412 research outputs found

    A stitch in time saves nine: perceptions about colorectal cancer screening after a non-cancer colonoscopy result. Qualitative study

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    Objectives To explore perceptions of colorectal cancer (CRC) screening among participants who have experienced a 'false alarm' for CRC, and to explore perceptions about the relevance of screening for themselves or others. Methods Semi-structured interviews with screening participants who had participated in the Danish CRC screening program and experienced a 'false alarm' for colorectal cancer. A thematic analysis was performed, based on an interpretive tradition of ethnography. Results Perceptions about CRC screening after a non-cancer colonoscopy result were characterized by trust in the colonoscopy result showing no CRC, and satisfaction with the screening offer despite the risk for 'false alarm'. The patient-involving behavior of the healthcare professionals during the examination was for most participants a cornerstone for trusting the validity of the colonoscopy result showing no CRC. Strong notions about perceived obligation to participate in screening were common. Conclusions Prominent themes were trust in the result, satisfaction with the procedure, and moral obligations to participate both for themselves and for others. Practice implications Information to future invitees after a 'false alarm' experience could build on peoples' trust in the validity of a previous non-cancer result and should underscore the importance of subsequent screening even after a 'false alarm' for cancer

    "Det e utrolig kor mykje sÄ ligg i uteskole som ongan tjene pÄ" : en studie av uteskole som arena for tilpassa opplÊring

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    Masteroppgave i tilpasset opplĂŠring - Nord universitet, 201

    C. Schous Fabriker A/S – Direkte fra Fabrik til Forbruger

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    I artiklen redegĂžres der for, hvorfor Den Gamle By har valgt at prioritere etablering og formidling af netop et Schous SĂŠbehus i museets nye 1927-kvarter. C. Schous Fabriker var virksomheden, som stod bag fabrikationen og leverancerne til Schous SĂŠbehus og andre sĂŠbeudsalg. I det fĂžlgende vil C. Schous Fabrikers historie blive belyst, set i forhold til den samfundsmĂŠssige og markedsmĂŠssige udvikling. Der sĂŠttes fokus pĂ„ betydningen af familieejerskabet og pĂ„ organisationens udvikling og tilpasning til skiftende tider. Der bliver ogsĂ„ set nĂŠrmere pĂ„ varesortimentets tilpasning til forbrugernes behov, og pĂ„ koncernens markedsfĂžringsarbejde. I 1974 gik C. Schous Fabriker konkurs, og Ă„rsagerne til den sĂžges belyst undervejs i artiklen.In 1927 the family owned company C. Schous Fabriker produced and delivered goods to 946 Schou’s Soap Shops in Denmark. The open air museum Den Gamle By is currently building a new town quarter focusing on that year. As most Danish towns had one or more soap shops, it was found important to add one to the new town quarter. In doing so the history behind C. Schous Fabriker was looked into. The company was in existence from 1859 to 1974. In the article it is described how the company struggled in the beginning, overcame difficulties and began to flourish from approx. 1900. C. Schous Fabriker was especially successful under Lauritz Schou’s leadership, and when he died in 1938 the company slowly lost steam and finally collapsed in 1974. How C. Schous Fabriker developed its management structure, factories, product range, shops and marketing strategy is discussed in this article. Finally some of the reasons behind the collapse of C. Schous Fabriker are suggested

    The LEAD trial - the effectiveness of a decision aid on decision making among citizens with lower educational attainment who have not participated in FIT-based colorectal cancer screening in Denmark: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial

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    Background: Colorectal cancer screening participation is a preference-sensitive choice, in which trade-offs between benefits and harms must be made by individual citizens. Often the decision is made without any contact with healthcare professionals. Citizens with lower educational attainment tend to participate less in colorectal cancer screening than citizens with average educational attainment. Further, they tend to have lower levels of knowledge about colorectal cancer screening. Providing lower educational attainment citizens with a targeted decision aid embracing their diverse information needs might increase these citizens’ ability to make informed decisions. The aim of this trial is to test the effectiveness of such a newly developed self-administered decision aid. Methods: The LEAD (Lower Educational Attainment Decision aid) trial will be conducted as a two-arm randomized controlled trial among 10,000 50–74-year-old citizens, resident in the Central Denmark Region not yet invited to take up colorectal cancer screening. Citizens will receive a baseline questionnaire. Respondents will be allocated into the intervention or the control groups. Citizens in the intervention group will receive the decision aid whereas the control group will not. Those who return a stool sample within 45 days after receiving the screening invitation and those with medium or higher educational attainment are excluded. Both groups will receive a follow-up questionnaire 90 days after being invited to colorectal cancer screening. A historic cohort consisting of 5000 50–74-year-old citizens resident in the Central Denmark Region, having received their screening invitation in the beginning of 2017 will be included. This cohort will receive a follow-up questionnaire 6–9 months after they received the screening invitation. Informed choice will be evaluated by assessing levels of knowledge, attitudes, and screening uptake. Analyses will be conducted as intention-to-treat analyses. Additionally, differences between levels of worry and decisional conflict between groups will be assessed as secondary outcomes

    Can investments in manure technology reduce nutrient leakage to the Baltic Sea?

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    In this study, quantitative models of the agricultural sector and nutrient transport and cycling are used to analyse the impacts in the Baltic Sea of replacing the current Greening measures of the EU’s Common Agricultural Policy with a package of investments in manure handling. The investments aim at improving nutrient utilization and reducing nitrogen leaching, based on the assumption that lagging farms and regions can catch up with observed good practice. Our results indicate that such investments could reduce nitrogen surpluses in agriculture by 18% and nitrogen concentrations in the Baltic Sea by 1 to 9% depending on the basin. The Greening measures, in contrast, are found to actually increase nitrogen leaching.Peer reviewe

    Landbruksbebyggelse 2000 : Kvalitetskontroll av informasjon om landbruksbebyggelse ved kobling av registre

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    Tradisjonelt har landbruksstatistikk fokusert pÄ driftsenheter og aktivitet i landbruksnÊringen. Hva som skjer med bosetting og bygninger pÄ gÄrder uten aktiv drift fanges i liten grad opp i statistikken, og det er denne problemstillingen vi har tatt tak i dette prosjektet. HovedmÄlet for prosjektet har vÊrt Ä gjennomfÞre og dokumentere en kvalitetssjekk av eksisterende registerinformasjon om landbruksbebyggelse som grunnlag for videre statistikkproduksjon. Forutsatt bearbeiding og hensiktsmessig tilrettelegging vil resultatene fra prosjektet kunne vÊre nyttige som delverktÞy for Ä fÞlge endringer i bosetting og landskapsutvikling i rurale strÞk. Informasjon fra Grunneiendoms-, Adresse- og Bygningsregisteret (GAB) er i prosjektet koblet sammen med informasjon fra Landbruksregisteret og Jordbrukstellingen 1999 (JT 1999). Antall bosatte pÄ eiendommene er hentet fra Det sentrale folkeregisteret. En egen kobling mot SEFRAK-registeret gjÞr at vernestatus for bygg er knyttet til den enkelte bygning

    Detailhandel pÄ museum. Om arbejdet med Den Gamle Bys butikker og gademiljÞ.

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    I 2002 besluttede Den Gamle By at fortĂŠlle 1900-tallets Danmarkshistorie ved at udvide museet med to nye bykvarterer – et 1927-kvarter og et 1974-kvarter. Indtil da havde museet i al vĂŠsentlighed arbejdet med 16-, 17- og 1800-tallets historie, og der forestod (og forestĂ„r) derfor et stort arbejde med vidensopsamling og -generering i form af forskning og undersĂžgelser om den moderne bys udseende. Da detailhandelen er en meget synlig nyskabelse i den moderne by i forhold til de perioder, museet allerede prĂŠsenterer, var behovet for viden pĂ„ ikke mindst dette omrĂ„de af stor betydning. I artiklen giver vi et overblik over 1900-tallets butiksudvikling i Danmark, og vi gĂžr rede for de undersĂžgelser, der er gĂ„et forud for etableringen af butikkerne i Den Gamle Bys nye bykvarterer.AbstractIn connection with the development of two new town districts – for 1927 and 1974 respectively – at the open-air museum, Den Gamle By (”The Old Town”)  in Århus, its staff undertook a number of studies, one of which concerned the history of  retail trade in Denmark.Retail trade is an important factor in the formation of the modern urban streetscape. Urbanisation and industrialisation prompted an increase in shops from the mid-19th century onwards. By the end of World War 1, retailing had developed from merchant’s houses offering a wide assortment of goods, to strictly specialised shops.In tandem with this development, the visual appearance of the shops in the streetscape changed: from being next to invisible, marked only by a discrete sign on the wall around 1850, to the almost obtrusively large window sections, glossy advertisements and rich illumination of the interwar shop fronts.The retail trade continued to develop significantly in the 20th century: from relatively small establishments of independent grocers, greengrocers, butchers and bakers to large supermarkets offering all such goods under one roof. Consequently, food shops were largely replaced by service enterprises. From the 1960s onwards, the pedestrian streets in the city centres, as well as the assemblages of large supermarkets and other businesses on the outskirts, came to characterise the larger cities

    Balancing risks: Qualitative study of attitudes, motivations and intentions about attending for mammography during the COVID-19 pandemic

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    Aims: To explore attitudes, motivations and intentions about attending for mammography among women who cancelled or postponed breast cancer screening, which had remained open in Denmark during the COVID-19 pandemic. Methods: A telephone interview study was conducted at the end of April 2020. A qualitative, phenomenological approach was chosen to identify themes and concepts and a semi-structured interview guide was developed. The analysis was structured according to constructs from the theory of planned behaviour, including attitudes to breast cancer screening, norms and motivations to comply with breast cancer screening, perceived control and anticipated regret. Results: Interviews were carried out with 33 women aged 50–69 (mean 62) years. The women felt that screening was of secondary importance during the height of the pandemic and they felt low perceived control over transportation to the screening clinic and over the screening situation itself, where social distancing was impossible. They perceived messages from the authorities as conflicting regarding the request for social distancing and a lack of recommendations about using face masks at the screening clinic. Conclusions: Women who postponed or cancelled breast cancer screening during the COVID-19 pandemic felt that public recommendations appeared contradictory. Uncertainty about the ‘new norm(al)’ of COVID-19 made them stay at home, although the screening clinics remained open. The findings point to the importance of addressing perceived inconsistency between recommendations from the World Health Organization and the national management of these recommendations, and to secure univocal information from the authorities about the recommended use of healthcare services in a time of crisis
