10 research outputs found

    Strategic hybrid approach for selecting suppliers of high-density polyethylene

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    Supplier selection is an important process for companies in the plastic sector due to its influence on firm performance and competitiveness. For a proper selection, a number of criteria from different aspects need to be considered by decision makers. Yet, as in different fields, because there are numerous criteria and alternatives to be considered in the plastic industry, choosing an appropriate multicriteria decision-making approach has become a critical step for selecting suppliers. Therefore, the aim of this research is to define the most suitable supplier of high-density polyethylene through the integration of powerful multicriteria decision-making methods. For this purpose, the fuzzy analytic hierarchy process (FAHP) is initially applied to define initial weights of factors and subfactors under uncertainty, followed by the use of decision-making trial and evaluation laboratory (DEMATEL) to evaluate interrelations between the elements of the hierarchy. Then, after combining FAHP and DEMATEL to calculate the final contributions of both factors and subfactors on the basis of interdependence, the technique for order of preference by similarity to ideal solution is used to assess the supplier alternatives. In addition, this paper also explores the differences between the judgments of decision makers for both AHP and DEMATEL methods. To do these, a case study is presented to demonstrate the validity of the proposed approach

    A decision support model for identification and prioritization of key performance indicators in the logistics industry

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    YesPerformance measurement of logistics companies is based upon various performance indicators. Yet, in the logistics industry, there are several vaguenesses, such as deciding on key indicators and determining interrelationships between performance indicators. In order to resolve these vaguenesses, this paper first presents the stakeholder-informed Balanced Scorecard (BSC) model, by incorporating financial (e.g. cost) and non-financial (e.g. social media) performance indicators, with a comprehensive approach as a response to the major shortcomings of the generic BSC regarding the negligence of different stakeholders. Subsequently, since the indicators are not independent of each other, a robust multi-criteria decision making technique, the Analytic Network Process (ANP) method is implemented to analyze the interrelationships. The integration of these two techniques provides a novel way to evaluate logistics performance indicators from logisticians' perspective. This is a matter that has not been addressed in the logistics industry to date, and as such remains a gap that needs to be investigated. Therefore, the proposed model identifies key performance indicators as well as various stakeholders in the logistics industry, and analyzes the interrelationships among the indicators by using the ANP. Consequently, the results show that educated employee (15.61%) is the most important indicator for the competitiveness of logistics companies

    Yenilik Açısından Yönetim

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    Yenilik Açısından Yönetim

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    Editorial for the Special issue on Multiple Criteria Decision Making models

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    This special issue idea came to life with Prof. Ilker Topcu hosting the 25th International Conference on Multiple Criteria Decision Making in Istanbul from 16 to 21 June 2019 (https://mcdm2019.org/about/). International Society on Multiple Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) brings together academicians, professionals, researchers, students and policymakers at a bi-annual conference since 1975. MCDM 201

    Regendering of dynamic managerial capabilities in the context of binary perspectives on gender diversity

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    Purpose The interplay between gender and dynamic managerial capabilities is not well studied in the extant literature. This paper aims to explore how dynamic managerial capabilities, as prized qualities in the job market, are framed in gendered ways and how the gendering process disadvantages female and male workers for different reasons and harms the organisations, which use the managerial capabilities approach without proofing it for gender biases. Design/methodology/approach An extensive literature review was conducted and a framework that offers a new gender perspective was offered. Findings A number of ways dynamic managerial capabilities may be proofed for gender biases and how a gender-balanced framing of dynamic managerial capabilities may be achieved are identified. Originality/value This paper contributes to the development of a new gender perspective, which is called regendering of dynamic managerial capabilities, which frees the concept from its binary frames of gender, assumptions of gender neutrality, with a view to capture gender diversity in a way which is closer to its nature in theory and practice of dynamic managerial capabilities

    Zarządzanie i wnikliwość administracyjna dla uniwersytetów : wysoki stres, niska satysfakcja i brak zobowiązań

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    This comparative study examines the moderating effect of occupational stress (OS) on the job satisfaction (JS) and organisational commitment (OC) of the university personnel in the United Kingdom (UK) and Pakistan with an attempt to provide managerial implications to managers, administrators and supervisors. To do this, the study initially employed probability and non-probability sampling techniques in order to reach 308 respondents determined through the margin of error (M.E) while effectively using referrals, networks, and gatekeepers to circulate the questionnaire. Then, the structural equation modeling (SEM) method has been used as a quantitative approach. The reported results show that the relationship between job satisfaction and organisational commitment differ for the university (teaching and non-teaching) staff in the UK (advanced economy) and Pakistan (emerging economy). The job satisfaction affects organisational commitment significantly in Pakistan while the non-significant impact is found in the UK. Moreover, the occupational stress significantly moderates the relationship between JS and OC in Pakistan whereas non-significant moderating effect reported is in the UK. Based on the analysis, different managerial implications are proposed to reduce occupational stress, increase job satisfaction and maintain higher organisational commitment, which in turn, improve organisational performance.To badanie porównawcze analizuje moderujący wpływ stresu zawodowego (OS) na zadowolenie z pracy (JS) i zaangażowanie organizacyjne (OC) personelu uniwersyteckiego w Zjednoczonym Królestwie (Wielka Brytania) i Pakistanie, próbując dostarczyć menedżerom implikacji zarządczych, administratorzy i przełożeni. W tym celu w badaniu początkowo zastosowano techniki próbkowania prawdopodobieństwa i niewiarygodności, aby dotrzeć do 308 respondentów określonych na podstawie marginesu błędu (M.E), jednocześnie skutecznie wykorzystując polecenia, sieci i strażników w celu rozpowszechnienia kwestionariusza. Następnie zastosowano metodę modelowania równań strukturalnych (SEM) jako podejście ilościowe. Zgłoszone wyniki pokazują, że związek między satysfakcją z pracy a zaangażowaniem organizacyjnym jest różny w przypadku pracowników uniwersytetów (nauczycieli i osób niebędących nauczycielami) w Wielkiej Brytanii (gospodarka zaawansowana) i Pakistanie (gospodarka wschodząca). Zadowolenie z pracy ma znaczący wpływ na zaangażowanie organizacyjne w Pakistanie, podczas gdy niewielki wpływ występuje w Wielkiej Brytanii. Ponadto stres zawodowy znacząco moderuje związek między JS a OC w Pakistanie, podczas gdy zgłaszany nieistotny efekt moderujący występuje w Wielkiej Brytanii. Na podstawie analizy proponuje się różne implikacje zarządcze w celu zmniejszenia stresu zawodowego, zwiększenia satysfakcji z pracy i utrzymania większego zaangażowania organizacyjnego, co z kolei poprawia wydajność organizacyjną

    Gaining strategic insights into Logistics 4.0: expectations and impacts*

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    The developments brought by Industry 4.0 have spread to various components in a supply chain, where logistics is of utmost importance due to the intermediate role of logistics service providers (LSPs) operating among different actors. Despite such a vital role, the extant literature lacks from the extensive analysis of Industry 4.0 implementations in the logistics industry, particularly for LSPs. Accordingly, this study sets out to investigate, comprehensively, Industry 4.0 projections in logistics and their reflections on LSPs by adopting a multidimensional approach. In this respect, the key themes influenced by Industry 4.0 developments are initially determined through a structured survey conducted in the Turkish logistics industry. Then, in the same industry, both the probabilities and the impacts of Industry 4.0-focused thematic statements are examined through an integrative interview survey, which also incorporates 'why-type' of questions. Consequently, this study offers academic implications in terms of demonstrating possible changes in the logistics industry from the operational, financial, and human resources aspects. Additionally, the findings serve as a reference for logistics professionals while fostering their competitive Industry 4.0 initiatives and facilitating their strategic decisions