1,143 research outputs found

    Graphene against Other Two-Dimensional Materials: A Comparative Study on the Basis of Photonic Applications

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    Two‐dimensional materials represent the basis of technological development to produce applications with high added value for nanoelectronics, photonics, and optoelectronics. In first decades of this century, these materials are impelling this development through materials based on carbon, silicon, germanium, tin, phosphorus, arsenic, antimony, and boron. 2D materials for photonic applications used until now are graphene, silicene, germanene, stanene, phosphorene, arsenene, antimonene, and borophene. In this work, the main strategies to modify optical properties of 2D materials are studied for achieving photodetection, transportation, and emitting of light. Optical properties analyzed here are refractive index, extinction coefficient, relative permittivity, absorption coefficient, chromatic dispersion, group index, and transmittance. The transmittance spectra of various two-dimensional materials are presented here with the aim of classifying them from photonic point‐of‐view. A performance comparison between graphene and other two‐dimensional materials is done to help the designer choose the best design material for photonic applications. In next three decades, a lot of scientific research will be realized to completely exploit the use of 2D materials either as single monolayers or as stacked multilayers in several fields of knowledge with a special emphasis in the optoelectronics and photonic industry in benefit of the industry and ultimately to our society

    State-of-the-Art Electronic Devices Based on Graphene

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    Graphene can be considered as the material used for electronic devices of this century, due to its excellent physical and chemical properties, which have been studied and implemented from a theoretical basis and have allowed the development of unique and innovative applications. The need for an ongoing study of the state-of-the-art electronic devices is ultimately useful for the progress achieved so far and future project applications. To date, graphene has been used individually in composite, hybrid materials or functional materials. In this chapter, an overview of their applications in nanoelectronics, particularly with an emphasis directed to flexible electronics, is presented. The description of the advantages and properties of graphene at a level of materials science and engineering is presented, in order to spread its enormous potential. In addition, the future prospects of these applications arising from the developments made currently in the laboratory phase are examined

    Graphene against Other Two‐Dimensional Materials: A Comparative Study on the Basis of Electronic Applications

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    The evolution of the electronics industry since almost 75 years ago has depended on the novel materials and devices that continuously are introduced. In first decades of this century, 2D materials are impelling this development through materials such as graphene, graphane, graphone, graphyne, graphdiyne, silicene, silicane, germanene, germanane, stanene, phosphorene, arsenene, antimonene, borophene, hexagonal boron nitride (hBN), transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs), and MXenes. In this work, the main strategies to modify electrical properties of 2D materials are studied for obtaining dielectric, semiconducting, or semimetallic properties. The effects of doping, chemical modification, electrical field, or compressive and/or tensile strains are considered. In addition, the light‐matter interaction to develop optoelectronic applications is analyzed. In next three decades, a lot of scientific research will be realized to completely exploit the use of 2D materials either as single monolayers or as stacked multilayers in several fields of knowledge with a special emphasis on the benefit to the electronic industry and ultimately our society

    Develop a model of project management about consulting in water resources based on guidelines of PMBOK

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    El artículo presenta un modelo de gestión de proyectos que aplica y ajusta los procesos planteados para el alcance, el tiempo y los costos de metodologías tradicionales en proyectos de recursos hídricos de consultoría. El modelo es válido durante la fase precontractual cuando el proyecto es una propuesta y la fase contractual entendida como la ejecución del objeto del contrato bajo las condiciones de la entidad contratante. El modelo como metodología plantea en la fase precontractual la participación del grupo directivo y técnico con el objeto de realizar una evaluación de entregables que conduzca a una estimación de costos más precisa. Mientras en la fase contractual se consideró la integración y participación de un profesional de control proyecto con el grupo especialista y directivo para acompañar y consolidar los recursos a asignar y fijar el listado de entregables que genere las actividades, la EDT, el cronograma y el presupuesto a través del uso de la herramienta MS Project, de igual manera este profesional realiza el control del avance del proyecto a través de la técnica del valor ganado. Como resultado relevante se tiene que los entregables y sus recursos deben ser realizados por un grupo multidisciplinario, y a su vez integrados por un profesional de control proyecto para obtener un único alcance, presupuesto y cronograma aprobado por la entidad contratante, con el cual se cree una línea base y un control mensual que se reporte de forma oportuna a la gerencia.This paper discusses a project management model that applies and adjusts traditional processes and methodologies in consulting projects of water resources. This adapted model is valid during the pre-contractual stage when the project is just a proposal, and contractual stage, that is during ejecution stage, all subject to the conditions of the procuring entity. This one can be used during steps of prefractabilty, factibility, basic designs and detailed designs. It is proposed that during pre-contractual stage, management team and technical one do a evaluation of project products to obtain a more accurate cost estimation. As during contractual stage, it was considered the position of control project. This member of management team must follow and consolidate all assigned resources to the project, also he must to establish the list of products and check the WBS, schedule and budget by aid of MS Project. Him must control project progress through the technique of earn value. As a relevant result, the resources and products of project must be defined by a multidisciplinary team, and integrated by professional control project to obtain the scope, schedule and budget approved by the contracting entity. Control project must establish a project base line and make a monthly control to report to management team

    Estructura factorial y consistencia interna de la Escala de Severidad de Fatiga en población colombiana con enfermedades crónicas

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    El presente estudio de corte psicométrico, tuvo como objetivo analizar la estructura factorial y la consistencia interna versión en español del cuestionario Fatigue Severity Scale (FSS) en población colombiana de enfermos crónicos. Para ello se aplicó el cuestionario a 52 enfermos crónicos de la ciudad de Villavicencio. El análisis factorial denota tres factores: el factor 1 denominado como afectación física, el factor 2 denominado afectación social y finalmente el factor 3 denominado afectación motivacional de la fatiga, que explican el 76,324% de la varianza total acumulada, y un alfa de Cronbach de 870. Los resultados muestran una alta confiabilidad y concordancia en la estructura factorial con la versión original, lo que implica adecuada validez de la prueba en población colombiana de enfermos crónicos.The present study has a psychometric design, with the objective of analyzing the factorial structure and the internal consistency for the Spanish version of the Fatigue Severity Scale (FSS) Questionnaire for Colombian population with chronic disease. Was applied the questionnaire to 52 people with chronic disease in Villavicencio city. The factorial Analysis indicates three factors: Factor 1 named physical affectation, Factor 2 named social affectation and Factor 3 named motivational affectation of the fatigue, where they explain the 76.324% of the total cumulative variance with .870 of Cronbach's Alpha. The results present a high reliability and concordance for the factorial structure with the original version which indicates an adequate validity of the test for Colombian population with chronic disease. © Servicio de Publicaciones - Universidad de Murcia

    Talleres haliéuticos en la Hispania romana

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    El presente trabajo trata de ser un ensayo de síntesis de los conocimientos actuales acerca de las artesanías haliéuticas en la Península Ibérica para época romana. Se parte de una puesta al día de la documentación arqueológica acerca de los establecimientos pesquero-conserveros hispanos, su definición material, su estructura funcional y su organización interna, poniendo de relieve los avances de la investigación pasada y las carencias y perspectivas de trabajo de la presente. Finalmente, se contextualiza histórica y socialmente el sector artesanal haliéutico-conservero a partir de la documentación escrita (literaria, jurídica, epigráfica…), poniendo de relieve las dificultades derivadas de la necesaria confrontación entre las categorías económicas antiguas y modernas

    Exploration, exploitation and innovation performance: disentangling the evolution of industry

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    The evolution of industry has recently attracted the attention of scholars studying the relationships between exploration and exploitation strategies and innovation performance. Surprisingly, although extant research has already acknowledged its multidimensional character, it has only been analyzed in an aggregate fashion. In this paper, we distinguish two components of the evolution of industry, the pace of market evolution and the pace of technology evolution, and we elaborate on their different impacts in the context of exploration and exploitation strategies. More precisely, we argue that while a rapid pace of technology evolution has opposite impacts on the relationships between exploration (positive), exploitation (negative) and innovation performance, a rapid pace of market evolution positively affects both exploration and exploitation. Our findings provide substantial support for our prediction using a large panel of Spanish innovating firms for the period 2008–2012

    Documentación Sistema Gestión de Calidad, Norma NTC ISO 9001-2008 en la empresa M & M Proyectos e Ingeniería SAS

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    El principal objetivo es documentar un Sistema de Gestión de Calidad en la Empresa M & M Proyectos e Ingeniería SAS, de acuerdo a los requisitos de la Norma ISO 9001:2008, con el fin de que queda lista para su implementación conforme a las necesidades de cada una de las áreas de la Empresa. Para la realización de la investigación se tuvo en cuenta la necesidades de la organización, la documentación existente y su relación con los requisitos dados por la Norma, además la necesidad que se estableciera una estructura documental que orientara las acciones al interior desde la perspectiva de la calidad. Unido a esto de desarrolla el análisis de los procesos de la organización, se establecen los procesos estratégicos, misionales y de apoyo, y su interrelación, con el fin de conocer las actividades que se generan al interior de la organización. Con un adecuado manejo del Sistema de Gestión de Calidad se permite ampliar un panorama en el mercado objetivo al brindar resultados orientados al aumento de la competitividad, manteniendo un desarrollo organizacional en un ambiente de efectividad eficiencia y eficacia para transformar dificultades en oportunidades orientadas a satisfacer las expectativas y necesidades de la empresa y sus partes interesadas. Se pretende además planear, medir, controlar y mejorar la calidad de los servicios, aplicando las medidas correctivas, preventivas y de mejora necesarias para lograrlo.The main objective is to document a Quality Management System in the company M & M Proyectos e Ingeniería SAS, according to the requirements of ISO 9001:2008, so that it will be ready for implementation according to the needs of each of the areas of the company. To carry out the research, the needs of the organization had to be taken into account. The existing documentation and its relation to the requirements given by the Standard also needs a document structure to guide action within the perspective of the establishment quality. Also together with in the development of the analyisis the process of the organization, strategic, mission support and establishing processes, and their interrelationships, in order to know the activities generated within the organization. With proper management of the Quality Management System to extend an overview on the market to deliver results aimed at increasing competitiveness, while maintaining effective organizational development in an environment of effectiveness and efficiency to transform challenges into opportunities aimed at towards meeting the expectations and needs of the company and its stakeholders. It also intends to plan, monitor, measure, and improve the quality of services, by applying corrective, preventive and improving actions necessary to achieve the objective