68 research outputs found

    Sequence and context for the Cocina cave neolithic pottery: An approach from social networks analysis

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    Cocina cave has been considered one of the main sites when explaining the transition from Mesolithic to Neolithic in the Iberian Mediterranean façade. But the current review of its stratigraphy has evidenced important post-depositional disturbances affecting those layers where Neolithic pottery is present. These taphonomic problems question the usefulness of this record in any detailed approach to a potential process of acculturation of the local Mesolithic groups. Despite this negative preservation, and using decorative traits as a proxy, we have isolated two ceramic contexts with inner coherence. Over these contexts, we have developed a Bayesian approach to compare them with other well-dated regional contexts. To contextualise the obtained sequence, we decided to extend the analysis to a wide set of Neolithic known contexts from an area that covers most of the coastal Iberian Mediterranean region, from the Ebro basin in the North to the Segura basin in the South. These contexts have been organised in chronological windows, and a Social Networks Analysis (SNA) has been applied. Results confirm the insertion of Cocina in the regional Neolithic dynamics. After the first stage, with an important degree of cultural homogeneity, the analysis also outlines the existence of a cultural frontier among Neolithic groups North and South of the Xúquer basin, at least from the mid-seventh millennium cal BP

    Gender and profession in the historical development of community nursing in Spain

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    El ámbito comunitario y de salud pública es probablemente el contexto donde las enfermeras han logrado mayores cotas de autonomía profesional y donde su contribución ha sido valorada en mayor medida. No obstante, todavía persisten grandes obstáculos para el pleno desarrollo, algunos de ellos vinculados a la variable género. Por ello, resulta relevante analizar, para el caso español, los antecedentes históricos de esta situación, en la medida que puede ayudar a entender muchos de los problemas y deficiencias que sigue mostrando la Enfermería Comunitaria en la actualidad. Las enfermeras comunitarias contribuyeron al desarrollo de la salud pública en la España contemporánea, proceso que se inició en los años 1920 y que culminó durante la Segunda República, pero el periodo franquista supuso un importante freno al proceso de profesionalización. A través del ejemplo del conflicto público entre enfermeras visitadoras y practicantes, que se gestó en la Segunda República, y se prolongó durante todo el periodo franquista, se analiza cómo el discurso de género estuvo presente, entre otros condicionantes, en la evolución de la Enfermería española y cómo ha venido contribuyendo, hasta nuestros días, en la estructuración de las competencias, y la distribución de responsabilidades y poder.Community and public health is probably the field where nurses have achieved the highest levels of professional independence, and their contribution is most valued. However, there are still major obstacles to full development, some of them linked to gender. It is therefore important to analyse the historical background of this situation in Spain in order to gain a better understanding of the many problems and shortcomings that still persist in Community Nursing today. Community nurses contributed to the development of Public Health in contemporary Spain, starting in the 1920s and culminating in the Second Republic. However, the Franco regime brought a halt to the process of professionalisation. By analysing the public conflict between visiting female nurses and practicantes (professional male medical auxiliary technicians) during the Second Republic and throughout the Franco regime, we examine the impact of gender on the development of nursing in Spain as one of the conditioning factors, and how it continues to influence the structuring of competencies and the distribution of responsibilities and power in this field.«La sanidad internacional y la transferencia del cono-cimiento científico en Europa, 1900-1975». 2011-2013. Ministerio español de Economía y Competitividad (HAR2011-23233) «Género, ideología y salud: la Enfermería de Salud Pública en la sanidad española contemporánea (1923-1959)» (GRE10-12) y GV/2012/100 de la Consellería d’Educació de la Generalitat Valenciana y «Programa Prometeo». Generalitat Valenciana (Prometeo/2009/122)

    Tocilizumab in refractory Caucasian Takayasu’s arteritis: a multicenter study of 54 patients and literature review

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    Arteritis de Takayasu; Tocilizumab; Teràpia biològicaArteritis de Takayasu; Tocilizumab; Terapia biológicaTakayasu’s arteritis; Tocilizumab; Biological therapyObjective: To assess the efficacy and safety of tocilizumab (TCZ) in Caucasian patients with refractory Takayasu’s arteritis (TAK) in clinical practice. Methods: A multicenter study of Caucasian patients with refractory TAK who received TCZ. The outcome variables were remission, glucocorticoid-sparing effect, improvement in imaging techniques, and adverse events. A comparative study between patients who received TCZ as monotherapy (TCZMONO) and combined with conventional disease modifying anti-rheumatic drugs (cDMARDs) (TCZCOMBO) was performed. Results: The study comprised 54 patients (46 women/8 men) with a median [interquartile range (IQR)] age of 42.0 (32.5–50.5) years. TCZ was started after a median (IQR) of 12.0 (3.0–31.5) months since TAK diagnosis. Remission was achieved in 12/54 (22.2%), 19/49 (38.8%), 23/44 (52.3%), and 27/36 (75%) patients at 1, 3, 6, and 12 months, respectively. The prednisone dose was reduced from 30.0 mg/day (12.5–50.0) to 5.0 (0.0–5.6) mg/day at 12 months. An improvement in imaging findings was reported in 28 (73.7%) patients after a median (IQR) of 9.0 (6.0–14.0) months. Twenty-three (42.6%) patients were on TCZMONO and 31 (57.4%) on TCZCOMBO: MTX (n = 28), cyclosporine A (n = 2), azathioprine (n = 1). Patients on TCZCOMBO were younger [38.0 (27.0–46.0) versus 45.0 (38.0–57.0)] years; difference (diff) [95% confidence interval (CI) = -7.0 (-17.9, -0.56] with a trend to longer TAK duration [21.0 (6.0–38.0) versus 6.0 (1.0–23.0)] months; diff 95% CI = 15 (-8.9, 35.5), and higher c-reactive protein [2.4 (0.7–5.6) versus 1.3 (0.3–3.3)] mg/dl; diff 95% CI = 1.1 (-0.26, 2.99). Despite these differences, similar outcomes were observed in both groups (log rank p = 0.862). Relevant adverse events were reported in six (11.1%) patients, but only three developed severe events that required TCZ withdrawal. Conclusion: TCZ in monotherapy, or combined with cDMARDs, is effective and safe in patients with refractory TAK of Caucasian origin.The authors disclosed receipt of the following financial support for the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article: This work was partially supported by RETICS Programs, RD08/0075 (RIER), RD12/0009/0013 and RD16/0012 from “Instituto de Salud Carlos III” (ISCIII) (Spain). However, this research did not receive any specific grant from funding agencies in the commercial or not-for-profit sectors

    C14 y poblamiento en las comarcas centro-meridionales del País Valenciano (c. 7000-1500 cal BC).

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    Las comarcas centro-meridionales del País Valenciano y sus cuencas fluviales constituyen áreas con documentación excelente de la Prehistoria Reciente, gracias al interés continuado de la investigación desde el s. XIX hasta hoy. En este trabajo, presentamos un análisis combinado de series de fechas C14 junto con datos relativos al poblamiento, para comprender mejor la dinámica local desde el Mesolítico a la Edad de Bronce. Palabras clave: radiocarbono; poblamiento; sumatorios de probabilidad; Prehistoria Reciente

    Rice straw ash: A potential pozzolanic supplementary material for cementing systems

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    [EN] Biomass waste from rice straw has many management problems, including field firing causing severe air pollution and natural organic decomposition resulting in methane emission. The conversion of this waste to ashes may offer the possibility of reusing them in cementing systems. For the first time ashes from different parts of the rice plant (Oryza sativa) were characterised from the chemical composition point of view: rice leaf ash (RLA), rice leaf sheath ash (RlsA) and rice stem ash (RsA). Microscopic studies on ashes revealed heterogeneity in the distribution of chemical elements in the remaining cellular structure (spodograms). The highest concentration of SiO2 was found in dumbbell-shaped phytoliths (%SiO2 > 78%). In the global chemical composition of ashes, SiO2 was also the main oxide present. According to Vassilev¿s classification of chemical composition, RLA belongs to the K-MA zone (medium acid), RlsA to the K-zone (low acid) and RsA to the S-zone (high acid). Calcination temperatures ¿550 ¿C completely removed organic matter from the straw and ashes underwent significant sinterisation by calcining at 650 ¿C due to the presence of potassium chloride. Here, ashes from global straw (rice straw ash, RSA) are characterised (via X-ray diffraction, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy and thermogravimetry) and tested from a reactivity point of view (reaction towards calcium hydroxide) in order to assess the possibility for its reuse in cementing systems. Results from pastes made by mixing RSA and calcium hydroxide showed that the pozzolanic reactivity of the ashes is important (hydrated lime fixation of 82% for 7 days and 87% for 28 days in RSA:hydrated lime paste) and cementing C S H gel is formed after 7 and 28 days at room temperature. Compressive strength development of Portland cement mortars with 10% and 25% replacements by RSA yielded 107% and 98% of the strength of control mortar after 28 days of curing. Frattini test confirmed the pozzolanicity of the RSA blended cements. These reactivity results are very promising in terms of the potential reuse of ashes in cementing systems.The authors acknowledge the financial support of the Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad MINECO, Spain, and FEDER funding [Project: B1A2015-70107-R] The authors thank the Electron Microscopy Service of the Universitat Politecnica de Valencia (Spain).Rosello Caselles, J.; Soriano Martínez, L.; Santamarina Siurana, MP.; Akasaki, JL.; Monzó Balbuena, JM.; Paya Bernabeu, JJ. (2017). Rice straw ash: A potential pozzolanic supplementary material for cementing systems. Industrial Crops and Products. 103:39-50. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.indcrop.2017.03.030S395010

    Aproximación bayesiana a las dinámicas secuenciales de los campos de hoyos. El caso de Camí de Missena (La Pobla del Duc, València)

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    Los poblados de hoyos presentan una problemática particular a la hora de interpretar su evolución a lo largo del tiempo a causa de su peculiar estratigrafía discontinua. Uno de estos lugares es el Camí de Missena, que fue clasificado como un asentamiento típico del III milenio cal AC, aunque desde el principio se vieron ciertos datos arqueológicos, que remitían a momentos muy anteriores. Se ha utilizado la estadística bayesiana para relacionar las dataciones radiocarbónicas disponibles con características concretas de elementos clave de la cultura material presente con el fin de solucionar este problema, establecer la evolución del asentamiento y para comprobar la validez de la aplicación de este novedoso método en este tipo de lugares y a esta escala. El resultado ha permitido tanto la ubicación temporal de abundantes estructuras negativas no datadas como el establecimiento de diferentes periodos cronoculturales, de forma que se ha concretado más la evolución interna del yacimiento a nivel micro. Estos resultados sugieren la validez del método de predicción bayesiana para este tipo de problemas arqueológicos y su gran potencial en la aplicación tanto a gran escala -macro- como a nivel interno -micro-. The negative structures settlements present a particular problem when interpreting their evolution and their odd discontinuous stratigraphy. One of these places is the Camí de Missena, which was classified as a typical settlement of the III millennium cal bc, although certain archaeological data were referred to much earlier times. Bayesian statistics have been used to relate the available radiocarbon dates with specific characteristics and features of the present material culture to solve this problem, establish the evolution of the settlement, and test the validity of the application of this novel method in a micro scale of analysis. The result has allowed both the temporary location of many undated negative structures and the establishment of different chrono-cultural periods so the site's internal evolution. These results suggest the validity of the Bayesian prediction method for this kind of archaeological problem and its great potential in both large-scale - macro - and internal -micro - scale applications

    Sobrecarga sentida por la figura del cuidador principal en una cohorte de pacientes pluripatológicos

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    ObjetivoConocer el perfil del cuidador principal (CP) y los factores relacionados con la sobrecarga sentida, en una cohorte multicéntrica de pacientes pluripatológicos (PP).DiseñoEstudio transversal, multicéntrico.EmplazamientoCuatro zonas básicas de salud del área sanitaria de los Hospitales Universitarios Virgen del Rocío, Sevilla.ParticipantesLa cohorte de PP se generó prospectivamente mediante el censado de todos los pacientes que cumplían los criterios de PP de la Consejería de Salud (2002): aquellos que tienen enfermedades crónicas de dos o más de las 7 categorías clínicas definidas.Mediciones principalesEl perfil del cuidador se determinó a todos los PP. El cansancio del CP se determinó mediante el índice de esfuerzo del cuidador (IEC). Los factores predictores se analizaron mediante los tests de la t de Student, ANOVA y Pearson.Posteriormente se realizó una regresión lineal multivariable paso a paso hacia delante.ResultadosAccedieron a la entrevista 461 (69% de los 662 elegibles) PP; 293 (63,6%) pacientes tenían CP, que en el 88% eran familiares de primer grado (146 [49,7%] de ellos, el cónyuge), de 62±15 años de edad, y el 80%, mujeres. El IEC fue > 7 puntos en el 41,5% y en general fue 5,35±3,5, mayor en los que cuidaban de PP con enfermedades neurológicas (7±3,2 frente a 4,5±3,3; p<0,0001). El IEC se correlacionó directamente con la vulnerabilidad clínica del PP (R=0,37; p<0,001), con el deterioro cognitivo por escala de Pfeiffer (R=0,4; p<0,0001), e inversamente con la situación funcional por índice de Barthel (R=−0,67; p<0,0001). La edad del paciente (p=0,03), su vulnerabilidad clínica (p=0,016) y el deterioro funcional (p<0,0001) y cognitivo (p=0,019) predijeron de forma independiente el IEC.ConclusionesEl perfil del CP de los PP se correspondió con mujeres familiares en primer grado de unos 60 años. Más de la tercera parte estaban sobrecargadas; los factores predictores fueron la edad, la vulnerabilidad clínica y el deterioro funcional y cognitivo del PP.ObjectiveTo determine the profile of the main caregiver (MC) and the factors associated with her/his care burden, in a multi-centre cohort of patients with multiple pathologies (PMP).DesignMulti-centre cross-sectional study.SettingFour health districts in the Virgen del Rocío University Hospitals Health Area, Seville, Spain.ParticipantsThe PMP cohort was created by checking all the patients who satisfied the health department criteria for PMP (2002): patients suffering from chronic diseases in 2 or more of the 7 clinical categories defined.Main measurementsThe profile of PMP caregiver was determined for all patients. The caregiver strain index (CSI) was determined by the index of care stress (ICS). Predictive factors were analysed by the Student t, ANOVA, and Pearson's tests. Multivariate analysis was performed by a forward stepwise linear regression model.ResultsThe interview was attended by 461 (69%) out of 662 eligible PMP. Of these, 293 (63.6%) had an MC whose mean age was 62 (15) years; 80% of them were women. First-degree relatives made up 88% of caregivers, with spouses 49.7% of them (n=146). In 41.5%, the CSI was >7points (mean CSI was 5.35 [3.5]). This was higher in those caring for PMP with neurological illnesses (7 [3.2 vs 4.5 [3.3]; P=.0001).The CSI was compared directly with the medical vulnerability of the PMP (R=0.37; P=.001), cognitive deterioration on the Pfeiffer scale (PS) (R=0.4; P=.0001), and inversely with functional status on Barthel's scale (BS) (R=-0.67; P=.0001). Patient's age (P=.03), his/her medical vulnerability (P=.016) and functional (P<.0001) and cognitive (P=.019) deterioration were independently associated with the CSI.ConclusionsThe profile of the MC of the PMP cohort corresponded mainly to first-degree female relatives around sixty years old. The burden of care was high in more than a third of them. Predictive factors were age, medical vulnerability, and the functional and cognitive deterioration of the PMP

    Rare Earth Elements analysis to identify anthropogenic signatures at Valle del Serpis (Spain) Neolithic settlements

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    Due to their particular geochemical properties and stability Rare Earth Elements (REE) can act as a ‘fingerprint’ for soils, and as a consequence have been employed in a variety of different archaeological scenarios in order to identify past human activities.In this study, for the first time, we apply REE signatures in different Spanish Neolithic settlements, all located in the Valle del Serpis region. More than 100 Neolithic settlements have been identified in this area, and most of these open sites are characterised by dark brown strata that are in contrast with the light brown soils of the valley. These dark brown deposits are usually covered by paleosols and have been interpreted as markers of anthropogenic activities. However, in order to demonstrate whether these strata are anthropogenic or natural features requires a better understand-ing of soil development processes. A total of fifty samples were taken across six different sites, and from each site the sam-pling was carried out at different depths through 3m deep sections. Four sites are clearly associated with archaeological findings (sites BF, LP, PB and AC); another one is from a natural section near the Neolithic site of Mas d’Is (MD) and has been radiocarbon dated to the beginning of the Holocene (7751-7611 cal BC); and the last corresponds to a place of uncertain attribution (BK). Major, minor and trace elements including REE were determined using XRF and ICP- MS, with Principal Components Analysis (PCA) used to statistically analyze these data. Results were then compared with the strata soil properties analysed by XRD and particle size analysis, and cross-referenced with archaeological data to aid interpretation. The results demonstrate that REE analyses provide significant details regarding anthropogenic activities and strata development history, and in this instance confirm and elaborate on the archaeological interpretation that these dark brown deposits are evidence of a region-wide agricultural system in the Neolithic Valle del Serpis

    Bacteriófagos para el control de la bacteria fitopatógena Xylella fastidiosa

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    Xylella fastidiosa (Xf) es una bacteria patógena que habita en el xilema de la planta hospedadora y el tracto digestivo de insectos que actúan como vectores. Afecta a un elevado número de especies vegetales, siendo una de las principales bacterias de cuarentena en la Unión Europea. Puesto que actualmente no existen medidas terapéuticas eficaces y los antibióticos están prohibidos en Europa, el control de Xf se basa principalmente en la erradicación de las plantas infectadas y el uso de compuestos químicos contra los vectores, pero estas medidas no son suficientes