benefit from them, which allows for the development of better based on scientific foundations and effective applications that contribute to transferring Researchers\u27 experiences in this field. Accordingly, this system will allow the establishment of a three-dimensional link that combines scientific research, economic development and production, built on strong and solid foundations that bring together and serve all beneficiaries in the Algerian agricultural sector

    Strategic management of agricultural research in the development process in Algeria : the needs of an information system with high added value

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    Ce résumé synthétise les résultats d’une enquête que nous avons menée auprès des scientifiques algériens spécialisés en sciences agronomiques, vétérinaires et biologiques en vue de gérer leurs connaissances, d’analyser leurs pratiques informationnelles et d’évaluer la place qu’ils accordent au partage des savoirs et au processus d’intelligence collective, face à la création d’un dispositif national d’information sur la recherche agronomique en Algérie. Les données obtenues révèlent un besoin indispensable de création d’un cadre opportun au partage des savoirs pour plus d’intelligence collective. Il s’agit du projet de création d’un système d’information à haute valeur ajoutée (système d’information national sur la recherche agronomique). L’Algérie, fortement confrontée aux contraintes de l’insuffisance de sa production agricole, a besoin de s’insérer dans cette logique et d’utiliser ses résultats de recherche comme source d’innovation et de performance dans sa stratégie actuelle de réduction de sa facture alimentaire. Cependant, une de ses contraintes concerne l’absence d’outils capables de favoriser la capitalisation et la valorisation de sa production scientifique. Cette recherche sur la gestion des connaissances issues de la production scientifique des chercheurs algériens met en évidence un besoin encore plus crucial : celui de permettre le partage des savoirs, non seulement entre les communautés de chercheurs mais aussi avec les entreprises et exploitations agricoles.This abstract synthesizes the results of a survey which we carried out of Algerian scientists specialized in agronomic, veterinary and biological sciences, in order to analyze the knowledge management of scientific production and to evaluate the importance that they carry to the sharing of the knowledge and the progress of collective intelligence. The data obtained reveal an essential need for creation of a convenient framework for sharing knowledge in order to enhance collective intelligence. This research confirms the need of an information system of high added value (National observatory of the agronomic research). Algeria, faced with strong constraints of insufficient agricultural production, needs to fit into this logic and to use its research results as a source of innovation and performance in its current strategy of reducing its food bill. Nonetheless, one of its constraints concerns the lack of tools to encourage the capitalization and the enhancement of its scientific output. Through this work of knowledge management applied to the scientific production of the Algerian researchers, a need even more crucial emerges, which is sharing of knowledge not only within communities of researchers but also with enterprises and farms

    Evaluation of scientific production in the agricultural sector in Algeria and a project to establish a national fund of information in agricultural research

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    يهدف تقييم الإنتاج العلمي في القطاع الزراعي الجزائري باستعمال أداة قياس العلم إلى تقدير مستوى تطابق- أو بالعكس مناطق تفاوت- بين توجهات البحث العلمي من جهة والقطاع الاقتصادي الزراعي من جهة أخرى. فعملية تقييم موضوعات البحوث لقاعدة البيانات BABINAالمنجزة من طرف المعهد الوطني للعلوم الفلاحية بمنطقة الحراش(الجزائر)في إطار مشروع الشبكة الجزائرية للتوثيق الزراعي (RADA)، التي مكنت من إنشاء التعليمات الأساسية الأولى لتقدير برامج البحوث لهذا المعهد خلال خمسة عشرة سنة. في إطار هذا العمل، حاولنا معرفة مدى تجاوب الإنتاج العلمي الزراعي للمعهد الوطني للعلوم الفلاحية بالحراش (الجزائر) مع متطلبات البرامج من أجل التطوير الاجتماعي والاقتصادي للمخطط الوطني للتنمية الزراعية(PNDA). أظهرت لنا أداة قياس العلم وبالخصوص طريقة الكلمات المشتركة (Associated Words)قوة تطابق بعض محاور البحوث مع أولويات المخطط الوطني للتنمية الزراعية مثل الحبوب والمياه والحليب. كما كشفت لنا هذه الدراسة مناطق التفاوت الكبيرة بين مشاريع البحث وبعض البرامج التي تهدف إلى الاقتصاد مثل البطاطس والطماطم والشتائل. إن النتائج المتوصل إليها من خلال هذا بحثنا من شأنها أن تسمح لأصحاب القرار والباحثين من التعرف على برامج البحوث التي سجلت عدد كبير من الاهتمامات العلمية، بالإضافة إلى تقدير مستوى تجاوب برامج البحوث العلمية مع توجيهات القطاع الاقتصادي.Evaluating scientific production in the Algerian agricultural sector using the science measurement tool aims to estimate the level of congruence - or, conversely, areas of disparity - between the directions of scientific research on the one hand and the agricultural economic sector on the other hand. The process of evaluating research topics for the BABINA database carried out by the National Institute of Agricultural Sciences in the El Harrach region (Algeria) within the framework of the Algerian Network for Agricultural Documentation (RADA) project, which made it possible to create the first basic instructions for evaluating the research programs of this institute within fifteen years. Within the framework of this work, we tried to find out the extent to which the agricultural scientific production of the National Institute of Agricultural Sciences in El Harrach (Algeria) responds to the requirements of programs for the social and economic development of the National Agricultural Development Plan (PNDA). The science measurement tool, especially the Associated Words method, showed us the strength of the correspondence of some research axes with the priorities of the National Agricultural Development Plan, such as grains, water, and milk. This study also revealed to us areas of great disparity between research projects and some programs aimed at the economy, such as potatoes, tomatoes, and seedlings. The results obtained through our research would allow decision-makers and researchers to identify research programs that have registered a large number of scientific interests, in addition to assessing the level of responsiveness of scientific research programs to the directives of the economic sector

    Knowledge awareness and standards in agricultural research in Algeria: Prerequisites for a national information system of high added value

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    International audienceThis paper gives a review of a survey in 2008 on Algerian scientists specialized in agronomic, veterinary and biological sciences, in order to analyze their information behavior and beliefs to evaluate the importance of shared knowledge standards and values. Algeria strongly suffers from insufficient agricultural production and needs to fit into this logic and to use its search results as source of innovation and performance in its current strategy of reducing its food expenditures. However, one of its limitations consists in the lack of tools to foster the capitalization and enhancement of its scientific output. The answer is to propose an information model that considers all connections between actors involved in research as well as those in development. The collected data reveal an essential need for the creation of a convenient framework for the evaluation and sharing of knowledge as a collective good. It is aimed at the creation of an information system with high added value (National Observatory of the Agronomic Research), including a uniform thesaurus in the field specific to the agronomy for the national device of research

    Information System and Economic Intelligence: Case of Algerian Food-Processing Companies

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    International audienceOur survey deals of the management knowledge of actors in Algerian agricultural sector, through a study carried out with professionals affiliated to agroalimentary "agribusinesses". Taking into account the creation of a national device of information on the agronomic research in Algeria, the aim is to analyze their informational practices and to assess how they rate the sharing of knowledge and the process of collective intelligence. The results of our study reveal a more crucial need: The creation a suitable framework to the division of the knowledge, to produce "shared social goods" where the scientific community could interact with firms. It is a question of promoting processes for the adaptation and the spreading of knowledge, through a partnership between the R&D sector and the production one, to increase the competitiveness of the firms, even the sustainable development of the country. This leads us to create this tryptic (research-development-production) bases on a cross fertilization in which may interact the three actors of the Algerian agricultural sector